
The Romanov Heiress de Jennifer Laam

de Jennifer Laam - Género: English
libro gratis The Romanov Heiress


Jennifer Laam Publisher: anonymous, Year: 2023

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I’m fascinated by anything about the Romanovs, especially OTMA, so I enjoyed this. I had a bit of trouble suspending disbelief (especially about one plot twist), perhaps because this is my first foray into reading alternative fiction.

I’m definitely looking forward to the next book in the series. 7 s Abby Rose518 43

This one was a little tricky to rate, and I teetered back and forth a bit on whether I should give it three or four stars, finally settling on three.

There was a lot I d about this one, especially the concept itself; I honestly don't know that I've ever read a story about all four Romanov sisters surviving in hiding and only their brother and parents getting killed outside of Historical RPF fanfics.

I d how the author handled Olga's depression and her seeing Alexandra's "ghost".

I even d the plot twist about Rob's real father (and that's usually a twist I hate in Romanov fiction because I know the man was promiscuous but Jebus! Rasputin can't be EVERYONE'S secret biological father, this trope needs to die already. But in this one book, it actually works, I found it very believable here).

I d the "Countess Below Stairs" vibes the Rob/Olga romance had going for it as well.

And I LOVE how Olga got to keep Alexei's dog Joy at the end. I almost gave the book four stars just because AWWW!!! Doggie!!!!

What I didn't , though, was that this book does fall (a little) into the recent slump of "it feels the author is apologizing for sympathizing with the Romanovs," and honestly I'm at the point where nothing can turn me off to a work of historical fiction faster.

Stop apologizing for God's sake, it's bloody ANNOYING.

Dear fellow Authors, this may come as a shock to you but news flash: It's literally OKAY for you to feel sorry for a beautiful family that was brutally murdered! You don't need to add copious in text proof you're some benevolent angel who'd never support "the oppressors"!

Your readers are not morons (and if they are, trust me, you don't want that sort reading your books anyways; let's bring back gatekeeping!), most of us KNOW already there were poor people in Russia and that Rasputin raped people and did other bad stuff and that Tsar Nicholas was an ineffective leader who did indeed have silly prejudices not uncommon to his rank and time period and that Alexandra was a religious fanatic.

The idea that Olga was so open eyed to her parents' failings and progressive as she's shown to be in parts of this book is a little laughable.

And I dunno I just felt something was missing from this... Something I can't quite put my finger on...

But I still enjoyed it, overall, and I'm really looking forward to the sequel about Anastasia and Anna Anderson; it sounds AWESOME!

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewanastasia-romanov-fictionalized anna-anderson good-historical-fiction ...more4 s Hillary197

I was provided an ARC of this book. It explores a time in history that I know little about. I found the characters to be well developed and relatable. The writing really drew you in to the emotional upheaval that destroyed the lives of the Romanov sisters. If you enjoy historical fiction and the plight of women throughout time, I highly recommend. 2 s Book Loft Reader42

The Romanov Heiress by Jennifer Laam is a unique retelling of the possible that might have occurred if the four grand duchess of the Romanov House would have survived that terrible night. In Laams historical she tells the story of the four sixers in hiding where they learn about their dark family secrets that may change the lives of Olga and her sisters. As the four Romanov sisters adjust to their lives in hiding they learn that they cannot stay hidden from the world around them. As Ola learns of the late rumors that are being spread around the country about her mother - the late Empress Alexandra - betraying Russia and their allies during the Great War. Under a spell from Grigori Rasputin, Alexandra disclosed military secrets to Russia's enemy as well as persuaded Russia to be peaceful with Germany. If these rumors about the late Empress are leaked to the world; they will destroy Empress Alexandra’s legacy as well as her family’s future. Olga takes it upon herself to discover where the rumors started by going undercover as “Olivia” - a wartime nurse who is seeking work as a maid in Lord Hammond’s household. While working as a maid, Olga begins to learn the truth about her mother. While working on clearing her mothers name, Olga finds herself in a tough situation as she finds herself following Lord Hammond’s son who has a tragic past. As Olga spends more time in Lord Hammond’s house she begins to find connections between both of their families are far more complicated than it appears.
I really enjoyed reading Laam’s novel, I was very engaged in the plot of the story. I have read many other historical fiction books about the Romanov Era, however many of them have never explored the idea of the Romanov sisters surviving and having to adjust to the world while at the same time not fully understanding what happened to their mother, father, and brother back in Russia. In addition to this, the character development was really well developed as well as relatable. I found it very easy to relate to Olga and her sisters even though what the Romanov sisters went through is definitely something that I could never imagine. On the other hand, Laam’s writing style really allowed the readers to be able to experience the emotional events that destroyed the lives of Olga and her sisters. I would definitely suggest anyone who is a fan of the Romanov Family as well as Russian history would enjoy this book. I would to thank Netgalley and Jennifer Laam for an Advanced Copy of The Romanov Heiress in return for an honest review.
arc-books Tiffany129 3

