
Mercenary de Jennifer Blackstream

de Jennifer Blackstream - Género: English
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USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Blackstream reveals the next pulse-pounding installment of the Blood Trails series with a dark tale of lies, secrets, and murder.

Political intrigue is for wizards.

Shade has never agreed with her old mentor's advice more than she does now. But if unraveling a political conspiracy is her only chance to escape the past month of magical boot camp and goblin-sparring, interspersed with seductive attempts by her sidhe master to make their relationship permanent, then so be it.

A government spook saw something he shouldn't have—a glimpse of the Otherworld. Now his life is in danger, and it's up to Shade to save him. Unfortunately, there are a lot of monsters behind the scenes pulling political strings. Demons, sidhe, sorceresses, even the vampiric crime lord of Cleveland himself. Any one of them could have frightened the political fixer into madness.

And they'll do much worse to Shade if she...

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Mercenary begins when Shade is being forced to do a job she doesn't really know anything about, and learn a lot of new things. Not only is she being put in the crossfire, there are some other things in play that make it a little bit crazy.

This book was good, although I'm a bit disappointed there doesn't seem to be much of a love interest, other than that I thought it was awesome. And the end was freaking amazing! I loved what she did, and it proves she's a lot smarter than she sometimes lets on.4stars-good cops-military-p-i-security favorite-series ...more1 AlexandraAuthor 4 books5

This book! Oh my! It gets ever darker and grittier and I fall for the story more and more and more.
Not only Shade who grows up more and more, grows into her witchiness, grows bad-ass as heck but Peasblossom and Scath, not your typical side-kicks but way awesome.
And that's not enough, no. In this book, my favorite (again, don't tell Peasblossom!) is the cranky grig. I can picture his precious face and hear his grumbly voice and can't but love him dearly! Can I have him for myself?
The goblins, Kendrick and Asher! So icky, so not-human, so very cool! I hope they will make their appearance in more books because even though I would never say I love them (ick! ickedy-ick!) I have to say I'm a fan.
Anton Winters made me swoon as always (my crush on him and his darling wife won't ever lessen) and Liam? Oh boy. My temperature rises just thinking about him *fans herself*.
Top that with evil villains that are shady and inscrutable and cruel and exotic and a plot that kept me on my feet the whole time, made me read the book in one go, and you once again have a top notch urban fantasy that leaves you begging for more (and yes, that includes more of Flint!). 1 Rachel Chiapparine1,140 5

I picked up this book in the Nook store on my tablet because I had to know what happens next with the characters, my personal review of the book is as follows:

I personally found the case for this specific book in the series was more intense and took up I would say about 98% of the length of the book(normally in my personal experience with series as a whole up to this book the case part of the storyline is split in between scenes that deal with or expand up past plot points from previous books) and read (In my personal opinion) an urban fantasy "who dun it"(I can't really think of a better way of phrasing it that doesn't give away any spoilers) that was (in my personal opinion) a lot darker in mood/tone that the previous books in the series(so far).

At about the start of the middle of the book I personally stopped feeling I was reading a book in this series and started thinking I was reading an urban fantasy because for me personally I felt the tone and things that were going on in the plotline of the case that this specific book is based around(trying to phrase things in a way that avoids spoilers) and there wasn't much of the main character sass or character to remind me of the series as a whole, as a result of this I started to stop caring about the plotline of the case.

I kept reading because I wanted to see what was going on with the new side character who was introduced(he is adorable, I ? him so much I won't give away who he is except to say that I wish I could have him around to help organize my life and I also love how he helps makes "Shades" life easier whilst adding his own storyline to the plot, he also fixes the "how did Shade get that thing when she needed it" convenience plot issue in my personal opinion which I think is super cool).

The last 10% of the book is where in my personal opinion the 2% or so of the overall storyline of the book is and it was the part that has the storyline elements that pushed the overall storyline of the series as a whole forward and had for me personally the most emotional parts of the series so far(I almost wanted to cry at some points towards the end). It also was what pushes up my overall enjoyment/rating of the book, I personally rate it a 7 out 10. AlexandraAuthor 4 books5

This book! Oh my! It gets ever darker and grittier and I fall for the story more and more and more.
Not only Shade who grows up more and more, grows into her witchiness, grows bad-ass as heck but Peasblossom and Scath, not your typical side-kicks but way awesome.
And that's not enough, no. In this book, my favorite (again, don't tell Peasblossom!) is the cranky grig. I can picture his precious face and hear his grumbly voice and can't but love him dearly! Can I have him for myself?
The goblins, Kendrick and Asher! So icky, so not-human, so very cool! I hope they will make their appearance in more books because even though I would never say I love them (ick! ickedy-ick!) I have to say I'm a fan.
Anton Winters made me swoon as always (my crush on him and his darling wife won't ever lessen) and Liam? Oh boy. My temperature rises just thinking about him *fans herself*.
Top that with evil villains that are shady and inscrutable and cruel and exotic and a plot that kept me on my feet the whole time, made me read the book in one go, and you once again have a top notch urban fantasy that leaves you begging for more (and yes, that includes more of Flint!). niki_reads_romance854 7

Absolutely 5 ??s!

One of my favorite things about this author is how well she keeps me guessing. Her mysteries aren’t ever obvious, or cut and dry. They suck me in, capture my attention and engage my brain. Add in the paranormal aspect and I NEVER know what to expect next! Shade’s latest case seems a no-win for her... no matter how she solves it, she’ll have a new enemy. And Flint is officially someone I dis. He’s a ruthless, condescending, know-it-all who seems to completely disregard Shades safety, if it gets him what he wants. I NEED her to put him in his place ASAP, and to not fall into his seductive trap. And Liam ** fanning myself** whew! The chemistry! Can’t wait for book 6! Donna416

Great series

Enjoyed this one. Shade is getting trained by Flint. The case is complex with many suspects and surprises. Shade comes out stronger at the end of this one. I hope she continues getting stronger or displaying more strength. I'm glad there was a solution to the digging thru her pack. I enjoyed having characters from past books make an appearance. My only issue with Shade is she doesn't come across as very strong magically. I think she is strong and at some point I hope to understand why she does show it. No romance so far in these, just hints of attraction. I enjoy this series and would love to see them in audio. These books are an auto buy for me.favorite-paranormal own tr-paranormal Amanda Bell3

Best one yet!

I still wish we could get more info about Shade, but I will make due with her being a stone cold badass! The best book yet in the series in my opinion. I cant wait for the next one. So many questions left unanswered, but all in a good way that drags you back for more. Love it! chantal forget268 1 follower

Génial! Une excellente lecture très 'addictive'. Corruption, le tome 4 cette série m'avait un peu déçue mais cette fois, wow, c'est juste l'apothéose. Je suis contente que le partenaire humain n'est pas trop pris de place alors Liam est très visible dans ce tome. Mais le roman n'est pas basé sur une relation amoureuse, mais bien sur un intrigue. Shazuren11 1 follower

1. Ten months then the master-servant relationship between Shade and Flint will over.

2. Shade's mental becoming more stronger and clever.

3. Love Shade chemistry with Liam
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