
Claws for Concern de James, Miranda

de James, Miranda - Género: English
libro gratis Claws for Concern


Charlie Harris and his Maine Coon cat, Diesel, are embroiled in a new mystery when a cold case suddenly heats up in the latest installment of the New York Times bestselling series.
Charlie Harris is busy enjoying his new grandson when a mysterious man with a connection to Charlie's family starts visiting the library, bringing with him troubling questions about an unsolved murder...
Charlie may be a proud new grandfather, but he and Diesel still have work to do at Athena College and the small Mississippi town's public library. He's too busy to deal with true-crime writer Jack Pemberton, who wants Charlie as the subject of his latest book—and who won't take no for an answer.

A more appealing proposition for Charlie is spending time helping a kind, elderly man navigate the library's genealogical database. But he's shocked when he learns that the visitor's search is focused on a member of his own family: his late aunt's husband.
Charlie befriends...

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Claws for Concern is the ninth book in the 'Cat in the Stacks' cozy mystery series written by Miranda James. The books take place in a small town in Mississippi where a librarian, Charlie Harris, solves crimes in his spare time. In this caper, the story is a little too close to him. After chatting with a strange gentleman in the library, Charlie finds the guy following him around. That's when Charlie learns the guy was related by marriage to his deceased aunt. Is the house Charlie's called home for six years possibly in jeopardy? Does this cousin-of-sorts have a claim?

Meanwhile, Charlie is hoping to shine light on his girlfriend's addiction to work. Helen Louise was supposed to go into semi-retirement to spend more relaxing moments with Charlie, but she's struggling. Then, Charlie's daughter has her baby and Charlie's learning to be a grandfather. Luckily, his son's baby isn't due for 2 more months, or he'd have a houseful. Especially when Charlie decides to be friendly with the cousin and consider offering him a place to crash. That's when Charlie learns the guy might've killed his employer and family twenty years ago. Could Charlie be related to a killer?

Let's not forget an author who wants to write a book about Charlie's involvement in true crimes. Just when Charlie decides against it, he sees the value in partnering with the author to solve the 20-year-old case involving his cousin. What will Deputy Kanesha do now? Nothing, as the crime happened in a different county. But she might not be pleased about Charlie's new friendship with the author who wants to interview Kanesha too. So much going on! Great story...

Overall, this was a solid book. It's written slightly differently in terms of solving the case. The murder happened a long time ago, and a new murder doesn't actually occur to help find new clues. Charlie and the writer must work together, along with various friends and family who know the victims, to decide what's going on. I d the style but missed Kanesha. Seeing the Ducote sisters as wonderful... I can tell the real-life author misses writing for them, and I hope he can bring that series back soon. It's my favorite of the two, although I do adore this one. Onward to #10 this week, and then I'm ready to read the one Miranda James just released earlier this month. I hope these never end...1-fiction 3-multi-book-series66 s Jess the Shelf-Declared Bibliophile2,154 841

I loved the unique style of this book! Instead of a current murder, Charlie helped solve a cold case. It was pretty easy to guess what happened, but not the details. My one thing I thought was silly was how anytime Charlie leaves the house and can’t take Diesel, he gets a pet sitter. Even just for a couple hours. Cats are independent and would be perfectly fine alone lol. 43 s Stephen Robert Collins602 51

I read these two wrong way around but Want No.10 over Christmas.
This set same year but In July or August in heat wave. Around the family Tree of Charlie & his late Aunt's Husband.
He thinks Jack Pemberton wants to write do series of books about lucky they become good friends because just around the corner is An unknown step relative Delany with very checked past who is his late Uncle Del Collins (my name ) who never even new he existed for now 66 has returned to find Uncle Del Died.
When Charlie looks into his past it is dark & horrific. This different from others but Don't want to spoil the story by saying too much.15 s Mark Baker2,167 165

Charlie’s grandson has been born, and he’s delighted to be spending time with this addition to the family. But he soon begins to get drawn into another mystery. First a true crime writer wants to write about some of Charlie’s past cases. Then there’s the mysterious man in the library asking questions.