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a DRC.

I was quite interested to read this book, as it is an alternative history novel about the Romanov daughters. I read just about any book I can get my hands on about the Romanovs, but had never read an alternate history quite this. This novel asks- what if the tsar's daughters had survived?

This novel starts with the four Romanov sisters, having been rescued from Russia by British forces, and living in hiding in rural England. The sisters are Not Doing Well. They are worried about their futures, feel guilty for having left behind their parents and brother, and in various stages of denial about what has happened to them. Then they find out that a member of the British parliament has supposed evidence that their mother, Empress Alexandra, betrayed Russia and colluded with Germany to end the war. The politician is planning to write a book about Alexandra's alleged betrayal, which will destroy what is left of Alexandra's reputation and torpedo any hope the sisters have of a future if they are ever able to come forward about their true identities.

Our main character is the oldest Romanov sister, Olga. She decides to lie about her identity to gain a place as a maid in the politician's country house, with the idea to find the supposed evidence and destroy it. Instead, she ends up befriending the family and learning that they have a dark secret that connects them to the Romanovs.

This looks the first in a series of novels, each focusing on a different sister and her life post-rescue. There is a little romance, but the novel is mostly about the sisters trying to figure out their place in this new world and what their new circumstances mean for them as a unit... or individually. I enjoyed the characterization of the sisters, and thought they were pretty spot on for being a work of fiction. The entire genre of alternative fiction fascinates me, and this kept me intrigued. The nod to the downstairs life of someone in service to a large country house felt a lovely nod to Downton Abbey (which I had also enjoyed). As such, I would recommend it to anyone who s historical fiction of this period or enjoyed Downton Abbey. Jennifer 1,257 23

I thoroughly enjoyed this gripping historical novel, which kept me captivated throughout. This story gives the Romanovs an alternate future, and the wonderfully descriptive narrative along with the added historical details brought the storyline vividly to life, making it a very realistic and immersive read. Grand Duchess Olga Romanova must keep her younger sisters safe as her parents and brother are missing, presumed dead. Meanwhile the Bolsheviks are determined to eliminate the tsarist regime, which includes finding and murdering the last Romanovs. The sisters flee to England and to safety but must remain hidden in order to protect their identities, but their isolation puts a strain on their relationships and they can not stay hidden from the world forever.
However, when Olga learns of a rumour being spread by a peer of the realm that accuses her mother, the late Empress Alexandra of betraying Russia and her allies during the Great War, she must act to prevent it destroying both her mother’s reputation and her sisters futures. After all, she knows that her mother never disclosed military secrets to the enemy whilst under the spell of the scheming Grigori Rasputin. Olga hatches a plan to discover the truth, and so disguised as wartime nurse turned maid “Olivia,” accepts a position in Lord Hammond’s household. It’s here that Olga meets his lordship’s heir, a veteran who has a tragic past and who she has a complicated and potentially dangerous connection with. Overall she must discover her own family’s legacy, and keep herself and her sisters safe. I was hooked from page one by the engaging and intriguing historical storyline and by the wonderfully defined characters. A five star read and one which I definitely recommend. Angela5,780 74

