
Temptation de Jennifer Crusie

de Jennifer Crusie - Género: Italian
libro gratis Temptation


Durante le riprese del documentario su un'attrice di Hollywood in declino, le sorelle Dempsey si imbattono in una serie di situazioni rocambolesche, che le porteranno a conoscere aspetti della vita che prima non avrebbero mai creduto possibili. Esiste davvero un uomo in grado di farti provare sensazioni simili? Basta davvero così poco per essere felici? Le due non canteranno vittoria tanto facilmente, perché a Temptation, la cittadina nella quale sono capitate, nulla è scontato, e tutto si conquista vivendo con i battiti accelerati.

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I'm on a major "light and fluffy" kick right now. Just complete reading hedonism. It goes well with the rest of my hedonism. I think I might go read at this place:

That's some good marketing there.

So, I've heard about Jennifer Crusie forever, but never read any of her books. Now, I wonder why. The sarcasm is strong in this one. I approve.

This is the hero, Phin, talking to the heroine, Sophie:

"...he's just protective," Sophie said. "He thinks all guys are only after one thing."

"He's right," Phin said.

"So you only want me for sex?"

"No, I'm nuts about your golf game."

He wasn't, you know. She doesn't even play golf.

Yeah, it took me a while to decide on that one. *hint* he's both!

But, I still couldn't help loving Phin. He had the funny, jerky, doesn't-give-a-shit vibe down. He's the April Ludgate of man-whores.

Gah, I love her so much!

My rating is a little lower than it would have been because the book took quite a while before I started liking it. The beginning moved slow and introduced more characters than the Game of Thrones. Then these names were mentioned and I kept saying to myself, "who the fuck is that again?" So, yeah. For light, fluffy, and funny, there shouldn't be so many characters to keep straight that you need a cheat sheet. Other than that, this book was great.

contemporary-fiction romance74 s Nicole P18 4

I really really d this book. I have two regrets about this book though, #1 it was written by the same author as the last book that I read, Faking It. I bought them at the same time but I should have read them in reverse order. They are not a series persay, but they had several common characters. The timeline of this book was about 2 years prior to the other book. I could still follow both books very well, it just would made more sense had I known.
The second regret was that once I finished the book, I went to the authors website and read her biography. I so wish that I had done this before I started reading either of these books.
These few statements say it all:
In the summer of 1991, she began to research her dissertation on the impact of gender on narrative strategies, searching out the differences in the way men and women tell stories. As part of the research, she planned to read one hundred romance novels and one hundred men's adventure novels. The romance novels turned out to be so feminist and so absorbing, that she never got to the men's adventure fiction and decided to try writing fiction instead.
Her solo novels continue to explore women's journeys, especially issues dealing with relationships, friendships, community, and creativity.
So now I get it!! I understand what the author is trying to do here with her books. Not I didn't figure it out in same ways on my own, it was just helpful to read her process. What I about this book as well as the other one, is that they were about real relationships. The people argued and were irrational sometimes. They lied sometimes and were honest other times. They had quirks and character flaws. They loved people, and sometimes they were hurt, sometimes not. It was real life kind of stuff. Well sort of....I have actually not yet gotten around to doing some of the things that went on in this book, but I am sure some people have.
44 s Karla987 1,102

5 Stars!! My kind of crazy!

Welcome to Temptation, home of the flesh colored, phallus bullet shaped water tower, where morals and reputation are everything…until the Dempsey sisters come crashing into town.

Meet Sophie Dempsey, film maker, nervous Nelly, surrogate mother to her sister and brother, and sexually unfulfilled .

Meet Mayor Phineas Tucker, bookstore owner, town-hottie, single dad, and all too willing sexual fantasy fulfill-er !!

The documentary Sophie and her sister are filming is slowly turning into porn. Some of the residents are upset, while a few want to join the fun.

Welcome to Temptation, where lust and whole lot of crazy has taken over...

Great book…lots of laughs. The banter between Sophie and Phin just flowed, a great improvised comedy routine. Very enjoyable mindless read! favorites43 s Carol She's So Novel ?? 849 733


I was away on a yacht for my holiday break (thanks to some very kind friends). My friends/family were reading Agatha Christie & Georgette Heyer

Far better choices.

