
Fancy Nancy: The Case of the Disappearing Doll de Jane O'Connor

de Jane O'Connor - Género: English
libro gratis Fancy Nancy: The Case of the Disappearing Doll


It’s time for a tea party, but Nancy’s doll, Marabelle, is nowhere to be found! Nancy and Bree will have to be sleuths (which is a fancy way of saying people who solve mysteries!) to crack the case of the disappearing doll. Disney Junior’s Fancy Nancy: The Case of the Disappearing Doll is a Level One I Can Read, perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences.

Disney Junior’s Fancy Nancy is an animated family comedy starring six-year-old Nancy, a girl who is fancy in everything from her advanced vocabulary to her creative, elaborate attire. The show is based on the New York Times bestselling book series Fancy Nancy by Jane O’Connor and Robin Preiss Glasser.

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It’s Gender Reversal Day here on Goodreads as I review One for the Money.

So Samuel Plum is an underwear buyer for a retail store who has recently lost his job. Desperate for cash, he blackmails his pervert cousin who runs a bail bonds agency into letting him go after a cop named Jane Morellie who was accused of murder and then skipped. There may be a personal revenge motive for Samuel in this because Jane is the girl who seduced him and took his virginity in high school. Since she never called him again, Samuel felt justified in running her over with a car and breaking her leg shortly after that.

Now Jane is worth $10,000. Even though he has absolutely no experience or training in law enforcement or as a bounty hunter, Samuel decides he’s going to capture her. He almost immediately stumbles across Jane who basically laughs at him and walks away. So Samuel gets a pistol he doesn’t know how to use or even load. He also allows his senile grandfather to get a hold of the gun because who doesn’t love it when the elderly start waving handguns around in a room full of family members?

Samuel’s inexperience quickly gets him into more trouble after he gets assaulted by a female boxer who tries to rape him. Rather than pull his gun on the boxer, he panics and hits her with his man purse. Things get even worse as Jane repeatedly shows up to humiliate him and then get away again. Samuel also gets another person shot when a fugitive takes away his man purse with the gun while Samuel just stands there and allows it to happen. Plus, Samuel’s failure to report the boxer to the police for the attack on him because he doesn’t want to look weak allows two innocent people to be brutally raped and assaulted.

Samuel is obviously a moron who has no business running around with a gun and hand cuffs. He also seems to be criminally negligent, and he probably should have been in prison already for running over a sex partner. He also steals Jane’s car when he gets tired of driving his own piece of shit so even though he’s supposedly on the side of law and order, he’s guilty of carrying a concealed weapon and grand theft auto.

Samuel is such a nitwit that I have no idea how I’m supposed to relate or sympathize with him. If this was some kind of comic farce, then I could see how a loser getting humiliated by the fugitives he’s supposed to be chasing would be funny, but that kind of goes out the window with the psychotic rapist boxer thing and people getting shot due to Samuel’s utter failure as a bounty hunter.

In conclusion, I’ll say that Samuel Plum is a fucktarded asshat who should be beaten with….Oh, wait. Gender Reversal Day was yesterday? And it’s Stephanie Plum, not Samuel? Oh….. I guess in that case she’s just a spunky heroine and her vehicular assault on a former lover, overall gross incompetence and insistence on trying to do a job she has no training or qualifications for is just another example of womanly independence. Girl Power!

Now, Stephanie, if you’d just step into this dark alley, there’s a few ladies who’d a word with you. Oh, don’t worry, it’s just FBI Special Agent Clarice Starling, US Marshal Karen Sisco, Ree Dolly from the Ozarks and Lisbeth Salander from Sweden. They’d to have a little talk regarding what you’ve done to the image of female heroes in crime fiction. 2012 craptacular crime-mystery572 s Claire Greene23 71

