
Trig de Jennifer Raygoza

de Jennifer Raygoza - Género: English
libro gratis Trig


Jennifer Raygoza Series: Nine and Trig 02 Year: 2024

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This is my first read by Miss Raygoza. The writing style, I it. Its flow very well. The plot is promising with the heroine, a high end escort, and the hero, an assasin, collide into a romance adventure.

Now what I do not is the character development and the comversation between them. It does not build into a good plot. It sort of flat. I especially have a hard time relating to Trig as a cruel assasin. He is more therapist. So i am confuse with sudden change of his character.

I also expecting more action and suspense. But this book only have romance and self discovery. At the end I am bit disappointed. I still give it 3 stars because I really the writing.

3 stars12 s1 comment Tink Magoo is bad at 1,275 232

3.5 trigger happy stars

This one is difficult for me to rate because I really d the first 60% of the book but the last 40% was a bit of a let down.

The start dragged me in and I was hooked. Despite what Nine does for a living I connected with her

"Some call me a prostitute, others call me an escort or a call girl and the rest will call me a whore."

she was broken but strong enough to carry on and build a life for herself.

"It was swim or drown type moment and I choose to swim."

Trig, he was so sexy and commanding, I d him best when he was quiet and brooding. He made Nine give up some of her control and opened her up.

"I'm drowning in feelings."

My problem here is that I'm not really sure I would call this a 'dark romance'. All the drama was over too quickly (I think it was about 65% into the book). It just seemed all marshmallows and roses after that. Yes I a happy ever after but dare I say it could have been darker. More gritty.

"I now pronounce us two sick and twisted fucks in love."

Because of that the second part subdued my excitement for the whole book slightly.

female-escorts-and-strippers zzz-cover-footwear11 s1 comment Aliyeh274 5

5 stars for Nine and Trig!

Wow, I happened to download a sample of this one because Amazon recommended it to me and I'm so glad I did! I didn't put it down until I finished! There were a few kinks but overall this was an intriguing and hot read.
We meet Nine or "storm" first during a self explained tale of how she became a high paid escort. How she controls her money, how terrible her childhood was and how on the daily she fights her way through life. Then she takes on a new client only to have him beat and abuse her because she is taking all of his money on the streets but Trig saves her.
The book was a mixture of Nine finding herself, Trig and Nine finding love together all while fighting to stay alive. Let me tell you Trig is HOT! Definitely a new favorite of mine.

"Baby, do you know what you’re worth? Men should be fighting over you. I sure as hell would.”

“Baby, broken crayons still color. They still make beautiful art.”4 s1 comment Jos1,729 135

4-4.5 Solid Stars

OK, just finished and I have to say, it was really good! I didn't expect to see that there would be a second book...hmmmmm I am very curious to see what "adventures" Trig will be getting into. As long as Nine stays out of her old life, I am fine:)

Good storyline, good characters, good writing! For me, I guess it started off with a bang and then felt it fizzled. Well maybe fizzled isn;t the right word, maybe the middle for me just seemed to lack that something. All in all, I really enjoyed it:)

Congrats Author Jennifer Raygoza on a very good book!4 s1 comment Desiree Ramsey178 9


I loved this book so much! I can’t wait for the next book! I loved Nine and Trig! 10/5 stars!!
3 s Three Chicks2,613 420


The first book that I read by Jennifer Raygoza was Silver Lining, which I loved. So when I saw she was writing another book about an escort and a hit man I just had to read it. I loved this book. I had trouble putting it down. It was a quick read and filled with drama and suspense, which is what I loved. There was never a dull moment where Trig and Nine were concerned, and that is a really good thing.

Nine was dealt a crappy hand in life. She had two parents who could care less about her, an Uncle who just disgusts me, has lived in several foster homes and then forced to leave home. Living on the streets with nowhere to go she meets Jenny who quickly becomes her best friend. But they both need to find some way to survive. Nine is desperate so her and her best friend decide to start their own business. Ok maybe it’s not the most admirable kind of business but Nine needed to do what ever it took to be able to survive on her own. It seemed her only option. But now a few years later, she has more money that she ever dreamed of and a reputation for being the best in the business and there is no way she is quitting or leaving it all behind. That is until she has no choice but to do so.

