
Bully's Brat: BWWM Bully Romance de Jamila Jasper

de Jamila Jasper - Género: English
libro gratis Bully's Brat: BWWM Bully Romance


Jamila Jasper Publisher: Jamila Jasper Romance, Year: 2021

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This is more than just a high school drama. Topics such as racism, bullying, abuse, addictions are discussed here.
The h, Liberty, is an American black girl who studies in England and let’s say that in the school where she studies there are several people who are posh, cocky, sexist and racists, among other things.
Liberty doesn’t have any friends, her roommate is a bitch, and the most popular boys, including Ben, seem to have her in their sights.
It’s curious, they humiliate her but at the same time they look for her to tell her all their secrets; guys want in her pants but they make her feel bad for it, bc they don’t know how to treat a girl who’s not willing to get trampled on by anyone.
I’ve spent a good part of the book wanting to slap more than one.
Liberty is strong, but eventually everything that they do to her begins to take its toll on her, but fortunately they cannot finish her.
This is the first book and I’m dying to know what awaits Ben and especially Liberty in the next book.arc-giveaway bully-romance enemies-to-lovers ...more2 s Peace725 9

Children participating in grown up activities. No limits on drugs, smoking, drinking, and sexual activities.

Young adult drama with mean girls and boys taking bullying to the next level.

This is not my preferred genre. The main characters were much too young, immature, and naïve for my liking but the storyline held my interest. 3.5 Stars.

I forgot to add that the entire story was told in the heroine’s point of view only. I really should remove another 1/2 a star for this. 1 Nazbit91197 11

Did she even edit this? ….has it been checked to see whether it even MADE SENSE

DNF DNF DNF at 13%. It reads a class project rather than a novel …the story is sooo unrealistic it made me roll my eyes more times than I could count.

The dialogue made my eyes bleed. Note to american authors writing about British culture. We DO NOT say ‘slag’ ‘right’ ‘mate’ ‘cig’ in every other sentence.

There was nooo reason for Libby to go along with anything, yet she did.

Also WTF would bullies tell you their deepest darkest secrets within 5 minutes of talking to you. Nonsense!

I’m actually really annoyed
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