
Secrets of the Jaguar de Jaye Shields

de Jaye Shields - Género: English
libro gratis Secrets of the Jaguar


Michelle looks like the girl next door, but she can grow some wicked claws and fur, too for that matter. Hiding out in a small island town, Michelle guards her secret - that she’s a were-jaguar.

Duncan had spent the last eighty years being eternally young, and eternally lonely. Being a vampire has meant a meaningless existence, so when he discovers a were-jaguar in town, Duncan sees her less as a freak, and more like a gift.

Throughout her life, Michelle faced constant betrayal, but Duncan refuses to leave her alone. Together, they venture to Mexico where the ancient Mayan past holds the key to her existence. But when Duncan realizes an Aztec army of vampires needs Michelle’s blood to perform an ancient ritual, he’ll stop at nothing to protect her. But falling in love could be the most dangerous game - for Michelle, it could mean the greatest betrayal.

Sensuality Level: Sensual

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Boy meets girl. Boy and girl fall in love. Boy and girl battle unbelievable odds to be together. That's an interesting story arc and it's kinda/sorta what Jaye Shields has written in Secrets of the Jaguar. Kinda. Sorta.

Okay, not really. Duncan is a vampire and Michelle is a were-jaguar. Not exactly your average boy and girl. And the unbelievable odds they face to be together are--well, they're unbelievable. Except that Shields makes the reader believe in every last one with her creation of a world in Central America that is detailed and convincing--and scary. Ms. Shields takes the reader into the jungle with her characters and you can feel the heat--both from their attraction to each other and from the weather. She made me believe in the were-jaguar society and the vampires who want to destroy it.

A good read from a talented writer.

I received an ARC of the book in exchange for an honest review.1 Monica TilleryAuthor 29 books31

I thought I was done with vampires and were-animals, but Ms. Shields pulled me back in! Secrets of the Jaguar is a sexy, exciting read with none of the cheesiness one can find so often in vampire romance. Michelle is a were-jaguar, all alone in the world until she meets the gorgeous and intriguing Duncan. The two find their way to each other and enjoy a beautiful romance amidst the dangers facing Michelle. Secrets of the Jaguar is either meticulously researched or Ms. Shields is an expert world-builder. The geography, history, and mythology woven throughout the plot of the book are solid and expertly crafted. All in all, this is an exciting read with an emotionally satisfying romance. Well done!1 Vivian1,599 4

I can't say the story is good or bad. Just boring. I read 50 pages. The 2 characters meet and did boring things. DNF.paranormal AmyAuthor 23 books23

Different from the first two books in the series but only in a good way!

Michelle lives a quiet life, always hoping to not be noticed for fear that her past will catch up to her. She goes to school, searches for a job to help pay her bills, and enjoys a romp on the beach through the anise that grows nearby. By romp, I mean on all fours, the sea breeze rustling her black fur, and the scent of anise filling her nostrils and sparking her animal nature with a desire to roll in it – any cat would enjoy. Michelle is a were-jaguar and can’t afford for anyone to learn her secret for when her adopted parents did, they sent the government to kill her.

Duncan is a lonely man. His eighty years of living as a vampire hasn’t been the most wonderful existence. He’s never grasped his more dangerous side, he hates having to feed on humans and only does it when he absolutely has to and then only takes a little. When he discovers a beautiful black jaguar stalking the beach, he’s intrigued enough to find out more. His discovery lightens his life, his heart, and draws he and the beautiful Michelle, whose existence as a jaguar now becomes of paramount importance for him to protect, into danger that threatens both of their lives – both alive and dead.

SECRETS OF THE JAGUAR by Jaye Shields is actually quite amazing. I love how she conjured a vampire who even as he thinks of himself as a monster is actually a gentle soul and a gentle man. He despises feeding on humans and so never ingests enough blood to fulfill his own abilities. He seeks out animal blood from butchers rather than suckle his sustenance from strangers in alleys. At times, you simply forget that Duncan is a vampire at all. But when it matters most, Duncan finds his warrior side and just as Michelle taps into her animal, he becomes her greatest defender.

I love how Jaye incorporates her knowledge of Mayan history and archaeology into the story extending the adventure while tapping into the past to merge with the present. Her characters are as full-bodied as if this was actually written as the third book in the series rather than being her first. Where I see the debutante in Jaye is when it came to the sex scenes. In SECRETS OF THE FOG and SECRETS OF THE SKY, she was easy and comfortable with the sexiness of her characters but in SECRETS OF THE JAGUAR, we are treated to a more pan to the clouds in the sky kind of sexuality. We never actually experience Michelle and Duncan consummating their desire but are instead teased with the idea. This is perfect for those of you who appreciate a more timid level of sexuality in your romances.

SECRETS OF THE JAGUAR works excellently as a stand-alone, as well as part of the Immortals in Alameda series, so go ahead and indulge in an adventurous journey to find Michelle’s roots, the meaning of her existence, and the danger that surrounds her people. I highly recommend SECRETS OF THE JAGUAR by Jaye Shields because it’s an amazing story that demonstrates the raw talent that this extraordinary author has had from the beginning.

***purchased for my own personal reading but sharing with you an honest and unscripted review. Robyn NeeleyAuthor 38 books500

Such a fun paranormal read! Michelle, our beautiful jaguar and Duncan the sexy vampire,are two lonely hearts that find each other in the midst of eminent danger as Michelle's past and future catches up with her. What I loved about this story is in addition to delivering a beautiful romance between the hero and heroine it was also so rich with historic details, spectacular imagery and a little jungle heat:)

If you are looking for a paranormal that is smart, sexy and full of adventure, Secrets of the Jaguar won't disappoint. Diane JewkesAuthor 4 books14

Jaye Shields delivers again in the story of Michelle and Duncan.

Her Immortals of Alameda is a wonderful series that continues to deliver great characters and interesting plots. I look forward to reading more adventures. TiaAuthor 6 books136

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