This is definitely a slower book in the series as it took a while for us to figure out exactly where the mystery might be. There is one in the book, and I enjoyed it once Charlie started investigating. As always, the characters, both new and old, shine. I loved getting to spend more time with the usual gang, and most of them get at least an appearance. We also get to see some characters from the author’s other series, which was a lot of fun.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book.

Read my full review at Carstairs Considers.2018 mystery12 s ?Dani? ?Touch My Spine Book Reviews?458 153

This book was a cozy treat and highly enjoyable. I LOVED Charlie and Diesel and their bond. I am a crazy cat lady so love books featuring cats! When I saw this cover I fell in LOVE! Cats and Books!!! Well silly me, I didn’t pay attention to the fact it was the 9th installment so I felt I missed out a tad. This book can still be read as a standalone and was a fun mystery! I always love a mystery with a cold case so was pleased with this title and definitely will be checking out the previous books in this series!12 s Betty2,006 57

In the ninth edition of the Cat In The Stack series we Find Charlie Harris and his Maine Coon cat, Diesel relaxing and enjoying the presence of Charlie's new grandson. Diesel is fascinated with the baby and is a constant presence when little Charlie's is around. Volunteering at the local library Charlie noticed a stranger and becomes interested in him. Charlie is surprised to learn that the stranger, Bill Delaney is the son of his Uncle Delbert. He is ready to offer him a room when he learns the Bill is the main person of interest in a cold case. Working together with a writer of true crime stories, Charlie research the facts of the case. The twists this tale will retain your involvement in the book. Sean is expecting his first child and Charlie awakes the birth. His affair with Helen Louise continues. I highly recommend this book and series.

Disclosure: I received a free copy from Berkeley Publishing through NetGalley for an honest review. I would to thank them for this opportunity to read and review the book. The opinions expressed are my own.arc cats cold-cases ...more13 s Tina398 138

Charlie Harris is a Maine Coon Cat owner and librarian. He is kindhearted. Claws for Concern has a unique premise. With Shocking twists and turns. Diesel the cat showing his human- qualities makes this book beyond enjoyable. A charming cast of characters. reconnecting with old friends.

Charlie has a good spirit and well-meaning for even the most obscure of a relative when they become a suspect for murder. Charlie sets out to try to find a murderer with someone who wants to write a book about him about his previous crime-solving adventures.Look forward to reading the next book in this favorite of series. 9 s LORI CASWELL2,569 291

Dollycas’s Thoughts

This is one of my favorite cozy series. That cat on the cover, Diesel, always makes me smile and now remember my own big kitty Wiley who passed away January 17. Diesel is a little bit more intuitive than Wiley was but he comes darn close.

This time Diesel and his person, Charlie Harris, take on a cold case when a man at the library asks for help just after telling Charlie he is the son of his late aunt’s husband. Charlie and Diesel are enjoying a new baby and fielding inquiries from a man that wants to write about all the mysteries Charlie has solved. While not interested in being the feature of a book, Charlie and the author team up to solve one together, even if it means putting his newly found relative behind bars.

I loved everything about this story. The mystery really didn’t take hold until about halfway through the book, but this reader was drawn in and entertained from page one. James’ writing style makes it feel you are having a conversation with Charlie or watching everything right over his shoulder. When the mystery is revealed Charlie takes us along as he visits everyone that could have the answers he needs to solve it. When his daughter and son-in-law observe a crucial “accident” it gives Charlie what he needs to press for even more answers.

Miranda James is a fantastic storyteller. Her characters are engaging and feel friends or neighbors you to spend a lot of time with. Charlie relationship with Helen Louise is moving along nicely now that she is getting more help at her restaurant. His daughter recently gave birth to his first grandchild and his son’s wife is due soon. Diesel is already a good baby minder, he feels it is his job to watch over that child and alert everyone if the baby barely makes a sound. Charlie’s housemates are also top-notch and of course his housekeeper Azalea is the one who keeps everyone in line.

This is a wonderful addition to this series. I do recommend you start at the beginning but this story does stand on its own.

