
El remei mortal de James Dashner

de James Dashner - Género: Fantástico
libro gratis El remei mortal


En Thomas sap que no es pot fiar de CRUEL. Li va robar els records i el va tancar dins del Laberint. El va deixar al caire de la mort tot abandonant-lo en el paisatge salvatge de les Brases. I li va prendre els clarians, els seus únics amics.

Ara, CRUEL diu que les mentides s’han acabat. Que han aconseguit tota la informació que necessitaven gràcies a les Proves i que deixaran que els clarians els ajudin amb una última missió: trobar el remei per a l’Erupció.

El que CRUEL no sap, però, és que en Thomas ha pogut recuperar molts més records dels que es pensa i que en té prou per saber que no es pot fiar gens del que CRUEL li diu.

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This book was- *wait a moment*

Let me bang my head until the author proves that there is one more book to be published for us readers, or if this book was just a really, really good joke.

Omigosh. Do not tell me that this is the last book of this trilogy. Do not tell me that the author just didn't answer all the questions we were waiting for. And please do not freaking tell me that this is what we readers are getting after being such a fan of both The Maze Runner and Scorch Trials books.

After happily reading The Scorch Trails and then excitedly waiting for this book for about 6 months, I yet again screamed with happiness (as I also did with another book Bloodlines) when I got to read it.
The story started with a good potential, it was interesting, I was feeling it. I was reading it non-stop and then suddenly in the middle of no where I am , "WTH is going on?"

I do believe Thomas here just had this emotion for everything.
"He was my close friend"
From deaths to betrayals to everything, he just considered every living human being as a friend. Come on! He could act he loved people or atleast cared about someone just more than friends. And don't even get me started on Teresa. To be totally honest, Teresa is just a random stranger on the road I see everyday. I am either proud or totally miserable to say that I don't know her at all. She came and she went and I was just , "Pfft. Whatever."
And then Brenda. Weren't you just a side ass character introduced in the second book? Then honey, why? WHY are you the main heroine here?
The only character I d?
Minho, Jorge and Newt.
Minho for being the best of the best, Jorge for always being there and Newt for never giving up. The story till Newt was awesome.

Now readers who didn't read this book might find this fail spoiler-ish.
First of all. Death of Newt. I think it was the most sensible one. I felt for that guy and I am so happy to say that James Dashner did a really good job in his ending. In simple words, I loved it.
But, then comes Teresa. What.the.hell? She was the main heroine! How in the world can you kill the main heroine and replace her with a side kick? I do NOT approve this.
And then 300 people killed out of 500? Ouch. That was a bit unfair. Atleast the author could have saved 300-50 something people.
I miss Chuck. =[

How could this book even end without satisfying the readers?

(1)I wanted Thomas to his memory back so we could learn exactly what he and Teresa did before the Trials and why were they specifically chosen. Hell, I even wanted Minho's and Newt's memories back and Brenda's past.
(2) How in the world did they end up in a green paradise with a hundred or so immunes so they can start over? Umm, hello? What about the rest of the freaking world?
(3) Who is this Paige Chancellor? Why didn't she go to paradise with them?

I love James Dashner's writing, I d the book, don't get me wrong but I am really amazed at people who gave this book 5/5 stars. I am very sad to say this but yes, overall, this book didn't satisfy me and I am disappointed. Especially after being the last book of such an amazing series. But then, I will still miss the characters and this story will stay with me forever and always. 3/5 stars.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewfavorites802 s2 comments Gwennie900 186

Well, that was a major disappointment.

Was it just me or did it feel the author had absolutely no idea where to go with this story? I still feel 90% of the book was left unexplained. And for me it was completely a cop out to have Thomas refuse getting his memories back. If Thomas, our MC, doesn't remember then the author doesnÂ’t have to bother thinking up an explanation. I'm not even going to bother listing all the questions I still have, because they're numerous.

