
Paradise Peak de Janet Dailey

de Janet Dailey - Género: English
libro gratis Paradise Peak


With a wildfire burning its way toward Paradise Peak, Tennessee, folks are drawing together to save the small mountain community. Times like these can make a hero out of a man—no matter what dark secrets he carries in his heart . . .

A desire for absolution brought ex-con Travis Alden to Paradise Peak. But when he finds honest work, along with a keen sense of belonging, he shelves his plan to unburden his guilty secret, instead working to rehabilitate a ranch—alongside the very people his transgressions hurt the most. With the chance to create a haven for wildfire refugees, Travis seizes the opportunity to do good, to earn the respect his new boss shows him. Only Travis doesn't count on his feelings for his boss's beautiful niece.

Hannah Newsome is a woman with a past as bleak as Travis's—the kind of woman he should protect, not pursue. But once the rugged loner sees her wariness turn to warmth, once he tastes the...

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This is a Women's Fiction, and this is the 5th book in the New Americana series. I have to say this book started out super slow, and I did not think I would it. It did picked up, and I ended up really enjoying it. The characters where developed, and I really enjoyed the setting of the small mountain community. I love after the fire seeing the love of the small communities come though in this book. The ending of the book was really good, and I really think it was done really well. I was kindly provided an e-copy of this book by the publisher (Zebra) or author (Janet Dailey) via NetGalley, so I can give honest review about how I feel about this book. I want to send a big Thank you to them for that.arc-copy kindle-books netgalley-2020 ...more65 s Laura Prindable934

Thank you Net Galley for an ARC of Paradise Peak by Janet Dailey. I have been reading her romances since a teenager. She does not disappoint. This novel moved me to tears. Loved it!6 s Mary Mellgren196 13

Travis Miller arrives in Paradise Peak looking for peace and forgivenesses. After twenty years in prison he wants to wants to atone for his past. He meets Red and he offers a place for the night in exchange for cleaning his fish.5 s Sally Lindsay-briggs742 40

A very scenic story set in Paradise Peak, lots of beauty at this ranch, co-owned by Sam and Margaret. Travis is invited to stay but he has secrets and he needs a family.
Hannah is there as well and they are attracted to each other. This isn’t a novel with much pizazz but it is appealing, calming and a perfect opportunity for a literary vacation to Tennessee. Thanks for this Goodreads book. Thank you Janet Dailey.3 s E-Reader Addict1,181 44

Paradise Peak is a heartwarming story about earning redemption and getting a second chance at life.

Travis Alden made a terrible choice when he was 18. It landed him in jail for 20 years. Now, 38 and finally a free man, he’s determined to make amends to the family that was victim of his reckless behavior.

When Travis runs into a man by a stream in the mountains near Paradise Peak, he has no idea Red will take him to the exact place he was wanting to go. But before he’s able to get over his shock at being face to face with the person he intended to find, he’s landed himself a place to live, a job, and a name that isn’t exactly his. When an act of nature forces everyone on the mountain into survival mode, Travis earns respect with his heroic actions, finds the family he always wanted, and falls in love.

All before he works up the courage to come clean about why he’s in Paradise Peak.

I’ve read several other Janet Dailey books. She’s a very capable writer and storyteller. But there were a few things that didn’t quite connect with me in this book.

First, I had a hard time with the characterization of the hero. For someone who was basically a drug-taking, hard alcohol-drinking hoodlum in his youth who went to prison at 18 and was there for 20 years, he was rather well adjusted and gentle. You would expect someone that to be hardened and gruff and struggling to figure out how to live outside the confines of prison life.

Next, things followed a fairly predictable storyline. That didn’t necessarily bother me so much because the writing was good and things were heartwarming. But I kept thinking this would make an excellent Hallmark movie.

