
After the Fire de Jane Casey

de Jane Casey - Género: English
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London police detective Maeve Kerrigan has spent plenty of time at Murchison House. One of the many cement high-rise towers comprising the Maudling Estate housing project, Murchison House is home to a motley mix of society. From domestic abuse victims and elderly widows with nowhere else to turn to its flourishing criminal elements, Maeve is familiar with many of its occupants by name or reputation.

But when a fire breaks out at Murchison House that consumes the top floors and leaves three dead, Maeve and her colleagues are startled to learn the identity of one of the victims. Geoff Armstrong was a wealthy, notoriously right-wing London politician—the last person they'd expect to find in a place like the Maudling Estate. And things get even murkier when evidence surfaces indicating Armstrong was murdered before the fire broke out. Was his death connected to the fire? To the other deaths at Murchison House? And what was he doing there in the first place? What Maeve...

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Reread Complete 1/3. Below is original review from first time round.

I am absolutely in love with this series. Completely hook line and sinker. They really do just keep getting better and bettter. Also they have Derwent. Which basically makes them better STILL. If that’s possible.

Anyway before I go off on a Derwent love tangent, After the Fire is the 6th book in the Maeve Kerrigan series, but can easily be read on its own merits – in this instalment Maeve is attempting to deal with a problem from her past when she is thrown into a new and traumatic case. A fire has taken lives – but was it arson or accident? As Maeve and co investigate it seems as if everyone has something to hide..

There are some serious strengths to this series as a whole, mainly the absolutely organic way Jane Casey merges her mystery and character elements – Neither one is secondary to the other, they work together in perfect harmony. Each new case for Maeve has a different feel, an authentic edge and a frankly blinking annoying addictive quality – just try and put the darn thing down once you pick it up – my kindle went literally everywhere with me for three days straight. Really well constructed, character driven always and ever intriguing.

On the character front, there really is such a great reality to them, I honestly feel I’ve met them, they pop so much – straight off the page and into your heart. Yes I will do the Derwent thing in a minute but lets give a nod to the girl without whom the whole thing would fall apart – Maeve Kerrigan herself. If you are looking for the very definition of a strong and independant female protagonist then here she is right here – beautifully drawn, a little clumsy, a bit damaged but never falling, Maeve is easy to love and very funny. She is the glue that holds the whole thing together, a girl after my own heart and her ongoing story is fascinating.

Ok here we go then – Derwent. Sidekick to Maeve (he would say it is the other way round) and her boss (although she basically rolls her eyes at that as she’s always getting him out of trouble) he is without doubt one of my favourite fictional characters ever. In ANY genre. He is horrible. He is lovely. An old school bad boy of the sort I used to run with in my mis-spent youth, he is a fictional character who is real enough to elicit a genuine emotional response. I’m not sure whether I’d to bed him or kick him, the main thing about Derwent is he is just so beautifully normal. Not politically correct in any sense of the word, yet still you’ll love him. Or you’ll hate him. Either way it will be an absolutely pure response.

The relationship between Maeve and Derwent gives all the novels an edge that I think it would be impossible to get anywhere else- they are intensely hilarious, there is one scene in this book that had me giggling an idiot (on the bus as well, but to be fair I’m used to the strange looks now). The heart of it though is a growing friendship that lights up the page. I may fangirl over Derwent but I can’t imagine one without the other at all now – although he did not appear until book 2.

I wouldn’t want you to think they are it – ALL the characters in the Kerrigan series are given the same touch – all brilliantly drawn, the ones you meet every time and the ones you only see through one investigation. The rest of the team are perfectly placed to give the police procedural elements an anchor – in “After the Fire” especially there is a real punch to the guts to be had – sob – but no spoilers you’ll have to wait and see.

It may have come across that I slightly love these books. Just a bit eh? Anyway they are all absolutely Highly Recommended by me – if you have not read them yet then I would seriously consider doing so. You won’t be disappointed. I especially of course want more from Derwent, So much so that I made up a hashtag. #AMDAP. As much Derwent as possible please! Just make sure Maeve is along for the ride. Otherwise he’ll probably start the apocalypse.books-for-my-soul everyone-should-read-this-book favourite-series ...more61 s Maxine (Booklover Catlady)1,358 1,333

I have just loved every book I have read in the Maeve Kerrigan series, you just cannot go wrong with it. After the Fire did not let me down and was a really fantastic read with a lot of brilliant elements that made it shine.