And I still say that there was absolutely no point to Teresa! Perhaps in book two she had more action, but nothing happened that couldn't have happened with another character. This was just one more thing that I thought was just tossed in there. Teresa/Brenda... they were interchangeable. Almost as if Dashner just felt he needed more bodies in his story. I mean, these characters were SO interchangeable that for a while there I was convinced that Brenda WAS Teresa and it was all just another elaborate WICKED hoax on Thomas! The Teresa that he thought was Teresa was really a fake, and Brenda was really Teresa inside... Because otherwise why were they so easy to flop back and forth?! Personally, I think that MY idea was better than the one in the book. At least it would have offered some type of explanation. Something for me to bite onto. Another idea I came up with was that Chancellor Paige was really Thomas's mother... because why else were we getting glimpses of him and his mom. To show she loved him? Yeah, well that was already assumed. Dream sequences should have a point! BOOKS should have a point!

Um, what did I about the book....? Minho, he was always a bright spot. Thomas was alright, I guess. Newt... I d Newt. I thought his death was sad but good. Needed. I Jorge... Yeah, that's pretty much it, folks. In fact, for the last 25% all I could do was keep reading because then it would END.

Can you tell I'm upset? Yeah, I really am. Maze Runner was good. But sadly this series got progressively worse... someone, anyone, is anything at all answered in Kill Order? Because if not, there's no way I'll bother reading it.

I apologize, because this was more rant than review. I'll try to make it up to you. I Swear!2013707 s3 comments Miranda Reads1,589 162k

Wait are you telling me that the government completely anticipated every last move and this was exactly what was meant to happen?


Between the all-knowing governments and coincidental memory loss, this book really lost my interest.

Everything is so freaking convenient .

The Maze Runner was intriguing.

The Scorch Trials went a little left-field.

This one is so far out of the ballpark that we are in the next county or possibly country.

The Main Pain : Character Stupidity

Example: Thomas and the rag-tag group fly from one part of the country to another to seek the TRUTH.

The absolute worst part - they park their flying ship right outside of city gates AND use "fake" paperwork (with their real names) to get into the city.

Then, they are completely flabbergasted when they are immediately tracked down by WICKED.

They spend so much time wondering aloud how this could have happened. Could you imagine a more blazing trail?

This behavior is not a one-off. The entire book is centered around acts and decisions this.

The OTHER Main Pain: "Love Triangle"

Now, if you think the romance with Theresa was shoe-horned in - you are going to absolutely hate the Brenda one.

There's so much competition for Thomas and I have yet to see a competent argument for why either of them of them are interested.

Thomas spends the whole book mooning over one and then the other - it didn't build tension, I just became apathetic.


The OTHER, OTHER Main Pain: Missing Memory

Eventually, Thomas gets the chance to finally figure everything out. FINALLY - the audience is going to get some answers for such an incredibly convoluted and precariously written novel.

He decided he'd rather not know.

AKA I waded through 3 novels only for the main character to go, "ehhh, I'd rather keep everything shrouded in mystery.

It felt the author wrote himself into a corner and used Thomas's lame excuse to *not* have to fully answer the many (many) questions that arose throughout the book.

Irrepressible frustration

YouTube | Blog | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Snapchat @miranda_readsaudiobook dumpster-fire literally-painful-to-read459 s2 comments Emily Rose58

GAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I just read the synopsis on B&N's website and it sounds totally EPIC! Cannot wait!


5th most popular book this month... Alright Dashner!!!

DANG I actually did not fancy this book at all.
Ugh!!!! I hate to say it but I was extremely dissapointed by the finale of The Maze Runner series, The Death Cure. It was written well the other books but I have to say that the plot and the end were terrible. I can't even describe how dissapointed I am because I love the first two books and I had faith that James Dashner would be able to make this last one just as awesome or better, all finales should be. Well, he has failed at doing that, in my opinion.

First of all, I absolutely HATED how Teresa, whom I love so dearly and wanted Thomas to love just the same, was practically NEVER in this book. She was probably only present for a total of 15 pages scattered throughout the book. She served almost no purpose in the book other than to cause Thomas to feel a little betrayed and to save his life in the end which any of his other friends could have done, so nothing really special on her part. She was a very promising character and she could have brought so much to this book, but it seems Dashner just decided to throw her out because he couldn't see those possabilities. I mean, come on, you can't just throw a main character out that! they were never important!