I. LOVE. THESE. BOOKS. SERIOUSLY. I am obsessed with this series. And you know when your brain keeps telling you that this is ridiculous, there must be a hundred books that are written better, or a better mystery, or whatever? Well, I don't care!!! This series is my ultimate guilty pleasure. I was hooked with the first one and have read the entire series thus far - including all the stupid mini books in-between. Now, those mini books I could do without and they always feel an attempt to make sure they even got the loose change in my pockets, but I still get them anyway because it is a fix until I can get the real thing. So what is so great about them? Stephanie - hilarious. I laugh out loud (a rarity for me when reading a book) constantly when reading these books. I love the murder mysteries which are often at least a step above the formula ones. I love the triangle between Ranger and Morelli and Stephanie. That is something that often gets old for me in other books or TV shows, etc. but for some reason, it just doesn't get old here for me. 13 books in and I am still captivated by the tension between the three. I love the setting - being from CT and living in NY and knowing people from Jersey - she nails that dead on! I mean, an exaggeration of it but still.... And the quirky characters. I love that. I books that the people are really odd and funny. But it still has to be believable - I hate odd just for the sake of odd - , hey look at me - I'm wacky - wocka wocka!! But these characters are so outrageous and I still find myself being able to believe it and go along with the book. Do things get repetitive? Sure, I mean, she blows up a car in every single book. But for me, that makes it all the more funny - I can't help it, I laugh every single time. I love how she is so clumsy and crazy and manages to get things done in spite of herself. I love how she is always battling her weight - that constant struggle between carrots and carrot cake! I love her family, the situations she gets in, her friends, her grandmother.... Really, did I mention I love these books? I can't explain it, but I am compulsive about buying the next one as soon as it comes out in paperback and I have kept the entire set and read it through again a few times. I feel that the story just gets better and better as you know the characters more and she doesn't have to spend time introducing them, she can just get on to the chaos. I tried to talk my mom into reading these books and she just couldn't get past the introduction to Morelli (which IS pretty odd - basically two kids experimenting - I just ignore it and skipped beyond it and was able to enjoy the rest of it) and all - I think she was a little too uptight (sorry mom!) to enjoy the whole feel of the series. If I had to sum up the series, I think it would have to be Funny, fast and loose!250 s JamesAuthor 20 books3,945

Pure gold in humor! 4 unforgettable characters: Stephanie Plum, Joe Morelli, Ranger and Grandma Mazur. Let's do a lil' recap:

Stephanie: Your everyday girl... with great humor, a bit of sass, lots of determination and an inability to know her limits. But each and every time you root for her to win!

Joe: Honest. Smart. Good-looking. Apparently great in bed. Knows his food. Wants to make Stephanie happy. But knows his limits.

Ranger: Everyone's secret freebie. Apparently a god. Attitude that won't quit but turns you on at the same time. Always finds you just in time, that is, before you get yourself into too much trouble.

Grandma: OMG, can you be any funnier? She has a gun. And she shoots it often. But she's whacked out most of the time. I NEED to meet her.

So... 20-something books to go in the series, but this first one will hook you right away. I need to keep on reading.1-fiction 3-multi-book-series145 s Jessica631

Dribble, dribble, dribble. To amuse myself I compiled a top 5 list of things from this book that any future bookclubs book shouldn't include:

1- a herioine who regularly wears spandex shorts (I see it was wrote in 1994, still...that was past the 80's...no excuses).

2- the term "crotch wrinkles." Used in a sentence: "By five o'clock I was feeling antsy, and my rayon skirt had serious crotch wrinkles."

3- a scene where a man masturbates on Ms. Plum's door (or any woman's door)

4- the term "boinked" especially if it is used multiple times through out the book

5- sexual references regarding a cousin and a duck, and using these as blackmail (for the record any person and a duck shouldn't be allowed, regardless of blackmail)

r122 s1 comment Erin288 23

Sometimes you just need to read a book this. With mediocre writing and a plot as see-through as Grandma's underpants, it will take your mind off life's more substantial material for a while. 121 s Tina Loves To Read2,694 1 follower

This is a Humor Cozy Mystery, and this is the first book in Stephanie Plum series. I have been reading the Stephanie plum series as I find them not in order. I have to say this book is so good, and it shows how Stephanie gets into bounty hunter as will how she meets her two lovers. I have to say this one is not as funny as the other books in this series I have read.audiobooks cozy-mystery series74 s Nicole783 2,255

The name Janet Evanovich is one that I have seen a lot in the last few months and it stuck me. A few weeks ago, I discovered this series and honestly, I’m wondering now how I didn’t know it existed before. I would’ve definitely started it already if I knew about it. But better late than never.

We have Stephanie Plum, a broke recently unemployed and divorced woman who is in desperate need of a job. There’s a bounty on Joe Morelli so she decides to become a bounty hunter and have him arrested. Her history with Morelli only fuel her resolve to catch him. However, the book soon becomes a mystery and Stephanie is trying to solve it in a way.

The book was short and fun to listen to. But I would’ve judged it better if I had read it. Not to say the narrator wasn’t good because she was. She had a distinctive voice that a woman Stephanie would probably have. But. The problem here is me and this is not the sort of book I prefer to read in this format. Assuming that it is Sophie Kinsella’s books but with mystery added to it, I simply thought that the audio would be good enough. Sadly, I didn’t connect with the characters nor “go through” the events with Stephanie. I will read the next book to give it a fairer shot.