4 Stars

The Romanov Heiress by Jennifer Laam is a wonderfully gripping historical fiction story with plenty of dramatic developments that kept me engrossed the whole way through. This might have been my first read by Ms. Laam, but her passion for history and cleverly crafted story has ensured that I will be definitely be coming back for more of her work in the future.
The author has woven a bold, rich, and lavishly textured story which is full of vivid descriptions that have showcased her attention to detail, all of which results in bringing the era, and story, to life. I can see this making a wonderful television series, or even an epic movie.
This is a story based on the real Romanov family- bringing all of the ‘Anastasia’ feels- but with the authors original and fictional take on the facts. Its full of action, danger, intrigue, suspense, politics, agendas, dark secrets, complexities, and even a touch of romance.
Four sisters have fled Russia in fear for their lives. Olga, the eldest of the girls takes it upon herself to keep her siblings safe from all the turmoil. Not knowing if the rest of their family is alive or dead weighs heavily on them all. They end up in England where they must try to adjust to their new circumstances. Their identities need to remain hidden. But a supposed betrayal means Olga will need to undercover if there is to be any hope of unearthing the truth. What happens makes for a captivating read…. So, if you love historical fiction, the Romanov era, or a gripping storyline- then you will definitely want to get your hands on a copy of this book.
Looking forward to more from Ms. Laam.
Happy reading…

Thank you, Jennifer Laam!
May LeadStone112 1 follower

I enjoyed the concept of an alternate history of the Romanovs if their English cousins came to aid them as they asked. The start of the novel is a little slow for my taste in a Historical Romance novel, but it did pick up the pace closer to the middle. I found pleasure in the added parts at the end of the chapter where the author connects the story present to the story past for Olga! The research portion of this Historical Romance was prevalent in the story and I appreciated the author's authenticness. This story is told from the view of Olga and how she and her 3 sisters are rescued and rushed away to England. The Romanov sisters want to live normal lives but fear Bolsheviks discovering their hiding spot with their English families. Olga seems to be able to hold the fort down and keep her sisters in line until a person wants to slander their family's reputation! She decides enough is enough and takes matters into her own hands! However, leaving the sanctuary of her hideaway and into the real world leaves her vulnerable to triggers of events that happened both in the past and present as she is trying to protect her family's name! It doesn't help matters when she meets the dashing Rob! Does she succeed? Will she allow Rob or Heathcliff to become too much of a distraction or want to unburden the truth to him? I hope you enjoy finding out as much as I did! Kerry carr1,542 17

This was a gripping historical fiction story. The author had done a amazing job with researching the era and all the attention to detail really brought the story to life and made me feel I was experiencing that time period along with the characters.
This is a story full of danger, Suspense a chance of romance and secrets that will be revealed over time. How are you meant to react when you find yourself falling for someone who is the enemy? Why are they the enemy in the first place? And what connection is there to the Romanova sisters family.

The Romanova sisters have escaped with their lives and moved to England. Olga is the eldest sister and its her job to protect her younger sisters but being in isolation is putting pressure on their relationships. Now the sisters must navigate a new place and start a new life all the while protecting their identities.
When Olga find out that her mother is thought to have given secrets to the enemy she goes undercover as a maid to try and discover the truth about her mum and what her actions mean for the sisters.
This is a gripping read that keeps you on the edge of your seat as the secrets get reveled. I loved the historical detail as it really brings the story to life.
Jenni Bishop4,140 45

Jennifer’s love of writing comes in the form of writing Russian historical fiction. The Romanov Heiress is her fourth published book and the first book I have read by her. The real history of the Romanov family is a sad tale. One full of heartache and heartbreak. One full of secrets and lies. The Romanov family was the last imperial dynasty to rule Russia.
Jennifer has weaved a most intriguing plot based on Russian history through a fascinating fictional story. Full of interesting twists and turns every step of the way. Dangers lurking around every corner, lost heirs, greed, political power struggles, ambitions, romance, secrets and lies.
There are many emotional elements in this tale with lots of palpable tension, angst frustrations, scared, betrayal and fear where the Romanov’s lives are in turmoil, lives have been destroyed and the future is uncertain.
Now in hiding after running for their lives Olga tries to reconcile the past and what she thought she knew. But she uncovers so much she no longer knows which way is up or down. Through all this she must keep what is left of their family safe at all costs.
It was and intriguing and interesting to read. If you historical fiction you will this.
Beejai Bohls210 5

