
The Midgard Serpent de James L. Nelson

de James L. Nelson - Género: English
libro gratis The Midgard Serpent


James L Nelson Publisher: Fore Topsail Press, Year: 2020 ISBN: 9780578696423

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The exciting saga of Thorgrim Nightwolf continues

Another fine volume in the continuing saga of Thorgrim Nightwolf and his sons Harald and Odd. In these books Viking Age England, Ireland and Norway come alive through the imagination and research of James Nelson. Somehow, he makes sympathetic his Viking characters who in actual history would have been a bunch of raiders, plunderers, thieves and murderers but who don't regard themselves as evil. Really not a lot different from many of their victims. As I have noted before, in this period of history there aren't many if any "good guys" by 21st century Western standards. Put your civilization aside for a bit and come along for a thrilling, suspenseful ride.

In this volume the action continues to alternate between England and Norway. If, when, Thorgrim gets home he will have a rude shock but, I suspect, not as great as the one which King Halfdan the Black will receive.23 s Steven Toby186

Another great sea story!

Possibly mr. Nelson is now the Bernard Cornwell of the Viking sea story. If anything, this latest book is the best so far. Thorgrim Nightwolf and his son Harald continue marshaling his group of mostly middle aged misfits on the sea route back to Norway. There are events in Norway happening at the same time and some what following one thread alternating with another in Lord of the Rings, Thorgrim’s kinsman Odd becomes a target of the ambitious and ruthless King Halfdan the Black. At the same time Thorgrim and his fleet of ships cruising up-channel past the Isle of Wight homeward meets an outward bound fleet commanded by a man who also comes from the same part of Norway as Thorgrim, Agde. The other commander talks Thorgrim into attempting a raid on Winchester, capital of Wessex. Thorgrim suspects this won’t turn out well but allows himself to be derailed from his homeward voyage.

A major strength of this book is its psychological depth. It’s a fact that Viking fleets were not so hierarchical as modern navies and while a captain might well be the shipowner too, he had to earn the support of his crew. Pirates of the 17th century were similar as an unsuccessful captain could be removed by the crew. Therefore, considerations of honor, kinship and reputation drive Thorgrim to make decisions he is skeptical of at the time.

wise it’s almost a stereotype that the Irish love a good fight but they also have a high devotion to religion. Thorgrim has an Irish mistress (can’t remember her name right now) who has learned warcraft from the Vikings and joined Thorgrim’s crew voluntarily before they develop a relationship. In a reversal of stereotypes she’s a tiny woman but a fearless and deadly warrior. In this book she rediscovers religion, confesses her sins (which must have been shocking to the priest in Winchester Cathedral) and decides to return to Ireland while Thorgrim follows his course back to Agde where we know a confrontation with Halfdan is going to happen later in the series.

While this book is not short it is excellent entertainment! The author’s naval action is authentic for the period and the hand to hand combats are almost as good as Mr. Cornwell’s. 6 s Sharon Osburn222 2

Thorgrim the perfectly flawed hero

I could never give this book anything less than 5 stars after being addicted to the series since reading the very first one.

Thorgrim and his crew can find more trouble and I have a good imagination but mostly I'm thinking how will he survive this. And you can count on James L. Nelson to come up with the most unly way out! I've read many books where the author just paints their self into a corner and blunders the story completely. But never from Mr. Nelson.

There were several events happening at the same time to different people and just as I get settled in with page turning what's happening next I get slammed back to another person's catastrophe and then on to another and back to Thorgrim. Now you're hooked on what's happening to the entire cast of characters and very difficult to stop reading.

But as always I love Thorgrim despite his lack of understanding and harsh non feelings and i was hapoy to gat a glimpse into his heart. I wish the story stayed more focused on Thorgrim and his mishaps.

I can't say what i was disappointed in because it'd be spoiler for those who havent read it yet. I am glad to see how this book ended as it didn’t end and now I know I have to wait for book 11 and surely those extra events with Thorgrim's home will come together for another great book and more how the hell is he going to get out of this one! 4 s James Lilja9

Always great

You will love this series. It’s just got great characters and a fantastic setting. Couldn’t put it down until I ran out of words to read.4 s Robert B. Gaston1 review

Keep the story alive

Great read! Can't wait for the saga to continue! Especially to see how Odd is fighting Halfdan the Black2 s Andrew Binney2

This 10 book series is without doubt one of the best I have ever read. Mr.Nelson knows how to write a fine story with first rate plots and believable characters. Thank you.