Lastly, the ending felt it ran out of steam. You know the truth is going to come out, you know it’s going to mean the hero has to leave his new-found family. But I hardly had time to feel upset that the couple was separated because everyone’s hurt feelings were resolved in less than 24 hours and then the heroine is magically able to find the hero wandering in the forest shortly after going out to look for him. The epilogue was good, but there could have been a little more grit to the ending conflict. Can you really get over such a big betrayal in such a short time?

Was this an enjoyable story? Sure. It was sweet to see Travis find the family he longed for as a child, and find people who loved him for the man he was now despite his past mistakes. But it also took me a whole week to read Paradise Peak, so as sweet as the story was, it wasn’t particularly compelling or engaging. I don’t books to have over-the-top or unnecessary angst, but this story could have used a bit more drama.

* thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review
netgalley2 s Yudit123

I had never read or heard of Janet Dailey before I won Paradise Peak (a book published posthumously) in a Goodreads giveaway.
Paradise Peak follows four characters all trying to forget their troubled pasts and create a better future for themselves. The story has strong themes of forgiveness, redemption, moving past grief, and what it means to be part of a family unit.
When I first began the book, I felt almost I was watching a Hallmark film because of how the dialog and characters followed the Hallmark formula. As the book went on, I found some of the characters' actions got less and less believable. Firstly, I thought that the book felt rushed and that the characters themselves went against their own convictions. Hannah, a character who was abused in a previous relationship trusts a stranger who appears at their farm after only a day of knowing him. I could see her trusting him after a few months or a year especially considering her background, but no, she trusts him only after a day. These little things rushed the story and I wasn't able to take the characters seriously. I also felt that the romantic scenes (I guess Janet Dailey is known as a romance author, so it makes sense she would have some romance) were a distraction from the story. I didn't mind the romances that blossomed in the book, but I thought that the descriptions of how the characters were feeling in their heads about one another (ie. "sexy dimple," "sensuous lips" etc.) were unnecessary.
Overall, I felt this was a mediocre story. And although it had such strong themes of redemption and forgiveness as mentioned earlier, I believe I can find these themes in better novels. giveaways novel2 s Jennifer Ritter886 21

Paradise Peak is the latest offering by prolific author Janet Dailey. This beautifully written story tells of redemption and second chances. Neil Travis Aldin made bad choices and did reckless things as a teenager and paid for his transgressions with 20 years of his life. But he isn’t bitter, he is sorrowful and wants to make amends to the lady whose daughter’s life his drunkenness cost.

Red Bartlett has loved from afar for decades. And now his love is his partner and shares his lodge, but that is where the boundary ends. However, coming forward with his feelings just might cost him the relationship he has.

Hannah Newsome, Red’s niece, has returned to his resort and works tirelessly. Having finally escaped an abusive marriage, Hannah is now at peace as she helps Red and tends the horses, all rescues. But Hannah has closed off her heart to protect from any future pain.

This group comes to rely on each other, surviving a major fire that takes a friend’s life and helping survivors rebuild. They have become as close as any family until Travis’s ugly secret comes to light. Then forgiveness becomes paramount, but can all who were subjected to his lies forgive and move on, forging permanent relationships?

This is a beautiful story that will bring a few tears but, ultimately much joy. I very much enjoyed this book and I do recommend it!2 s Paulla68

Dailey has been one of my favorite authors since I read my first book by here when I was in elementary school. Although I don't read many romances I still enjoy reading her books. As always she told a good story. It started off a bit slow but soon grabbed my attention and once it did I nearly finished the book in one sitting. Very good story about a man that is released from prison and his search to find the mother of the daughter he killed while driving drunk, the family he becomes a part of and the lady he falls in love with. I loved this book.giveaways1 Addie Yoder829 73

Paradise Peak was fast paced and intense! It was action packed and full of emotions. However, I almost wished for it to slow down a little (which is not where I normally go). It was so fast paced that I felt the relationships in the story missed a little depth. It was probably just what my brain needed, but I wished for a little more.1 Teresa109

I loved the storyline. I received this in a a giveaway on Goodreads. It is sometimes hard to believe that this family forgave him for what he did. I don't want to spoil it by telling you why I felt this way. Also you might want to keep some Kleenex near.

