
La Decima Illuminazione de James Redfield

de James Redfield - Género: Italian
libro gratis La Decima Illuminazione


Attraverso La profezia di Celestino più di cinque milioni di lettori in quaranta paesi del mondo hanno vissuto le nove illuminazioni in essa contenute e percepito la visione del mondo che da queste emerge. Ora, però, che una maggiore consapevolezza spirituale si sta diffondendo, è tempo della Decima Illuminazione... Charlene, l’amica che per prima aveva parlato dell’antico manoscritto ritrovato in Perú, è scomparsa durante un viaggio esplorativo nel cuore di un’antica foresta sui monti Appalachi. Ed è lì, all’interno di questa foresta ricca di alberi secolari, torrenti e maestose cascate, che comincia la nuova avventura. È un viaggio che ci porterà attraverso i cancelli di altre dimensioni... verso la memoria di esperienze passate e secoli lontani... fino al momento precedente al nostro concepimento e la Visione di nascita che noi tutti sperimentiamo... fino al passaggio della morte e al riesame della nostra vita col quale tutti dobbiamo confrontarci... fino all’isolamento di un inferno autoimposto dove le anime paurose si oppongono al risveglio... per giungere poi alla dimensione piena di amore dell’Aldilà dove è consentita e protetta la conoscenza del destino umano. E di nuovo sulla Terra vedremo come la paura del futuro stia compromettendo la rinascita spirituale del pianeta e lotteremo per superare questa paura esplorando la natura dell’intuizione, della sincronia e della visualizzazione. Man mano che comprenderemo la Decima Illuminazione la memoria si espanderà fino a includere la comprensione del corso della storia e la missione speciale che tutti noi condividiamo di portare l’umanità verso il suo vero scopo. Finalmente cominceremo a rispondere alle domande che aleggiano sull’esperienza umana e in ogni cuore: perché siamo qui, qual è il nostro destino, cosa dobbiamo fare? Con parole che risuonano dentro di noi e illuminano il nostro mondo sia interiore che esterno, James Redfield ci offre ancora una volta una visione unica, definitiva e piena di gioia della spiritualità umana. Una visione che può cambiare la nostra vita e, forse, il mondo.

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The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision (Celestine Prophecy #2), James Redfield

The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision is the second novel in the Celestine Series, beginning with The Celestine Prophecy, by James Redfield. It was published in 1996.

One of the characters of The Celestine Prophecy disappears while exploring a forest in the Appalachian Mountains.

The book discusses ideas about other dimensions, past lives, conception and birth, the passage through death to an afterlife, hell and heaven. It also illustrates the author's vision of human destiny and the notion that fear of the future is endangering Earth's spiritual renaissance.

In the story, each individual soul is part of a larger "Soul Group", which shares the mission of helping the evolution of the cosmos.

At times, a soul from a given Group incarnates itself, choosing the conditions of its life according to its needs, while the other souls observe.

Each soul creates a reality around itself, which later brings consequences upon it.

These consequences take the form of life and afterlife, which vary according to the person's choices.

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I found The Tenth Insight to be even more powerful than The Celestine Prophecy. Putting all of the spiritual lessons we have learned to work and keeping our vibration high will take practice, but the more confident and solid we are in our knowing of our paths, the stronger we will be. Throuth this allegory, of sorts, Redfield has described how it can work, even with the dark trying to close in. Light and love is always the answer.mind-expanding spiritual16 s Kimberly199 9

We can will and create almost anything we wish, but real fulfillment comes only when we first tune into our inner direction and divine guidance.

Real healing takes place when we can envision a new kind of future for ourselves that excites us.

Inspiration is what keeps us well.

Self-imposed hell. There is no conspiratorial evil in the world, no satanic plot to which we fall prey - there is only human fear, and the bizarre ways that humans try to ward it off. References to Satan are a metaphor, a symbolic way of warning people to look to the divine for security, not to their sometimes tragic ego urges and habits.