Stephanie was entertaining and I d her. Plum was stumbling in New Jersey trying to catch the criminal while obviously she knows nothing about how it’s done. We see her learn and work on improving her skills. The grandma was another highlight of this book. The chemistry between her and Joe was obvious. Their banter was amusing.

One for Money was a fun light read. I recommend it if you want a break from heavy books and want to enjoy a humorous story with likable characters. Don’t assume you’ll meet a new favorite – you won’t. Don’t think it’s an exceptional mystery either – it’s not. it’s simply, many said already, a “popcorn book”.2020 audiobooks fiction ...more67 s Jilly1,838 6,361

Ah, the '90's. Bike shorts, slouchy socks with high-top Reeboks, scrunchies, day-glow.

Stephanie Plum is a New Jersey '90's girl who is out of work. She finagles her way into working for her cousin who is a bail-bondsman. Her job is to catch this guy who took her virginity and she's known most of her life, and turn him into the police. He was a cop who supposedly shot an unarmed man and he skipped out on his bail. If she catches him, she will get $10,000. And, she is pretty desperate for money. , sold-all-of-her-stuff, no-food-to-eat desperate.

But, Stephanie is completely out of her league and has no idea what she is doing. This makes for much hilarity as she bumbles and stumbles her way around. She has no trouble finding the guy - Morelli, it's just that she's not exactly sure how to bring him in.

"He left."

"Shit," Ranger said. "Didn't anybody tell you that you were supposed to stop him?"

"I asked him to come to the police station with me, but he said he didn't want to."

Another bark of laughter....

Stupid uncooperative bail-jumper!

Plus, she is kind of conflicted about him:

Catching Morelli would be difficult. And turning him back in to the court would feel mean.

Oh, well if it would feel mean then you shouldn't do your job.

This book was just hilarious. I loved Stephanie, Morelli, Stephanie's family, and all of the side characters. Also, Stephanie has a hamster named Rex. I love him the most! Hamsters are little furry angels that were sent to make us have cute-explosions.

No, no! You're just big-boned. And adorable!

I know I'm about 20 years late for this party, but it works out nicely because I've got over 20 books already out that I can binge-read. And, I can't wait for Stephanie to get a cell phone. It's going to rock her world! (How the hell did we ever live without them?)

contemporary-fiction girls-i-want-to-hang-out-with mystery63 s Kay ?*¨2,170 1,031

I want to get the feel of the earlier books having started this series midway a couple of years ago. And no, I'm not planning to read/listen to the whole back catalog which would be about 20 books. I enjoy this series from time to time but don't think I love it enough to binge it. Nice to meet Stephanie, Morelli, Ranger, Lula, and Grandma Mazur!

These earlier books have different narrators and are not as good as Lorelei King.audiobook crime fiction ...more65 s14 comments Inara541 234

Funny and light-hearted book with a able heroine who never loses track of her goal to earn 10,000 dollars as a bounty hunter. Too bad it´s an old ex-lover she has to find but then - she still has a bone to pick with him....
This first book in the series made me jump outright on the Stephanie Plum-bandwagon and I prepare myself for an enjoyable ride!author-janet-evanovich book-clearing novels-comedy-humor ...more57 s Megs ?160 1,304

The movie came out a few weeks ago, and I haven't seen it yet. I figured this would be a good time to write a review about this book, since I read it a few months ago, but never got a chance to review it.

This book was highly recommended to me, because although I really do read a bit of everything I find chick-lit to be the most entertaining. When I'm in a bad mood I can sit down with a chick-lit about some crazy chick with usually unrealistic problems that makes my life seem boring and laugh my butt off until my mood perks up. Chick-lit is chocolate to me in that way.

I know that comedy is subjective, but I didn't laugh reading this book once. I don't get it. That was supposedly this books biggest selling point. Also, I was able to read the whole thing since it was super short, but I thought about quitting this one about 10 times in a very short period. Why? It just wasn't that interesting. Stephanie is a broke girl who decides to become a bounty hunter to make money. The first person she needs to pick up is a guy that she hooked up with years ago. Most of the book seemed really corny to me, and that's saying a lot, considering I normally don't mind that in chick-lits. The plot was pretty boring, predictable and unable to hold my attention.

The characters. They were genuine and felt real, but again didn't interest me at all. The love triangle starts from book one, and now here we are several years, and many books later and apparently that's still her big choice?

Needless to say this is one of the most hyped, critically acclaimed chick-lits I have ever heard of. Everyone who is into cozies always says this is the best. Also, everyone who recommended it said those things "I'm hooked" or "You will NOT be able to put this one down!"...Me? Not so much.