Thank you again! Now I want to read all of the American Series.giveaways1 Gail1,481

Another amazing story that holds your interest all the way to the end of the book.2021-alphabet-challenge1 Nancy1,164

Thank you NetGalley, Janet Dailey and Kensington Books for the ARC of Paradise Peak. This is my personal review.
Paradise Peak is a story of Travis and how he is out to seek forgiveness for a mistake he made twenty years before. He served the time in prison for his actions and was out to become a better man.
The people he meets on his journey change his life and makes him see he can become the man he wants to be with the friendship, love, and family he makes on his way to his life he knows by the end of the story.
I was drawn into the lives of the people in the book. It has me holding my breath as I read and in tears during other parts. I enjoyed every page of this book and can not wait to read the other books in this series.
This book is the 5th book in the New Americana Series by Janet Dailey.1 Bobbie1,082 10

I must say it has been awhile since I have read a Janet Dailey book but am so glad I decided to read this one. I thought the story was interesting, the characters were real and the writing was beautiful. Travis was a man just out of prison trying to atone for what happened twenty years earlier. As he is hitchhiking in the mountains of Tennessee he runs into Red, who is such a kind soul. He offers him a place to rest for the night at his ranch,along with the woman he shares the expense of his ranch with, and his niece who has come to Red to recover from her failed marriage. This is a story of redemption, of trust, and recovery. Although a strong romance, actually more than one, it is not an whimsical read. It reads Women’s fiction and even though i have not read any other of the New Americana books, I am so glad to have read this book. Beautifully done.1 Penny435 15

Thank you for the win! I love Janet Daily and her New Americana series. Travis Alden made a terrible choice at 18 and spends 20 years in jail. Paradise Peak is a heartwarming story about redemption and a second chance at life. Keep your tissues near.1 Linnea864 12

The story and characters kept me reading and not wanting to put the book down.books-in-series1 Sara619

Bring out the tissues. This was a great love story about second chances. There was drama, action, heartbreak and happiness. Amazing story.1 Mythili22

This was a tough read for me, not going to lie. Coming from someone who started off thinking the emotions that simply fall off the page is sappy, to actively crying towards the end of the book, it was a rollercoaster ride.

Travis was... flawed. Human. He's made mistakes, he paid for them, and now he was trying to make restitution for them. It was difficult for me as a person who holds grudges till kingdom come to read about an MC who's not the traditional alpha macho hero. By the end of the book, however, I realised that it's more the fact that I've got blinders on regarding forgiveness and subconsciously having avoided actively reading about heroes with depth and emotions, than anything else to do with the book.

I guess as a whole, I haven't read many romance books in which the hero's emotions and mental state are in front and centre. It mostly always the heroines who deal with pesky things emotions. Much Ronald Weasley, most male characters I've come across had the emotional range of a teaspoon. So, Travis gave me whiplash, not going to lie, which took some getting used to. But, once I opened my mind (thank you Janet for doing so) I actively got into the story.

Did the book have issues? Sure. The plotlines could have been crisper. Some characters were superfluous - sorry! It did get a bit tedious to read about people's emotional problems (however, I mentioned earlier, that's my problem, nothing to do with the book) But those are just minor quibbles.

If I had to criticize something, I'd say that as fleshed out as the character of Travis was, the rest of the characters weren't as detailed. Sure we find out a lot of information about the other folks, but it somehow didn't feel as weighted when compared to Travis. IMHO, obviously.

One thing that worked for in favour of this book, no OW/OM drama. Thank you! I'm so done with this trope, it's not funny!

The reason for the 5 stars rating, however, is simple: this book made me pause and question myself and my viewpoints. It made me take an honest and blunt stock of my own character. It made me realise that kindness is important and sometimes second chances can work it. In a nutshell, It made me second-guess my cynical nature.