Becoming awakened and aware of your own ability to uplift others with your energy.
Love is the highest emotion.14 s Sarah WellingtonAuthor 6 books7

Now why did I chose this life experience? To enter into a family that would abandon me, sexual abuse, child abuse... co-dependant relationships? Yes.. I see so that I would evolve from a consciouness of fear to a consciousness of Love. To reunite with All That Is. To show the way of the Dragon.
Definately read this one.10 s Paul FalkAuthor 9 books131

This book did not provide me with more answers to life. Instead, it left me with more questions. Personally, I've discovered it's the "questions" that I cherish most, more so than hoping for a discovery, a revelation. I don't expect I'll ever have those answers about life's journey even if I lived many lifetimes. That's okay. I remember back in my college days when one of my professors said, " when you graduate and discover that you have more questions than answers than when you first came here, then you will have had a great education." He was right.hope philosophy13 s ?Nora471 26

Our greatest mistake, in my opinion, is to think that human spirituality is somehow already understood and established...8 s Jeanna13

I loved the Celestine Prophecy so much that I had to get this book. I tried to read it back in 2006 and couldn't get all the way through it. I have tried again this past month and am down to the last 50 pages or so, but have put it down again in favor of several other recommended books.

This book does not grip me the way Celestine did; it seems forced and a little too out there for me. I don't walk away feeling "enlightened" or feeling I can relate to it.7 s Matthew195

Actual note found inside a library copy of this book, so I'm posting it for posterity and giving it one star. Judging from the movie adaptation that I watched a few years ago, I would have to agree with the reviewer below.-MC

"Dear Cheryl,

The Tenth Insight soon lost me. After page 130 I had trouble making sense of it. I could follow connecting with the spiritual energy within. I could follow Redfield's being mad at what the white man did to the Indian, and building that into his story. But curing a sprained ankle with thought is too much, and going back to previous lives to see why things are happening to us in this life. The Celestine Prophecy was great but in the Tenth Insight, for me James Redfield got lost.

(signed) Dad"

5 s Tara135 78

Favorite Quotes

The reality of the Life Review is becoming part of our every day understanding. We know that after death, we have to look at our lives again; and we’re going to agonize over every missed opportunity, over every case in which we failed to act. This knowledge is contributing to our determination to pursue every intuitive image that comes to mind, and keep it firmly in awareness. We’re living life in a more deliberate way. We don’t want to miss a single important event. We don’t want the pain of looking back later and realizing that we blew it, that we failed to make the right decisions.

Inspiration is what keeps us well.

We can become inspired to shape a higher, more ideal future, and when we do, miracles happen.

‘This is [her] soul group.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘It’s a group of souls with whom she resonates closely.’

Sexual union is a holy moment in which a part of Heaven flows into the Earth.

Apparently, before we are born, each of us experiences a vision of what our life can be, complete with reflections on our parents and our tendencies to engage in particular control dramas, even how we might work through these dramas with these parents and go on to be prepared for what we want to accomplish.4 s Katie384 103

The Tenth Insight was written by James Redfield and published in 1996. It is the second book in The Celestine Prophecy series. This is a spiritual adventure series. The first book was about a man who found out about a manuscript that was discovered that described better ways for humans to live their lives and to realize that there is more to life than just the material world. ( You can read my review of the first book to find out more about it). In this second book the narrator’s friend goes missing, so he travels to the Appalachians to find her. While there he gets thrust into another adventure and meets people along the way who help him understand what he has learned so far more clearly and has some mystical and spiritual experiences.

I d the story in this one! It had a good adventure going on and I d the greater insight we got in this one. While the first book held a lot more practical advice for living differently in a better way, this book was a little more fantastical. There were a lot of moments where the narrator was thrust into this non physical spiritual world and that was pretty cool. This book dealt mainly with the idea that we all have a life purpose and kind of waking up to what our purpose is, so that at the end of our lives we don’t regret what we have done with them. In that respect, this book reminded me of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. This one also dealt a lot with the world as a whole and how the world is very polarized. There are those who are very conscious and trying to create a better life on this planet and there are those that are very fearful and are watching the world crumble around them what with corrupt government structures, natural disasters, etc. This is very interesting because this book was written in 1996 and these days we can totally see some of these scary world events happening and it is very apparent if you watch the news and whatnot. Yet, there are also people who are really trying to change the planet for the better that have ideas about how to make the world a better place. The author is obviously one of them and takes a more optimistic view on this.