If you are looking for a comfortable, cozy mystery to curl up with, look no further than Claws for Concern, or any other Miranda James story.read-20187 s Lisa Ks Book Reviews843 120

Murder in a cozy mystery doesn’t always happen on page four. Author Miranda James offers readers a cold case twenty years old. This made for an even more thrilling case to try and solve for series lead, Charlie Harris, and for readers!

With CLAWS FOR CONCERN, there’s not much I can say other than what I say each time I read a book in the Cat in the Stacks mysteries. Author James has created an excellent plot that draws the reader swiftly into the story. With the same consistent style, the author’s writing held me spell bound as I joined Charlie and Diesel in their investigation of the decades old case.

A fun addition to the series for readers is the presence of Charlie’s new grandson, and his and Diesel’s interaction with the baby. Charlie is such a proud Grandfather, I could feel the love oozing of the pages. And Diesel’s fascination with the baby brought a smile to my face.

A great addition to this series, CLAWS FOR CONCERN is written proof of why readers continuously return to the Cat in the Stacks Mysteries.
6 s Betsy524 90

Book #9 in series. Did not enjoy the plot as much as usual but still good book. 3.5 starsz-2018-sep6 s Carla6,399 148

This is only the second Cat in the Stacks Mystery I have read, but I really enjoyed it and had no trouble following this story. Charlie Harris and his Maine Coon Cat Diesel are well known for helping the police solve crimes. He receives a letter from Jack Pemberton, a writer of true crime, asking if they can meet to talk about a project. Charlie is not really interested. Meanwhile, Charlie meets a lonely gentleman at the library where he volunteers. It turns out that this man's father was married to Charlie's aunt. As more facts come out, Charlie finds out that he was a suspect in a multiple homicide 20 years earlier. It also occurred in the town where Jack Pemberton is from. When Bill Delaney is the victim of a hit and run that appears to be deliberate, Charlie and Jack begin investigating the cold case to see if they can either clear Charlie, or prove that he did it.

Charlie and Diesel are a delightful pair who love people, food, Charlie's grandson and justice. They work well together as Diesel is an excellent judge of character. I have read many cozies where the amateur sleuth is intrusive and often rude putting themselves at risk, but not so with Charlie and his friend Jack. They work well together and both have good intuition. Will they find out who killed the family? Will Bill be guilty? Is Bill in danger? This is a well paced story with a good plot line. The investigation did not occur until about halfway through the book, but I still very much enjoyed this story and the characters in it. I will definitely look for more books in this series and from this author. I received this book from the First To Read Program, the comments and review is my honest opinion.cozy-mystery5 s MargaretAuthor 20 books97

The latest Cat in the Stacks is a little bit flat compared to earlier ones.

I think it's because this time there is another amateur detective helping Charlie and it just seems a little too contrived. There is no real tension, pertaining as it does to a cold case, even one that casts shadows into the present day.

The crime seems peripheral to Charlie's new obsession with his namesake grandson.

I'm hoping this one is a one-off, and the tension is back in the next case.cute-crime5 s Amy492 4

I d the book. It was different than the prior ones in that they were investigating a murder that happened over 20 years ago. The relationship between Charlie and Helen Louise continues to deepen and everyone enjoys Baby Charlie, including Diesel. I just didn't feel all that vested in solving the mystery. However, I love this series and look forward to the next book...5 s Dawn Michelle2,534

Okay, here is the deal. I these books. A lot. But this one has a few negatives that almost made me give it less than 3 stars. Which I do not think that I have ever done with these [I don't remember because I have serious old lady brain]. I have even grown to the narrator [who I DID NOT in the beginning of me listening to these].

So here are my diss of this book:

1. I do not need to have a list of every single drink that Charlie has during the day. I get that people drink liquids all day long, I am one of them. But I do not text my friend and tell them that I am having a glass of water, tea, coffee [well, sometimes I do with the coffee only because I want them to drink a cup with me virtually, but I digress...] etc etc what happens in this book. And I don't need to be reminded every time Charlie [poorly] chooses to have a diet soda that it is because his waistline is getting thicker. Every. Single. Time.