Any book that has that effect needs to be given the highest rating - especially since I was expecting a light, if mindless read (not to insult the author or the book, but more to state that those were the fluffy kind of books I'd been reading recently which meant that it coloured my perception of the book going in. My mistake.)

I'm grateful for having read this book. Maybe it's not as emotionally hard-hitting to others, but I had to give a review and rating based on how I reacted to the book.

Final verdict: 4.75 rounded up to 5 stars.

P.S: I wasn't aware that this was a part of an ongoing albeit non-continuous series. However, having read the blurbs and the of the other books, I'm glad I read this one first. It seems to be the best book of the entire series. (Have to be honest, sorry!)

***ARC generously provided by Kensington Books via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*** Jan Fore755 22

Paradise Peak
Janet Dailey
January 26, 2021

Guilt, an emotion we all have, is a tough one to handle. How does one seek forgiveness for the sins we commit? In Janet Dailey’s Americanna series #5, Paradise Peak, Travis Alden finds himself traveling back to his homeland of Paradise Peak, the beautiful town in the Great Smoky Mountains. He has been released from prison and has made a vow to return to the scene of his crime to ask absolution from Margaret Owens. During his reckless years as a teen he was an alcoholic and drug abuser. The day that he was driving under the influence, hit a car and killed a girl who was coming home for a college visit. The last time he saw Margret and her husband, Philiip was in the courtroom where he was sentenced. Since then during his time in lockup he spent each day thinking about how he must revisit Margret’s family. He wrote letters to her while in prison and more since he has been walking the many miles toward the Smoky Mountains. He had attended monthly counseling sessions with others who also needed to find ways to seek forgiveness.
According to his calculations he was less than 10 miles from Paradise Peak. The area was just the same as when he left; beautiful, green and full of splendor. He hadn’t appreciated those things back then but now he knew he was becoming a new man. Down by the creek he saw an older gentleman fishing. It looked he was on quite a streak as he caught sight of him adding another fish to his cooler. When the man saw him, Travis was concerned, but no worries, Red smiled and greeted him as if he was an old friend. They spoke a while when Red asked him for a favor. He needed Travis to haul a cooler he had left at the lower part of the river trail up to his truck. He said it was heavy with his catch and he felt he might not be able to carry it. Travis walked the trail and found the cooler at the bottom, just as Red told him. After returning it to him, he lifted it into the truck doing the same with the other. Red offered him a ride back to his ranch, giving him a chance to sleep in one of the cabins on his property. In return perhaps Travis could do work for him.
This story was a promenade that led to Travis meeting with Margret. The fears within him followed. Perhaps if he confessed, he would never have the opportunity to show her that he was worth forgiving.
I have read other novels in the Americana series, this was a heartbreaker. Travis was a symbol for all of us. As I read I found myself feeling his pain. Sin then guilt is part of human life. Finding a way for pardon is a necessity to the circle. Bailey’s novel is well written and a good romantic read. She works lessons into her novels, many of which we know but need a reminder. Paradise Peak by Janet Dailey will be published by Zebra Books of Kensington Publishing Corporation on January 26, 2021. I appreciate their allowing me to read and review this title via NetGalley. Her books are excellent reads. This one especially found its way into my heart. Do enjoy it. Tony Parsons4,156 87

20 yrs.-ago. Neil Travis Alden (drunk driver) had killed Margaret’s daughter Niki Owens (20, med student).
February, Paradise Peak, TN. Great Smoky Mts. Neil Travis Alden (38, former inmate) watched as the forest fires were starting to get out of control.
He had stopped & rest & chatted with Red Bartlett an old fisherman.
Paradise Peak Ranch. They went to his cabin for dinner.
Travis met Hannah Newsome (niece, Paradise Peak Ranch stable mgr.) & then Margaret Owens (65, widow/mother, Paradise Peak Ranch co-owner).
Hannah stopped by Gloria B’s (Gloria Ulman owner) to get a few things & Travis Miller Was introduced to Vernon (husband, hearing impaired) also.

