
Static And Other Stories de Jason Nickey

de Jason Nickey - Género: English
libro gratis Static And Other Stories


Jason Nickey Publisher: anonymous, Year: 2022

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A great collection of stories. If you're a fan of Elias Witherow or Bentley Little you'll probably love this book.6 s DAAuthor 8 books112

For a debut collection, Nickey knocks it out of the park. I am absolutely floored by the quality of these stories. Each one takes you away to a place of dread and terror. My favorites in the collection are Dearest Catherine, Podcast and My Father's Eyes. Those three are very atmospheric and gave me goosebumps. I believe this author will become a force to be reckoned with. 5 s Rachel M375 14

Great collection! I loved every story. My favourites were, Static, Dearest Catherine and Juice Box. But honestly not a bad story in this one. 5 s renee w199

Another fantastic read by Nickey. This is a collection of 8 short stories . Although I didn’t find a bad story in the book Dearest Catherine , My Fathers Eyes, Haunted and Juice box were my favorites. Nickey is quickly becoming a favorite and a consistent need for more . 5 s L.M. KaplinAuthor 3 books118

Static and Other Stories is Jason Nickey’s debut collection with 8 short stories and includes a variety of tales guaranteed to tickle your prostate.

Many of the stories deal with heavy topics that allows the author’s emotion to show through the words. It was hard to pick my favorite stories but the standouts for me were My Father’s Eyes and Juice Box.

Nickey already has a new collection out this week that looks just as good so head on over to Godless and pick them both up. (Or Amazon but they’re more expensive)4 s Matthew VaughnAuthor 74 books132

I listened to another kickass audiobook from Jason Nickey, and this time it was his first collection, Static and other stories. This is a collection of 8 stories, and each one was great. I want to highlight my favorites though,
Dearest Catherine - written in an epistolary style, it's dark and creepy.
Hot Tub Hallucinations - written in 2nd person, this one's wild
My Father's Eyes - The son of a serial killer following in his father's footsteps, loved it!
If you're looking to read some really good, dark, short stories, check this out, there's not a bad story in the bunch. Narrator C.J. Grey did a great job on these stories as well.2024 5-star-books audiobook ...more4 s Nikki238 18

I enjoyed and loved all the stories in Static! I can’t pick one I d best. They were all very original and so well written. Even though it’s sad to say, I think most people will be able to connect with one or more of these stories one way or another.3 s Robb Basham73 9

This collection is the stunning debut of TikTok book reviewer and enthusiast, Jason Nickey (who goes by bibliobeard on the platform). As a debut, this does not disappoint. Below, I will give a brief synopsis and quick review for each story.