2. I do not need to know EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Diesel [that is the cat] has to go into the utility room to use his box or eat. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Most people are aware that cats [animals in general I think] go potty and we don't need a running commentary about it. In this one, we even get to find out that Charlie seeks out a patch of grass for Diesel to do his business in when they had been in the car for awhile. This has been an issue in previous books but was really excessive in this one. . I might have almost sprained my eyes on that one.

3. Charlie is truly more possessive and caring of his cat than he is of his grandson. Don't get me wrong, I believe that he is totally in love with being a grandfather and loves little Charlie to pieces, but I think he loves his cat more. Probably even more than his children. This is made evident fully in this book with both Charlie's belief that he can take Diesel everywhere [except the hospital and every single time he has to go there without the cat, he laments it], including restaurants where he thinks people will make concessions to him having Diesel with him always. Which brings me to part B of this: Charlie takes Diesel E V E R Y W H E R E and is reticent to leave him alone. For even an hour. In previous installments of this series, Diesel being alone was never, ever an issue. Sure Diesel would be upset when Charlie came home and would chirp and squawk at Charlie, but Charlie had never hesitated to leave him at home when he needed to go somewhere where the cat was not allowed to be. THIS all changed in this book. Charlie was almost paranoid about having to leave the cat and even went as far as to get his daughter and son-in-law to "babysit" Diesel when he had to make a trip to the hospital [where we are then treated to Charlie pouting about how he had to leave Diesel etc]. I had a real issue with this - I don't believe in leaving animals for long periods of time alone and never, ever in cars when it is hot!!, but an hour or two at home alone is not a big deal and it was detracting from the story to have this happen now.

4. I do not, at any point, ever need to know about a MC's [in a cozy] personal life in such detail as was in this one. I Charlie and Helen Louise together and I that they have found each other at this time in their lives. It is lovely and I am happy for them. What I DO NOT NEED is the details of their evening phone calls and I most certainly DO NOT want or NEED details of their afternoon tete e tetes. E V E R.

What I DID about this story [and what kept it from being a 2-star read]:

1. The actual story. I loved that it was a cold case and that Charlie didn't have to find a dead body. That was truly refreshing. And even though I had a running film in my brain while reading this [and while discussing this review with my Mom, I realized that the running film was an episode of CSI that was VERY similar to this story and it was why I went with the "why" I did, even though I didn't realize it at the time] and having the killer right, I had the why ALL WRONG. And that alone is worth 2 extra stars because when you read as many mysteries as I do in a year [over 100 this year alone], plus you watch mystery-based TV, you become honed to the who's and the why's quicker than the average person. So when I cannot get a part of it or all of it, I truly jump up and down.

2. Baby Charlie. Even though he isn't in this very much, he is a lovely addition to the story-line and I love how everyone interacts with this precious baby.

3. More of Stewart and Haskell. They work so well together and they always have good interaction with Charlie and actually bring out the good parts of Charlie when they do interact. I hope that they continue to be in the future stories as much as they were in this one.

4. Charlie and Helen Louise. Even though I said some harsh things above about them, they are truly lovely together [just NOT the extra romancey parts]. The idea of finding love again in the later years of your life is never a bad thing [and something those of us who have loved and lost still dream about at times] and I love that the author was brave enough to both explore and then pursue this. Just leave all the "extracurricular activities" out of it please. ;-)

What I d about this book just outweighs what I didn't about it and I loved the story arc of it enough to give it the 4 stars. AND, I will read the next book. But I do hope that the negatives I mentioned in this review do not become a trend. I'd hate to have to give up another series [ala Hannah Swensen] because the author chose to go down a road that is a 360 from all the previous reads.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review2015-2020-completed-book-challenges audiobook-scribd books-read-in-2018 ...more5 s Ellen992 156

Claws for Concern (Cat in the Stacks, #9) by Miranda James.

