
LÂ’esclat de James Dashner

de James Dashner - Género: Fantástico
libro gratis LÂ’esclat


Abans de crear CRUEL, abans de construir la Clariana, abans que en Thomas entrés al Laberint, les erupcions solars van arrasar la Terra i van destruir el món que la humanitat donava per fet.

Tot i que molts van sobreviure, ara una estranya malaltia s’ha estès per tot l’est dels Estats Units i la humanitat està al caire de l’abisme.

En Mark i la Trina estan convençuts que poden salvar els supervivents i estan decidits a fer l’impossible per aconseguir-ho.

Preqüela d’El Corredor del Laberint, L’esclat és la història de la caiguda de la civilització i de la malaltia que ho va engendrar tot.

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I demand a sequel to the prequel569 s Aneeqah493 135

I can describe this book to you in a single word: disappointment. With a big capital D. See, the thing is, The Maze Runner was one of my favorite series everÂ… until the last book, which I hated. So the only reason I picked this book up was in hope that it would redeem the series for me and answer my bajillion questions. Unfortunately, that didnÂ’t happen. The Kill Order just failed to live up to The Maze Runner.

I think the thing that bothered me the most about this book was that it was not about Thomas and the rest of the Gladers. You would think that it would be, right? ThatÂ’s what I was hoping for. Instead, this book is about some random people that IÂ’m not 100% sure are connected to Thomas or anyone else. And because we donÂ’t know anything about this set of characters, weÂ’re left with even more questions. Sure, a few of my questions about the world building and all that were answered in this book, but I just ended up with so many more questions about everything in the series and specifically this book that will never be answered now.

The Kill Order along with having a new set of characters, had a ton of action. Non stop action, actually. If you know me, youÂ’ll know that I love action in books. But even me, the teenager who loves action, thought that there was just. too. much. On every page, there was something going on, and IÂ’m going to be honestÂ… I got bored. I lost interest in the book, because nothing else was going on besides the action. Sure, action is fantabulous, but thereÂ’s a limit to how much you can have in a single book

Overall, I just could not bring myself to enjoy The Kill Order, even though I enjoyed the first two books of the series so much. We were left with a bajillion more questions, and there was way too much action for me to even remotely enjoy this book. If you donÂ’t mind either of those two things, then you should give this book a shot, otherwise, I would pass this one up if I were you.arc dystopia kindle ...more415 s Miranda Reads1,589 162k

[Conversation in the editing room]

Remember all of the semi-able characters from the original series? Get rid of them

How about all the plot-holes from the first three books? Double them

Should we give it a decent ending? *ominous silence*

Annnnd....that's about it

We are set far before the first novel - in the heart of the initial Sun Flares and virus outbreak. We get front-row seats to the start of the apocalypse.

There's a whole new expendable cast that provides quite convenient fodder and a enough plot holes to bury all of them.

The pacing of this book really threw me for a loop.

Every second of the book was spent in heart-pumping action. Literally, all we did was race from plot arc to plot arc without taking time for character development or anything decent to happen.

And when things finally did calm down, Dashner only upped the tension by having everyone shout their plans and ideas. And the arguments...it was all 'science person wants to do this' and 'stupid army guy wants to do this' and 'civilian is running around with his head cut off'...the usual.

AND THAT SO-CALLED-SCIENCE - oooo, that reallllly rustled my jimmies. I can't even. The science. Ugh. Incoherent rage.

But seriously, when you are going to go for a science-based explanation for your series...you think it would begin by being rooted in...science.

Honestly. What was the author thinking.

Audiobook s
Read by Mark Deakins and he did an okay job. It just felt a bit bland overall. Could've just been the text though...

YouTube | Blog | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Snapchat @miranda_readsaudiobook336 s3 comments Stephen Mcintosh8 21

I would just to say: How on earth can you rate this without even reading it?

It seems that I got an unexpected amount of 's' for this so-called review but I still don't get why people rate books without reading them. What are they thinking?

Anyway, I don't think I'll be making a real review because I'm terrible at writing (as evidenced by my mistake before this edit: using the word anyways instead of anyway).biotechnology disease200 s Dylan146 364

My first ever 1 star review. Well done 'The Kill Order', you deserve it.