Let me explain. I have read & enjoyed some of Crusie's romances in the past when she was a fresh, funny, new voice in romance. I may still find some of her work amusing. But this one (which has won a lot of awards) hasn't aged well.

Our Hero has unusual definitions of what constitutes sex and consent when the woman is drunk. In fact Our Heroine doesn't get to consent to much at all, given the unbelievable way her younger sister pushes her around about trivial matters Sophie's career and car. One of Sophie's main turn ons sex with the risk of discovery isn't mine.

One of the other romances made me feel uncomfortable and queasy.

Large and mostly boring caste of cliches characters.

Some of the sex was pretty hot though.

I'm not abandoning Crusie altogether, but my faith has been shaken.

contemporary-romance29 s Melissa (Mel’s Bookshelf)495 298

Welcome to Temptation was SO MUCH FUN! Romance is one of my guilty pleasures to read... Predominantly a thriller fan at heart, I still admittedly LOVE a good romance novel. This one was just great! Totally over the top and corny, but such good escapism!
Sophie and her sister Amy travel to the small town of Temptation to film a movie for a hollywood star Clea, who grew up there. On the way they crash into another car, and that is the beginning of their troubles. There is way too much to go into in detail, but Sophie soon starts falling for the town mayor Phin, her sister starts falling for the town cop, her delinquient brother shows up, Cleo's ex husband shows up causing trouble, someone shows up dead, Sophie inadvertently ends up making a porn film, and on top of all that, someone is trying to kill her!

I'm surprised I enjoyed this so much. I have read only one other book by Crusie, Bet Me, and I must have been one of the only people on the planet who read that and was less than impressed! But I d the premise of this one, and it shows up on peoples favourite romance lists all around the world so it was about time I read it.

I couldn't source a copy (reasonably priced that is) so ended up opting to use up a credit on audible. Glad I did, the audio version was great! At first I didn't AAsne Vigesaa's seemingly monotone voice, however I'm not sure if it was her voice or my annoyance that shifted, but soon I was absolutely hooked! I loved her rendition of all the characters, especially Clea!

I think it is the quirkiness that got me in this book. All of these over the top, out of control situations had me laughing out loud! I just loved the witty dialogue between the characters. I loved Sophie, and the tension between her and Phin. I also enjoyed reading about the town. Temptation felt a character of its own with all its fun residents and events. Don't think I would have wanted to live there though.

I do have criticisms, it was a little long, and I had a bit of a problem with the male lead Phin and his attitude, but I was easily able to just forget about the things that were annoying me, and just enjoy the fun!

Would I recommend it?

Yes for the ADULT romance fans! This book ain't for the youngins!! Quite a few steamy scenes!

For more visit my blog
www.facebook.com/booksbabiesbeingaudiobooks30 s Mir4,893 5,195

As in this painting, the temptations of the small Midwestern town conveniently named Temptation were not apparent to me. That's ok; one thing I appreciate about Crusie is how she creates characters who are attractive to and romantic with one another specifically, as individuals, rather than being idealized in generically sexy ways. I was willing to buy that this mayor jerk (despite encumbering bitch mother and precocious daughter) and this rotting, ill-decorated house in this boring, oppressively conservative, horrible humid small town were what Sophie wanted even if they all sounded Hell to me.

Oh, but Temptation is supposed to lead us to Hell! Maybe this is all a secret coded religious message about avoiding Temptation? Mm, probably not, but I'll avoid the town just in case.22 s Meredith617

I'm one of the four people in the world who hate this book. Here's why.

Admittedly, there's a lot to about this book. The Julie and the Bear story, the dog, the dialogue, some of the time, and some other stuff, I guess, but I get so hung up on the stuff I hate about this book I can't seem to remember any other good stuff.

Let's break down my issues, shall we?