This brings me to Teresa's replacement character--Brenda. Oh, dear lord, kill me already, BRENDA. UGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH. She was so annoying to me. She brought hardly anything to the story except a little sexual appeal for Thomas, especially in the book prior to this one. Her and Thomas had absolutely NO SUBSTANCE to their relationship but kissing and hugging and flirtitious comments. There was no passion. But wait--didn't Thomas have a passionate relationship with someone in this series before...? ...Who was it with... OH!--TERESA!!!! But NOOOOOOOOO, she had to be thrown out of the picture for who knows what reason. She and Thomas could have had such a strong, passionate realationship that would grip the reader's hearts just as strongly. Honestly, why in the world would Dashner think that his readers would want Thomas to be in a shallow relationship over a strong, passionate, dramatic one?

And then Dashner decides to put the cherry on top and KILL POOR TERESA!!! And he only spent half a page on it and then it was over with and Thomas hardly suffered a bit. It was in no way dramatic enough and in no way served Teresa right. I mean, a tragic hero is one thing, but just because you save someone's life doesn't mean you're the most amazing hero in the literary world. It happens all the time. But Dashner didn't make Teresa into the amazing heroine she could have been. He didn't give her a chance.

In addition to the awful ways Dashner used his characters--or lack of usage thereof--I also didn't really care for the events that happened in this book. It seemed many of them didn't push the story toward the resollution. I can't really explain that, but I just felt bored a lot. The story could have been more character-driven.

The only part I rally d in this book was Newt and his whole deal and how he ended up getting killed. It was the most emotional part of the book and it was probably the single part I wouldn't have changed.

Other little things I didn't :
*How Thomas never got his memory back so we could learn exactly what he and Teresa did before the Trials.
*How WICKED was neither a good guy or a bad guy. It was just a nothing that was trying to be a good guy with the best intentions but went about them in the wrong way. That is so cliched.
*How we didn't get to learn more about that Paige Chancellor. I got this giddy hope near the end that she'd turn out to be Thomas's mom or something. I surprises that, and this book lacked them big time. While reading this I actually though of so many twists that could have happened and could have been awesome. But no, Dashner had to be un-exciting and predictable.
*It seemed there were some mini themes in this book that amounted to nothing. how it seemed Thomas never wanted to become a killer, even of Cranks, but he did anyway and nothing was said about that matter after that.
*What was with Newt's note? I mean, why couldn't he have just told Thomas what he wanted so there wouldn't be a problem with him knowing when to read it? I thought the note could have been more life changing and revealing about the plot or something and throughout the whole book I was thinking that woud happen but then I was so dissapointed that it didn't really affect the story at all except for Newt dying. There was pretty much no reason for the note.

All in all, James Dashner not only killed off the great characters, but he killed the plot too. This story could have been amazing but all those open ends and great oportunities to really let this book shine were thrown out, left hanging. It was well written, but it was a terriblee ending to a good story. What a shame.

Yeah so I'm sooooo steaming mad that this book didn't pack the punch that it should have and easily could have had. I feel the whole Maze Runner story was awesome but could have been told much, much better.
sci-fi299 s2 comments Sydney LaForest116 15

...okay I think I made my point. (:

CANNOT WAITTTT why do authors to torture people! ;___;270 s2 comments Natalie Monroe607 3,737

1.5 stars

It's a very old axiom, but do you believe the end can justify the means? When there's no choice left?

NO. No, I do not. Especially when the end, which in this case is the supposed resolution of 900+ pages' worth of suspense and mystery, ultimately ends up being bullshit. There is no explanation for anything and what little there is turns out to be the biggest fuckfest I have ever had the misfortune to read.

The Maze Runner trilogy started off with so much potential. Yes, there were parts in The Maze Runner that grated on me a wayward blender, but I lapped it up and dove into the next installment, eager as a three-month-old puppy. The Scorch Trials disappointed me greatly, still I was , "It's okay, it's cool! The third and final book will make up for it. Right, guys? Right? RIGHT?"