Next stop for Hannah & Travis is to pick up a black/white mare at Carl Lennox’s (mgr.) Misty Ridge Stables.
Zeke (boy) & Blondie (pup) were introduced.
Ben Tennyson’s (Liz’s husband) funeral was over.
Paradise Peak Ranch. Margaret invited Gloria, Vernon, Hannah, Liz Tennyson (Ben’s wife/mother, former equine), Zeke (Liz’s son), & Blondie to stay.
Hannah & Travis tended to the horses while Red & Margaret cleaned the lodge rooms.
Hannah had moved into Travis spare cabin & planted a beautiful garden.
The Carrollton family: Andrew, Kate, & their 3 boys; Xavier, Jacob, & Drew had lost everything in the fire & were happy to move into another of Travis’s old cabin.
Zeke was learning to ride Ginny (horse) with Travis help of course.
What were Carl & Travis discussing?

Friday night dance/BBQ. Everyone was having a great time except Hannah.

I do not receive any type of compensation for reading & reviewing free books from publishers & authors. Therefore, I am under no obligation to write a positive review, only an honest one.

An awesome book cover, great font & writing style. A very professionally written western romantic adventure book. It was quite easy for me to read/follow from start/finish & never a dull moment. There were no grammar/typo errors, nor any repetitive or out of line sequence sentences. Lots of exciting scenarios, with several twists/turns & a huge description list of unique characters, settings, facts etc. to keep track of. This could also make another great western romantic adventure movie, or better yet a mini-TV series. There is no doubt in my mind this is an extremely easy rating of 5 stars.

Thank you for the free author; Zebra Books; Goodreads; MakingConnections; Making Connections discussion group talk; Amazon Digital Services LLC.; book
Tony Parsons MSW (Washburn)
Nana714 12

I received an ARC from Kensington Books through NetGalley for an honest review.
Neil Travis Alden is getting out of prison after 20 years for killing a person when he was young and drunk. He is heading to Paradise Peak to try to find the mother of the girl he killed, Margaret Owens, to seek forgiveness and maybe be able to forgive himself. He walks from the prison to the Smokey Mountains and meets Red, who offers him a bed for the night if he will help him lug the bucket of fish he caught to the truck and help him clean them, filet them and put them on ice. He said he would so he went to Red's house. While he is cleaning the fish 2 women come out and one is Hannah and the other one is Margaret Owens. He doesn't tell her who he is but there is a lot of repairs needed on the ranch so he agrees to stay on. He tells them his name is Travis Miller.
They all stay on the ranch together and become friends. There is many things that happen and he starts to fall in love with Hannah. The day does come that he has to tell them the truth. It made me cry when he told them the truth. Janet Dailey did a really nice job telling this story. When Hannah said he wasn't Neil Travis Alden any more, he was Travis Miller, that was a surprise. You will have to read the book to find out if Margaret, Red, and Hannah can accept who he is or accept that he isn't the boy who killed Margaret's daughter.
There is many things we learn about Hannah, Red, Margaret, and Travis. It helps to realize it is the life they lived that made them who they are today. But it is also about choices and the choices they each made.netgalley JoAnne2,827 26

Paradise Peak is part of the New Americana series and I can't wait to read more of these books. This book is set in Tennessee and held my interest from the first page to the last. There was a depth to the characters, wonderful scenic descriptions and multiple storylines woven seamlessly together. My emotions were engaged and I had tears in my eyes several times throughout but especially at the end.

This is Travis' story along with Red, Margaret and Hannah. Their lives were interwoven and not only on the ranch when he becomes an employee to help renovate and update the grounds, the cabins, the stable and anywhere else that sprucing up is needed. It was interesting how he even came to be in the area since he's from a different part of Tennessee and his past is something he's not proud of but wants forgiveness for. Red and Margaret are the co-owners of the ranch and she has big ideas for the ranch's future even if she is a silent partner. Red's niece Hannah has her own past that she's not proud of and I loved how she and Travis were drawn together.