1. Phineas Tucker, for one. Sophie describes him as a townie, but I'd go further and describe him as an a**hole preppie. He is, not to put too fine a point on it, a jerk. I don't think Sophie's first impressions of him are too far off--he's a snob, and arrogant, and sometimes mean. He breaks one of my cardinal rules of dating: you should never date anyone (male or female) who ever tells you to Shut Up. I think it's about the rudest thing you can say to a person you care about. It's not ok with me.
2. Phineas runs a bookstore. In a town of 1000 people. Profitably? Seems so unly, but Crusie wants us to believe it, despite the fact that he never actually has a customer.
3. The fact that we learn about his daughter at almost the halfway point of the book is inexcusable. What a great dad.
4. Sophie's family. I just can't feel empathy for Amy or Davey. Amy's just selfish. Davey is criminal.
5. Sophie. I her whole "steps to the con" idea but again, just not a lot of sympathy for her. She knows what she's doing is wrong. And she does it anyway.
6. I'm not a big fan of voyeuristic sex, so I couldn't sign on to that either. Especially since they do actually GET CAUGHT and it's on purpose.

I just wasn't buying into the romance, really. Why was Phin so into Sophie? Why didn't Sophie stand up for herself and not allow the film to degenerate into porn?

To be honest, the best part of this book was Leo. I loved Leo. Poor, pitiful porn king.

Anyway, I don't get it. Why does everyone this book so much? What am I missing?

contemporary romance21 s Didi865 286

Another great book by this talented author! I am loving the way JC writes: lots of witty one liners, quick comebacks and subtlety. You'd think most books were good on the subtle aspects of things the author wants you to pick up on, but no. JC writes subtlety so well that I NOTICED. And I love that. I loved Bet Me, and I loved this.
I'm a bit of a sucker for small town romance, it's always so sweet and atmospheric. This book was no different. I loved Sophie! She was a little anal at first but really came into herself. She was kind and sweet, always putting others before herself. But she had insecurities and a sexy mayor Phin Tucker rolled right into those. Phin was incredible. Bored and tired of his job and his town, he's curious about Sophie and attracted. I love how their banter went and how they progressed from nothing to SOMETHING. Third person dual pov's are the best. Being able to be in both the H/h's heads gives the story a much more well rounded feel. Phin was sexy as hell, his slow and sure loss of control over his feelings for Sophie was beautiful to see.

The secondary characters were wonderful. Amy irritated me for a while there, always relying on Sophie and being selfish in wanting only what she wanted, never what her sister did. She grew up a little by the end so I was cool with her. The murder mystery was mild and almost comical when everything was revealed. Loved the ending, loved seeing how everything panned out. I'm very glad I discovered this author, her writing is refreshing even despite being around for a long time. She knows how to write a male pov and write it realistically, and that is not the norm. Next to Lisa Kleypas, I think JC writes the most sexually alluring and evocative males. I know this is only the second book I've read by her, but I'm willing to make that statement.
betrayal his-pov library-loan ...more17 s Algernon (Darth Anyan)1,599 1,020

“Oh, relax.” Amy peered at Sophie over the top of her cat’s-eye sunglasses. “It’s a video shoot, not a bank heist. What could go wrong?”

The correct answer is: Plenty, with whipped cream on top!
... and on the bottom, and on any other body parts that can be titillated, aroused or caressed. Still, this is not another book about a sexy cook who gets entangled with a gunman at a wedding party [read “Agnes and the Hitman” for this]. Sisters Amy and Sophie Dempsey are semi-professional wedding videographers, trying to branch out into promotional videos for aspiring Hollywood stars. Their breakthrough contract takes them to the small town of Temptation, somewhere in the boondocks of Southern Ohio, where bouncy Clea Whipple plans her Hollywood come back with the help of a home-made movie.[ Clea has made two movies in the past, of which ‘Coming Clean’ is quite famous among porn collectors, if not for the public at large]

The Dempseys have a long family tradition for confidence tricks and other illegal activities, with the father of the family in jail and a brother on the West Coast liberating rich and naive millionaires of their ill-gotten wealth. Of the two sisters, Amy is the younger and more adventurous kind, while Sophie tries to be responsible and grown-up. But she is dating her psychoanalyst, listens to Dusty Springfield obsessively and quotes oddball movies whenever she gets nervous.

Their project at the Whipple Farm soon raises the town’s suspicion and sends Mayor Phineas T Tucker [ ‘We believe in family values!’ ] and police chief Wes Mazur investigating. Instant sparks fly between sexually repressed Sophie and the amazingly sexy young mayor Phin, promising delightful future developments in the town of Temptation, dominated by its obscenely pink and suggestive water tower.