Jane Casey knows how to make her characters come to life, as if they are standing right there next to you. I love Maeve Kerrigan, so much light and shade there, a really fascinating character. I adore the way she goes after a case a dog with a bone, not giving up until the answers are revealed.

Is it an arson, accident or murder? After a fire rips through a North London tower block, two bodies are found locked in their 11th floor flat. But is the third victim that ensures the presence of detective Maeve Kerrigan and the murder squad. It appears that controversial MP Geoff Armstrong, trapped by the fire, chose to jump to his death rather than wait for rescue.

But what was such a right wing politician doing in the deprived, culturally diverse Maudling Estate? As Maeve and her senior colleague, Derwent, pick through the wreckage, they uncover the secret world of the 11th floor, where everyone seems to have something to hide...

This one kicks of with a great beginning and then just keeps you hooked all the way. The lives of everyday people are brought into the open and inspected and exposed as the police investigate the fire in the block of flats and the mystery bodies left in it's wake. It's one of those that has just about everybody appearing to be a suspect.

I love the descriptive writing about the estate where all this occurs, a concrete jungle that hides criminals, drugs, sadness and where a lack of hope is tangible.

Delving into real human emotion whilst being a fantastic crime read, I cannot recommend this series highly enough to crime lovers. It's well written, the plot is tight and exciting, the pace is steady but really hold your attention and before you know it you are at the end and ready for another in this great series.

Loved it. 5 paw prints from Booklover Catlady for this one. Add it to your list, in fact add the whole series to your list.

For more of my , book talk, competitions and more come see me at:


Thanks so much to the publisher for my copy of this book to review via NetGalley.crime-books-read favourite-authors-read maxines-favourites39 s ReadAlongWithSue ??. ??2,827 370

I took a long break from reading police procedures as they all seemed to be merging into one.

But then I noticed I had a backlist book from Netgalley that needed my attention, so I thought, ok, today is the day.

Although this is book 6 in the Maeve Kerrigan series I didn’t feel entirely that I was lost in the bases of this case only in backstory in certain ways.

This author writes and pulls in the mystery, the excitement and the reader by keeping you guessing. Well, that’s how it felt for me.

So what’s happening on level 11?
And what is this leading to?

A very well thought out plot with realistic characters.

Thoroughly enjoyed this.

If you mystery, DI procedures and things that keep you guessing. Here you are!net-galley part-of-series25 s Emma990 1,084

4.5 stars

I am converted and these are now on the must-read list. I finished this instalment in one day, gripped by the pacing and plot line. It was only recently that I read The Burning, which was an excellent start to a detective series. This was mainly due to Jane Casey's skill with her characters, something which has improved to mastery in book 6.

I am fascinated by the people in her books, from the main protagonists Maeve and Derwent, to the other police, side characters, and the dead. Each individual is a totality, a complete person without easy classification. I used Twitter to jokingly ask Casey whether I am supposed to Derwent or not, but I love that I'm not sure. He confounds the usual book tropes, that of 'love interest', 'grumpy, but harmless cop', 'sexless friend'. He can be seriously challenging, unable, and reckless. But he can also be protective, caring, reliable. people I know, and every reader knows, he is not one thing or another, his qualities don't all fall on the side of able or unable. His relationship with Maeve does not conform to the expected cliched romance.

Maeve Kerrigan is even better conceptualised. She faces challenges and is battered by them, for most of this novel she is struggling with her past relationships, current case, and being stalked by Swain (who is from a previous book that I hadn't read). She is not a superwoman, things affect her. She is intelligent and dedicated, her hard work helps solve cases. She's someone I want to know about, read about, and support. Staring at my Kindle screen, i'm cheering her all the way.

Many thanks to Jane Casey, St. Martin's Press, and Netgalley for this copy in exchange for an honest review.netgalley21 s Marie93 14

Josh Derwent. That is all.19 s Gary2,734 395

Thank you to Net Galley and Random House for giving me a copy of 'After the Fire' by Jane Casey in exchange for a honest review. Loved the book and was certainly impressed with the author but thought the title and cover design did it no favours. I asked for a copy due to the very good feedback I received from other Goodread friends or otherwise I don't think I would have been drawn to it.
This is the 6th book in the series and the fact that I hadn't read the previous five didn't detract from my enjoyment at all. The main character Maeve Kerrigan is a lot of fictional detectives a troubled person and that obviously leads to more interest. She is a very good character but it was her arrogant colleague Derwent who intrigued me more. This no nonsense character is an accident waiting to happen and certainly doesn't toe the line. The plot was good but for me it was more about the characters and the style of the writing that made it so enjoyable. A good sign for me was that after reading the first couple of chapters I was already looking up the author to see what other books were available. Yes I really enjoyed the book and intend to read the rest of the series very soon.16 s Julie4,147 38.2k