The story is by no means finished so I do hope that Mr.Nelson will continue the series soon.2 s Benjamin Thomas1,979 350

The 10th novel in this series by the wonderful James L. Nelson proves there is still plenty of good story to tell. It's always a great pleasure for me to return to the saga of Thorgrim Nigh Wolf and his adventures as well as the many compadres and family members who have their own adventures. As much as I hope Thorgrim lives to see his dream of returning to his Norway home, I hope it doesn't happen any time soon. Thankfully, there is at least one more novel to come in this series, soon to be published, and hopefully many more to come.historical-fiction historical-fiction-britain1 Laurence1,005 36

It's been quite a few years since I've read any viking adventures, and I picked this up not knowing it was part of a series. Didn't matter.

Similar enough to what I have read to be familiar, but in no way a retread of Bernard Cornwall or Giles Kristian.

Wasn't looking for a viking series but this is well written enough that I'd take a look at the others here. Rollicking yarn.historical-fiction1 Robert Strahan52

Great book

This might be the best book yet of the series. I'm looking forward to Thorgrim getting home and finding out what has happened there. You can bet he's not going to be happy.1 Blake19

This Saga/series of books are my favorite of any of the 100+ historical fiction novels I've read. I recommend them to everyone. Each one is written in an unpredictable way, which is rare after 3 books, nevermind at 10!
Nelson has become as legendary to me, as Thorgrim Nightwolf! I cannot say enough good things about The whole "Norsemen Saga"!1 Cindy VallarAuthor 5 books18

After years of raiding, most recently in Engla-land, Thorgrim “Night Wolf” Ulfsson is finally going home. Or at least that’s the plan until his son, Harald, tries a crazy stunt. If not for the timely intervention of another group of Norsemen, Harald might well be dead. The leader of this band is an old friend, who has need of Thorgrim’s help. Together, they will have sufficient men to stage a raid on an inland town called Winchester ripe for plundering. After all, it is where King Æthelwulf lives and has a cathedral rich with treasures. Thwarted by the gods once again, Thorgrim agrees to join this venture.

His years of hard work and experience have finally garnered Harald what he wants most – command of a ship. But what is the best way to gain the crew’s respect and form them into a cohesive unit? The whale seems an excellent solution, even though he has never hunted one before and has no idea how best to slay the creature. On the one hand, he succeeds in his endeavor. On the other, he gains the wrath of his father. But Harald is no longer a boy. He is an accomplished warrior who’s ready to stand on his own two feet, which causes a rift between Thorgrim and Harald that neither is willing to bridge.

Back home, King Halfdan has left Odd Thorgrimson no choice but to fight for his rights, his land, and his father’s land. He and the other landholders concur that his plan will work, and to a large extent it does. While Halfdan is away, they’ve captured his hall and fortress. They just make one small error in judgment, one that results in a standoff between Halfdan and them. Although they decide to fight to the bitter end, Odd cannot let the others suffer for his own mistake. Plus Halfdan holds a card Odd didn’t count on, and he will do what he must in order to safeguard his younger sister.

For some time, Failend has been troubled. She loves Thorgrim, but does he love her? Feelings aren’t something he shows or talks about. Her time with the Norsemen has taught her much and made her into a warrior, but she’s far from her homeland and her god is not their gods. When she hears that they plan to plunder another church, her disquiet resolves into a decision that has severe consequences for her as well as Thorgrim and the men he most trusts.

Felix, Æthelwulf’s gatekeeper, has spent two years preparing for the king’s pilgrimage to Rome, but on the eve of their departure, the dreaded Norsemen are sighted. They must stop the invaders and, although it will delay this noteworthy journey, he helps the king and his men see the wisdom of his plan. The enemy will expect them to stand and fight on land. But what if they take to the ships and lay a trap that will finally rid them of this scourge?