• "Static": The eponymous story begins with our main character, Tim, reflecting on how everything went so wrong (a classic way to introduce the events). He meets a beautiful woman named Alyssa and they seem to have chemistry. They set up a date, which ends with the initial nightmare buried within this cautionary tale. Cursed snuff film. Those three words set up the tone, creepiness and intensity for the remainder of the story. ??x5
• "Moonlight Baptism": If you Richard Laymon, you are going to enjoy this one. Brenda is smitten with Steve, a married man who flirts with her at her job. He claims their marriage is all but over, which makes everything okay...until it doesn't. They have a night of passion and thrills planned out with a hotel room and a concert. Steve's wife storms in and ruins the evening. From sheer embarrassment, Brenda runs away from the scene and begins walking along the highway. She is soon noticed and picked up by Jeb, a holy roller with a harsh view of life. Soon, the act of kindness becomes a twisted hell ride. This was a personal favorite in the bunch. ??x5
• "Dearest Catherine": Told in an epistolary form, this quick story follows a voyeur who goes by "P," that is deeply obsessed with the titular woman. She seems to not notice his existence, which causes P to up the ante as far as the graphic nature he writes in and how he affects her everyday life. This ending is quite bleak. ??x5
• "Podcast": If I had to pick a favorite from this collection, it would very ly be this one. This story is told in podcast scripts and interviews, which is a modern way to deliver the epistle. Gary hosts a podcast called Hungry for Gore, which is yet another horror movie podcast which glosses over the classics. There is one movie that seems to be significant to Gary called The Portal, which brings us into the major plot. Gary details the plot of the movie (a story not un Poltergeist) and fixates on the practical effects as well as the supposed curse on the film's cast and crew. This movie has left quite a few mysteries in the pop culture world after its time and Gary is intent on solving the major one: the various fates of the characters. There is more to the story, but saying anything else would require a spoiler alert. This was creepy and chilling. ??x5
• "Hot Tub Hallucinations": Perhaps the sleaziest story in this collection, it is also the trippiest and most surreal. Stu is horny, buzzed on booze and alone at a bar. He strikes out while talking to women, but he has also caught the eye of a couple who want to play. Lucy and Kevin invite him back to their place for some more fun. He accepts and the night becomes a marathon of sex, violence and mind-altering horror. It may make you think twice about accepting invitations from couples at your local bar. ??x4
• "My Father's Eyes": Tim was 17 when he discovered his father was a serial killer. By then, he had already killed three people. His father had passed away some years before then, but this revelation made everything make sense in Tim's mind about his sinister urges and his detachment from the victims. This story oozes Jack Ketchum vibes, which works in favor of it. You get a feel for Tim and even feel bad for him a few times... ALMOST. ??x5
• "Haunt": A group of friends (Brian, Tim, Tiffany and Heather) are taking a trip to a haunted attraction claimed to be legitimately scary. As they make their way to their destination, they discuss horror movies and share their opinions. When they arrive, the initial impression is disappointing by how corny the setup is. After that part of the tour, a door opens into a maze and our group walks into brutality far more frightening than what they experienced previously. This one was pretty entertaining and could work as a movie (if not a segment in a horror anthology movie). ??x4
• "Juice Box": The final story is...horrible yet satisfying. Not horrible in that it wasn't good (it was great), but horrible in how the events transpired for all the characters involved. We are introduced to Virgil, an older man who is suffering from paranoia after coming home from running errands. He checks for signs that people may have entered his home, all of which prove false. He then gets taken from behind and drugged. He wakes up in an old warehouse, bound and gagged and disoriented. That feeling turns to fear as he sees a man in butcher's clothing who has some vicious means of exacting a long-simmering vengeance. This story jumps between the past and present (with the evil acts of Virgil coming to light and explaining why he's in his current predicament). The ending is very satisfying. ??x5

If these are the stories that Jason Nickey hits us with in his debut collection, we are in for a world of mayhem, carnage and viscera in the future. Be sure to check out his other collection, Reckless Abandon (which will be reviewed soon enough).
I'm rating this book ?? x4.5 (couldn't decide between 4 or 5, so there you have it).3 s Michael669 42

Great debut collection of stories. Good range of stories, and not a bad story out of the 8. My top 3 stories were:
1) My Father's Eyes
2) Haunt
3) Podcast3 s Ashley Hana366 12

What a great collection of stories! All of them were pretty brutal, but My Father's Eyes in particulair.. It just made me want to sob. Nickey has been making me sob multiple times already lmaooo3 s Katie40

I absolutely loved these short stories. Each one had a different tone and feel to it. I could've easily read this in one night had life permitted it.3 s Books, Booze, and Horror Reviews71 32

This was a strong collection of short horror stories from up-and-coming author Jason Nickey. I read this quickly while on a road trip and was entertained the entire way through. For me the ones that stood out the most were Static, Dearest Catherine, My Father's Eyes, and Juice Box.
The stories were short and brutal, though some were able to show a surprising amount of character development within the time given. While I would recommend checking trigger warnings (included at the beginning of the book) I think this is a great read that deals with a lot of heavy issues.2 s Jessica Dabkowski6 2

Creepy, gory, violent, and many twists and turns. I enjoyed this a lot. 2 s The Yeti Reads and Reviews285 10

I can’t stress this enough: if you haven’t read his stuff, you are seriously missing out. This collection of short stories, his debut of short stories, mind you, is fucking top notch. Hands down, some of the best short stories I have read this year Cursed snuff film? Yes please! Hot Tub naughtiness that takes a wild turn—hell yeah! Letters of love written by a psychopath You betcha! And so much more. Read it, listen to it, or do whatever you have to do to get that goodness in your brain. Do it now.