I really d the setting in this one! The forests of the Appalachian mountains were really cool and another perfect setting to explore these types of concepts.

The characters are just a means to an end in this series, which I explained in my review of the first book. That’s ok though. We had the same unnamed narrator in this one and we go on another personal journey with him. There was a return of two characters from the previous book, which I really d. To be honest I feel maybe the characters stood out a bit more in this one than in the previous book. I d the developing relationships between characters and hope that is explored more in the last two books. Without spoiling anything, I will say I was disappointed in the fizzling out of a certain relationship that there was such a build up to in the last book. There was virtually no explanation of what happened, which I just found odd.

Did I It?:
I really d this second book in The Celestine Prophecy series! I’m really liking this series so far and am stoked to have found a spiritual adventure series. It’s pretty cool and explores some important concepts for this time we are living in. Of course I d the first book the best, but I thought this was an excellent follow up. I will for sure be continuing on with this series!

Do I Recommend it?:
I recommend reading the first book for sure! Of course, it’s not a book everyone will be open to. If you have any interest in spirituality though and know what I’m talking about, then I highly recommend it. If you have read the first one and d it, then I definitely recommend picking up the second one!spirituality-or-paranormal-related3 s Breakdown39

I read the Celestine Prophecy and I hated it. So why would I read 'The Tenth Insight'? Have you ever gotten a bruise that hurt almost all the time but every little once in a while you would poke it just to remind yourself how much it hurt? The Celestine Prophecy is that to me. It was bad enough to realize that how bad the Celestine Prophecy was, but to make a sequel!? This I had to read.

So let me get started. First of all the book takes place mainly in the National Forest. Which one? No idea, the book just says National Forest, capitalized. So our hero goes on a quest to regain his hold of all the previous insights, the tenth insight and, oh yeah, his reporter friend has gone missing.

He comes across Wil (remember Wil, the native Peruvian with the non-Peruvian name) who is now an interdimentional traveler (I guess the ninth insight does more than make you invisible) and an evil power generating experiment that has a bunch of people in the other dimension a little nervous. As it turns out everyone on earth when they die, or before their born hang out with this whole group of people that look a lot them. I guess there is no joy in diversity.

While our hero is adventuring through the National Forest he slips off a rock and hurts himself (he would have hurt himself more but something stops the other rocks from making hero-mush of him) he then comes across a “doctor” that says that he wouldn't have hurt himself except for the fact that he must of done it in one of his previous lives. I guess the rock, the misstep or the fact that our hero is a klutz had nothing to do with it. Once he spends some time really thinking about the pain it more or less just goes away.

As he wanders more or less blindly through the National Forest he discovered that sexual orgasm opens a little rift between dimensions, that we are all extreme optimists before we are born and hell is you repeating your mistakes over and over again. It's a teacher having you take the same test over and over again until you get it right, without ever telling you what you did wrong.

Nevertheless, our hero joins up with a couple of other folk and find that if they work out some of their issues that they had with each other back in a previous life then they can figure out where this whole World Vision is going to end up anyway. When they get together and realizes this whole World Vision all of their “soul groups” (their interdimentional cheerleaders) get together and have a party.

My favorite part of the entire book, and I am so glad I read the whole thing just to get this part, was when the hero talked to David about how when we come across animals the animals are trying to tell us something. If we come across a rabbit we are suppose to be more optimistic, we we come across a eagle we should be a little more farsighted. I guess if we came across a bear we should be a little more tasty.

When the group of pseudo heroes finally thwarted the EVIL energy experiment the leader of the group might have well shook his fist in the air and said “I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you stupid kids!” Very cilche.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewgarbage3 s Kim154 3

A very insightful (no pun intended) book.
The Tenth Insight is very complex, as it involves several different things at the same time:

- Recognition of more than the physical (Earthly) dimension – similar to the second insight
- Remembering who one is via one’s birth vision –what is your mission on Earth? – and whether one is focused enough and disciplined enough respectively, to fulfilling the birth vision and bringing it about
- Recognizing in remembering one’s birth vision that one also has a birth group – spirit (ancestral) guides who share one’s birth vision,
- Being mindful that every life form provides us either with an insight as to what we are to do at a particular time to either add to the birth vision or provides clues as to what we are to do *(in recognition of ourselves)* next in our own birth vision journey, and
- Recognizing that one integrates oneself with several other people who we could have interacted with in previous lives but in those people each remembering their own birth visions and having their own spirit groups, integrate with you, and to bring everyone else into awareness of their own birth vision and the resulting common World Vision we all have toward remembering, connecting to and integrating the physical (Earth) plane to the spiritual (Afterlife) plane – recognizing that we are all really part of the divine.