This is my 9th book in this series. I've been returning to Charlie's home with diesel, his Maine coon cat, Azalea, his house keeper & cook, as well as his son, simply because I've been made to feel right at home there.
Charlie assists an elderly man while at the library. He observes that man is searching for a member of Charlie's family. Charlie decides in the possibility of inviting that man to his home after learning his late Aunt may have been part of this man's family. Soon a more dire reason for not getting too clos to this person is revealed. An unsolved murder that took place years ago near Athena may be connected to this same man.
This was the first book in the Cat in the Stacks series that I've listened to on CD. I enjoyed the books very much. The CD, not so much. I will continue to read the books.
james mystery-cat-in-the-stacks4 s Karen503 58

This is one of my favorite all time series and as many of you may know my own cat adoptions were because of this book series and how Miranda James helps the reader fall in love with Diesel! In Claws for Concern I was drawn in right away and the mysteries were so intriguing, and almost all consuming. I could not wait to get back to the book when I had to put it down. I found myself at one point trying to draw vendigarms to try to figure out who the killer was and find the connection. This book was better than I could have imagined and I loved the big reveal. It was outstanding, start to finish. If you ever need a series to binge read start with book one and you will never be disappointed, each book gets better and better and feels you are with friends. Southern Charm, A strong and wonderful Male character, perfect companion and a setting and with heart that will have you wishing you too lived in the South. This one is a Berkeley Mystery and it is out February 20th.4 s Hilary (A Wytch's Book Review)876

A slightly different book in the series, this time Charlie is back to being semi-retired which means more time to spend with the first of his grandchildren (young Charlie, Laura and Frank's son, Laura being Charlie Harris's daughter) and waiting on the next arrival (his son and daughter in law are also due to be parents), one of his retirement "jobs" is to volunteer at the library and there he meets a man who he thinks he knows, and it is this man (Bill Delaney) that kick starts the crime solving of a cold case, so Charlie (and Diesel!) team up with a writer of True Crime books and find out the truth (hopefully before the cold case becomes well and truly hot again!)cozy-animals5 s Lisa~Ilovemypug~ Currier1,878 69

Claws for Concern is another wonderful book by the talented Miranda James.
Charlie and Diesel are two of my favorite characters in my cozy mystery world.

Charlie and Diesel have the best adventures and while I'm always so excited to read another story, I'm sad when it ends. I read these books over and over again, they are some of my comfort zone books and they make me feel I'm with family.

Readers will not be disappointed when they grab their own copy of Claws for Concern.

I voluntarily read an ARC of this book provided by the publisher and NetGalley.4 s Kirsti2,456 86

Oh how I have missed Charlie and Diesel and their sleuthing! They are most defintely one of my favorite cozy pairs, but I have this block when it comes to buying Kindle books; I simply won't spend more than $10 for one and this had been even more than that for a long time. I also haven't had the space/money for physical books since moving house, but I longed for the is series again. Funnily enough, just this title is down tp $5.99 on AU Amazon Kindle, for who knows how long!

I loved the different direction this took, both with solving a cold case and having a fellow sleuth involved. It added a fresh element to the book, although I would have been equally happy with the former formula. It seems Miranda James can do no wrong with his writing!

This series is a must for all cozy lovers; it's not overtly themed though, and feels more the Cat Who novels than other modern cozies. I that!

Absolutely five stars, now the wait for the other books to drop in price a little, or buy the paperbacks!

3 s Nicole641

It's back to Athena, Mississippi for fans of Miranda James' Cat in the Stacks series, and this time Charlie and Diesel have a surprise visit from a previously unknown relative who brings with him the secret to a quadruple murder from decades in the past. As with the rest of the series, Claws for Concern is cleverly written and oozes southern charm. Loved it!craving-for-cozies-challenge-2018 mysteries3 s Toni (T.C.) LoTempio93 4

Another good entry. Even though the killer is pretty obvious, it's always a treat to follow along as Charlie and Diesel investigate! Long time fans will love it.3 s Kristina3,635 66

