
A Hot and Sultry Night for Crime (2003) Mystery Writers of America Anthology de Jeffery Deaver (ed)

de Jeffery Deaver (ed) - Género: English
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…And the wrong move, the wrong word, even the wrong look can set off any man or woman already driven past their boiling point. A Hot and Sultry Night for Crime, edited by bestselling author Jeffery Deaver, features 20 stories of people dealing with not just the torrid weather, but all different kinds of heat. From a retired police chief pitching in on a missing dog report that leads to him solving a murder to a mystery of Southern manners that proves the heat brings out the worst in everybody to a Los Angeles gumshoe who goes to a movie to cool off, but finds a still-warm body inside the theater, these mystery stories all prove that when the temperature rises, anyone can go crazy from the heat, and the most cold-blooded crimes can be committed during the hottest, darkest nights…




Ninety-Eight Point Six

The Last of the Bad Girls

Child Support

Old Dog Days

Body in the Pond

Lady on Ice

El Palacio

Heat Lightning

Too Hot to Die

Green Heat

No Lie

The Stay-at-Home Thief

War Crimes

The Slow Blink: A Rory Calhoun Story

Hot Days, Cold Nights

Prom Night

Night Rose

Neighborhood Watch


What the Dormouse Said

About the Editor