The problem was trying to write a love scene and stay a lady at the same time. It wasn’t possible. The minute you started thinking that writing sex was cheap and disgusting, your mind froze up and you wrote boring dreck. It was sort of having sex. You either threw everything you had in it, or it wasn’t worth the bother.

Shooting a pornographic movie in a small town rife with rumour and repressed desires is a recipe for trouble, culminating with gruesome murder, but the main plot is one of sexual liberation and wickedly funny interactions / dialogue between the large cast of characters. I believe Jennifer Crusie was having a great time writing this irreverent homage to classic screwball comedies [ “Bringing Up Baby” and “The Philadelphia Story” are both name dropped], with a heavy emphasis on the screwing parts. For me this was definitely not ‘boring dreck’ and the fun side of the project is what first attracted me to the author. Crusie reminds me of Jilly Cooper in her earlier and more relaxed novels.

I had such a great time, laugh out loud moments during my first visit to Temptation that I started to wonder if I’m not some sort of grumpy, strait-laced puritan in the deeper recesses of my soul for not even considering a five star review for the story of Sophie and Phin’s courtship. I know it’s not really easy to write such relaxed and witty [and explicit] material about sexual politics without turning preachy or cheap. Crusie also has a deft hand at keeping a complex plot chugging at a lively pace and at fleshing out the story with good secondary characters, the very young Rachel, who is trying hard to escape parental restrictions and small town existential dread, or the jaded Leo the Porn King, who has not given up yet on love.

The fact that this novel is marked as the first one in a series makes me hopeful I would have a chance for another visit to Temptation, to find out how these sex-starved people manage to get in trouble once more.
202117 s Angela3,199 385

Review to come.

23 March 2015: $3.99 on Kindle

Review cross-posted from here

I've read this book many times over the years. It's not my favorite by Crusie (that would be Bet Me), but it is one that I come back to frequently.

I've said recently that I don't think "humourous" books are for me, and I still think that's true because I stumble over most of them, but the humour in this one works for me. It's a little bit more subtle and doesn't feel forced (un some others I've read).

But it's the dynamics between family and friends and lovers that Ms. Crusie really captures well. Their connections were so well shown that it engendered a connection to me.

Dialogue is crisp, and conversations are real.

What draws me back to this book the most though is the pure fun of it. That's not something I'd normally think of a book with a murder mystery and blackmail in it, but when you add in ice cream, accidentally making porn, a con-dog, pool (as in billiards), movie quotes, lots of music and more it really can't help but being fun.1-hpb-a 2019-read contemporary ...more16 s Jacob Proffitt3,134 1,822

Okay, short review as that seems to be all I'm capable of, lately. This is my first from this author and what a ride! The main characters were simply fantastic and the supporting cast were great as well. Welcome to Temptation has a light, easy style that conveys a story that is really quite complex--which turns out to be a fantastic way to convey a complex character-driven story if you can pull it off. And Crusie pulls it off very well indeed. I loved Sophie and Phin was a great match for her and seeing them become each exactly what the other needs was great fun.

A note about Steamy: Crusie has an interesting way with the steam in this book--something I haven't noticed elsewhere. The actual explicit bits are quite rare and very short--a page and some at most. This book had, I think, three actual sex scenes and none more than two pages and one less than one. However , Crusie also puts in a lot of both build up and wind down so not only are those scenes surrounded by emotional byplay that makes them seem longer than they are, the same emotional notes are hit frequently throughout the book so it feels there is a lot more explicit stuff than there really is. Those resonances feel explicit because the themes used evoke the actual explicit parts so well. It's an incredibly clever way of making the steam permeate the novel without overloading you with anatomy.romance steamy14 s StMargarets2,862 531

Once I realized this wasn't a romance novel, I settled in and had a good time. This is a stylized look at small town life with a central romance and a murder thrown in for good measure. It is a cross between Susan Elizabeth Phillips' Call Me Irresistible and the movie Hot Fuzz. SEP's romance hero is a small town mayor as is the hero of this story. Hot Fuzz is about murders and mayhem in an English village that just wants to keep its title of most scenic/beautiful.