A little background information before this review spirals out the football field of sanity: Thomas and the others have gotten out of the Scorch and back in Wicked's headquarters. They are then offered a chance to get their memories back in order to fully complete this experiment and extract a cure for the Flare.

Now from what I remember of Thomas from the first book, he was Alice in a dystopian Wonderland. Curious and always asking questions: "Where are we?", "Why are they doing this?", "Just answer my questions, dammit!" Armed with this knowledge, you'd think that Thomas would be real eager to get his real memories back and figure out why his past self justified and conducted these trials in the first place, his relationship with Teresa, and who his mother is.

In what I can only fathom as a bullshit way to drag out intrigue and save time in creating a backstory, the author makes Thomas not want his memories back because Wicked is evil, wah, wah, wah, and we can't trust anything they say! In fact, we'll escape! yeah, that's what we'll do! Never mind that getting back your memories is the sole thing you've been hankering for since you woke up from the Box months ago. Never mind that by doing this, you could potentially help Wicked discover the cure and save millions of lives. Never mind that your friend, Newt, has the Flare and if you could pull your head out of your selfish asshole for one second, you could save him. Oh no, let's go on a road trip to save me and get all that nasty, manipulative Wicked tech out of my brain, which incidentally, has never fully been explained. Let's make it all about me, me, me. Minho? Who the fuck's that?

The ending is the most selfish, stupid decision I have encountered. Allegiant was better than what happened if you can believe it.

He hoped that whatever they were, they'd be isolated and safe while the rest of the world figured out how to deal with the Flare, cure and no cure. He knew the process would be long and hard and ugly, and he was one hundred per cent that he wanted no part of it.

So as long as his Majesty Thomas is alright, the whole world can go fuck itself, am I right?

I wouldn't be so furious with Thomas's decision if it wasn't so at odds with his personality. This is the same guy who risked his life by going out into the Maze at night to save two people he barely knew. Sure, he went through some shit because of Wicked, but this is thousands, millions of innocent lives we're talking about. Harry Potter wouldn't have stood by idly if he knew sacrificing himself would help. Actually, that's exactly what he did in the Deathly Hallows. Percy Jackson wouldn't have allowed this to happen either. He'd grumble and grouse and add a smart-alecky remark, but he'd do something about it. He would waste valuable time reserved for mounting a barricade against gods in order to move unconscious passersby out the street and harm's way. That's what heroes do. And Thomas is most assuredly not one of them. I am ashamed to have compared him to those two in my review of The Maze Runner.

And how the fuck is preserving two hundred Immunes supposed to rebuild humankind? Say that by some miracle no one stumbles across them in this popped-outta-nowhere greenland. But Paige basically set humanity back by hundreds of years. I recently watched a documentary that says thanks to specialization, humans are extremely codependent. It takes a team of at least a hundred people to create a computer mouse. You need someone to pipe the oil up, to turn the oil into workable plastic, to slice it into pieces, to create metal springs or whatever it is that makes the button click... Not one person on earth can make a computer completely from scratch. And as smart as Thomas and the others are, I doubt they know how to make one either. So all that knowledge is essentially lost. Way to think ahead.

And I said, there is no proper explanation for the stuff that has been plaguing readers since day one. All that build-up with flashbacks of Thomas' mom and tantalizing hints of Thomas and Teresa's relationship and we end up with diddly-squat. Nothing is resolved, not even the love triangle. Teresa's dying is cheap. Thomas doesn't have to decide and stays the aw-shucks good guy.

To this day, I still don't understand know how shoving Variable after Variable before Thomas and Co. is supposed to find the cure. Wicked mentioned it's to study their brain patterns, as per to how they react in different situations. However, as I understand it, immunity is coded in DNA and our genetic makeup. Studying behavioral reactions is in the field of psychology or neuroscience, and has nothing to do with why you have blond hair. Wicked should have been extracting bone marrow or blood instead conducting the Hunger Games 2.0. The way I see it, the author only did the Lord of the Flies thing to generate action and excitement. Entertainment factor over proper research/common sense; not your best decision.

