
Ghosts of the Resistance de Janna Ruth

de Janna Ruth - Género: English
libro gratis Ghosts of the Resistance


I've given the ghosts everything. Now they're coming for my powers.

All my life, I've talked to ghosts, helped them fulfil their last wishes, and made friends with them. I thought I had a good grip on the afterlife. Boy, was I wrong. There are things afoot in the beyond that make my nightmares have nightmares.
After wiping a powerful ghost from existence, his followers are out for blood. My blood. As if that weren't bad enough, my allies cannot be trusted. Down in the catacombs, the Knight of Bones is seizing control of powerful ghost dwellings for reasons that make my stomach turn. Meanwhile my acquaintances at GoPol have branded me an unnecessary risk to be exterminated.
My only chance of escaping with my life and my powers intact is to join the Resistance. If I can't convince the rogue ghosts and whisperers hiding in the old bunkers of Paris to help me, I'll lose everything. My ghost friends, my ability, but most importantly, the love of my...

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Having defeated the Templar’s ghost Alix finds herself in the crosshairs of the Chevalier and the GoPol. Both want to bring her to their side to use her for their own twisted ends. Or else they will eliminate her. But Alix is still reeling from the fight that caused a sacrifice she couldn't have foreseen.

I knew from the moment I read the note on sensitive topics that this was going to be a ride. And oh boy was it. The first half gave off such cozy vibes, lulling you into a false sense of safety then Alix is running for her life. I had to take a day to process my feelings because it was intense. I feel Alix is just in a no-win situation, even with the cliffhanger of the ending. Thankfully she has Gaby, and now Odile and Marie. I have been so drawn into this story and whilst I am worried for Alix’s future I cannot wait for the next part. Especially with it being themed around Phantom of the Opera. Cannot wait.

Rating 4.5 stars
*I received a review copy from the author for my voluntary and honest reviewarc1 Jacqui Donnelly4

I thought this book was amazing. It really draws you in. The way Janna has written it you can almost feel you’re right there with Alix, Gaspar, Malou, Papa, Odile, Helena and many other interesting characters. This is definitely a series to add to the collection.1 Steve220 1 follower

Omg, for the two or three people who read my , yes i know I’ve said this before but I am going to say it again. This book is right up my street, it’s that far up it’s knocking on the door of the mansion at the top. I absolutely loved it. Could not put it down. I am so sad I missed the first two but I will definitely read the next one to see what’s going to happen next. Cannot wait. Highly recommended.1 Paula Dawes46

I loved Ghosts of the Resistance. Janna does a great job blending real places and real historical characters into her story. I love Alix, Gabby, Marie, Dix, Malou and of course the love story with a ghost (Gaspar) There is adventure, danger, and an ending I didn???t see coming. But that is what makes this so good!1 Corbett Perri15

This series just gets better! I thought that things could not get worse for Alix after the previous book, but I was wrong. When Alix finds herself wooed by both GoPol and the Resistance group run by the Chevalier d’Os, she turns to her ghost friends and especially famous WWll resistants Jean Moulin and Josephine Baker, for help.
The story is all about courage and fear, friendships and betrayal, love and loss. The character development is excellent; we learn how Sébastien became a ghost whisperer in a truly horrific way, which helps us to understand him a little better, and to understand Dix, his whisper ghost. Helene is still the same – a terrible sister, but Odile turns out to be a great support to Alix. Cédric, who I began to sympathise with, is an utter creep – he makes me want to slap him into the middle of next week! The Chevalier is carrying out awful experiments in his underground laboratory, and Sébastien’s father, Charles, is totally evil.
Without giving anything away, the end tugs at the heartstrings and really makes me impatient to read the next book in the series. Thank you Janna Ruth.
1 Katja56

Parisian Ghosts -series has skyrocketed to be my favourite series from Janna Ruth. I love meeting all of the historical characters and sneakily learning some historical facts while being entertained. I feel Ruth would do amazing writing historical biographies on the side.

This series keeps twisting my emotions into a knot. I've never been a francofile, but now I'm eating up all of the details given, and enjoying the descriptions of amazing food while the plot churns on.

The one thing, that might make some people upset, is that GotR continues with Ruth's habit of ending with a cliffhanger. Oddly enough I don't mind them on her books, even though I generally hate them. Maybe because the matters of the particular book are still solved, and the cliffhanger just introduces something new.

I recommend this series to all UF fans. Start with the prequel!2024 arc as-ebook ...more1 Laura D31

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