
Broken Bayou de Jennifer Moorhead

de Jennifer Moorhead - Género: English
libro gratis Broken Bayou


Jennifer Moorhead Publisher: Thomas & Mercer, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9781662518775,9781662518768

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This is a great debut novel for this author! It was exciting from the very first page. So many twists & turns.

A serial murderer is on the loose and the FMC is at the center of it due to some mistakes made in her own life.

There were so many times I thought the murderer was one person, then I would think it was another, then go back to my first guess. There were so many well written characters in this book.

This book also had me fully creeped out and my adrenaline pumping at points worried about what was going to happen. While I find a lot of thrillers interesting, not all thrillers can have that effect where you are actually scared. That shows how well this one was written.

I can’t wait to see what this author writes next.

Read for free from Amazon First Reads.55 s10 comments SuanneAuthor 13 books1,012

Broken Bayou is author Jennifer Moorhead’s debut thriller. Protagonist Willa Watters, a child psychologist with a new book to promote, throws herself off the deep end during her first major television interview about the book. To escape the blowback, she returns to Broken Bayou, Louisiana where she spent many summers with her mother and sister in the home of a pair of now-dead aunts. Ostensibly, Watters is collecting a bunch of her mother’s memorabilia left the the aunts’ attic.

While there, as a drought drains the bayou, local police are finding oil barrels filled with the remains of women, the work of a serial killer. Almost daily, either barrels or old sunken vehicles are dredged up. Watters finds her past is dredged up as well.

The prose here is taut. Suspense and malevolence ooze from every page. Am amazing tense debut.adventure-thriller women-s-fiction12 s Brittney1 review2

In the bayou you never know what’s going to happen. I devoured this book in 1 day! I just had to know from the beginning what was the secret! I thought I figured it out I was wrong then I thought I figured it out again! I was wrong again!!! This book was jaw dropping the twists and turns phew! I felt I held my breath the last 5 chapters!!!!
PRE ORDER THIS NOW!9 s1 comment Lynn Nielsen12

Could have been so much better.

Received as a a Kindle First Read. It started out with a lot of promise. The writing seemed fine. The story line was a bit generic, which is okay, usually. I've read a lot of similar books and enjoyed the escapism but I just didn't the MC at all. Or any of the other characters. The MC was full of angst, and a bit of an idiot. Immediately it bugged me that she spent summers in the town but didn't know how to dress or act around the locals. She was a bit full of herself. Walking around a swamp in silk shirt and kitten heels. The rest of the characters were too flat. To me it was obvious where it was headed. It was too long without much happening. At 65% I lost interest and skimmed to see how it ended. I will perhaps try other books by the author, but this one just wasn't for me.6 s1 comment RedRedtheycallmeRed1,787 44

On the outside Willa seems a child psychologist that has her life together, but all it takes is one viral moment for her world to implode. She has dark reasons for going back to her great aunt's house in Broken Bayou, and once she's there, more darkness unfolds.

Will is only tangentially related to what is uncovered as the waters recede, but she finds herself caught up in it anyway. I d the fact that Willa, when uncovering some evidence, decides not to Scooby Doo it herself, but instead acts a rational adult.

The author threw in some good red herrings, and the last few chapters were pretty intense (and a bit tough to read if you are claustrophobic).
4 s2 comments Renita Gray2

Amazing from start to finish.

I cannot wait to read more from Jennifer Morehead. This novel was well written, had a very interesting set of characters and kept me riveted until the very surprise ending. I highly recommend to anyone that appreciates an easy read that is hard to put down. 4 s1 comment Lisa214 7

Absolutely fabulous debut novel that kept me up reading into the early morning hours! Lots of twists and turns kept me on the edge of my seat! 4 s Diane Wallace2

page turner

I could not stop reading this book. It keeps you on the edge of your seat with each unexpected turn of events!3 s Trish3

This book was alright, really found it difficult to get into. The twist in the end didn’t really give me a shock factor as it would from the previous books I’ve read. It was quite obvious who it was going to be.

3 s Shanna17

This book was mediocre. I chose it as my free first read for the month of May. It is about a child therapist Willa who thinks her career is in the crapper cause she was doing an interview on TV and freaked out because she thought her sister called in saying their safe word. This didnt seem a big deal to me at all, (even when we find out the sister had committed suicide due to Willa leaving her behind with their unstable mother ) because the audience doesnt know why she freak outed. So Willa runs home lick her wounds, while she is there bodies begin to pop out of the bayou. Their appears to be a serial killer drugging and kidnapping woman and putting them in barrels then dropping them in the water. The book hits that it could be a police officer. Willa is convinced the killer is her childhood sweethearts brother. She begins getting threats and tells her ex Travis (who is a cop). He makes her think it could be the his brother and warns her to stay away. While the river is being searched for bodies, Willa's mom car gets pulled from the water. We learn that when Willa was a child her mom made her drive the car into the water for an insurance scam. The real reason is because Willa's mother believes her other daughter Maby ran over and killed her boss why he was beating her. (We learn the sister did not kill the man but she committed suicide because she thought she did). Willa is worried about getting in trouble for dropping the car in the water and reaches out to Travis who was there when she did it. He tells her she is trying to help but we find out that the car had a body in the trunk that was Travis's dead sister. The sister died from being sick so Willa is confused why her body was dug up and stashed in the car. Travis tries to steer suspicion to his brother but at the end of the book we find out he is the serial killer and wanted everyone to think it was his brother or another cop Raymond. The book was blah blah blah.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review2 s Brynn44

I think for a debut thriller, this was done pretty well, but it didn't blow me away or really excite me much at all. I would to try another thriller from this author to see how her writing develops to work out the kinks/develop the next story deeper/bring more 'thrill.' I knew very early on who our villan was, and since I don't ever TRY to figure out who it is, that to me that shows that it was a little too obvious. I don't know if 3 stars is too generous, but 2 stars feels too low. It was one of the better First Reads I have grabbed from Amazon and I appreciate being able to look out for this author again.2 s Karen Gray1 review

Read it in one day! I couldn’t put it down!2 s sarah166 8

4.5 - great suspense. The way I gasped!! And a debut novel, at that.
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