After the Fire by Jane Casey is a 2015 Minotaur publication

Once more Jane Casey creates a moody, turbulent, atmospheric crime story disguised as a standard police procedural. This series gets better with each installment and as far as modern British mysteries go, it has become one of my very favorites.
While it is not absolutely necessary to read the series in order, I still suggest you read the book immediately preceding this one in order to understand the relationships between the main cast of characters leading up to this book.
Overall, I am continually impressed with Jane Casey’s work. If you enjoy British mysteries, police procedurals or dark psychological thrillers, then you will probably find yourself as addicted to this series as I am.
This review is the copyrighted property of Night Owl Reviews. To read the full review, click on this link: https://www.nightowl.com/v5/Re...crime hardcover mystery13 s Sibel Gandy1,002 70

4,5 / 513 s Sonja?581 551


May 4th 2015
I need this book. . . in my life. in my bookshelf. And in my hands.
advance-reading-copy contemporary holy-shit-that-cliffhanger ...more10 s Leah1,514 248

Maeve goes maverick...

A fire in a block of flats leaves three people dead and one little girl terribly injured. The fire inspectors suspect it may have been arson and, when it turns out that one of the victims was a much-hated politician who had no known reason to be in the building, it looks as though murder may have been the aim. But as Maeve Kerrigan and the team begin to investigate, they discover that many of the residents have secrets, and that there is more than one possible motive for the arson.

This is another strong entry in the Maeve Kerrigan series, with a complex and interesting plot and Casey's trademark 'fair play' – the clues are all there, though the reader will probably only spot them after the solution is revealed. The setting of the block of flats allows Casey to develop several different story strands for the various residents, and she handles them with aplomb, making sure that each is brought to a satisfying conclusion. Two of the victims are women who have been trafficked into the sex trade; one is a lonely old woman, almost a prisoner in her flat because of the constantly-broken lift; another is in hiding with her young son from her abusive husband. Then there's the extended family who seem to be under the thumb of their elderly matriarch, and who are suspiciously well-off considering none of them seem to have legitimate jobs. Maeve, working again in partnership with Josh Derwent, must try to discover which of them was the target, in case the 'wrong' people died and the intended victim might still be in danger.

The running sub-plot regarding Maeve's stalker also continues in the background, and I fear in this storyline Maeve seems to be turning into a traditional maverick copper, willing to bend or break the rules and use - or instigate - violence even when it seems unnecessary. There's also a lot more angst in this than in the earlier books, with Maeve's personal life having taken a nose-dive. In fact, she doesn't actually seem to have a personal life any more – not even the fun phone messages from her mother. But then, I accept I seem to be in a small minority – of reviewers, certainly, though I'm less sure about the wider group of readers – who prefer their detectives not to be more messed up and violent than the criminals.

For the most part, however, the book concentrates on the main plot regarding the fire, and is at its strongest when it does, with Maeve behaving as the competent, team-playing officer she has always been. Una Burt is now in charge, and she and Maeve are beginning to appreciate each other a little more now that they're working more closely. Casey is always excellent at characterisation, and not just of the main characters. Each of the residents in the flats is well-drawn – she gives us enough information to make us care about them (or dis them, as appropriate) without bogging us down in endlessly detailed backstories.

The Maeve/Josh relationship is developed further, becoming something that feels almost dark as Maeve leans more and more heavily on this bullying, sexist, macho man, who is the only person she confides in, and who seems to have appointed himself her guardian and watchdog, telling her how to run her life outside work as well as in. I'm not at all sure where Casey is heading with it (hopefully not towards romance!), but it's intriguing, especially the way Maeve appears to be allowing him to control her. He seems as much of a stalker as her stalker at points, but at least this means he's always at hand to rescue her from the difficulties she's constantly getting herself into. In their lighter moments, however, the pair still provide the humour that lifts the tone of the book and keeps it an enjoyable read despite the darker and more maverick elements.

Overall, another strong outing that I am sure most fans will thoroughly enjoy. Because of the running storylines I would suggest that anyone new to the series should read them in order, starting with The Burning.