This is an amazing historical fiction book. It is normally not my usual genre but I was caught up in the story from the first page. I am not familiar with the characters of this book, so it felt an actual story but knowing that it is based off of actual figures, blows my mind. I feel I might have said more attention in history classes growing up if they were presented this. I can't speak on how it portrays the charters based upon the actual events but I can say that this book kept me riveted the whole time. The mystery, the intrigue, the feelings these characters have, the dangers that come with being in the time period they are, all make for a page turning book. I understand that this book is only based off of the actual people and events and has a lot of fictional areas to the story. Knowing that doesn't ready change anything for me because I didn't know anything about these characters going into it. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves Russian history, loves a good historical genre book, and who just wants to escape. I will definitely be reading more books this. I feel it is a good start at getting your feet wet in this genre if you don't normally read it. Tara Johnson555 12

Olga, as the oldest of the Romanov sisters, has taken it upon herself to keep her younger sisters safe. After fleeing from Russia to England they are trying to adjust to their new situation while keeping their true identities a closely guarded secret. When dark family secrets surface, Olga must find the source of the rumors before they destroy her family. The rumors are about her late mother, Empress Alexandra, betraying Russia, and their allies during the Great War. These rumors could destroy her late mother’s legacy and the future of the family.

Olga goes undercover as a maid named Olivia at the home of the Lord Hammond where she suspects the rumors started. As she works for the Hammond’s she begins to learn the truth about her mother and soon begins to find out the complicated connection between their two families.

I loved this historical fiction book and the author’s take on the real Romanov family. It was beautifully written and the attention to detail bring the setting, the era, the story, and the characters to life. The characters are relatable, and you are able to feel the overwhelming range of emotions that the Romanov sisters must have experienced as their lives are thrown into turmoil. It was full of suspense, mystery, intrigue, secrets, and lies.
Lucy Machard203 3

There are so many books about the speculation of Anastasia's survival through the Bolshevic captain of the Romanov dynasty during the Russian Civil War. There have been plays, movies, etc., made about Anastasia, yet we very rarely hear anything about the other sisters, the other siblings, the rest of the Romanov Dynasty. This particular time period in history has always fascinated me, and I love reading books about it.

Reading a book about not only the oldest Romanov heir, but all of the sisters combined, was a phenomenal take on this piece of history. I loved the way everything was written, the mystery of it all, the way Olga tried so hard to do what was right through her family and through her loyalty to Russia.

I love this book. It captured me from the first page. The writing style is amazing. The story is utterly captivating and keeps you wanting more and more. I don't think I've read any other books by this author, but I definitely want to. If you love history, historical fiction, and a touch of mystery, I cannot recommend this book enough. It's a must read, and I'll definitely be reading it again!
23 april-2023 ibbb ...more Farida Yasser 385 15

I absolutely loved this gem of a book. Alternative fiction is one my favorite genres, and the Romanov family is one of the best foundations to build a story upon.
What surprised me the most was how immersed the author was with her characters.
Obviously, she studied their history well and did her research. However, what I meant was how realistic and natural the way she handled their thoughts, emotions and mannerisms.
The fact that she wrote the 4 sisters characters to be completely different from one another, while they had the exact same upbringing and struggles, was mind blowing.
Even the side characters were all great. Cecelia and the manor's staff, the girls' aunt, and lord Hammond himself. They all enhanced the storyline in their own way.
The balance between the romance arc and the journey of Olga was done well. I appreciated that the author focused on the characters' day to day life rather than an actual plot with fixed sequence.
I'm definitely going to read part two, Anastasia's story, when it comes out.
*I received an ARC of this book through netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*favorites Janet292 4

Quite enjoyable

This alternate history tale of what happened to the Romanov daughters is an interesting one. In this version, English collaborators tunneled their way under the House of Special Purpose in Yekaterinburg and spirited the four girls away to England, where they are living in hiding in a small cottage in an unnamed village. Olga, the eldest, discovers that a certain member of the House of Lords is telling the story that her mother, the Tsarina, betrayed Russia with Rasputin and is writing a book that contains letters written by her to him. She decides to get a job as a maid at the man’s estate, posing as an ordinary English girl named Olivia Bennett, to see what she can find out. And things start getting complicated from the very start, when she meets the son of the house and mistakes him for a chauffeur! It only gets stranger after that. I wanted to give the book 5 stars, partly because anything about the last of the Romanovs always gets my interest and partly because alternative history fascinates me, but the many editorial mistakes and a slightly unsatisfying ending leave it at a 4.5. Amanda Haller-Doris196 3