Claws for Concern by Miranda James is A Cat in the Stacks Mystery. It is July in Athena, Georgia and we find Charlie Harris along with his Maine Coon cat, Diesel volunteering at Athena Public Library. Charlie notices the gentleman, who has been coming into the library for the last week, has returned. The man wants to look at the local phone books to locate Delbert Collins. Delbert was married to Charlie’s Aunt Dottie. Charlie discovers the man is Bill Delaney, and he is the son of Delbert Collins. Del never knew about Bill, and Bill did not find out about his birth father until after his mother passed away three months ago. Charlie wants to get to know Bill better and is going to invite him to stay with him. Then Charlie learns that Bill was entangled in a murder investigation. The multiple homicide investigation went cold and was never solved. Charlie teams up with true crime writer, Jack Pemberton to resolve the twenty-year-old case. Jack wants to write a book about Charlie (and Diesel) regarding a few of his past cases (his sleuthing prowess). Accompany Charlie, Jack and Diesel as they delve into the case and uncover a killer.

Claws for Concern may be the ninth book in A Cat in the Stacks Mystery series, but it can be read as a standalone. I the author’s writing style (conversational and comfortable) and the characters are developed. Diesel is a smart, lovable cat who enhances the book (I enjoy his manner of speaking and interacting). I do not understand, though, why Charlie feels the need to have someone watch Diesel (a catsitter) when he cannot take the cat with him. This happened a couple of times in the book. I thought the pace, though, was a little slow (especially in the first part of the book). The mystery does not start until the halfway mark. The first half of the story is devoted to Charlie’s daily activities (eating, walking, spending time with girlfriend, volunteering at the library, talking with daughter, watching grandson, etc.) as well as meeting Bill Delaney and talking to Jack Pemberton about his book idea. There was a lack of action through the whole book. There is questioning, looking up records and speculation (ho hum). The mystery had some interesting points, but it was not compelling. There was a lack of suspects which made identifying the culprit a simple matter. The wrap up at the end could have used a few tweaks (it was lacking). I had eagerly been anticipating Claws for Concern after reading Twelve Angry Librarians last year. Unfortunately, Claws for Concern was not of the same caliber as its predecessor. If you are new to A Cat in the Stacks Mystery series, then I suggest starting with Murder Past Due. Readers looking for a light, pleasant cozy mystery will be pleased with Claws for Concern.
2018 cozy-mysteries netgalley3 s Patty1,601 102

Claws For Concern
Miranda James

What it's all about...

Charlie and his much loved Maine Coon Cat...Diesel...are sleuths...they both being involved in crime solving. This is my first venture into this series. Charlie is sort of semi retired and volunteers with Diesel at his local library. In fact...Charlie and Diesel are mostly always together. When Charlie goes to bed...Diesel is right next to him with his little kitty head on his own pillow. However...I shouldn’t refer to Diesel as little...he is huge for a cat...he weighs nearly 40 pounds and can stretch his kitty body out to almost four feet!

Why I wanted to read it...

I loved the title of this book and I was in the mood for a nice Southern cozy mystery. I certainly got what I wanted when I read this book.

What made me truly enjoy this book...

Charlie meets an “almost” relative at his library. This leaves Charlie and the man he meets with lots of unanswered questions. While learning about this relationship an old unsolved crime involving this man comes to light. Events begin to happen based on this...some really dangerous situations and tons of unanswered questions about the past. Charlie...along with Diesel...starts to investigate. Charlie just can’t seem to help himself.

Why you should read it, too...

Readers who enjoy cozy mysteries should truly enjoy this one. It’s well written and while not exactly a page turner for me...it was a pleasant reading experience. I think I might want to read another book of Charlie and Diesel’s adventures just to get a better feel for them. Although Charlie is really remiss in the way he feeds sweet Diesel.

“I received an advance reader’s copy from the publisher and NetGalley through Amazon. These are my honest thoughts.”