The hero comes from a family of politicians and the heroine from a family of con artists and they are a match made in heaven. Everyone in this story was ethically challenged and acted out of self-interest. And it was fascinating to read. The heart of the story - the emotional heft - came from the family loyalties and conflicts.

I really d the Crazy-Rich-Asian-type mother of the hero who was finally won over by the heroine at the end. (She even gave the family ring to her son to give to the heroine). I also d the hero's daughter who was a conman in the making.

I said, this is a look at small town life. How hurts from high school live on, how no one wants you to change, how change comes to the sleepiest of towns. I especially enjoyed the girl's softball game. Replace softball with hockey and you've got small town Canada. (Ask me how I know)

And to explain my shelves: There was zero angst in this story because the author kept the action moving along and none of the characters were vulnerable - not even the nine year-old. The heroine had a boyfriend and broke up with him by leaving him a message on his answering machine before she had sex with the hero. The boyfriend was a therapist and talked to her in therapy terms, so he wasn't too invested in the relationship, either.

I'm not really explaining the plot. Sorry, about that. It was just so absurd. But the premise is the heroine and her sister are filming a movie, that may or may not be porn. The film will star the town "it girl" who left twenty years ago for fame and fortune. The hero is the mayor of the town running against a "family values" opponent. Hero is drawn to the heroine even though it's hurting his reelection chances. The "it girls'"husband is the one who is murdered and everyone has a motive for killing him.

What kept this from a higher rating was how dated it seemed. There were many pop culture references from the 1990's, and all the movie quotes got annoying. 3-star cheating-explored enemies-to-lovers ...more12 s Anne4,216 69.9k

3.5 stars. This is the first book I've read by Jennifer Cruise, and it was pretty good. There were a few things I didn't , though.
First, it didn't start off very strong and I had a hard time getting into it. Once I got into it I really d it, but the first few chapters were a struggle for me.
Second, the whole book seemed dated because Sophie kept referring to herself as an Outsider and Phin as a Town Boy. It had the distinct smell of an eighties movie starring Molly Ringwald. That is not necessarily a bad thing, I just wasn't expecting it. Especially since I believe Welcome to Temptation was first published in 2000. Third thing that bothered me was that I thought the book was supposed to be kind of funny. I read a few that led me to believe I would chuckle out loud at this one. Um, no. Didn't happen. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure I smiled a few times while reading this...but laugh out loud? Nope. It was cute and sweet, but nowhere near hilarious. Or maybe it just wasn't my kind of humor...yeah, that's probably it.
Ok, even after all of that I still really d it. So if you're in the mood for something cute, sweet, and sexy then Welcome to Temptation would be a great choice!humor read-in-2010 romance ...more10 s Anna273 123

Another good one from Jennifer Crusie. Not as hilarious as Agnes and the Hitman, but funny and warm (apart from the murder and mayhem).2021-aty-in-52-books 2022-aty-in-52-books author-american ...more11 s Sara141 119

I was on a reading cruise for Crusie’s books, but after this one, I think I’ll change author for a long time.

The narrative thread of this book is a porn movie. No kidding. I mean, can you go any less romantic than this?
Minus 2 Stars.

The love story between the two protagonist is more a physical story where they say “F-word me” to each other most of the time, which leads to many cheap scenes I could have lived better without. It wasn’t very romantic, maybe more real? Could be, but I don’t think so, it was really exaggerated on the physical attraction and the intimate scenes were too many, over the top, and overstated.
Minus 1 star.

The sister is clingy, selfish, and lies a lot… she annoyed me too much.
Minus 1 star.

At about 60% of the book there’s a crime mystery to solve that is the only thing that saved this book from ending up on the not-to-read-shelf, I still would not suggest it, but I will not ban it to the dreaded shelf. The mystery is interesting, funny in its many facets, and gives a sprint to the book.
Plus 1 star.

The ending is happy and cheesy, just how I it.
Plus 1 star.

Little spoiler here, this one got the final balance Minus 1 star. Skip if you don’t want to know.