I love history and the tragedy of the Romanov’s the last Tsars of Russia is a heartbreaking tale. The author did an amazing job of re-imaging what it could have looked had the daughters survived. She was able to perfectly describe how they would have felt living in disguise, in fear of being discovered, and the heartache of losing their parents and younger brother. The second youngest daughter Anastasia is well known, so it was wonderful to get to see the perspective from Olga, the eldest daughter. She has to work to keep her sisters safe and after reading about how a peer of the realm is accusing her mother, a German princess, of betraying Russia, she can’t sit back and let it happen. The author does an amazing job of describing how the former Grand Duchess might feel in this situation. The story centers on the sisters and their bond, but there are elements of romance sprinkled in. It looks there is going to be a sequel and I can’t wait to see what happens with the other sisters. Jennifer1,568

According to historical records and now DNA evidence, the Romanov children were murdered. But what if they had survived? This novel tells an alternate future for the four sisters. Grand Duchess Olga is determined to keep her sisters safe while hiding in England. However, a former diplomat Lord Hammond threatens to tell the world that Olga's mother Empress Alexandra betrayed Russia, partially because of the influence of Rasputin who supposedly healed her son Alexie. Olga becomes a maid on Hammond's estate as she seeks to clear her mother's name. However, she soon makes friends with the Hammond children, which could threaten her mission and her sisters.
I enjoyed this book, especially the second half. While this book isn't a mystery, there were a few twists that kept me guessing. It's also interesting to imagine what could have happened to the sisters in different circumstances. And the book reminds readers that every person is not who they appear to be. I would definitely read more books about the sisters by this author. Susan Ratchford152

The Romanov Heiress
By: Jennifer Laam
Review by: Susan Ratchford
5 Stars

The Romanov Heiress is a whimsical telling of what could have been! A heart wrenching tale of the sisters' escape and beyond through the eyes of the oldest sister Olga. With intricately weaved secrets and almost mystery about their German Princess mother Alexandra. I was completely encapsulated by this work of historical fiction and could not stop reading! Jennifer Laam uses beautiful language that transports you to another time and vivid imagery that lets you feel everything, including the danger, uncertainty, and fear the sisters face. I relate a lot to Anastasia being the youngest in my family and I specifically enjoyed watching her growth, as well as Olga’s growth throughout the book. I am obsessed with Laam’s style and I will definitely be picking up more of her books! I highly recommend this book to all lovers of historical fiction or just wonderful reads!
Julie821 63

If you've read my any of my , you know that historical fiction is my absolute most favorite genre to read. This book did not disappoint at all!

Jennifer Laam is a new-to-me author and I thoroughly enjoyed how she weaved together this story of the Grand Duchesses of the Romanov family. Their harrowing escape by a generous benefactor is the beginning of this story and will lead you until these ladies can finally breath somewhat again. This is a time period that I'm not as familiar with but I feel that the story was captured fairly accurately in terms of the history. I can't imagine having to live as Olga and her sisters had to in order to survive. Their story is beautifully tragic and I look forward to reading the next book in their adventures together. 2023-reads historical-fiction ibbb-tours ...more Diane66 1 follower

The Romanov Heiress is a wonderful historical fiction novel, bringing us the story of the four Romanov sisters, hiding in England after they were rescued before their certain deaths.
These young women remain in hiding, but they cannot do so forever. They have learned from their previous life to be resourceful and they will not be Imperial Highnesses again. When the girls learn that someone is blaming their mother for the fall of the empire, Olga sets out to learn the truth.
Olga becomes Olivia, and while working as a maid, she discovers secrets that will not only upset her life and the lives of her sisters, but also the young lordship whom she befriended.
These characters are so well-written; I often-times forgot the true fate of the Romanov Dynasty! This book kept me hooked until the end.
captivating romance well-written Ashley Lape96 1 follower

When I first started this book I did not realize it was historical fiction. From the very first page, I was hooked. The mystery, the intrigue, the feelings these characters have, and the dangers that come with being who they are, all make for a page-turning book. There are four Romanov sisters hiding in England in fear for their lives. Olga, who is the oldest, must do everything to protect all of them and find the truth in the rumors concerning their mother. When Olga learns that there is to be a book about her mother's presumptuous betrayal of the Russian people she must put an end to the book being published. What Olga didn’t expect was to fall in love with the Lord of the house where she took a maid's job. I highly recommend this book to everyone, especially if you are into historical fiction books. Bobbi Wagner4,347 43