Newt was the only thing tolerable about this book. He had a proper character arc, un poor Minho, who was shoved to the side and had nary an important scene. If only he'd had some impact on the ending. It sounds callous, but you took him out of the picture, the plot would still run exactly the same. Why give Thomas' close, personal friend the Flare, if not to make Thomas see what it does to people and he has to help find the cure?He was only there to generate a few tears (none were shed) and make Thomas into the hero again (and not a single fuck was given about our resident special snowflake).

On a slightly irrelevant and happier note, this is the first series in which I have written a review for every single installment.

I haven't felt this proud since I got my first troll. I'm a professional reviewer, Ma!

My review of The Kill Order
My review of The Maze Runner
My review of The Scorch Trialsboooring confusing deus-ex-machina ...more264 s Virginia Ronan ? Herondale ?578 35k

”They told us they’d found Immunes, and if we could just figure out why their brains don’t succumb to the virus, why then the whole world would be saved! While in the meantime, cities crumble; education, security, medicine for every other malady known to man, charity, humanitarian aid – the whole world goes to pot so WICKED can do whatever they want to do.”

Thankfully I read this book before COVID-19 took over the world because I think right now I wouldnÂ’t be able to stomach dystopian science fiction books that. This said, letÂ’s go to nicer things, or well, not necessarily nicer things but rather my not so nice review. ;-)

I’m really trying hard to be friendly here but everything I come up with when I think about “The Death Cure” is “HELL NO!” Which basically explains my feelings about this book in a nutshell. *lol* I gave James Dashner one last chance to turn the tide and as it seems he didn’t take it. >_< I really wish this book would have made more sense than the second one but the bitter truth is, it made even less sense than “The Scorch Trials”. So whilst the movie adaption had a central theme I unfortunately can’t say the same about the books.

The first book was great and I loved to read “The Maze Runner” but starting with the second book the series lost a lot of its appeal. If you ask me this is mostly due to the lack of plot, the rather unrealistic action scenes and last but not least the very stupid decisions of the MC. I mean, damn how dumb can you be? Why did he even stay in that coffee shop? Curiosity? Really??!!! ARGH! You gotta be kidding me!!! (Which, btw, seems to be my overall mood when it comes to this book ;-P) You’d think a boy Thomas would know better than that. *shakes head*

Also where was the story line? I was desperately looking for one while I read the book but those characters were more random and indecisive than – than – wow I actually don’t even have a comparison. Okay, they were just random and indecisive, period. *lol* To read this was so chaotic because they decide for one thing and then do something completely different. This was heading nowhere and all I could do was wonder if they’d ever get somewhere in the end.

”Teresa, I’ve never made a secret of it – I don’t you. But I want to hear what you think anyway.”

To be honest the only thing that helped me to continue “The Death Cure” was the characters. I still love Minho and I’ll always adore Newt! <333 Those two were just great and for their sake I would have wished this book to be better. Great characters will only get you so far though, so sadly not even their amazing triumvirate vibes with Thomas could safe this book for me.

”I’ve heard enough bloody arguments. I’m not getting on one of those beds.”
Minho reached over and squeezed Newt’s shoulder. “Me neither.”
“Same here,” Thomas said.

Funnily enough this last book and the third movie adaption actually had a few contact points in common. XD Regrettably this didnÂ’t safe the book for me either. *lol* Neither did Teresa nor Brenda and Thomas holding hands whenever they could. (Are they in love now or not??!!!) And the ending? DonÂ’t even get me started about that freaking ending! >_<

”I’m sorry, guys. I’m sorry. But I need you to listen to me. I’m getting worse by the hour and I don’t have many sane ones left. Please leave.”

WHY DID JAMES HAVE TO KILL OFF ONE OF THE BEST FREAKIN CHARACTERS OF THIS ENTIRE SERIES!!?? WHY DID NEWT HAVE TO DIE?! And this in such a cruel way as well! IÂ’m not okay with this! And of course the movie and the book are on the same page when it comes to Newt! I mean WTH?! From book two on the books and the movies couldnÂ’t be any more different and yet this is where they find common ground?!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!!! AKDFASDFJASKLDFJASDFKLASJDFKL!