Before Reading it
-Oh I hope this is good!

During and After reading it

So here's what I didn't about this book (basically everything)
-I couldn't get myself to read more than 50 pages per day.
-I thought about giving up constantly.
-The characters were boring, bland and flat
-forced, vague and unnecessary relationships
-stiff and unnatural dialogue
-people dying before I could care, or remember who they were
-inconsistencies in characterization (Being told a character never usually does something, and then they do it repeatedly!)
-the plot fading away into ridiculousness
-things just kept happening, but it all seemed pointless
-the feeling that the author had a beginning and an end. Then just put whatever he could in the middle to fill up space.
-unrealistic fighting scenes
-sentences that repeat what has just been said. Or state the obvious
-dreams that somehow show flashbacks in chronological order
-telling me things instead of showing.

books-i-own read-2014196 s Baba3,770 1,176

The Maze Runner, book 4: More a prelude than a prequel; this is the story of teens, and neighbours, Mark and Trina who are together on the subway when the flares that created the dystopian world of The Maze Runner struck. This is not only the story of their survival, the people that they befriend or fight to survive, but how they get caught up in a post apocalyptic conspiracy. Did I say conspiracy, I meant to say intended genocide!

The book works very well as a prelude in that I didn't have to know anything about the original trilogy to get the most out of this 'big trouble at the end of times' read, but on the other hand, could there be anymore violence (said in Chandler's voice)? Interesting enough read, but not one that I'd really want to revisit. 6 out of 12.

2022 readdystopia-it-all-went-cray-cray young-adult113 s Melissa ? Dog/Wolf Lover ? Martin3,587 10.8k

Now I enjoyed this book. It's before the maze runner, I think it said 13 years.

Anyway, it was a pretty dark book. I felt bad for this group and what was happening to them. And holy crow, what those evil people did to Lana. I mean they did evil things to a lot of people but this was one of the group and these freaks were off their nut!

Also at the very end we get to read about Thomas as a young boy before all hell broke loose in his world. It was just a page or so. Either way I enjoyed it =) fantasy-all young-adult98 s Hayden121

Well. First let me start off my saying that I am extremely disappointed about the fact that the series is now done.

I started this book yesterday afternoon, and now, at 2 in the morning, I've finished it. And let me just say HOLY CRAP. THIS BOOK. I CAN'T.
I thought all the other three were good, but this book made me so overwhelmingly....I don't even know. So many feelings. Can I just vent? I'm going to vent, OK?

So first...where do I even freaking begin honestly. Alright, let's just start with the end. WHAT. WHAT. WHAT? I honestly was so sad reading the ending. I felt so sorry for them. All of them were going completely insane, and trying to keep it all inside. They hardly even talked at all, and it hit me really hard when I realized that none of them even had the strength to try to help Mark when he fell out the window of the Berg. They were all holding onto their last thread of sanity, and that struggle was honestly pretty hard to read. Even if it didn't outwardly say how he was feeling, their actions spoke louder than their words. When Trina and Mark didn't even talk to each other. OASFOAOSIHFASOIHF OH MY GOSH I JUST REALIZED WHAT THE ENDING MEANT, DUH. SHE REMEMBERED HIS NAME. SHE REMEMBERED HIM. HOLY CRAP, YAY. THAT MAKES ME FEEL A BIT BETTER.
What the heck happened to Deedee? I was hoping that the Epilogue would give me some insight into that, but nope. It was about freaking Thomas. I ALREADY KNOW ABOUT THOMAS, I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO DEEDEE. OH MY GOD. So that was a bit disappointing.

This book though, I can't even review this my other ones because I'm filled with so many feelings and questions and angst right now. I haven't stepped away from it and then come back to write this when I'm not all worked up...so this is very raw right now. I literally just finished about ten minutes ago, and I'm still heated and in a completely my-heart-just-sank-what-the-hell-WHY-JAMES-WHY mood right now.
Five stars. There. Dear lord, well done. Well done. How do you do this, I don't know. But you are my favorite action author. Favorite author, I'll go all the way for you James. Not that, I just really your books. LJA99ad0=a]\[apsfdjlkapsof'jakijw OH MY GOD. I NEED TO CALM DOWN BUT I CAN'T. I NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT THIS. DEAR GOD. I'M NOT GOING TO SLEEP TONIGHT. SERIOUSLY. UGH.