There are secrets, unknown histories, wildfires, devastation, death, horses, family and friends, secrets, community spirit, new life brought into an old property, romance and love. The characters were hard not to . There was nice closure and a happily ever after in the epilogue. I loved the cover.

Ms. Dailey is an author whose books I've enjoyed throughout the years especially those with rugged cowboys. Madoka Kamimura Mason289 7

Janet Dailey brings us The New Americana Series with Travis and Hannah. Travis Alden comes to Paradise Peak in search of absolution from Margaret Owens. And to start over after spending the last twenty years behind bars. He ends up meeting Red Bartlett who manages to wrangle Travis to come back with him to help out at his ranch. Here, he is met with kindness and love. A trio of strangers welcome him and open their home and hearts to him. But, Travis has a secret that could ruin everything he has been building with these people. There will come a time when he has to reveal all and then leave it all behind.

Will Travis be able to meet Margaret Owens and ask for forgiveness? Will she give it to him? Will this secret tear apart Travis and Hannah or will who he is win them over rather than who he was?

Janet Dailey gives an opener that makes you want to keep turning the page until you find out the outcome of the reveal of his secret. I enjoyed going on this journey with Travis and Hannah as they discover each other and if they allow the past to ruin their future. I look forward to reading more from Janet Dailey.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I would to thank NetGalley and Kensington Books for this privilege. Susan1,955 33

Travis is an ex-con. He is walking to Paradise Peak to make amends, hoping for forgiveness. He run into an older man who is fishing. He has Travis go home with him for a fish fry. Travis discovers the woman he wants to make amends to Isaac the ranch. She doesn’t recognize him but does greet him warmly. At lunch, he meets Haannaah the older man’s niece. She is helping with the horses and her uncle to renovate the ranch. The ranch was once a place where people came on vacation that was thriving but has gone out of popularity. Travis agree to help with the renovation of the ranch. Travis becomes interested in Hannah but they both have secrets about their former lives. A wildfire nearby erupts. Will the wildfire change course and burn down the ranch?

The novel is so much more than a romance novel. It’s about relationships, friendship, mistakes and fear. The author has written the characters so so well, I could see them. I love the novel. It drew me in not only for the plot but for the emotions I felt. The ending is perfect though I am curious if the author would do a sequel to the Paradice Peak ranch two couples as I have really fallen for them both. I will miss them. I am so glad I got to read this! Kevin751 15

Forgiveness is a beautiful gift.

Neil Travis Alden is headed toward Paradise Peak seeking forgiveness from Margaret Owens, mother of the girl that Alden, while driving drunk, killed. While walking toward hos destination, he meets Red Bartlett, who offers Travis a place to spend the night in exchange for cleaning the bass and trout Red caught while fishing.

At Paradise Peak Ranch, Travis meets Red's niece Hannah and the woman he was on hos way to find. While Hannah is leery of Travis Miller (the name Alden gave Red), Margaret is welcoming. The four become friends and then family, but the truth has a need of being revealed and Travis may find himself on the outside of love again.

Janet Dailey once again will remind readers why she is a master of the romance novel as she develops the characters and allows love to bloom between Travis and Hannah before the ugly truth comes out and all have to decide whether to dwell in the pain and hurt of the past or to take a chance on a future with love and forgiveness.

I received an eARC from Zebra/Kensington Books through NetGalley, for which I thank them. All opinions are mine. Claire673 9

I received Paradise Peak as part of a Goodreads giveaway.

Travis Miller rolls into Paradise Peak, TN on a mission: to made amends to the woman whose live he irrevocably devastated two decades ago. By chance, he meets her on the beautiful but rundown mountain ranch she co-owns, but circumstances prevent him from revealing his identity, leaving him a mystery to her, her business partner Red, and Red's niece Hannah. Hannah has a dark past of her own, one that leaves her skeptical of the enigmatic newcomer, but as they work together and Travis finds himself settling in to the community, they find in one another a kindred spirit and possibly, a second chance at love...but only once Travis comes clean to the little family he's come to love.

