
Fated for Flames de JC Dark

de JC Dark - Género: English
libro gratis Fated for Flames


JC Dark Series: Arcanum Academy 01 Publisher: Independent, Year: 2024

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Boy was this a ride. I was hesitant in the beginning. It was fast paced and I was almost ready to give up after only a few chapters. I wanted more depth more of her maybe mates/harem. But suddenly it didn’t matter. I fell in love with Evelyn. The sheer determination of this girl was actually a breath of fresh air. She was strong powerful and wanted answers, and managed to do it all without being obnoxiously sassy which so many FMCs are in RH.

I loved the slow build of her relationships. They all make sense and each one has a place and not overly unique and OTT. They were interesting and built the trust she had in them over time.

The storyline is different at least to me. I am so very intrigued and need answers to all my questions that seem just out of reach.

LOVED the last few chapters. Love me a good cliffhanger and this was a big one. It left me breathless. I need the second book yesterday. 2 s1 comment Rachel1,890 93

Holy crap Fated for Flames was so freaking good! Evelyn is such an amazing character. Before "the event (the event being, that she was betrayed by her coven) she was content being meek. After the event, Evelyn opened her eyes. She's paying attention, has strong determination, and a will to fight back, taking the steps to improve herself and to get to the truth. I loved her evolution throughout this book.

Is this a reverse harem? Even now, after finishing, I'm still not 100% sure. This is a this is an iceberg burn, nothing has happened besides a few kisses so there's no way sure way to tell. I'm really hoping it is because there is a gang of guys that I a lot and I don't want her to choose.

The plot was fantastic. JC Dark captured my attention from the first moment with dark magic, betrayal, mysteries, action, and a strong MFC. Dark jumped right in with the dark magic, usually, authors don't go into detail but Dark had a different perspective, it was interesting seeing this side of magic since it isn't used in detail as much. The story came together really well. Dark is already revealing certain connections but if these are the connections that are already being revealed what are the connections we aren't seeing?

I can't believe all that's happened and Fated for Flames is just the first book. The story ends on a cliffhanger that has me asking a million and one questions. I'm so looking forward to the next book. If you're looking for a great dark academia that is filled with suspense, and centers on the paranormal then I highly suggest Fated for Flames.1 Megan Watts59 5

I know people say not to judge a book by their covers, however I never say that. This cover is absolutely gorgeous and drew me in the minute I laid my eyes on it. It's stunning.

The beginning does have a bit of a slower start to it, but as the storyline progresses it picks up. I also love how the chapters are shorter. Once you get through the first few chapters the story is very fast paced, it's written very well. I adore some of the character names, I love when there is a variety and not the typical book names.

Main character Evelyn, is such a powerhouse. Throughout this read she shows how much strength, determination and willpower she has. Not someone waiting for someone else to save the day, willing to put in work herself.

This book does end on a cliffhanger and leaves you wanting more of the storyline. I definitely recommend this read!1 1 comment Mrs A1,140 26

I love discovering new authors and this is why! Loved this story, it took a little while to get going but once it did- it was fast paced with plenty of action, drama and tension. Love the main character, Evelyn, her strength and grace is everything. I also d that the fresh take of this book, not read anything this in a long time and I’m totally invested. The characters could do with a bit more depth but hoping this improves as the series progresses but otherwise this was a strong debut 1 Kaeleigh Erasmus3 1 follower

This book was a ride! Starting off with an unexpected twist, following as Evelyn becomes a much stronger version of her old self. Bringing in a loveable “puppy” shifter, a grumpy potion master, a gorgeous angel-hybrid, a mysterious shifter and an intriguing vampire.. This book couldn’t offer more on the sexy supernatural men side of things! This book drew me in from the beginning, bringing quite a bit of shock as we start to learn the truth. Extremely excited for book 2 to continue this journey with Evelyn! 1 1 comment Christina62

This book sucked me in, I was hooked from the very beginning. I love all of the characters and I can't wait to find out what happens in book 2. All I have to say is...that cliffhanger......it about killed me. I wanted to rage soo bad. This was such an amazing book and I completely devoured it within 2 days. I definitely recommend this book to everyone, just fair warning of the cliffhanger...it's a steep one.1 Katy284 5

This was an absolutely fantastic, enthralling first installment of a series. It us well paced, full of mystery, intrigue, angst heartache and a dash of romance. I was hooked from chapter one and stayed up half the night tonread it in one sitting as I could not put it down! I was absolutely not prepared for those last few chapters!!1 1 comment TT80 1 follower

This was a really good start and I’m super intrigued by this story. Slow burn but I’m loving the men so far. My heart is definitely hurting at the betrayal she experienced and I’m really looking forward to seeing how this story develops and her stopping her death. Great read 1 1 comment Suzanne McNeill Taviner1,361 5

This was a stunning start to a series, there's so much intrigue and mystery happening I am hooked! While Evelyn knows how things went last time, while she lives the year again she has no idea what is going to happen just that she has to change her own fate. But in doing so the fate of others change too, and not always for the better. But she is now taking charge of her life in a way she didn't before and she is learning so much about her self!
Can't wait to read the next installment. 1 Dannielle1 review

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