Trig had a good childhood with a mother who loved him and a brother and sister who he was very close to. But when he has no choice but to get involved with the wrong people he becomes a man that he never thought he would be. Trig is a hit man for one of the biggest drug dealers in Vegas. His life as a hit man and Nine's as an escort bring them together in a difficult way. He saves her, but at the same time in order to keep her safe he needs to hold her hostage. Now here is where you wonder what will happen to these two? Who is the real Trig? Is he really a cold hearted killer or is there a good guy trapped in there somewhere? You will have to read to book to find out all of the answers.

I really loved this book and the story for me was different. And escort and a hit man seems very interesting and it certainly was. From the moment I met Trig I have to say I loved the guy. Killer or not the guy was sexy and there was just something about him that I loved. Nine and Trig had chemistry and you could feel the connection immediately, even if they appeared to hate each other in the beginning.

Nine is feisty and takes no crap. She isn’t about to give in to Trig that easy, no matter how hot he is. But Nine starts to see that maybe Trig really isn’t the bad guy here. And I think that is exactly what I saw in him. There is so much more to Trig that what you see on the surface. I loved how he wanted to protect her and give her what she deserved. There is a moment in the book that just melted my heart completely. Nine missed out on a lot because of her childhood and Trig wanted to give her everything. He was just amazing.

I loved Nine and in ways felt really bad for her. You could see what her childhood did to her. She put on a front, her game face you could say and became Nine when she was with a client. But I think deep down you felt that this was not who she was or really wanted to be. Trig saved her in more ways than one. He showed her what life was really . And I loved him for it.

Nine is one of those books that you do not want to put down. It was quick and fast paced. I loved the drama and the suspense of not knowing what is going to happen next and how it will all play out. There were some moments I didn’t expect at all. Tri and Nine were perfect together. I loved their banter back and forth. They fought and had their moments, which I think came from Nine’s stubbornness but they had a lot of great moments together. I think my only issue was that one part of the story felt it wasn’t completely resolved for me. But otherwise this book was excellent. I felt it was non stop action but in a really good way. I look forward to Jennifer’s next book. 3 s1 comment bookramblings1.459 9

Wow what a tale.
Are you ready for all this book has to offer??
Heartache, betrayal?, death, love.
This book is truly fantastic.

Meet nine.
She has had far from the perfect life.
Crappy parents, an even worse uncle countless useless foster families but this girl managed to sort herself out and provide for herself.
Some people may judge all nine had todo to survive but in this world you do what you have to. And that's exactly what nine was doing until the fateful evening that caused her world to crash around her feet.
But through all of this she continued to gain strength from all that was thrown at her.

Omg trig is just swoon worthy. This guy sais all the right things. A Dark hero he is *swoon*
So trigs life has been far from simple also. This guy has been through so much.
With heartache comes strength and determination and trigs determination gets him exactly what he wants and needs.

But trig got more than he bargained for.
They both did!
#nostrings #nofealings
This pair go against their own rules and risk the walls they have built to protect themselves.
Is this all in vain?
Can this damaged pair whether the storm?

So as I said in the beginning this book is truly fantastic.
Jennifer did a Fantastic job. She is quickly becoming a fave author of mine.
She captured my hear with this tale.
The way she writes is captivating. Everything you want but nothing you expect:)
Both nine and trig get the ending they deserve = one überly happy me.

I'm honoured to have been able to read this book pre release.
And well I'm secretly hoping that this isn't all we will see if this pair. <3
I'm not above begging ;)

"I was listening to him and the more he talked the more he stole my breath away. I wasn't sure what this was between us, but whatever it was, it had me feeling weak"
<3 arc-s beta2 s1 comment Ari379 49

*A complimentary ecopy was gifted to me by the author in exchange for my honest review.*

I'd to start off by saying that this book might not be for everyone due to the content in this story. This story deals with all forms of abuse from drugs, mental, physical, & sexual abuse.

If you know me, then you know I'm not really into the contemporary romance genre and it's because I feel forced to continue through the story when there's no connection, emotions, and no realness there. However, NINE is such a different read for me. I connected with Nine. I can relate to her emotions and therefore the connection was made. I totally swooned over Trig. He's so ALPHA, sexy, & dangerous. Who wouldn't be attracted to that? And he sees right through Nine.