Among the many tales recounted in the sagas, Odin tossed one of Loki’s children into the ocean. This serpent grew and grew until it encircled the Earth and grasped its own tail, earning it the name of the Midgard Serpent. This book in many ways resembles a serpent, twisting and turning, creeping and stinging as events unfold in what is perhaps the best of the ten entries in Nelson’s Norsemen Saga. From tangling with a whale while in a longboat, to a battle at sea, to a race on water to elude pursuers in the midst of a storm, to burning at the stake, The Midgard Serpent ensnares the reader until you are swept into the midst of the action. It is impossible to stop turning pages, to catch one’s breath. Just when you think the stakes can’t possibly become higher, Nelson shows you just how wrong that assumption is. He is a gifted raconteur and for anyone who dreams of rousing Viking adventure, strap on your mail, grab your shield, and heft your sword. This wild ride of the mid ninth century will fulfill those dreams. Barbara ArnettAuthor 2 books1 follower

Book X in Nelson's Norsemen Saga. I wasn't sure after book nine if that was the end of the series but discovered book 10 available. The story follows Thorgrim Night Wolf and his viking crew as they go raiding. The early books have them in Ireland. The later books find them in England (Englaland) and Thorgrim is always planning to go back home to Norway after many years of adventures. The crew is colorful and the stories are action packed. I consider it a light, entertaining read. Nelson injects historical characters in the story lines--book X has Halfdan the Black the man who wanted to unite the various Norwegian kingdoms and Ethelwulf the Wessex king (father of Alfred the Great) who was persistently challenged by Viking raiders but he doesn't get overly detailed with historical accuracy but provides enough to create the setting of his story. I get a bit overwhelmed with the boat details (he is a sailor himself and he does provide a glossary of sailing terms in the back of the book.) A good read if you need something light and fast paced. Douglas Lambell44 2

A most enjoyable instalment

I was not expecting to enjoy Nelson's first book of this series, but found that I d the character of Thorgrim and his supporting cast. And each subsequent story with the complications created as he tries to make his way back home continue to pull me along. I the development of the other characters, and the parallel paths followed in each book on the ever converging story lines.

It was clear from the start that Nelson is a sailor and he provides more details on ship tactics than I really need, but I do enjoy his battle descriptions very much. Just personal preference on my part.

Will Thorgrim finally get home to help with Odd's current circumstance? Waiting anxiously for Book 11. Rob Graham13 1 follower

I’m tired boss

I’m tired. The great warrior Night Wolf constantly getting pulled off track by every sort of minor inconvenience known to man. If another Norseman told him his shoe was untied, it’s he would go all the way to Paris with them to sack it to repay them, all the while grumbling about Norway.

Don’t get me wrong, the characters are good. But when the main character talks about the need for others to be decisive, to say and do what they mean, and then constantly does not, it just makes me tired.

And yet, i know I’ll read the next book when it comes out to continue with this oft depleted band. Maybe I’m just the reader version of Starri. I keep following the Night Wolf because the author-god s to play with him. R Pata166 3

A Good Ending

This would makes good endpoint to the Saga’s story. It is wrapped up fairly near because Thorgrimis getting so old and a bit decrepit, and the expiration of the Big Guy (G) who had allowed T and a handful of others in Thorgrim’s company.

Still some issues with grammar and auto-changing words in the body of the text. But much less in number.

Too much use of modern English coming out of the mouth of medical Saxons. But nothing the other authors writing during the Viking age.

Better action descriptions in the last half of book. Learned action use but still too much telling to the reader instead of dialogue and action driving the story. Jeff Hall88 2

Waiting for more

The problem with Vivid shutdown is I have more time to read. Now that I have burned thru the books of the Norsemen Saga that I hadn't, I have to wait for more. I hope Mr Nelson is as isolated and amped up on coffee as I am and writing away. Ryan Lindsay5


Awesome story and left me wanting more. Can’t wait for the next book in the series to come out. Thanks Nathan13 1 follower

Great addition to the series

The series returns to a fast paced action in a new battleground. The novel explores a period of history not often covered. Good read! mike foss2

Not worth the effort to read.

This is a month python skit . It can't be anything else. The characters are buffoons led by an idiot. Alan70 3

Great historical fiction by Lord Nelson. Didn't want the novel to end. Keep them coming. cdf4206gmail.com168

The tenth book of this saga. Will there be 11? I hope so. A fun, adventurous read. Matt Larson71

These are great stories. I wish sometimes the chapters weren't retelling of the same events from a different character's perspective, but the characters are always great. Amy Khan11

Very well narrated. When I started I didn’t realize it was a series. I enjoyed the characters and storyline so much I’m going to have to start the series from the beginning.. Jeff286 1 follower

Great read. Almost got away from England, but managed to get tied up in yet another English conflict. James Tierney25

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