3 s Christine519 31

I loved Charlie being a grandfather in this book. The mystery was good. I had an idea who the killer was but was wrong. The characters are wonderful and I always enjoy reading about them. I love how Diesel plays a huge part in this series. It is one of my favorite parts.cozies4 s Valerie255 30

Review coming soon.2018-reads books-for-review mystery-cozy ...more3 s Ferne1,305 40

I love Charlie Harris and his Maine Coon cat, Diesel as created by Miranda James, a pseudonym used by Dean James. When I'm reading a novel in this series I often think of James (Qwill to his friends) Qwilleran and his Siamese cats, Koko and Yum-Yum and vice versa as Charlie and Qwill always enjoy their food and their cats. Diesel and Koko in particular are always alert when there is a mystery to solve and front and center with assistance in providing clues. Without a doubt, I'd love to taste Charlie's housekeeper, Azalea Berry's bacon and homemade biscuits and one of Charlie's boarders, Stewart's fried chicken.

I delight in reading about Charlie's daily schedule as he is a librarian and reading about his work always has me reminiscing of my librarian experiences of activities and patron interactions. Another special joy is to read of Charlie's patronage of the town's independent bookstore. With all that activity Charlie might not seem to have time for sleuthing but he always makes the time and in "Claws for Concern" it becomes very personal. Charlie learns of a relative by marriage he wasn't even aware he had and with concern rapidly rising around this man Charlie's next steps become uncertain.

A highlight of this novel is reading of Charlie's love of his new grandson with more baby news on the horizon for the Harris family. Anyone that has ever witnessed an animal's devotion to a new baby will take particular pleasure in reading of Diesel's attentive behavior.

This is a charming series for all cozy mystery fans and especially for all readers who love reading novels about librarians that are amateur sleuths and feline fans are particularly fur-tunate to meet Diesel. Charlie and Diesel are a paw-some combination! I'm looking forward to their next adventure.2 s Rebecca1,668 3

A highly enjoyable cozy mystery with such a cute feline companion. Though it is the first book that I've read in this series, the author set up the story so well that it was easy to jump into the series without reading the previous books. Of course, now that I've read it I am definitely going to go back and read all the other books. It was a little slow at first, not getting to the murder for quite a while, but I enjoyed seeing more of Charlie's life, especially because this was my first foray into the series.

Charlie Harris is a grandfather, a volunteer at the local library, and an amateur sleuth. I was so delighted about having a male protagonist, as they are pretty rare in the cozy mystery genre. It's actually a toss up as to whether Charlie or his cat Diesel is the real main characters in this story and I loved how Diesel was almost always along for the ride. Having a furry companion along seems to put people at ease and helped them open up more to Charlie during his investigation.

When his as yet unknown cousin Bill shows up in town, Charlie finds himself investigating a cold case murder in order to help clear his cousin's name. When a true crime writer contacts him about working together to solve murders and publish them, they team up to try and find the real killer. I enjoyed following their sleuthing and had a hunch pretty early on as to the identity of the killer. I was definitely surprised by the twist at the end and d how the truth was discovered.

The one thing I think is over the top - the fact that Diesel the cat needs a constant baby sitter? Most pets you can leave home alone for a few hours just fine, so I didn't quite understand this little quirk.

I definitely can't wait to read more of this series!cozy-mysteries2 s Ann5,400 68

This is one of my favorite cozy series. This is book 9 in the Cat in the Stacks books and it's just as delightful as book 1. Diesel the Maine Coon Cat steals all the scenes in the book and has Charlie as his supporting adult. Charlie is a retired librarian who still volunteers in this hot southern small town. It's a natural setting and I that the main clue solver is male and older. In this book Charlie doesn't discover a body but helps a "cousin" solve an old cold case. You can easily read this book without reading the previous 8 but you'll want to pick them up. An easy enjoyable read with no sex or violence. 2 s Mayda3,266 56

Charlie is approached by a writer, Jack Pemberton, who wants to include Charlie’s escapades with murder in a new book. Meanwhile, Charlie makes the acquaintenance of an elderly man who has a connection to Charlie’s family. Before long, Charlie and Jack find themselves embroiled in a cold murder case that may induce the murderer to strike again. Of course, the star of this series is Diesel, the Maine Coon cat that goes nearly everywhere with Charlie. The charm of this series lies in the well-developed and likable returning characters, and in the engrossing story that author Miranda James always manages to keep fresh and intriguing.cats cozy mystery2 s Karen668 9

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