Yes, Nine is a lost little girl, who's had to grow up too fast, too soon. She's suffered & she was rejected by her own blood. Nine has worked her way up from nothing. Then one night is all it takes for her to lose everything, only to gain the one thing she's ever wanted...love. NINE has become one of my favorite dark romances & the author gives you a nice little HEA. It's raw, emotional, & so worth the read. So, to sum this up, the author wrote a promising story that dealt with abuse & love all while delivering you some action and romance. alpha alphamales arc ...more1 Nela44 3

A prostitute and a hitman.

Sounds intruiging, doesn't it?

Well, not so much in this case.

As many other readers mentioned before me, the book started on a good note. We have a heroine doing the oldest craft in the world and a hero who kills for his livelihood. It's not a first book with this theme and it won't be the last. But unfortunately, in this case it seems the author wanted to write dark and gritty erotica, changed her mind during writing and ended up with unicorns and rainbows type of romance.

Especially the second part of the story seemed taken from altogether different book. I kind of resented the heroine for a while (even though I sympathetized with her past) and their relationship felt kind of rushed to me. That made it even more wierd for me that about 80 % of the books describes about 5-7 days and months and years are crammed in the last 20% of the story .

Some scenes made me:


They didn't make sense and in the end.... I realized I didn't care for these characters. I couldn't care less if they ended up together or if they died.

I've read worse and the writing was decent, it was the characters and the storyline that weren't good, so it's two stars from me.2 s1 comment MaRanda413 1 follower

I have read Jennifer's work before. So I wasn't surprised that I d this book. What I was surprised about, is just how much I LOVED it. There honestly was a lot of surprises. , for instance, how she got her name "Nine". I was making assumptions, before it was explained.

The way Trig and Nine meet up isn't in a typical loving or romantic way. Her reactions to him, and his to her, weren't typical either! There's so much chemistry and drama and just a lot going on, but in the best way possible.

Trig... full of tattoos, hitman, and just seems to have an air of "I don't give a f***" about him. Honestly, he reminds me of my husband... minus the hitman part ;). There's not much to dis about Trig, and I FULLY expected there to be plenty. Trig is my new ultimate BBF. He's fabulous and ALWAYS looks out for Nine. ALWAYS looking out for what's best for her. I LOVE Trig!!!

Nine has had such a hard life, no one can blame her for being cold and distant sometimes, or most of the time. This ability to "shut off" life has allowed her to become RICH and successful. Fortunately for all of us readers, her layer of ice is slowly melted by Trig. THANK GOD for Trig, because with his seeing through her, came an amazing love story! (Also a slightly, or totally, HOT love story).

THANK YOU, Jennifer for allowing us to have Trig and Nine!!! <32 s1 comment Maddison Hoy856 15

This book defiantly had the action and sex down pat.
The only thing that frustrates me was they were supposed to be in Fiji and yet the scenes kept being set they were in America. For example when he beat down the uncle and called 911. Pretty sure it's not 911 in Fiji.
I know there's a second book coming out called Trig, I just don't know if there's enough content for another book in the series unless it's a prelude to this current book. 2 s Celine174 13

The story started out strong but eventually tapered off and wasn't able to regain it's momentum for me. Story flow was a bit off and the details it gives out were too far apart. The connection and dialogue between the main characters didn't impress me.2015 anti-hero-or-heroine assassins-hitman ...more2 s1 comment Tishana Wright267 25

I loved this read by Jennifer.

Nine had a rough childhood and dealt with a lot of trauma stemming from abuse. To overcome this, she becomes an escort in Las Vegas and really owns her sexuality alongside a close friend. One terrifying night leads to her meeting Trig and starts the beginning of many plot twists with these 2.