The side story of Rachel, a twenty-years-old good girl that wants to escape the small town, is simply creepy. The author’s idea of her happy ending is to have her move to L.A. with forty-five-years-old king of porn Leo, to start producing soft porn movies. Really?!

borrow-it-it-s-too-expensive chick-lit contemporary ...more10 s Lady Gabriella of Awesomeness (SLOW)519 817

Great story !! Welcome to Temptation Had both,an excellent murder mystery plot line and well constructed characters....Definatly wasn't predictable :) Loved it ! Wish there had been an epilogue after the ending though,felt a bit incomplete.4-and-a-half-stars baes-got-a-baby missing-epilouge ...more10 s Laurie (barksbooks)1,797 717

Everyone loves this book but if I'm going to be honest I have to admit that it was a real struggle for me to finish. If I hadn't been having it read to me via audiobook, I don't think I would have stuck it out.

Until now I've enjoyed all of the Crusie books I've read but this one just didn't resonate with me. It's about a pair of sisters who visit the town of Temptation to shoot a documentary style movie featuring a fading movie star (at least that's what I got out of it). The sisters have always been outsiders and were raised by a con man and though they're harmless enough they rather thrive on being a little 'bad'. Naturally, one of the sister's falls for the upright mayor. They have lots of supposed fantasy sex (that was a bit boring, if you ask me) and the mayor gets into hot water because the town is afraid the movie the sisters are making is going to be nothing but porn. Someone dies, a water tower gets painted several times, the aging starlet has sex with the son of her former lover, a young girl falls in love a porn producer (I found this storyline creepy-gross) and other assorted things happen that I found unbelievable.

This book didn't have the wit and spark of the earlier books I've read by this author and in the end there were so many characters that I had a very difficult time remember who was who.audiobook romance8 s *The Angry Reader*1,427 333

An understated, snarky, sneak-up-on-you kind of love story that I thoroughly enjoyed. This book felt so matter-of-fact. It didn't feel a romance for much of the book. And then it did.

Phin the Bear meets Sophie the pornographer. Their love is a reluctant one... I loved his lackadaisical attitude and her vulnerability hidden under thorns. Excellent supporting characters. A mystery. Everything for which I could ask.

Jennifer Crusie is finding a place in my heart.

20188 s Lady Heather 1,301 767

This is the only the second book I've read by Jennifer Crusie, and I gotta tell ya.. so far she's SOLD my on her story-telling and writing!

Her Characters are colorful and interesting, and the situations they find themselves in are funny and almost surreal, but surprisingly believable (that's how good the writing is).

Just finished the book, gotta get my review sorted out in my head.

Review to come :)adult chick-lit contemporary ...more8 s Laura (Kyahgirl)2,170 147

3.5/5; 4 stars; B+

Well, despite some really over the top characters and incidents this was pretty funny and a satisfying (if odd) romance.humour romance-contemporary8 s Nisha788 243

I absolutely loved this book. I can't even adequately explain why. I loved the entire Dempsey family. Davy especially, who gets his own story later.
the other books I've read by JC, there were slightly imbalanced villains who try but fail to sabotage the H/H relationship. This time, it was actually kind of acceptable. The small town drama with its politics was endearing and the comedy was definitely well executed. Sophie and Phin's interactions were witty and hot. The pool game and their first time were pretty hot. More so than I would have accounted for in this genre.

A good read, which had its steamy parts, as well as its comedy. A nice package that only makes you want to visit Temptation. chick-lit7 s Tiffany PSquared494 83

So many players, so many games. It was kind of difficult to keep up with all the characters and families and motives!
As for the story, it was enjoyable; however, I wouldn't say it's going to be particularly memorable. The author set this up to be a series, but I don't think I'm invested in any of the characters enough to continue with it. (But I've been proven wrong before!)2017-book-reading-challenge audiobooks romance7 s ?Karlyn P?604 1,258

A great re-read, and even better the second time around. :-) audiobook genre-contemporary genre-humor ...more7 s Joanna81 6

WHAT JUST HAPPENED HERE, this was so much fun!favourites humour romance7 s Amber’s reading538 111

Welcome to Temptation is a nice, safe PG rated romance. I love the writing style, small town setting, and lighthearted plot. The type of story you’d feel comfortable recommending to your niece or grandmother. But for my personal taste, it felt too watered down. I got a little bored and didn’t feel invested in the characters or plot.

