
Paragon of Solitude (Dawn of Wizards Book 2) de Jeffrey L. Kohanek

de Jeffrey L. Kohanek - Género: English
libro gratis Paragon of Solitude (Dawn of Wizards Book 2)


Jeffrey L. Kohanek Publisher: Fallbrandt Press, Year: 2024

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Eeek was this an awesome read! I love the finely woven tapestry of this world, Jeff has drawn the strands to expertly fit neatly and tightly together, exposing a vivid display, where every stitch, every strand, is thoughtfully placed and pulled, leaving a true piece of art in it's wake. And I'm back in this world that captivated me so thoroughly, immersed me so completely, a world that genuinely blew my mind and left me with the biggest book headache ever!

A decades long war between species, humans taken as slaves, Dwarves wanting to rule over all, the injustices resonate so loudly in some and not at all in others. But one who sees the awful truth, one who would level the playing field, does just that. He infuses, he changes a human into something other, into something new, into something that no one has experienced before, all because he believes in justice and equality for all. Thus Ian finds himself renewed, revived and completely out of his depth. But he tries and tries and tries...Truhan is an enigma, keeping so much close to his chest and he's quite the task master, as Ian soon discovers. I loved reading how he erred, how he fought to master this skill and how he goes about it. His curious mind is addictive and very dangerous, to himself and his surroundings but I, together with Ian, loved seeing how far he can push, experiment. Oh how far he's come from the weakling he was! He finds purpose, he finds inner strength and he finds magic! Truly wonderful to see his metamorphosis!

Once more told from various POV'S, brings the story to life in a way a single POV can't begin to show, it's fuller, it's more rounded, it's more immersive to me. There are quite a few players in this magnificent book and series, some delight me and fill me with warmth, some, well, they're just yukky! Fastellen, he's such a smooth talker, he's completely turned Rina's head, she THINKS he's genuine and caring BUT....and she, bless her heart, is so gullible! I loved her! All the characters are exceptionally portrayed, so magnificently well rounded, from human, to Dwalf, to Elf, to... well, a LOT of different species! So many awesome events take place throughout this book, I couldn't possibly begin to capture it all, or them. Each character brings something different to this magnificent tale, each character imbues it with their essence in a way that's astounding storytelling! Jeff Kohanek has long been a very favourite author of mine, but this series has raised the flag for me. And not only has Jeff done all of this, he's captured the very essence of every action, my heart pounding with every strike, the very essence of every vital moment, captured feelings and emotions, captured a mystery which slowly unfolds, secrets held close to the chest, prophecy and captured a magical world with such aplomb, my mind spins a kid's toy top, round and round, spinning until I collapse, emotional but very full and sated! I lived every word, I lived every adventurous moment, I traversed it all with every single character and I can only conclude, THIS BOOK IS MASTERPIECE! One you need to read post haste....1 Melinda Cater163 3

If you are looking for something completely epic! Full of magic! Mystery! Danger! Fierce Battles! Harrowing Rescues! An abundance of amazing, completely unique and complex characters! Fantastic world building! A touch of whimsy! A spattering of humor! And an adventure that can either save or destroy the entire world!

Then look no further! Paragon of Solitude is the 2nd book in the Dawn of Wizards Trilogy and it is one mind blowing! Entirely epic! Continuation!

Ian’s life has suddenly and unexpectedly changed. Now with magic running through his veins he must learn to not only master it but also master and hone his new physical and emotional abilities. He’s no longer the weak, sickly human he use to be, but a magical being who once trained will be a force to be reckoned with. But while mastering his new abilities he soon discovers a prophecy that will set him on a path of discovery, hidden and not so hidden secrets, deadly creatures, brotherhood and friendship, magical lands and the wondrous and deadly creatures that inhabit them, and the search to find the one thing that may help in saving them all.

