
Bellicose de Jan Stryvant

de Jan Stryvant - Género: English
libro gratis Bellicose


Jan Stryvant Year: 2023

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I'm having a harder and harder time with these lately as I have reviewed the last couple of books. The things that seemed to be so original and unique about this series are now the things that are beginning to bother me the most.

Yes, this is a harem series. Yes, we are probably 20 something books into this world created by Mr. Stryvant that have revolved around Sean Valens and now his adult children. Yes, these men/lions all have a ton of wives and sex is talked about on almost every page. Yes, I know there is almost a young boy mentality when it comes to the sex - they have wives, mistresses, concubines and now - women they are just getting pregnant...because…….just because.

Believe it or not, that was all easy enough to just kind of gloss over in the beginning because there really was an interesting world that had been created and the world building was extremely unique and very entertaining. It was also taken in a kind of tongue in cheek manner- it was SUPPOSED to be over the top...and it was.

Also, the initial group of characters in the original series The Valen's Legacy (Sean, his friends, his wives) were each original and unique characters that each had their own characteristics and traits - both good and bad...and funny...they were all so very funny.

Somewhere along the way, the young boy mentality became more and more prevalent and the sex started taking more and more of the word count. Which, I get it, this is a book in the harem genre. But it stopped feeling it fit in with the storyline. There stopped being "relationships" that made things interesting. I mean, with Sean Sr., his relationship with Roxie was different from the relationship he had with Deidre. The wives were strong characters on their own. And there was a PLOT! A really good plot.

Somewhere along the way we lost all of that. It has been getting worse and worse with each book. I can not differentiate between any of the wives nowadays - with any of the kids (SJ, Mihalis). I don't even any of them. There is less and less sex to express emotion and more to push dominance, pregnancies, chest beating, and overall really bad behavior (this is NOT okay).

But, I kept going because there was still somewhat of a storyline going on. With Mihalis and his town, with SJ and...well...what is really going on with SJ? See, I've lost any interest in the storyline. Is there a storyline? And where are the things that made it funny? I really don't want to read/hear about Mihalis staying in bed for 4 or 5 days straight as the women cycle in and out of his bed. And then he leaves the bed to head to the table to eat and gets grabbed by more women who take him straight back to bed..... My gosh - take a shower. YUCK.

Anyway, this was not meant to be a rant, sorry. It wasn't meant to go in that direction. I guess I had more feelings about this than I thought. So, when that happens, it means one thing and one thing only.

I'm out.

But, to be fair, it was a good ride. I did enjoy the absolute zaniness and fun in a world of Lions that were let loose on the world. But, all good things must come to an end.

I'm just sad that I didn't stop a couple of books ago.....adult-romance audio-version fantasy-genre ...more1 Dannan Tavona659 4


Alternate universe, urban fantasy, harem adult situations

The focus is on Mihalis aka Michael aka Mike, and his huge family. Some consolidation and further building of his control over Bartertown, and defining djevel politics. Only odd quirk was frequently seeing Caitlin written as Caitin. A Find and Replace gone wrong?

If you're thinking of buying the book it's because you're a fan. Don't start here, because there are 30 plus books all set in this milieu.

No great shakes, but the characters are fun. Enjoyed. Tracy S McCoy1,183 9


As always a wonderfully exciting well written story!!! In my opinion this series is my favorite by this author!!! I was unsure in the beginning of the style the series was going to be written in but have found that it wonderfully entertaining bro follow from one family member to another!!!! I will anxiously await the next book in this series!!! Peeps64


Another great book in the series and I can’t wait for the next one. I absolutely love how this is a continuation from the Valens series. It’s the same and different at the same time which makes it even that much better. This is definitely just as good as the original series which it’s very hard for sequels to pull off but Stryvant does it splendidly. Dave Stone1,167 57

Ends as a 4 star book, but was 2 or 3 stars for the first half

I just couldn't care or didn't the first half of the book. There were spots where I lost the thread of what was going on. When that is the case, a book can drag.
But it turns itself around after a while and gets good before the end. Alan K487

More Valens magic

Another good book in the new Valens series. Not as much action as more is happening in the build up as plans are put in motion and Mihalis looks towards parenthood. An enjoyable read for fans of the series. Angie22

Jon Van Stryvant always please with the Valen boys! Mika I’ll is my favorite. Strong but always willing to learn. His family dynamics are thoughtful and intuitive. The development of this offshoot from Sean Valens is excellent. I always purchase his releases as soon as they become available. Vincent365 4


Another incredible book in the Valens Heritage Books! Incredible writing by Jan Stryvant with an interesting story, nice characters with awesome powers. Great book, I can’t wait for the next one! Bob C.172 5

Another enjoyable Valens family book!