Yes, it is a lot, but told in a very compelling story format. Yes, the story unfolds as coincidental, but that is the first insight (from the previous book) all over again … the lesson is, we need to be(come) aware of those coincidences and recognize what they mean and the purpose(s) they are to fulfill.

spirituality3 s Ingrid Verschelling472 28

Gelezen aug. 19961996 spiritual3 s Christina236

Here's where Redfield tries to apply his philosophy to global (rather than individual) problems. And here's where I lose all respect for his little project.

The set-up:

Another shitty adventure story, featuring the same nameless narrator in some nameless location (though it appears to be the woods in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina). Nameless Narrator is trying to find the Tenth Insight, which was mentioned in the Ninth Insight in "The Celestine Prophecy."

Meanwhile, another dude (Feyman) is using a machine in the woods to try to tap the earth's energy so he can use it as an [extremely profitable:] centralized energy source. His efforts are disrupting the souls in The Afterlife, and creating earthquakes.

Nameless Narrator must track down the Tenth Insight, find some folks in the forest, and stop Feyman.

The hitch:

The Tenth Insight isn't written down anywhere. It's in the collective conscious of the souls in The Afterlife. And the only way to get it is to share energy with enough people who understand the first 9 Insights. That's why Nameless Narrator needs to find some other folks in the forest.

Cue stupidity:

The Tenth Insight says we all live multiple lives (see Eastern philosophy, subject "reincarnation"). Each person's soul has a mission designed to help it achieve the World Vision. And each person's soul chooses the life it thinks will help it achieve that mission. But... oh shit! When the soul is born in a physical body, it forgets its mission and just leads the same screwed up sort of life as everyone else. If the soul is to fulfill its mission, the person must find the Insights and integrate them into his/her life. The soul's mission is to ultimately spread the Insights around.

The World Vision is a really bizarre utopia (though I could see how it would be appealing) in which everyone has attained spiritual enlightenment through understanding the Insights. People live in a perfect democracy in which everyone is looking out for the good of society as a whole rather than his own good. Energy is free and decentralized (ly coming from the Earth itself or the universe or whatever). No one needs to work. Everyone pays everyone else for the lessons they learn through coincidences. And everyone can afford everything because the government has decided to institute cost controls (I'd LOVE to see how that would work with a minimum wage).

The World Vision is total, thoughtless bullshit. And I really hope the reasons are obvious. If not, re-read the last paragraph please and ask yourself how that would all work.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewcrap-no-one-should-read fantasy fiction ...more2 s Amanda5

I have mixed feelings with this one. The adventure wasn't as captivating as The Celestine Prophecy and at times seemed slow or forced. The last three chapters went deep into religion, spirituality, and how to reach utopia. Of course this is all fiction, however, there is truth rooted into these insights. It absolutely comes with an important message which is why I recommend the Celestine Prophecy and now this one to bring it all into practice. We truly are all souls just trying to find our path, practice and speak our truth, and contribute our part in the "bigger picture." James Redfield does a good job with making an adventure out of finding our way and gives clues of what to look for, because, really- life is an adventure, especially when you're trying to raise your vibrations and find your tribe. If you're ready to go deeper after reading the first, go for it! I finished the book in a couple of days- I couldn't put it down!2 s A.J. AaronAuthor 13 books10

An exciting, revealing, motivating book that wasn't meant as a motivating book. An aid in exploring oneself. A book about the changes some people are experiencing in this day and age. The increased consciousness and the chance happenings and meeting of people. An extension of Carl Jung’s Synchronisity theory2 s Alora152 3

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