
Mayfair Misfit de Jennifer Seasons

de Jennifer Seasons - Género: English
libro gratis Mayfair Misfit


Mayfair Misfit (The Castleburys, Book One)

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Stifled by the rigid confines of Mayfair society, Lady Carenza Castlebury lives a secret life. Where she sings in a tavern as the infamous Masked Meadowlark. Commoner Damon Crowe has made a lucrative living digging through the secrets of the rich and titled. In the recovery business, Damon thinks nothing of assisting the Earl of Castlebury in retrieving his spoiled daughter from her covert night time escapades before her ruse is discovered. Damon sees only a hefty payout on an easy assignment but it turns out to be anything but.
A new series & a new author to me & I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The characters had depth & were well portrayed, the pace was good plus the chemistry between Damon & Carenza sizzled. I loved how their relationship changed & how it grew & deepened. The secondary characters were also well portrayed & I look forward to some of them having their HEAs. I look forward to reading more from the author
My review is for a special copy I voluntarily read
2 s Margaret2,661 20

Lady Carenza Castlebury is the daughter of an earl and expected to obey his commands. Carenza has no intention to do so. She wants her freedom. At a local tavern, she hides behind a mask as the popular singer, Miss Meadowlark. Damon Crowe is known for finding things. His goal is to find the identity of the man who molested his mother. When Damon is hired by Castlebury to follow and protect Carenza, he finds something he never expected. Anything between them is impossible, but you never know how things will change especially when The Revivalists cause terror in London. A few things were confusing, but I guess they don't really matter for the happy ending.
Descriptive sex. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley.2 s Jenna Vahue1,398 88

I voluntarily read and reviewed this advanced copy from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I went into this book blind and it was the most pleasant of surprises. I was totally enraptured by these characters and I was gunning for their happily ever after. They had electric chemistry and you could practically feel the sizzle coming off the pages. Their magnetism towards each other was immediate and it's rare for books to truthfully boast such a dynamite connection. Carenza wore her role as a siren a second skin because Damon was immediately entranced by her. It gave off major Jessica Rabbit vibes and I was completely here for it. Not many heroines can pull off the lounge singer seductress Carenza.

Damon and Carenza had the dreamiest courtship. Their relationship had a natural progression and it didn't feel forced at all. He was very tender and protective towards Carenza. Despite his gruff exterior, he was a big marshmallow in regards to the heroine. My only complaint over this darling romance was Carenza's father. He was horribly overbearing and a nasty piece of work. I'm sure his demeanor was historically accurate, but he took it way too far. She was 23 and he still treated her a child. That aspect was the only part I didn't about Mayfair Misfit and it was nearly a perfect story.

I had a fantastic time reading Mayfair Misfit and it surprised me at every turn. I definitely want to read more of Jennifer Seasons' work. I can tell there's something brewing between Carenza's sister and the handsome duke that would make the perfect sequel. I just know it. Dragonblade Publishing always delivers and I love reading all their debut novels. I may have stage fright, but I'm willing to overcome my fears if I can land a honey Carenza did in Mayfair Misfit.

advanced-reader-copies historical-romance1 Anne2,544 20

Mayfair Misfit by Jennifer Season is a not-always-light tale of a woman who wants more out of life and goes after it. Lady Carenza Castlebury is in an ongoing argument with her father over his need to see her married and her need not to be married. She sneaks out at night. This he knows, but he doesn’t know where she goes so he hires a man called Demon, a fixer of sorts, to find out, which he does accidentally. He is immediately in lust. But she is so much higher socially than he is that there is no hope. Her father hires him to guard her, which he does. Then one day he is paid and let go. She is betrothed to Viscount Amslee, a pitiful excuse for a man. She is furious, and so is he. He continues to follow her and doesn’t what he sees.

A different and interesting plot. It is always a good trope: lovers from different strati of society. Demon is a good man, as is exemplified when the reader glimpses some of his past through his manservant, Bones. Carenza is not going to marry Lord Amslee and is preparing to run away. If she ever were to love a man it would be Demon and that is not to be, so she is taking her meager savings and leaving. She is at the Meadowlark, a pub where she has friends when the Revivalists attack. The Revivalists are a gang of nobles who masked up, ran the streets, and plundered and murdered; they were called Revivalists because they emulated a gang from some time earlier who had behaved in the same fashion. Such a good story about entitlement and privilege. A fast-moving plot that was brought to an end by circumstantial evidence, but led to a happily-ever-after. Good read.