Jan has done it again, another fun Valens family book. Interesting plot and characters, plus lots of action! I’m already looking forward to book 9. Read this book and this series, you WILL be glad that you did! :) Crystal Ledbetter73

Another look into the life of the Valens Family

Bartertown is growing and the demons are being brought to heel by a incubus Prince, loved the book and can’t wait till the next book in the series! Eric Bertone257

A fun shift in the series.

I how the territory takeover is slowing down and the business take over is stepping up and we are seeing the plans come to fruition. Following a series long enough to see those changes is always a joy. Scott82


Love the valens books, looking forward to more in the future. Great world and interesting characters abound, can't wait to see if another sibling gets a book of we revisit a previous one of get more mihalis! Let's go! Stephan Myers85

Loved this book great series

I have loved both the Valens' series and have read both several times. Great writing. I really hope that you don't loose interest in writing them because I'm always excited to see the next one come out. Keep them coming. Brandi Kerley51

When is book 9 coming?

The latest installment served only to make me anxious for book 9!

Stryvant wrote another great book, kept the characters vibrant and the storytelling engaging. I wait with baited breath for the next book. Michael Gibson9

Yet another book I finished in one sitting

What can I say, at this point these characters feel family. I can't get enough of the Valens clan, and Mihalis is my favorite of Shawn's kids. I can't wait to see what kind of hell they are going to bring down on house Undergarten. Peter Chivers20

Another great story

This book maintains the standard of great storytelling that Jan Stryvant has established. The harem elements are handled effectively without being overplayed. Roll on the next book in the series. Lamar Logan330 2

The Valen's Heritage series in general is fun. a TV show in size. Bite size? Fun size? It even feels a bit slice-of-life at times with the natural way, according the the book, people react to events.harem John Anderson7

Valens Family fan

This is the second time. I have read through the Valens family series. It's been one of my favorites on Amazon.. I also appreciate references to other authors to read. Keep up the good work!


Could not put it down

Enjoyed it a lot. Good plot good pacing. Moved the story along about Bartertown and Mike’s role in controlling the DEZ. Jay Paparella140 10

Fun and entertaining.

I d this book a lot better than the last one in the series
Then again, that one set up a lot of problems. This one seems to solve most of them. Bruce Martin118 2

Still lots of fun

Getting a bit hard to track all of the characters but it comes back pretty quickly. The only issue I have is that I read through this books too quickly.
Paul M. Leone5

A sequel to lose you head over

Another enjoyable book that continues the Valens’ family story.

Hopefully the next installment will be released soon.

Could not put it down. Badi Montgomery10

Great Addition to the series

Great new addition to the series always fun to revisit characters from the beginning of the series and great new editions added in each book Alan Clements112 5

Better and better

The story of the Valens family just keeps getting more interesting with each volume and this book is no exception! Robert Minish16

The Valens stories are great!

Enjoyed this entire series. Great story line with plenty of sax and violins. Can't wait to see where this goes. Cathy Atwell1 review

Nice continuation.

Good continuation of a long story. Look forward to the next book in this arc. Enjoying the twists and turns and the mimic stories. Donny255

We get Mike consolidating his hold over Bartertown and his corner of the DZ. A little more on what it takes to raise a king and a brief glimpse of Steve's Inauguration. Knight290 1 follower

really good book

I’m looking forward to the next book in the series. I’m really looking forward to when they go to the fairy land. Steven Sobotta115 1 follower

Difficult business

Mihalis has some difficult business to deal with. I love the new djvel he faces. He definitely far exceeds his own expectations. I SERIOUSLY love the ending. Abe Elliott6 1 follower

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