5 severed fingers out of 5

2 s Danielle Yeager181 12

Great debut!

This collection has something for everyone: epistolary, slasher, revenge, paranormal... Haunt and My Father's Eyes were my favorites and I'm looking forward to reading more from this author. NOTE: His second book of short stories, Reckless Abandon, is scheduled for release in mid-February 2023!1 Jenny136

As I was laying there with my eyes closed, everything seemed to get too quiet. The temperature in the room felt it had dropped, and I heard the sound of static again. I wanted to cry. I was afraid to even open my eyes but did so when I heard my door creak.

The story Static in Static and Other Stories
by Jason Nickey

This short story collection was a wild ride. One after another of graphic zingers. These stories will make you feel uneasy & disgusted. The terrifying part of most of these stories is the psychological turning with some violent body horror.

My favorite story picks are a tie for a couple of the stories near the end. My Father’s Eye is my first pick. We have the point of view of a child growing up realizing who his father is and that he shares (and always has had) the same tendencies. And tie for second favorite, Haunt. A group of young people go out and visit a haunt or haunted house of sorts. It’s exactly my worst nightmare of going into any haunted house, scary but you know it’s not real… until it is.

This is Nickey’s first collection and it's alarming, in a good way. I’m excited for what’s coming next as his storytelling develops! Trigger warnings in these stories for many instances of descriptive assault, NSFW, and incest. 1 Robb272

A great collection with a nice variety of stories. My favorites being "Podcast" and "Haunt". Jason is a new author, and I think he is doing a fantastic job. I look forward to reading more from him, and I feel inspired to write my own stuff; he has been encouraging in that process. This book has something to offer any horror fan, from the occasional reader to the diehard horror fans. Give him a try. I think this debut collection shows Jason's range and capabilities as an upcoming indie-horror author to watch out for. Excellent job. 1 A.M.286 11

A great collection of short stories, I’ve listened to these and was immediately hooked. Definitely worth reading!1 Bradford78 8

Static and Other Stories by Jason Nickey. This was a great collection of short stories covering various topics. Some of these were brutal and covered some graphic material. I would not consider this extreme horror, though. Standouts for me were Static and Dearest Catherine. I would love to see a full novel based on or expanding on Static. It was a great original concept! Only one story missed the mark for me, Hot Tub Hallucinations. Not because it wasn't written well, it just was not for me.

The narrator, C.J. Grey did an excellent job and had a perfectly creepy voice for some of the characters in the stories!

I have each short story rated below with an overall score of 4.5 which I would round up to a 5 star! This was a quick read that I finished in a day, and I would definitely recommend it!

Static 5.0
Moonlight Baptism 4.0
Dearest Catherine 5.0
Podcast 4.75
Hot Tub Hallucinations 3.5
My Father's Eyes 4.75
Haunt 4.5
Juice Box 4.75 Sea CaummisarAuthor 69 books769

Audible: loved the deep voice.
and the stories? sex and violence mostly. what else could you want?6 s Z. MartinAuthor 9 books42

An absolutely incredible set of short stories from an amazing author. Every short story was different and intriguing. Hot tub hallucinations blew my mind and had me craving more. Rachal Davis 126 10

Great collection of stories. I highly recommend it Alexandra Huffaker94 2

I freaking loved this one. Every single one of them. Hot Tub Hallucinations was a trip. Nick Scarbrough71 6

A phenomenal collection of short stories. Courtney Shortt37

Amazing book. Every single story held my attention and I couldn't put it down!! Love it! lea7 1 follower

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