This is my 1st book by Jennifer Crusie, and even though I’m giving this book a 3, I’m going to try her again. I checked this book out from my library as part of a combo book with Bet Me, which I’ve heard is much better. contemporary-romance meh10 s Bona Caballero1,390 56

Pero qué habrá hecho la pobre Crusie para tener esas portadas en español, que no transmiten para nada de qué va la novela. En fin, ya lo dije aquí: «una de mis autoras favoritas, y aquí está de lo más ingeniosa». Sophie Dempsey, perteneciente a una larga saga de timadores, aparece en un conservador pueblo de Ohio para rodar una película cuyo género… no conocía del todo. Allí conocerá al guapísimo, elegante y sexi Phineas T. Tucker, último vástago de una dinastía de... alcaldes. No se caen especialmente bien, pero las chispas saltan entre ellos. Para complicar la cosa, aparecerá un cadáver, con más signos de violencia que Rasputín. La relación entre Phin y Sophie va cambiando de manera muy sutil. Una historia bien escrita, sus momentos emotivos y su toque de intriga. Unos secundarios inolvidables y muy bien retratados, que tienen a su vez sus propios romances. Y la guinda del pastel: chistes cinematográficos, que a veces pillas y otras no. ¡Me encanta...! Es una novela imprescindible, que está a esto de ser un cinco estrellas.top-100-aar-2013 top-100-aar-20186 s Jane Stewart2,462 907

4 stars for the book. 1 star for the audiobook narrator. It’s a lovely developing romance.

The first time I read it I thought it was great and laughed a lot. I reread the paperback in 2015 and found it to be more average the second time through. The middle felt slow, but the ending was great. In 2017 I listened to the audiobook. The middle wasn’t as slow when listening to the audiobook.

Aasne Vigesaa (AV) was not good. It was hard for me to get into the story. I had to keep reminding myself to concentrate to stay interested. She read too fast. There was no curiosity, interest, or sense of wonder. It was just “hurry up and be done.” Her dialogue for Phin the hero was too fast and came out monotone. He was not sexy or desirable. I recommend AV listen to Will Patton and Frank Mueller to see how great narrators do it. On the positive side AV had a nice sounding voice, a good generic accent, and she did slow down a little toward the end.

Narrative mode: 3rd person. Story length: 400 pages. Swearing language: strong including religious swear words but not often used. Sexual language: strong but not used much. Number of sex scenes: about 8 plus 4 more referred to with no details. Setting: current day mostly Temptation, Ohio. Copyright: 2000. Genre: contemporary romance with some suspense.contemporary-romance contemporary-romance-with-suspense6 s Chanel296 54

The setting of this book is a small town in Temptation Ohio where the water tower looks a penis in the sky and everyone is in everyone's business. Sophie and her sister are there to shoot a film and to help clean up Clea's farm. It's supposed to be a week stay but they end up in a car crash with one of the nosy residents who thinks they are there to shoot a porno. Sophie has always been the caretaker type. Their parents died young and Sophie stepped up and took care of her siblings which involved a lot of bailing her sister out of shenanigans. In Temptation she meets the mayor Phineas Tucker and they end up having quite of bit of chemistry starting with him going down on her at a dock. They decide to just be friends with benefits but then strange things start happening in the town including a murder and the longer Sophie stays, the closer her and Phin get even against their better judgement.

This story is just all kinds of comedic, sexy fun. I haven't read this book in 10 years and it's one of those books that got me into romance in the first place. I had a good time reliving this experience and I highly recommend this if you're just looking for something over the top funny but also sexy and even sweet sometimes.silly-romance6 s Crista804

I realize that this book is very popular and well received by a great many. That however, is not enough to make me recommend this book. I am not critical by nature, (see my other ), but I do to "call a spade a spade"!

This is a story about the town of Temptation, it's citizens, and a family who comes to film a "movie". Phin is the mayor and Sophie is the traveling film maker.

This book contains crass humor, foul language, and very little romance. For me this makes for a very disappointing read. The characters had PLENTY of sexual chemistry, but I NEVER believed that there was any real and lasting love between the 2 of them. This is a cardinal sin for a "romance junkie" myself, and I cannot recommend this book to readers who love romance. For those who a "naughty" read..this might do the trick.

Sorry, not for me.1-star contemporary6 s Mela1,683 223

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