
Moore Hollow de JD Byrne

de JD Byrne - Género: English
libro gratis Moore Hollow


Ben Potter's life is a shambles. As a journalist he's hit rock bottom, writing dreck about monsters and ghouls to make ends meet after a big story blew up in his face. As a son he's a disappointment, unwilling to follow his father, grandfather, and great grandfather into the family business. As a father, he's mostly just not there.
Now a new assignment could change all that. All he has to do is go from London to the hills of West Virginia to investigate the strangest of stories his great grandfather told. Did a sleazy politician really raise the dead to try and win an election? And if he did, what happened to the zombies? Could they still exist? Ben needs to find out, to solve the mystery and find a way to get his life back on track.
But finding the answer only presents Ben with a whole new batch of problems. Does he use what he learns to put his life back on track? Or will he be compelled to do the right thing, even if it leaves his life a mess?
The hardest part of a...

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Enjoyed this book. I was glad to find out that Ben was conscious of his actions if he would have reported on what he found. Well written. I received this book through Goodreads First Reads Giveaway.1 Cobwebby Reading Reindeer 5,432 309

MOORE HOLLOW is a compellingly written novel of subtle Horror, but what I appreciated most was the author's talent of delineating small-community rural Appalachia, its history, culture, geography, contemporary economy, fear of outsiders [particularly strangers from overseas], and since this is a Horror Thriller, the small-town secrets and ugly history and conspiracy to protect those secrets. I really enjoyed how the characters are lovingly drawn out and become real to the reader.2021_alphabet_challenge 2021_ha_authors_a-z 2021_horror ...more1 RaChelle Holmberg1,700 27

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