This was a nice little story of forgiveness and redemption. The cast of characters is fairly small, and un so many current romance series with a huge universe full of people who will be paired up in future volumes, I appreciated the more intimate scale. The surrounding landscape of Eastern Tennessee is beautifully drawn and provides a nice backdrop to the main love story, which--it not earth-shakingly passionate--is powerful in its quietness. Miriam Wolfe727 9

This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

I have to say that this book really touched me, and it really takes an emotionally packed book to bring me to tears, and that doesn't happen often.

Travis spent twenty years in jail for vehicular manslaughter and now wants to find Margaret to apologize and give her the letters that he had written to her during his prison stay.. He meets Red who invites him to a meal and a night in a cabin for helping out.

As the book goes along, you find that Travis really had a rough childhood and the accident he caused was a wake up call to him that changed him. He stays there to help out and really wants to pay it back since that is the only way that he can show he changed but knows that when he finally tells them who he really is, it is going to be the end of his stay there.

The wildfire part was so hard when one of the characters dies and then Travis's secret is exposed and Margaret does not take it well. This part was so hard to read and filled with such pain that I was in tears for his pain.

Fortunately, this was quickly resolved and Travis and Hannah got their HEA. Aquilla Higgins118

A must read for any Janet Daily fans!

How far will a man have to go to seek forgiveness from someone he wronged as a young boy? And who is to say that forgiveness will be granted? Is it possible to look past the boy and see the man?

The miles that Travis had to walk to meet his past mistakes brings him to the mountains and Paradise Peak, to face his past head on, but will he find more than just forgiveness? A stranger crosses his path and offers him a bed to sleep for the night, and brings him one step closer to owning and man up to the wrongs he made.

It is at Paradise Peak that Travis comes face-to-face with his past but his own doubts prevents him from revealing his true identity and he carries the burden around...

When he took the offer from a stranger to stay on their ranch, little did Travis know that he would find more than what he bargained for when he meets the beautiful Hannah. Not daring to look too far into the future, Travis tries to keep his distance from her. What woman would look twice at him knowing the bad things he had done? But is there hope for Travis, can he be the man that Hannah needs? When Hannah has a broken past herself.... Penny Leidecker2,500 25

It’s been a few months since I’ve read anything by this amazing author and she didn’t disappoint with Paradise Peak. I cried, laughed, and fell in love with these wonderful characters. Travis comes to Paradise Peak for redemption from what he did as a teenager. He’s served his time and now wants to try to help his victim’s mom, in any way he can. Margaret is who he hopes to get absolution from. Hannah came to her uncle’s ranch, after leaving her abusive husband. Red co-owns Paradise Peak Ranch with Margaret. He’s been in love with her for years. Will Travis get what he’s hoping for or will they send him packing when he reveals his true identity? I won’t leave any spoilers, but I will say, this is the kind of book that will stay with you, long after the last page has been read. I look forward to reading more books from this wonderful storyteller.

I received an advanced reader copy of this book from NetGalley and this is my voluntary and honest review. Rosie Trzewik666 5

Beautiful story of guilt, forgiveness and love. Travis has spent 20 years in jail for vehicle homicide and seeks forgiveness from the mother of the girl who died in the accident. Hiking through the Smokies to reach Paradise Peak he meets Red, who invites him for dinner and a place to spend the night. Red feels sorry for the quiet stranger and wants to help someone who looks down on his luck.
Small world that it is, once Travis gets to Paradise Peak Ranch he meets Margaret the women who he wants to asked for forgiveness. She give him a friendly welcome and doesn’t recognize the man he is today. Not seeing the youth Neil Travis Alden, who was a addict and killed her daughter. He doesn’t get the same welcome from Red’s niece Hannah. There are many ups and downs and a hero is born, but the guilt of keeping his true identity a secret is tearing Travis apart. Have the tissues handy. Kimberly1,449 13

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