In some ways this book wasnÂ’t what I expected and in others it actually was. I still donÂ’t have any answers and if anything all those question marks I took with me from book two only got even more prominent throughout the course of this final instalment. All told this leaves me with thousands of questions, no answers, illogical and incomprehensible actions of the MCs and a huge pile of frustration. Oh, and of course with my personal reversed motto of this series:
WICKED IS NO GOOD. ;-P (At least not for me...)

My library just decided that IÂ’ve to read this and I think I agree. *lol*
I really need to finish this series and itÂ’s about time I read the final book.

I just hope that it won’t be as confusing as “The Scorch Trials” because quite honestly the movie made a whole lot more sense than the book and that says quite something. XD
At least it does coming from me. IÂ’m usually the first one whoÂ’ll prefer books over movie adaptions. XD

Anyway! Please be better than book two, okay?
James Dashner, IÂ’m giving you one last chance to turn the tide. ;-P

P.S: If this book ends the movie I'll be pissed though. *lol*215 s Morgan Walsh48 6

A message to everyone reading this review: Hi. It's nice to discuss The Death Cure with all of you. There is a smorgasbord of grammatical mistakes in my review, and as I look back on what I wrote, I find myself disagreeing... with myself. When I have time to re-read the Maze Runner trilogy and its prequel, I will review each book again, and hopefully I will do justice to what is indubitably one of the best cabin slash dystopian novels I've ever read. I'll still leave this review up, and if you'd to leave a comment, I'd be happy to respond. PS, when I read my review earlier, I realized I sounded... um, let's say slightly immature... and I glossed over the ideas behind the story itself. I was once very attuned to the *characters* in a novel, but now find myself enjoying the beauty in the plot and philosophies of novels. So when I re-review this book, hopefully I'll sound less a maniacal fangirl. Okay. That's about it for now. Enjoy. Spoilers are ahead.

For those who have waited for so very long, my review is finally here. Yaaayyyy.

The Death Cure's end gave us a new hope, didn't it? A hope for survival. It was plainly obvious to me that WICKED was bad, but in the end, they did (or Chancellor Paige did) one thing good--they transported our Gladers, Group B-ers and the rest of the Munies to the last Paradise on Earth, the last place where they could be free and not ruled by an evil corporation claiming to do good.
I couldn't help but to smile when I read the last few pages of The Death Cure, though it admittedly was tainted by a frown. The without-a-doubt epic saga concluded with death, and while expecting it to be this way, I did not want it. I did not want a "happy ending" for this story, because after all that Thomas and his friends had been through, there was no possible way for it to end happily. I just wish that the three main characters who died... didn't have to. Chuck, of course, died during The Maze Runner. He symbolized youth and innocence--2 things that *did* die inside the Gladers by the end of Book One--and it's hard to smile when youth and innocence die.
Newt and Teresa died in The Death Cure. Newt symbolized friendship and loyalty, even when the whole world went insane. His death did not have me producing tears, for it was a mercy, but he should not have had to die. Shame on WICKED, not on Dashner. Newt wouldn't have been so Gone had they not made him that way.
Teresa's death upset me. I couldn't "see" it coming, but I did feel it coming. I hated her as Thomas did when she betrayed him; loathed her as Thomas did when she tried to convince him that WICKED was good, and that she was sorry. But ultimately, as with Thomas, I forgave her... just in time for her to be crushed by the ceiling of Wicked as the Munies were escaping. Really, though, her death did not quite "surprise" me. Thomas gained closure regarding his previous best friend, and closure is only had in death, be it a metaphorical death or not.
I wanted none of them to die; they did. There is nothing more to say on this count.

The premise of The Death Cure can be defined in three words-- death, rebellion, and insanity. Looking at the Flare-ridden world for the first time, it hit home for both Thomas and myself that a cure was needed desperately, but not by WICKED's means. No "good" company dedicated to the preservation of mankind does everything it had done to the Gladers and Group B.
Besides, I think they were looking for a cure the wrong way (obviously). You can't torture a cure out of immune kids with memory loss--that just doesn't work. Really, the way for a cure to be discovered would be to examine the disease, and find a way for it to stop spreading and wreaking the horrific damage.
But on that note, the damage of the Flare confused me. A man-made disease based on controlling population suddenly turns into a pandemic that makes people become crazy zombies? It seems... unly.