I loved the storyline and how Jennifer really showed such an organic connection between Nine and Trig. Their chemistry was 5/5 and Trig really took amazing care of Nine, helping her to have a fresh start (starting a new life) and helped her to overcome her past trauma. He was so protective and loving with her. My heart broke for Nine and all that she has to endure. The story moved at a good pace and the character development of both Trig and Nine were amazing to read from beginning to end! I can’t wait to continue this duet with “Trig” next! indie-arcs1 Lynn Rammalaere63 1 follower


The number-one paid escort in Las Vegas calls herself Nine. She's become very wealthy with 300 very loyal VIP clients. Trig is also the best at what he does. He works for the biggest drug dealer in Vegas, as his personal executioner.
One night with the wrong client and everything spirals out of control when Nine and Trig collide. Watch what happens when two of the best in underworld trades go against the grain, against the rules, and against all odds of making it out alive.

This book was very fast paced but easy to follow along with. It “consumed”me
Love nine and trig! Can’t wait to read the next! We are animals and we will F you up! Love it
1 Michelle Penkoski31


The storyline was great the idea of this happening today is so very truthful. I got lost into Nines part and then along came Trig, what I'm trying to say simply is if you haven't read this book you NEED to .! I truly enjoyed this book the relationship between Nine and Trig got me all hung up on their love! This book is intense and has triggers but if you want a great storyline and even better characters, this is the book for you!!!

Jennifer Raygoza knew just what she was doing, looking forward to Trig...

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Letticia Johnwell19

Wow, this was a good read. I love the characters. You definitely see growth in them. I love how you watch the MMC and FMC fall for each other. There is spice in it! And a quote that I'll be taking!1 Keri M86 1 follower

Sometimes you have to pull the Trigger and weather the Storm. I absolutely fell in love with Trig and Nine. Both of them had the worst start in life and found each other. Now they take on the world together and nothing will stop them. I am starting Trig, right now and I cannot wait!!!1 Nancy Hinojosa1 review


This story keeps you glued to every page. Excellent story. I loved it. I could not put it down wanting to see what happens next.1 Susana U58 9

Este libro habla sobre las oportunidades de rehacer tu vida después de que tomaste un camino que muchos juzgarían pero sobre el cual no tuviste una elección, era tu única forma de sobrevivir.

Nueve es la historia de una mujer que escoge el camino “equivocado” pero este la lleva a encontrar el amor, así se presenten muchos muchos obstáculos en el camino antes de que pueda hacer las paces con su pasado y logre darse cuenta que si merece el amor que algún día soñó pero que nunca creyó encontrar. Trig también se encuentra haciendo trabajos poco honestos para lograr mantenerse con vida pero cuando se encuentra con Nueve, comprende que hará lo que sea para mantenerla con vida, incluso dar la suya.

Los giros inesperados en las historias y la forma sencilla en la que está escrita hacen que el lector pueda adentrarse dentro del mundo de Trig y Nueve y logre viajar con ellos hasta lugares muy apartados de esa habitación de hotel donde comienza la historia de ambos. La autora, Jennifer, logra que temas tan oscuros como la prostitución y los asesinos no opaquen la historia de amor pero sin caer en el cliché que pueden caer muchos de esos libros. Se retrata el peligro y las actitudes que traen esos estilos de vida.
1 Jen Cothran477 42

Nine was just so much more than what I had anticipated it being. She is strong and no BS, but at the same time is so good at hiding herself, you wind up shocked learning about her. Jenny is her best friend and they work so well together as one of the top escorts in Vegas. But it's a cut throat business and soon her life takes a turn which will leave EVERYONE in its wake, changed.

Trig *sigh* OH. MY. GOD! Okay...ummmm....where was I? LOL Oh yeah, Trig...he is tall, sexy, and dangerous...but on the inside he has the heart of a LION! Fierce and Loyal to a fault, he maybe set to do one thing...but when his heart gets involved, even the mighty Beast may fall.

There is so much suspense, danger, drama, thrills and chills....and an ending that is utterly and epically priceless and will leave you saying, "Damn I didn't see that coming"!! A one-click, must read that you do NOT want to miss!
adult-fiction adult-sexual-content author-arc ...more1 1 comment Amazeballs Book Addicts2,812 242

Nine is an escort. She is very independent and one of the best there is. She doesn't have a pimp or madam. She runs her own business with the help of her friend. Nine is a strong character who has been through a lot and has found ways to survive.