This is my first book by this author which I enjoyed from beginning to end. I look forward to seeing what is next for her. I enjoyed how she used her writing skills to pull me into the story with ease. Her characters made the story easy to read and had me coming back for more. They have great growth and add so much to the story. This is a fast paced, suspenseful historical story that is hard to put down. A story about four sisters along with dark secrets and a relationship that is even darker. I enjoyed the suspense and the twists and turns that had me sitting on the edge of my seat. This is a story you don’t want to miss. A well developed story that is engaging and entertaining to read. I highly recommend this book. Jennifer242 7

This was an informative historical fiction read about a time period, family, and historical aspects I have read little about. The author, Jennifer Laam, does an excellent job incorporating factual information with a fictionalized story line of Olga and her family.

The tense and secluded atmosphere the book creates provides tension and tells the "other" side of the story- the more human side- as the four sisters (as well as other characters along the way) try to survive after being smuggled out of Russia during the Romanov era. The emotions and feelings of the characters are enhanced by the descriptions of the settings and daily life the girls (and others) must endure. A 4-and-a-half star read for me! Sheri844 4

The Romanov Heiress is a historical fiction story set in an alternate past. We have four Romanov sisters hiding in England in fear for their lives. Olga, the oldest, must do everything to protect them and find the truth in the rumors concerning their mother. Well-researched and thought out, this story gives the Romanov sisters a chance to survive despite the intentions of the Bolsheviks. I have always been fascinated with the stories of the Romanov family. This is an enjoyable and suspenseful read of what could have happened if the girls had escaped. Even though there is so much about the family, this added another layer to the fictional accounts. I enjoyed this book and will be looking for more from this author. Christine429 8

The Romanov Heiress
By: Jennifer Laam

This is such a wonderful story. As a child, I loved the animated movie of Anastasia and really have been pretty interested in the story of the Romanov family. So of course I saw this book and knew that I had to read this and it definitely did not disappoint. I love how this is an alternative events timeline as if the girls had escaped and how they escaped. I loved how they managed to escape and stay hidden. I also loved the tales of Olga and all that she did. This really is an amazing historical fiction story that I truly recommend. I read through it so quickly and did not want it to end.
Terri McAllister140 3

A fictional story of the missing Romanov family, this book is an amazing story of the survival of the Russian princesses. After escaping Russia, they make their way to England. As the oldest, Olga feels responsible for ensuring her sisters are safe. When the opportunity to be a maid for the man who is writing slanderous things about their mother comes about, Olga disguises herself as Olivia Bennett and sets out to confront him. What she doesn’t plan on is falling for the man’s handsome, but troubled son. This is an exciting historical fiction book on the mysterious end of the Romanov family.
Rebecca Hill148

This book is the first in a series. While I definitely want to read the next books, this book works well as a stand alone. It takes place in the early 1900s and follows the Romanov sisters. This book is mostly about the oldest sister, Olga. The next book will be about another one of the sisters. It was quite fascinating reading of their rescue and their fear of being discovered. Their fear was understandable and portrayed quite well. There was a twist at the end that I did not see coming. That was fun to read. Overall, it is a wonderful historic fiction that is worth the time to read!
Whisper78 37

The Romanov Heiress by Jennifer Laam is an alternate reality, historical fiction where the four girls of the last Tsar survive the governmental overthrow and make it to England. The eldest sister, Olga, seeks to refute claims that their mother had any part in supplying critical information to the German army. To do so she goes undercover as Olivia - a nurse during the war who has decided to became a maid at a noblemans house. Many secrets hide in the stories and families found here. Trying to uncover them will definitely keep you at the edge of your seat! I found this book to be a lovely period piece and definitely draws you in. Nate20.6k 19

This was a new author for me. Four sisters fled Russia fearing for their lives. Olga, the eldest of the girls takes it upon herself to keep her siblings safe. Not knowing if the rest of their family is alive or dead weighs heavily on them. They end up in England where they must try to adjust to their new environment. Their identities must remain hidden. But a supposed betrayal means Olga will need to undercover if there is to be any hope of unearthing the truth. I got Anastasia feels with this one. And loved it. Am voluntarily leaving my review. Kerry Baker2,600 19

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