NB This book was provided for review by the publisher, Random House Ebury.

www.fictionfanblog.wordpress.com2015 crime9 s Sv323 105

Yine dur durak bilmeyen bir Kerrigan roman?yd?. Seri çok güzel gidiyor ama ilerleyen kitaplarda daha karanl?k bir hal almas?n? istiyorum aç?kças?. 8 s Deanna957 59

Casey has earned her place in the small top tier of my most admired and loved crime novelists. Each book in this series showcases her growing skill and unmissable talent.

This one once again surpassed the earlier books in stakes raised at all levels, deepening complexity of relationships and character, a signature curve of interest and tension from serious but leisurely to inexorable and startling. And boy can she stick an ending.

I have one more novel left in the series to catch up with what’s published. Do I hold back or race on?

8 s Cleopatra Pullen1,404 321

Another superb outing for Maeve Kerrigan in this, the sixth in the series. Although it isn’t necessary to have read the previous five books, in my opinion, you are missing out if you don’t read this series in order.

So what happens? Well there is a fire, always good when the title links to the content, at Murchison House on the Maudling Estate, the scene of the action in book five, The Kill. The fire took hold of the tenth and eleventh floors of the tower block and one of the fatalities is MP Geoff Armstrong but no-one knows what he was doing there. On the eleventh floor two bodies are found but with no identification, the police need to find out who the victims are and why they were locked into the flat. Added to that there is a boy who has lost his mother, an elderly woman who may have the key to the mystery and a young girl who has suffered horrific burns. The more the police probe, the more secrets are uncovered, but the investigators struggle to decide who was the target and what the motive was for this terrifying act of arson.

Luckily for us, but perhaps not so fortunate for Maeve. the new boss DCI Una Burt decides contrary to her previous thoughts that she should partner Derwent specifically to investigate whether the controversial MP was the target of arson and unsurprisingly she would the result before the last embers of the fire have burnt out. I have to admit at this point that I love Derwent…. He is annoying supercilious a womaniser and anything but a team player but there is something about him that appeals strongly and I am amazed that Maeve remains more or less impervious to his charms.

I’m a huge fan of Jane Casey’s books, and this one was, if anything, even better than those that have preceded it. The characters are an absolute delight, particularly Derwent who is arrogant and refuses to follow orders but who every now and again shows his softer side, something that is even more apparent in this outing. But the author doesn’t just confine her great characterisation to the police force, the victims and the bystanders are so realistic that I felt I knew them even if some of them are predictably repulsive.

There are multiple strands to the story, but at no time is there any hint of confusion as these are expertly handled, including the reappearance of Chris Swain the man who is stalking Maeve. This is a great story arc which despite being an extreme example accurately portrays the absolute single-minded nature of this kind of perpetrator.

Added to the great characters, a complex but not confusing plot, there are a few contemporary issues to explore and finally, there is no mistaking the setting, a North London council estate. I recommend this series to anyone who says they crime novels, there isn’t another series quite it!

I’d to say a huge thank you to Random House UK who allowed me to read this book which will be published on 18 June 2015.
crime crime-series favourite-2015 ...more6 s Nur ÖtkenAuthor 2 books37

Jane casey her kitapta daha çok ba?land???m ve daha da hayran kald???m bir yazar haline geldi. Kerrigan serisini gerçekten bitirmek istemiyorum. Ailem gibi oldular diyebilirim. :) Bu kurgu da inan?lmaz güzeldi. Binada ç?kan yang?ndan zarar gören ailelerin geçmi?leri, so?an gibi kat kat aç?lan zekice yaz?lm?? bir kitapt?. Ayr?ca meave'in kendi sorunlar? ile mücadelesi, Derwent ile ili?kisini okumak ayr?ca da zevkli. Tek sorun yay?nevinin çevirisi ve yaz?m hatalar?. Ama Casey gerçekten her kusuru örtebilecek kadar iyi bir yazar.5 s Lynn1,995 59

A fire breaks out in a high rise housing project, not all the occupants will survive. Suspicions as to motives lie in several directions as Detective Maeve Kerrigan and her superior officer, Josh Derwent investigate. The residents are not fond of the police so sharing information is a low priority, simple plodding police work will uncover some truths and some lies.