I was invited to read a free e-ARC of Mayfair Misfit by Dragonblade, through Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #Dragonblade #JenniferSeason #MayfairMisfit Anonymous 53,183 16

This is the first of The Castlebury's series. Lady Carenza feels unsatisfied in her boring society life and she strives to find fulfillment in the form of music. She is the daughter of an earl, but at night she sneaks out and performs in a tavern as Masked Meadowlark. Her father knows she sneaks out, but doesn't know where she goes and he hires Damon to find her and guard her. To Damon, this is nothing more than a job with a large payout. But once he actually sees Carenza performing, he is instantly captivated. But then her father arranges a marriage with a man who is the worst match for her, and Damon can't seem to stay away and continues to look out for her and protect her, despite being dismissed. Things end up getting a bit dicey, but thankfully, Damon is there to handle it.
An intriguing start to a new series. The characters were well-developed and interesting and the story was well-written and flowed nicely. I enjoyed this first novel and look forward to continuing the series.
I received a complimentary copy from Netgalley and Dragonblade Publishing and am voluntarily leaving my review.
netgalley regency Margaret Watkins3,051 68

Upon reading this novel, I had to wonder whether too much discipline or too little results in rebellious children. Certainly, the Earl of Castlebury did not endear himself to his daughter and Lady Carenza finds a way of thwarting his demands. Despite his fury towards his daughter, the Earl nevertheless wants to keep her safe, if only to ensure his own ambitions are carried out, and he appoints Damon Crowe as her bodyguard. Damon never expected to find Carenza in a pub singing her heart out and he discovers that he is unfortunately attracted to her, going against everything he believes. In trying to enforce his rules, the Earl chooses a husband for his daughter, making the worst match possible, leading to an impossible situation. Fortunately, Damon is up for the task and all ends well. I received a copy of this suspenseful romance as a gift through Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley and this is my honest and voluntary review. 1 Texastwang450 2

The was an up and down ride. Let’s of action sweet melody and relaxing right back to action. the lovely Masked Meadowlark has won the hearts of the common people a well as a few noblemen. just as she wants to sing and have love her father is determined to tame her with married. The are a few secrets to be reveled and a few others to be kept.
Now what Id to have is an explanation of how things came to be in the end. It ended happily enough and with pomp and ceremony. But I was hoping for a full explanation of how thing got that way. Maybe it was subtle and I missed it. Maybe it will be revealed as the series progresses. I did go back and reread it so I don’t think I missed it. Oh well On to the next book to find out!
I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with guidelines. Jo159 3

I attempt to read a new author at least once a quarter and I was greatly pleased to have the opportunity to read this author's work. The story of Damon and Carenza is a fantastic one. It moves at a good pace with just enough detail yet not so much as to drag the reader down. The primary characters have an instant and powerful connection with the intensity of their romance growing stronger as the story goes along. The secondary characters are gently introduced with teasers so the reader knows that there are more stories to come and the subplot wraps up nicely at the end. Just the right amount of steam. So a beautifully done story. I'm a new fan and will continue to look forward to futurer writings. Btw, I love the Duke! Cassandra576 9

This was a new to me author so I had no idea if I would the book but I am very pleased to say that I did. The two main characters find themselves thrust upon done another and they just can’t get enough! I d her siblings and his friends that he keeps. They were great side characters. My only negative is that the tone was off in a way to me. I’m not sure if it felt a little too modern or what. I do love that she found her person though, two people who to spend time together and support one another. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion. netgalley Petula2,792 75

This historical romance is lots of fun. Our heroine is a very unusual lady. The hero also is not what you expect a young lady of the Ton to want. 

As this is the first book in a new series, obviously you can read it on it's own.  It has certainly made sure I want to read the rest. I think I know who the next story will be about ,and they are lovely characters as well. Lots of adventure and some danger make this well worth reading. 

Great fun. Priscila Vera Schmidt280 5

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