I know I should stop writing but I can't.... I'm just so worked up. Can I contact James Dashner? I wish I could have a conversation with the man. Honestly, I need to talk to him. , now. GET ME THE CIA, WE HAVE A SERIOUS CASE ON OUR HANDS. THIS BOOK IS A FREAKING, I DON'T EVEN KNOW, IT'S GOT THE FLARE. I FEEL LIKE I HAVE THE FLARE, RIGHT NOW. I HAVE TOTALLY LOST IT. I AM A LUNATIC. FREAKING, I CAN'T. I JUST CAN'T.


3.5 ??

This was a good addition to the series. It was quite action packed, with a whole new host of characters.
We meet Mark, Trina, Alec and Lana, part of the human population who have survived the sun flares, but now face a new terror. They fight for their lives as an awful disease ravages the human race. No one knows where it came from, or why.
Despite the constant action and violence, at times I felt it was almost too much. It relied heavily on the drama and excitement rather than actual plot.
As I got to the end, a few questions were answered. where the disease originated and what it's point was, which was really interesting to find out.
It was a good read if you are in need of some excitement, and watching characters risk their lives constantly, it was a good space filler. dystopia end-of-the-world illness-mental-terminal ...more79 s Natalie Monroe607 3,737

DNF at 47%

"Mark jumped to his feet, pulling Alec's arm. The entire area around them shook as it rose, and it took all of Mark's effort not to fall again. He knew that what was happening had to be impossible, and it made him wonder about his mental state."

I know that scene is supposed to have me at the edge of my seat, but the only thing I can think of right now is the lack of cheese sticks in my house, and that makes me wonder about my mental state.

After the fuckfest of The Death Cure, I wasn't sure I wanted to finish The Kill Order. I'd actually started this before The Scorch Trials (and experienced the heart-wrenching downward spiral of a promising series) because in a derp moment, I'd mistaken it for the second book. But then, I thought maybe it could shed some light on the crappy world-building. I wanted to find out about the Sun Flares and how the civilization ended. Plus, I'd already started it, so what the hell. How bad could it be?

Apparently, very bad.

I expected the apocalypse. I expected scenes of the climate growing hotter and hotter by day and baffled weatherman advising people to always wear sunscreen outdoors. I expected scientists running around headless chickens trying to figure out the problem, while sweating world leaders tried to calm the masses. I expected the inevitable spark to the keg of hysteria, with all hell breaking loose, and people breaking store windows for supplies, acquiring guns to protect said supplies and fleeing to forests where there's more natural shade. I expected a grand mess in the footsteps of the The Stand, or on a smaller scale: The Mist.

Instead, I get thrown in a world a year after all the excitement has happened.

"We survive months of the sun beating the tar out of the planet, find a place where we can build shelter, find food."

Where is the chaos, I ask you? The murder, the plundering? Where are the religious nuts, Carrie's mom, that come out and say, "I told you so! Now repent for your sins!" Where are the groups of wild-eyed people in week-old clothes fighting for diapers and tampons? If it were the end of the world, I'd gladly trade my iPhone for a maxi pad.

No proper world-building, no excitement. And I do mean no excitement. We're talking watching-the-paint-dry levels here. Even when the characters were running for their lives, I couldn't work up a speck of emotion to care. The main characters, Mark and Trina, were really bland, the characters whose names I have already forgotten in The Geography of You and Me. At least I was emotionally invested in Thomas, no matter how much I hated him in the aftermath. Mark and Trina, on the other hand, I care no more for them than I do about the hundreds of tinted food pictures my elementary school acquaintances post on Facebook.

Oh, wait, I do care about Trina a bit. I care that she, Teresa and Brenda, are perfect, unblemished specimens of the female sex.

"Man, she was pretty...She turned a page, her green eyes following the words...Her short blonde hair shifted in the wind, and she appeared the very definition of peace and comfort."

Why does every love interest have to be hot? Why can't she have a big nose, or be overweight, or have a weirdly-shaped hairline? I don't this trend in male love interests in YA and I certainly don't condone the opposite, especially since girls are often objectified in manga and comics. No matter what way you argue it, I highly doubt Wonder Woman wants to fight crime in a cleavage-baring bustier.