Jane Casey's character development is on point as always bringing an extra level of suspense to the novel. Kerrigan is on a slippery slope with a personal matter in this entry and things get messy. This well written series is a treat to read and I am curious to see how events will unfold in the next book. Recommended for police procedural fans.police-procedural series-catch-up5 s Barbara1,756 26

I have d other books in this series more than the latest. The multiple storylines didn't really engage me. Maeve Kerrigan works for the Met in London. Her parents are Irish, mother from Mayo, but in this novel it only comes up once. She is recovering from a trauma of some kind, which isn't specified, and also living alone after her boyfriend has moved out and disappeared on her.

The storyline revolves around a fire in a London housing estate in one of the high rises. A Conservative member of Parliament is found dead, and there are 2 other victims. A mother who is hiding from an abusive husband is separated by her young son in the fire, and two trafficked women are victims. In addition to these 3 storylines, there's a "shady" family involved in the fire. On top of these, Maeve has a stalker who is increasingly worrying her.

The end ties up fairly well, but the read was a bit of a slog at times. For that reason, I am giving it 3.5 stars.crime-novel england library-book5 s Kate1,631 380

What a wonderful book! My favourite police procedural of the year so far, not least because of Kerrigan and Derwent. I hadn't read the others and this didn't matter a jot.

favourites-read-in-2015 out-in-2015-and-read5 s Kirsten 350 132

One of the best. Apart from the ending4 s Ruth Fabiano230 6

And I say au revoir to Maeve and her odd collection of colleagues, all of whom seem to desire her and be hot. It started in the last book, where she began to veer strangely off course into co-dependency on both Derwint AND Rob has only gotten worse in this book. Derwint isnt a desirable "bad-boy" in my opinion, hes a bully. He s to make people feel stupid and that he begrudgingly needs them- for sex or help at work or both. He was 100% correct about Rob though.

My biggest problem with this book is the ham-fisted political statements. To be perfectly honest, most policeman who walk the streets arent going to be huge liberals Maeve and Derwint seem to be. We get to hear Maeves opinions on the public housing and "right wing" politician who died there ("Armstrong never had to live in public housing coming from privilege"- as opposed to all the other MP's she has encountered there....oh wait she never ran into ANY MP's there). I dont have a problem with whatever direction Casey actually is, but she presents everything as black and white- literally. How trite. We are expected to sit and listen to paragraphs and paragraphs on how evil one person is, and great and noble the other.

Boooo, way to alienate and make a book boring also...which is worse, I dont know. Im just stunned how many reviewers seem to be absolutely fine with this. 4 s Beth383 10

This quiet little series has been excellent from the first, and I don't know why Casey hasn't achieved the same level of fame some other writers of the genre have. This latest was very, very VERY good--for the usual reasons that make a novel a joy to read (tight plotting, well-planted clues, small but significant reveals, brilliant characterization, great, unexpected twists) and some other reasons as well. We get into the character of Derwent (Maeve's smart-mouth, swaggering, chauvinistic yet oddly vulnerable partner) and we finally get a satisfying wrap-up of Maeve's stalker sub-plot that has been threaded through the series and had gone on just long enough. A fire which killed several people and a prominent victim who turns out to have been murdered BEFORE the fire is the case Maeve and Derwent set out to solve. The solving of this mystery clue by clue builds to an excellent and unexpected conclusion, and ends with an achingly sad funeral scene that is as well-written and touching as anything I've read. Thumbs way up on Jane Casey and Maeve Kerrigan.20164 s Bookread2day2,398 63

This is my first book that I have read by Jane Casey. As a fire rips through Murchison House block of flats on Maudling Estate in North London, the questions the police want to know was could this have been an accident or was it arson? The fire seemed to of have started on the 10th floor. Two bodies are found in an 11th floor flat. I highly recommend reading After the Fire.

This is a lively, gritty thriller. Every scene is well timed. The characters are quickly, expertly drawn. Readers will be looking for every clue. After the Fire. For those readers who are coming to this series for the first time, myself, I promise you that you don't need to have read the other books to understand what takes place in After the Fire. However, there are references to past events and storylines that run through several books. The Maudling Estate featured in The Kill, as did some minor characters who assume greater importance in After the Fire.4 s Maddie315 210

Oh my, those books are just getting better and better!
After The Fire is a great addition to Maeve Kerrigan series. Complex case, full of twists and turns but Jane Casey writes in such a smart and engaging way that I never lost interest. If anything, I couldn't stop reading. It's just brilliant.
And I love the characters in those books. Kerrigan and Derwent are such a great duo. Both written brilliantly. Just love how their relationship works.
I loved that story and can't wait to read the next installment in Maeve Kerrigan series.2024-five-star-reads brit crime-mystery-thriller ...more3 s Tammy1,989 77

