
Claimed de Jennifer Chance

de Jennifer Chance - Género: English
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Jennifer Chance Series: Gatekeepers of the Gods 03 Publisher: Oliver Heber Books, Year: 2024

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I love how this one isn't about hiding the girl in the guy falling in love. No it's straight up starts off with already kissing because they have done it already. It has more action and more mission then the other two. I it more because this one goes more in depth about Prince Ari And what happened to him while Nicki and Stefan are looking for clues. I think their story is actually really cute because they already each other. It doesn't take long for all the action to happen. So I that but I how it's more in depth on trying to find the prince which I think is leading more into book four. There twist and action in this book! I would say give this series a read!!! I really loved this book!2 s Jennifer935


A nice read from Jennifer Chance.
Another whirlwind romance between a visiting American and a member of the royal family.
Some adventure, danger, passion and love.2 s Stephenee1,683 43

This is book 3 in the series and while technically you could start here you should really, really, really read the previous books first because they are epic!!

This is based on Stefan and Nicki and they are amazing together! The adventure, the banter, the fun...the reader is on the edge of their seat while waiting to see what is going to happen next! The author has the reader laughing out loud (even when in public).

We are on the hunt for Prince Ari - and they are both determined to find out anything that they can about him while in Turkey. Stefan doesn't want to love anyone - he is happy with who he is and where he is....but enter some American visitors and sparks fly...Nicki isn't looking for love - she has no idea if she will even live her entire life due to a medical condition, but they can't help the chemistry....will they have an HEA? Will it work for them? Read this one to find out!!

A must read series and a must read now series! My newest favorite series...1 Coral776 31

Plot: 4/5
Characterisation: 4.5/5
Prose: 3/5
How much I enjoyed it: 4/51 Chelsea1,557 46

More available on my blog, Beauty and the Bookworm.

Claimed follows up on Captured, and is the third book in Jennifer Chance's Crowns & Gowns series. The main character int his one is Nicki Clark, the windsurfing, rock climbing, trouble making member of the quartet. And then there's her love interest, Stefan, who is repeatedly called an ambassador but evidently isn't, and is instead some random bureaucrat related to the royal family. He certainly never serves as an ambassador, and there's no mention of him doing so in the past or future, that's for sure. Stefan and Nicki are already attracted to each other at the beginning of the book, having been playing with each other for the few weeks that Nicki and her friends have been in Garronia already, but things get amped up when Nicki volunteers to serve as a cover story so Stefan and some other officials can go to Turkey, which is on bad terms with Garronia, and look for the Crown Prince, Ari, who disappeared in a plane crash a year ago. The area where they think Ari is happens to be hosting a windsurfing competition that Nicki covered before, so her presence there as a travel writer supposedly makes sense. I don't totally buy this thinking; involving not only a civilian, but a foreign civilian, and the best friend of the girl who's slated to marry the heir to the throne, doesn't really seem a sound strategy, even if she does have a (tenuous) connection to the area you're going to.

This book is, again, much plot-heavier than the first in the series. It's also not as well-edited as its predecessors. There's the issue of Stefan being called an ambassador when he's not; that Nicki thinks Lauren has told Em and Fran about Nicki's heart condition, when it was stated in the second book that Em already knew because she and Nicki had been college roommates; that Henry Smithson was Lauren's ex, when they were never actually together... You get the idea. Chance started contradicting numerous things that she had already established, and it started grating on me. They were all small things, but they all added up and basically told me that she wasn't keeping track of what she was actually writing down. And then there are numerous editorial errors, too--typos, missing punctuation marks (particularly quotation marks), and mis-used words. It's rather disappointing, because the first two books were well-edited and I don't see why that should have suddenly changed here.

The plot is fun, with Nicki trying to be all "secret agent" while basically having a fling with Stefan, but again, I couldn't really take it too seriously and it made the whole thing a little hard to refrain from rolling my eyes at. There were a few things that seemed they would develop into something, but didn't--when Nicki's windsurfing board malfunctions, for example, I was all primed to find out it was an act of sabotage from someone who'd guessed what she and Stefan were up to, but it never amounted to anything and just faded into the background. And the ease with which Nicki and Stefan ultimately accomplished their mission was somewhat of a joke, too, and only served for the "big reveal" about Nicki's condition, which she stupidly kept secret the entire time because hey, you're so gung-ho about this mission, why not risk jeopardizing it? (And seriously, what's the deal with all this fainting and near-fainting and heart-racing business if it's ultimately nothing? It seems , even if Nicki never actually got checked out, she'd be aware of her body's needs with hydration, etc. to keep it somewhat under control after hiding it for so long.)

Stefan and Nicki's relationship was lighthearted and serious at the same time, but the plot in this was so unbalanced. They were essentially already together, so it couldn't really count as a full-blown romance, and yet the spy/rescue mission plot wasn't really well-developed enough for it to serve as a novel in that genre, either. Overall, it felt a bit uneven and not sure of what it wanted to be. I'm still looking forward to Fran's book, but this one was disappointing in relation to the great improvement that occurred in Captured.