Or heels.

Now I can finally rest in peace, knowing The Maze Runner series is genuinely a one-book wonder. Bland characters, shitty world-building, mediocre writing. Might see the movie, if only for Dylan O'Brien, but other than that, me and this series are done.

Don't call me, I'll call you. 'K?

My review of The Maze Runner
My review of The Scorch Trials
My review of The Death Cureboooring dishonor-on-your-cow dragged-on-too-much ...more62 s Imani ? ?603 96 Want to read

I was only informed that this book was coming out when I was scouring through my Kindle store, looking for free books. And I saw this and I was , "Hmm...that sure does look the Maze Runner and the other books in that crappy trilogy". And then I looked at the info and found out that's a prequel.

A prequel.

[image error]

I don't LIKE prequels. I wanted to know what happened to stupid Brenda and idiotic Thomas. Not Teresa and Thomas (who, by the way, should have been together NOT Brenda and Thomas).

But you know what, I won't complain. Perhaps I will get my Teresa and Thomas fill when I read this prequel (gag). However, I must say that I probably won't be rushing out to read this. But once I do....I hope it doesn't disappoint the last book.

Which isn't saying much at all.


Who the heck are Mark and Trina??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


If you think I don't care about Teresa and Thomas's past all that much (at least, before. Now, I'm thinking that this would actually be pretty interesting. At least, compared to THIS mess), then I REALLY don't care about this 'Mark' and 'Trina' people.


Who the heck are they?

Okay, maybe if they were somehow related to Thomas and/or Teresa I wouldn't be so mad. But I don't think they are, so I'm not.

I don't know if this book will be getting my attention any time soon. I'm so ticked off I can barely even look at the cover (which is pretty, by the way, but that's beside the point).


One day I was actually browsing through my Kindle library store and found this book. And...Gasp...I actually downloaded it. And then I forgot that it was even in my possession until a week later. And then I read about ten pages of it. And then I remembered what someone said on the comments of this review. And then I kinda got upset about that. Then I stopped reading. And then I was going to try reading it again because after some thought I decided that what a commenter said they all DIE! might actually be a breath of fresh air to read. But then the invisible librarian took it off my Kindle and now its gone and I don't feel making any effort to retrieve it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewabandoned hiatusisuppose tried-to-read47 s Emily207 11

ffffff, we have to wait until August?
And yeah, people, this is a prequel. It's before The Maze Runner even took place. I don't know what other people thought, but this trilogy is one of the best I've read and I don't this genre of book. I am thoroughly looking forward to this book. I do have high expectations for it, and I do think they'll be met.

October 5, 2012
So, starting to read this, I kind of said to myself "what do Mark and Trina have to do with everything else?" but I gave it a chance because I knew the author had an underlying plan here. So I read it.

And it was really effing good.

I can only assume that Deedee became Teresa, because of the epilogue. Apparently there's a version with an extra chapter? I'm not sure which that is, so I don't know what went on in it. If Deedee did in fact become Teresa, than it was nice to have this backstory. I d all these characters a lot - even Misty, Darnell and the Toad. Even though we really didn't get too many glimpses at them, I was sad when they died. But the one character I really d was Alec. When he had to vaporize Lana, my heart broke. When he flew the Berg away for good, even when he got sick, my heart broke even more. I get these weird emotional attachments to characters and Alec was one of them. And of course, those are the characters that die or something.

Anyway, I thought this prequel was great. I want to reread the whole series - they are one series I recommend to anyone and everyone who needs something to read, and this book didn't let me down.

Does anyone know if he's writing another one, or was this it? This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewya-dystopian ya-lit42 s Kassidy340 11.7k

So disappointing. I d the prologue and the epilogue, I felt the rest of the book was completely pointless except for the character Deedee and the explanation of the origins of The Flare. Which a whole book was not needed for those things. It was a ton of action which got really boring, and I just don't see the point of the story. It was fairly entertaining at times, but compared to the rest of the series it was pretty crappy. 40 s Kenchiin262 111

Uninteresting. Disjointed. It could be easily confused with a fanfic.37 s exploraDora588 292

***3 stars***

Weeeell, as I suspected.. I did not this book
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