She goes to meet a new client, and everything falls apart. She happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. She path crosses with Trig, who is a a hired hit man. Trig is super sexy and has a big heart. He may be a hit man but he's loyal and protective of those he cares for. Once the layers of Trig start to come down we get to see that he's not all that bad of a guy.

both Trig and Nine have been through a lot. As they start out in a relationship they have many things to overcome and figure out.

A copy was received for a review. 1 1 comment Christy McCurry553 19

Wow .. This story is different from anything you have probably read before.
And let me say.. WOW !!! You really get it all with this read. I devoured this story. The main characters Nine and Trig are easy to connect with. You feel as if you are right there with them. Be prepared for one heck of a ride.

I highly recommend this story, the writing was excellent, the story consuming, there is no cliffhanger and you get a HEA !!

If you sexy, dark, dangerous, mysterious reads. Nine is definitely one not to be missed..

Radical Reads Book Blog

arc standalone1 1 comment BeautyandtheBooks272 16

What an amazing mess!!

This book is complete chaos! Which means I loved it! Ha. I wasn't sure how this was going to play out, and of course, it was the complete opposite! I can't really say I loved Nine's character, but once she became Trig's, I respected her a lot more. She even made me laugh. Trig, yeah, I'll take two of him, please! 1 1 comment Lorascarbrough13 1 follower

I loved this book
Nine is a badass no matter how you look at it she came from nothing but terrible parents and rose to the top not that it was the best way to do it but still . the way her and trig met was crazy but in the end love is all that matters if it's right.1 1 comment Krys1,041 3

How friggen stupid can you be? So you’re telling me after six years, this supposed super successful, self-made/self-employed escort has never heard of or thought that one of her clients would drug her??? I can’t even. People do that to girls at party’s who are just dancing and trying to have a good time, the fem protag meets and has sex with strangers for a living. What made her think she was so special that shady people wouldn’t try to do that to her too, especially with the added “advantage” that she’s already there to have sex with them?

And if the worst happened (which it did) and a client got rough with her or tried to kidnap, murder, or rape her, she didn’t have any contingency plans in place just in case other than a stupid gun (which only works if you can get your hands on it in time). How could she be so successful and well-known and not have encountered some crazies (assuming she has to actually go through a bad experience to know that she needs to be very careful in her profession, *eye roll*). So the author is trying to convince me that this woman who has no other obligations on her money or time decides to hoard it in banks and bedrooms instead of putting some of it to use improving her business’ security and ensuring her own safety? Hell, she could afford to hire body guards, take hard-core self-defense classes, hire personal trainers so she’s strong enough to give a creeper a run for their money, even additional phone technology that could enable her to send covert emergency messages to her business partner (though if her friend arrives without backup she wouldn’t be much help). The fem protag does None. Of. This. I can’t even.

I was also very doubtful that the pimps would have let her go YEARS operating her own business when the one that caught her said she had been taking his business for a while. Why, all of a sudden, did he come after her? Maybe they explain later, I didn’t get very far, but that sounds a little ridiculous to me. People are always warring over territory, and in Las Vegas, where prostitution is legal and a single woman just drops from the sky and starts making bank? The rival pimps should have been lining up to take her down or force her into their fold.

The thing that really killed this book for me though, is after the situation in the hotel room, when the fem protag wakes up in this strange room in her underwear she sees “water” on the table next to her She. Drinks. It. After she had just been drugged by another guy and had the crap beat outta her. No hesitation, no nothing. Then a couple minutes later (audiobook) she’s refusing food the liquid she just drank couldn’t have possibly been spiked. But she doesn’t hold her ground on the “pain killers” the guy I suspect is the male protag (?) tried to give her. I don’t care how achy you are, if you just got drugged by some psycho and what he gave you took your memory away (temporarily), why the ever-loving hell would you take something this strange man gives you even if he insists? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

I also didn’t the ridiculous “I’m a bad ass” monologue the fem protag went into at the start of the book. My eyes just about rolled outta my head. I’d rather be shown than told, and all that exposition right at the beginning (which wasn’t necessary) was an overloaded diaper. The author just kept piling shit in. The worst of it? That monologue wasn’t even true, she isn’t a bad ass. Within the first hour or so she makes some very, very stupid decisions which shows her extreme naïveté, though she’s been in the business for years. When the male protag is introduced, I saw the fem protag as nothing more than a really mature street teen even though she’s a grown ass woman.

