
Un segreto ben custodito de Jeffrey Archer

de Jeffrey Archer - Género: Italian
libro gratis Un segreto ben custodito


Un'eredità contesa.
Un mistero dal passato.
Una verità sfuggente.

Londra, 1945. Il voto alla Camera dei Lord su chi debba ereditare la fortuna della famiglia Barrington è finito in parità, e la decisione finale del Lord Cancelliere getterà una lunga ombra sulle vite di Harry Clifton e Giles Barrington. Harry torna in America per promuovere il suo ultimo romanzo, mentre la sua amata Emma va alla ricerca della bambina che era stata trovata nell'ufficio di suo padre la notte in cui era stato ucciso; Giles deve difendere il suo seggio alla Camera dei Comuni, e apprende inorridito chi sarà il candidato scelto dai Conservatori. Ma sarà Sebastian Clifton, il figlio di Harry ed Emma, a influenzare il destino dello zio. Nel 1957, Sebastian vince una borsa di studio a Cambridge, e una nuova generazione di Clifton sale alla ribalta. Ma dopo essere stato espulso da scuola, viene coinvolto in una frode internazionale su una statua di Rodin che vale molto più della cifra raggiunta in asta. Diventerà milionario? Andrà a Cambridge? La sua vita è in pericolo?

Un segreto ben custodito, terzo volume della Saga dei Clifton, risponderà a queste domande ma, ancora una volta, ne porrà molte altre.

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Best Kept Secret was another disappointment. The struggles and achievements of the characters are not developed and far too predictable. Harry needed to be on the New York Times Bestseller List. A few pages later the goal is accomplished. Emma wants to locate her late fatherÂ’s child. Walla, itÂ’s done. Now she wants to adopt her. Check. Sebastian is having problems socially in school. An incident occurs and abracadabra he is the hero. These examples are endless. Characters unknown to me but probably previously introduced in story lines created in book one are just now resurfacing in book three. So annoying! The politics were boring. Who cares about Giles, the election or the parties? There are far too many characters and many of them are insubstantial. Again, ArcherÂ’s characters are unsophisticated, unsurprising and lacking complexity. For example, an Archer villain is a diabolical scoundrel with not one redeeming characteristic. Jeffrey Archer has created a soap opera. The dead womanÂ’s letter written in case the will is contested is presented in the nick of time. One hundred pages to the books end a ridiculous caper emerges. And of course, Archer leaves the reader with yet another cliffhanger, which is notorious technique of a good soap opera. Best Kept Secret is overly dramatic, poorly constructed, unbelievable and sadly lacking depth. I will not be continuing with the Harry Clifton Chronicles.

For more visit my blog: www.opinionatedbookreviewer.blogspot.com
42 s Anuvab Banerjee3 10

Its a little slower compared to its prequel. However Archer, if anything, understands the business of selling books better than anyone else. This third book is more of an extension of the previous installment, and if anything it may be called the second part of "Sins of the Father", and not exactly a separate book. The story moves on to the next generation of the Clifton-Barrington family and introduces quite a few characters. Written in Archer's patent British style, the master story-teller leaves no stone unturned in making sure his "most ambitious project" lives up to its billing. The book ends in a typical Archeresque manner, leaving the reader hanging on to dear life by a single thread. Yes, that is precisely the feeling you get as the book ends. You will want to curse him for not filling up the six blank pages that follow the last chapter. All together a gripping read, it has all the elements that make for the usual Archer classic, as British as they get. The pace may seem a little too slow at times, and it may lack the narrative flow of the first two novels, but definitely worth a buy for any Jefferey Archer fan.
38 s Ingrid1,333 79

3.5 stars

Weer een snel en vlot verhaal al vond ik het politieke deel minder interessant.

Another quick and fluent story, although I found the political part less interesting.

26 s Sara Bow241 1,097

Leider etwas schwächer als die ersten beiden Bände
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