I'm wondering if I'm missing something here or if the series just improves greatly as the books go on. Right now after reading "One for the Money" I don't think Stephanie, her love triangle, and her strange family are people I want to invest the time in. There are 18 books so far to this series now I think. I will probably try #2 in the future since everyone highly recommended this series to me, and some have insisted that it get's better.

This book obviously has tons of fans so I recommend if you chick-lit give it a try and see how you it. I feel I'm one of the only women in the world who isn't a fan of this series, but oh well.

I will stick with Sophie Kinsella for my chick-lit fixes from now on.

1.5/5 starsbooks-2-movies disappointing e-books ...more57 s Kelly (and the Book Boar)2,577 8,791

Find all of my at: http://52bookminimum.blogspot.com/

Dear Janet E:

Actually, that’s a boldface lie. I obviously have no desire to ever give up on our one-sided relationship. I mean, I’ve faithfully read about Stephanie Plum, her exploding cars, her gun-toting Granny, her former ho bestie, and her will she-won’t she relationships for over 10 years now. Not to mention all of her other series I’ve dabbled in, as well as some of her romance books, and dare I forget the pretty godawful movie version of this one that I just haaaaaad to watch . . . .

When I saw my friend Beverly was giving this a listen, I thought it might be right up my alley. Since my commute isn’t very long, I prefer shortie shorts that don’t require me to remember a lot of details in order to stay involved in the story. My mind tends to wander when dealing with the spoken rather than written word. You know what I mean . . . .

Twenty-plus books into this series, I forgot how solid this first one was. The slapstick level had not yet appeared, nor had the never-ending love triangle. Lula was still an actual ho and Stephanie had to contend with a pretty rough bad guy instead of the flashers of her future. But the most important thing? Lori Petty’s narration . . . . .

Holy crap she was good. Which means I’ll probably end up falling down this dang rabbit hole and re-experiencing these all over again . . . .

arcs guilty-pleasure i-need-a-12-step-program ...more50 s Tea Jovanovi?Author 346 books717

bozanstven humor, zabavno... autorka je divna koliko i njena junakinja Stefani Plam... imala sam to zadovoljstvo da je upoznam na sajmu u Njujorku davne 2002. I divna je koliko i njene knjige... To mi je jedno od najdražih iskustava :)
editor-of-serbian-edition49 s Belle550 562

5/5 stars

This has quickly become a favourite of mine, it was recommended to me by my mum who regularly rereads the series, and spends the entire time laughing loudly to herself. And my expectations were exceeded. I am not a person who shows emotion when reading, and I never laugh out loud. Ever.

While I was reading this book, I had numerous people, including my family, ask if I was okay. I got strange looks from people on the train and in the coffee shop. No matter where it was, I ended up hysterically laughing to myself—it wasn’t a pretty sight.

This book follows Stephanie Plum, a girl from the ‘Burg as she becomes a bounty hunter out of pure desperation. Her car had been repossessed and she's barely hanging onto her apartment after she lost her job as a Lingerie buyer. She blackmails her cousin Vinnie into giving her the job, and Joe Morelli’s case.

Joe Morelli is a cop who missed his court appearance for murder, but he claims it was in self-defence. Stephanie has a past with Joe, him being her first and her later ‘accidentally’ mowing him with her father’s car.

The two are ridiculously hilarious, their banter and relationship were the highlight of the book.

Stephanie is just a typical person, she has no experience in Bounty Hunting and manages to mess up every situation she stumbles across, she's clumsy and loud mouthed and I loved her to death. She was completely and utterly normal, the only exceptional thing about her was her humour and ability to attract calamity.

She was completely and utterly awkward, and I related so hard.

Truly don’t have enough good words to speak about this book, so I’m moving straight into the second one.


The most fun I've had reading a book in a long time, I was dying of laughter at work, on the bus and every other place where it's slightly awkward to burst out laughing.books-i-own favorites46 s Tatiana1,446 11.5k

I've been seeing Evanovich books for years and not even once was I compelled to give them another look or find out if they were worth my time. I kind of regret it now.

This 1st book in the series about a female bounty hunter set in New Jersey ethnic neighborhood was quite a pleasure to read. The book was written about 15 years ago and definitely felt dated in many ways, especially in regards to "fashion" - spandex shorts, big hair, hoop earrings and all that. But the humor remained fresh, Plum/Morelli dynamic duo was a lot of fun to follow, and the mystery involving Hispanic and Italian gangsters, prostitutes, a crazy boxer and drugs was an original one.

I am not rushing into reading the 2nd book in the series, mostly because I don't want to overdose on them and there is a million books in the series, so catching up is impossible. But I will definitely check the next book out whenever I am in a mood for a fast-paced funny mystery.2010 mysteries-thrillers-horror46 s Danielle939 531

This one was on my TBR for over a decade.
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