The one sex scene I heard was cheesy to no end. It sounded a parody of a porno. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewcould-not-finish1 comment Cane Lundy95 1 follower

I want to start off by saying that this book does not have a trigger warning list, as it was published in 2015 when they were not as prevalent as they are now. That being said, this is a dark romance with past events including child abuse, sexual assault, and child neglect. It also contains elements of violence, murder, and drug use. Now that that is out of the way...

Nine, also known as Storm (FMC), is a Vegas escort who has had to fend for herself since her parents kicked her out at a young age. With the help of her best friend and assistant, she starts an elite escort business with some of the richest guys in Vegas. One night, she takes on a new client, which is unusual, but the client is willing to pay top dollar. Things take a drastic turn when she wakes up to find Trig (MMC) and realizes she is no longer in the hotel room. Her brain is fuzzy as she tries to piece together what happened before her situation goes from bad to worse.

Without giving away any spoilers, let me tell you, if you're thinking "Pretty Woman," the answer is no, I did mention thee dark romance part earlier. Julia Roberts was not living in a nice house driving a Benz, and Richard Gere was not covered in tattoos and carrying a gun. Nine screams sex appeal and confidence, and Trig, well, he's the epitome of the bad boy, dangerous, which makes him sexy. There is a lot of character building when it comes to Trig and Nine, which alone keeps you engaged. It is told from Nine's POV, and the good thing is I can tell you that this is a HEA, and there is a Book 2 coming soon. I really did enjoy this book, and it was a quick read at around 200 pages.
whatnolareads118 5

Rating 4 stars

Rating this book was challenging for me I was torn between ratings. Initially, I was completely engrossed; the first 60% was riveting with its action-packed scenes, witty character exchanges, and a few wild moments. However, as the story progressed, it shifted gears into a slower-paced love story. At around the 81% mark, there was a brief return to excitement, but it quickly settled back into a comforting ‘found family’ atmosphere.

Jennifer does an amazing job in character development, particularly with nine, providing an extensive backstory that hints at future revelations, ly in a forthcoming sequel. While Nine’s profession is far from my reality, her emotional journey—marked by trauma, a sense of hopelessness, and a fight-or-flight response is deeply relatable. Despite being broken and defeated, Nine’s resilience is a powerful takeaway.

Trig, on the other hand, is a blend of allure and authority, yet he remains gentle and empathetic. I admire how he doesn’t allow Nine to wallow in self-pity, instead drawing out her inner worth and teaching her to embrace love and self-acceptance.

while in my opinion this book strays from the typical dark romance genre, it certainly delivers a suspenseful, gritty narrative with a sensual edge and a poignant exploration of self-love amidst adversity. Had the first part of the book maintained the momentum of the beginning, I would have rated it four stars. However, due to the shift in tone, I find myself settling on a 3.7 star rating. This isn’t to say the book isn’t enjoyable—it is—but the second half didn’t quite meet my expectations. But I am looking forward to book 2, because I really need to know how their story ends. Steve6

Pleasantly Surprised

When I stated this book, I really didn't know what to expect. I could not have been more pleasantly surprised. The story was rich and, as odd as it may sound, heart warming and relatable. The bond that formed with Nine and Trig is completely different than I expected, yet it was satisfyingly how it should have been. The emotion that was poured into the creation of Nine was raw and powerful, just her. I am still in awe at how much I enjoyed reading this book.
To you Jennifer, thank you. You created something that I feel is a work of art and I absolutely loved every second of it. I look forward to reading more of your work. Alda Pereira72 6

A historia parecia promissora, porem a evolução dos acontecimentos foram tao rápidas, tao tumultuadas que não deu tempo de assimilar os sentimentos dos personagens. Acho que faltou explorar mais o enredo, trabalhar melhor os personagens e inclusive definir suas personalidades. Ora os personagens são adultos, fortes e independentes, ora eles atuam como adolescentes e agem como tal. Por fim, alguns assuntos secundários a narrativa não são tratados com a responsabilidade que deveriam, o que colabora para a superficialidade com que tudo e descrito neste livro. Amanda Taylor3

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