I love love love this entire book! Usually I am not a huge fan of middle novels in a series. They often seem plodding and monotonous….HOWEVER…this was absolutely not the case with Paragon of Solitude! Kohanek did an masterful job creating mystery, intrigue, learning, romance, and my absolute very favorite aspect of this book, whimsy! That’s right lovely readers a wonderful and intriguing whisp of whimsy wove it’s way throughout the dangerous, battle filled, mysterious themes of the story and I couldn’t have loved it any more!

Then there was the humor! No one writes humor quite Kohanek! And although The First Wizard was quite serious and more intense in nature I was so so excited to experience a wonderful dose of Kohanen’s signature humor in Paragon of Solitude! I love a good dose of comic relief to break up the more tense and angsty moments in a story strewn with battles of epic proportions! And Kohanek wrote ?it nothing short of just perfect!

But I think my absolute favorite things about this book was all the different and unique characters and their weapons. Ok…not gonna lie…battles aren’t my usual forte…buuuuuuut…I absolutely loved how each character—who all are in and of themselves complex and unique and multidimensional—each have their own very unique weapon and/or fighting style! Be it a war hammer, magic, or mysterious spike wielding bracers these characters are so equipped to take down all the baddies and hellacious creatures in unique and devastatingly wicked ways. It’s just completely captivating to experience.

So yep…Paragon of Solitude was nothing short of absolute epic perfection! If you love a story that will captivate you from the very first word, draw you in, and refuse to let you go until the very last sentence, make you laugh, fill your heart with whimsy, and your mind with puzzles to be solved and secrets to be discovered then you simply must read Dawn of Wizards! Lana2,420 50

I am a great lover of Kohanek's books which are fun, full of adventure, and a lot of banter between characters, and this 2nd book in the Dawn of Wizards trilogy is no different. We get to meet the first wizard, a young man called Ian, a human previously a slave, who was chosen as a protégé to be taught how to wield magic, something humans had not been known to do before. Truhan was his master, a man who remains a mystery, and who could not wield magic himself. However he does send Ian on a quest to discover an important relic from the past, one needed in order to halt the darkness encroaching on the world of humans, dwarves and elves a, and one which could bring about oblivion for all of them. Ian is joined by his brother Vic and his girlfriend Vita and Lionel the beautiful fire dragon, plus a very irreverent brownie, as they travel far and wide to seek the Paragon. None knew what or who they were seeking, but Ian insisted this needed to be found if the darkness was to be halted before the world as they knew it came to an end. All he gets to know is that the information he seeks lies with a long dead King so he needs to harness the help of the speaker of the dead. Will our group of trusty and courageous friends be able to meet their quest out in the ice cold wilderness searching for the tower of solitude? I really enjoyed the travelling to the elves realm, the shadow realm and the adventures over the sea which the rest of the characters traveling with Goli embarked upon. I am dying to read book 3 in this jam packed adventure story full of magic and battles galore! Manie310 2

This is epic fantasy at it's best, starting with a title that is meaningless till almost the end. Because both the Paragon and solitude only becomes meaningful when both have been found.
I certainly enjoyed the character of Ian, a young man being the first human having a knack to learn and practise magic. But it took time and lots of practice and patience.
Until the day he experienced a prophecy in which a young woman he knows, got killled by some uncanny and ferocious beast. That is when he learns of another prophecy in which mankind, elvenkind, dwarvenkind and just about everything else will be destroyed by some dark force.
Unless Ian can do something about it. But can he?
Paragon of Solitude is quite a tome and the second book in this series. Somehow the length of the book is no hassle at all. It draws you into an epic adventure and keep you fully captured by the storyline as one suspenseful event follows the other. You almost literally live this adventure.
Enjoy Michelle L. Reeve133 1 follower

The first human wizard is training but doesn’t even know why. He soon finds out it’s up to him to save the world. The kicker is he has to learn to master his skills during this life or death quest. The stars seem to line up in many instances but will his luck continue? Original, humorous and entertaining! What a great story! Duke138

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