3 stars out of 5.contemporary romance romance-royal ...more1 cathy fredrickson6

Can't wait for the next book.

Great read. Good action. Great love scenes. Love the heroes,sexy men, smart women. Good story. Engrossing, couldn't put it down.1 Heather640 1 follower

This was my favorite of the series so far. It was a good story with romance, intrigue, adventure and good characters. Stefan and Nicki had a believable connection and I loved them together.

Stefan works for the royal family. He is sent on a seek and find mission for the the missing prince, Ari. He is hoping to find out any information about his disappearance, but needs a cover story to get into the neighboring country to do so.

Nicki Clark is one of the Americans visiting Garronia who has been invited to stay with the royals since her friend Emmaline is engaged to Kristos, the crowned prince. Ari is the older brother of Kristos and the family is desperate to get any information about his disappearance. Nicki is a headstrong adventure seeker and knows she can be an asset to Stefan on this mission. Only one problem, she has been hiding a possible health issue, but is determined to continue to live her life to the fullest. Now she just needs to convince Stefan she can help him.

I loved everything about these two and the secondary characters are great too! I can’t wait to read about Fran next! ?????????? Trini37 4

This story is about another member of the group of four Americans finding love while visiting Ouros. Nicki Clark has hidden her health issues from everyone, but her friends recently found out and are rightfully worried about her, especially with all the risks she takes while is . She, however, is more than willing to go on a mission to Turkey on the trail of Prince Ari. Stefan, another demigod, has his reservations but he feels this strong attraction and connection to her. After the Queen insists, he relents and takes her with him. She proves to be a wonderful asset and he really finds himself really caring for her. Their story of falling for each other is really sweet and I'm happy they could get their HEA with so many obstacles in the way.

This book is another one full of adventure while trying to find Ari. An appearance or two from the gods adds some mystical flavour to the story. This series is an nice escapist read and I'm looking forward to the next one featuring Fran.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Jessa12

Absolutely enjoyed this book. It’s the 3rd in series, and even though I haven’t read the first two, it was easy enough to follow the important points of the world. I’ve always enjoyed romance stories that are set in the world of mythology and was expecting a lot of content surrounding that concept. This book incorporated it so well without being straight in your face. Also, it started off exciting and didn’t drag out. The characters were fantastic. I would love to read the first two and can’t wait to read the next.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Sahar Husseini409 9

Romance, Fantasy, and Adventure

Nicki and Stefan are off to find Ari, a member of the royal family. Their journey will be dangerous. They will encounter monsters, of the human and the paranormal variety. Sparks sizzle between them. Will they have time for romance in the middle of the danger? Love finds a way. Do they find Ari? Beware of Greek gods. You might not think they have much power, but you will be surprised. I enjoyed this story and would recommend it to those who fantasy, romance, adventure, and suspense. Jane440 1 follower

4 stars

Book 3 in the gowns and crowns series. I’ve read all three now, in order and have enjoyed all of them. It’s nice to continue the story from each of the characters viewpoint and read about their romance. The series has had a mystery of the missing (presumed dead) eldest prince. It is in this book that we discover if ari (eldest prince) is dead or alive... while investigating this, nicki and Stefan find their HEA. Cassandre Thornbro12 1 follower

Very action packed and exciting continuation of the series. So much happens right from the start it fooled me into thinking I was farther into the story than I was. I d all the detail on the search for Ari, leads nicely into another story. Really enjoying the series so far.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Kierstin Carnahan1,027 7

2.5 stars
This book had less of a storyline than the first two. I'm was mostly interested in the Ari storyline which this book provides insights into but it seemed disjointed with the all the sex between Nicki and Stefan. Darcy (Daydreamingofbookdragons)600 129


I just really didn't care about this one at all. It bored me, and also, weirdly, the writing seemed worse than the last two books?? , they were decently written and this had some amateur mistakes??books-read-in-2018 ebooks-i-own it-was-boooooooring ...more Mary483 2


This one is about Nikki and Stefan. Nikki is an adventurous woman with a potential deadly heart problem. Stefan is the stoic Ambassador. The two butt heads constantly and makes fireworks fly Amy86 4

A royal winner...again!

Another great addition to the Gowns and Crowns Series. I am excited for the next book, as I was hoping Fran was next, and she is!! I am very thoroughly enjoying this Series. Karen Reece66 1 follower

Ambassador meets adventurer

Such a win win as a romance between an Ambassador and a lady who takes lots of risks. Then she risks her heart. I highly recommend this book to all,who love a good romance and a page turner as I could not put this book down. Happy reading! Zoey Wheeler3

As this series continues to progress, I am loving to see the characters evolve and find happiness in their adventures! Can’t wait for the next book!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Stacey Miller29

Royally Engaging

This is a great series. I love Gowns n Crowns. The characters are all unique and enthralling. Nice summer read. Elizabeth C Logging357 1 follower


Stefan and Nicki were an adorable couple. What a adventure these two had. While falling in
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