Yeah, another great entertaining from Maeve Kerrigan series.
The crime was a not complicate but it was a tedious task for the investigation team what with a politician as a murder victim in that fire. Then there’s Maeve’s stalker but most of all Maeve and Derwin’s relationship is my favorite.detective3 s Yasmin Alaku?60 14

4,53 s Aoife1,403 621

4.5 starscrime favorites favourite-author ...more3 s Margo799 2

Such a great ending.audible-uk mystery-crime-thriller owed-tbr-in-order ...more3 s Jen1,885 65

As compelling as her previous novels, I was unable to put After the Fire down and finished it the day I started it. It is easy to get caught up in Casey's plots and characters.

Maeve Kerrigan and Josh Derwent (somewhat to their surprise) are once again partnered by their superior officer and sent to the scene of a fire in which one of the bodies may have political repercussions.

There were three fatalities in the fire that ravaged the 11th floor of a London tower block, but more secrets are involved than just those concerning the individuals who didn't survive.

While one of the fatalities was high profile and mysteriously out of place, two other unidentified victims were locked in a flat, unable to escape. Among the survivors: a young mother suffering injuries from an attack, an elderly woman who may have information she doesn't consider important, a seven-year-old whose burns are horrifically severe, and a young boy who can't find his mother.

Maeve Kerrigan and Josh Derwent (somewhat to their surprise) are once again partnered by their superior officer. Once the fire is determined to have been arson, the police begin investigating whether or not one of the victims was specifically targeted. While their boss favors one theory, Derwent has another one that he wants to pursue, and both theories have some twists. But those two theories are not the only ones that might have an impact on the investigation.

In addition to the arson case, Maeve is still being stalked by Chris Swain.

My only regret is that I missed book 5, and without realizing it, went ahead and read After the Fire. To make up for my carelessness, I now have The Kill (#5 in the series) heading this way.

A Garden Carried in the Pocket

NetGalley/Random House UK

Police Procedural/Crime. June 18, 2015. Print version: 464 pages.
crime-police-procedural3 s Jill's Book Cafe321 141

Welcome back Maeve Kerrigan and team. I have really enjoyed this series so far and there is always a fear that at some stage diappointment will set in. I'm pleased to say that with this one it doesn't. For those who haven't read previous titles in the series, this can be read as stand alone. It does feature the Maudling Estate and some previous characters and in particular brings one running strand to closure, so be aware if you to read things in order.

The plot this time revolves around a fire in one of the tower blocks on the Maudling Estate. It appears to be arson but the questions focus around who, if any, was the intended victim. Three people die and several are seriously injured including a prominent MP, an abused wife and what appear to be trafficked girls. The sparse evidence leads the team to follow different theories, not always with the approval of their commanding officer.

As ever, what I enjoyed about this is the combination of an engaging plotline, realistic characters and dialogue, and the relationships/tensions within the investigating team. The relationship between Maeve and her boss Derwent is as ambiguous and compelling as ever, and I'm sure I'm not the only one that hopes/believes that something will develop between the two. Despite the sexism and machismo that Derwent exhibits, there is a sense that much of it is role play as his actions also display an underlying care and tenderness. Either way, the relationship between the two is an integral part of the series.

So if you enjoy, good realistic police procedurals, with engaging characters then I recommend you read this, or better still, give yourself a treat and start the series from the beginning.

I received an ARC via NetGalley in return for an honest review.netgalley3 s Hallie954 129

This was SO GOOD. I love Maeve, and while I hate the way so many things are going in her life, this was still SO GOOD. Rob. It makes me desperately sad, but Derwent is RIGHT in calling that non-consensual sex what it was, and if there's any way for Rob to be redeemed it HAS to be through Maeve's stopping taking on responsibility for what he did. It's true that her not telling him about the near gang-rape on the estate indicates a different relationship problem, but that wasn't the cause of Rob's behaviour. Lest anyone who hasn't read the books is wondering why I would ever say that someone who essentially raped their partner *might* be redeemable and the relationship still have some hope for a future, Rob had the MOST severe trauma - pretty much instant PTSD.

I think Derwent is one of the best characters ever, and love the way he's been developed from an insufferable and just bad person to an insufferable but very nuanced person, with real goodness as well as all the awful. That said, I'm horrified to see that fans of Casey's are shipping him and Maeve. NO. A million TIMES no. Got it? NO.mystery-thriller3 s Lynn543 21

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