And based on that hole in the plot, another one sprung out at me--why, exactly, were we readers told that the sun caused the Flare, and then have the information revealed that it was actually mankind? Was this "WICKED telling the kids and Thomas, which is how we know", or was it just poor writing? I sincerely hope it was the former.

Hey, by-the-by, how exactly did the sun flares fit into all this anyway? I just said, everything seemed sun-flare related, and then we were just told that Nope, sorry, we lied. Mankind did it all. Didn't mean to allude ya.

By the end, I felt there were numerous plot holes and misgivings, and this was one of them.

Aside from the fact that I don't plot holes, nor do I characters I dying, I did not how it was essentially just Thomas in the third book. Minho (who I absolutely adored), Brenda (who I'm kind of mad at, because the epilogue revealed her to be a kind of traitor) and Jorge were there throughout the book, I guess, but it felt they were moved to the sidelines a bit, you know?
I did not the fact that Aris was only mentioned, what, four times total in the 'Cure? I did not the fact that Group B suddenly vanished from the plot. I did not Teresa's explanation for why they left the WICKED compound in the beginning sans Newt, Thomas and Minho--it made no sense. Also--uh, if lots of brain activity make the Flare get worse inside the killzone, then why, exactly, did Newt not go crazy in the first two books? The sun couldn't really activate it, since Newt had spent two weeks running a hundred miles in the Scorch to get to the safe-zone, and he didn't go crazy then. So how exactly *DID HE GO CRAZY?!* It was "Hey, guess what, Newt, you've got the Flare", and only after this announcement, for no real reason, did Newt go crazy. What do you think--Plot hole? Or the doing of WICKED?

But I did the book as a whole. James Dashner did a fantastically fantastic job of writing. He made me feel every single experience along with the characters, so that I hurt when they hurt, survived when they survived; I literally felt *everything* they felt, throughout all of the series, which made it so fantastic.

Because of the fact that I did not re-read the first two books before reading this one, I cannot say that I would feel towards The Death Cure what a person who did read all three in a row would feel. This was an excellent ending to the series, I think (again, I wanted happy endings for all, but hey, that just wasn't feasible), but this view could almost certainly be different for that person. I hope that those of you who read the three books in a row will appreciate them the way I do, but I can only hope for this.

Finally, I mention the irony of the title with the ending of the book. The note Chancellor Paige left to the members of WICKED finalizes the fact that yep, the world's going to hell, and there was no cure, so only the Munies can survive. (Though I am curious--there is bound to be hundreds more Munies left outside the hidden paradise Thomas and crew inhabit at the end of the Death Cure, so what happens to them? Could there possibly be a spin-off series relating somewhat to this, or to the eventual reunion between the Paradise Munies and the Wasteland Munies [because yeah, undoubtedly there'd be a reunion]?) Thus, the only cure for the Flare is death. Ha ha ha. Ah, irony, how we so love you.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review193 s1 comment Kari55 2

hmm.. where to begin...

First, the title: The Death Cure. A little misleading perhaps? I THINK SO!! There's NO cure. There's not even hope for a cure! Let's just all give up on our ridiculous plan to save the world that ended up having NO medical support at all! La de dah de dah!! The death cure my foot.

Second, this book really got me thinking.... why the heck is Thomas the almighty one? I don't know how old he is, but I'm just going to go out on a limb and guess 16ish... Okay, so stick with me on this one. Thomas is a young teenager who is immune to the flair. He works at WICKED because let's be honest, what major scientific/medical research facility doesn't hire young boys?? The Creators die somehow and for who knows what reason, Thomas and his equally young friend Teresa get to be in charge??? And are just the smartest leaders WICKED could have? What the? HE"S NOT THAT SMART!

Third, RIP Newt. But don't worry, Thomas will remember you every paragraph or so and his chest will ache or clench or whatever the heck it keeps doing.

Fourth, no one knows who Chancellor Paige is. Convenient of her to show up though.

Fifth, (are you getting tired of my counting?), I'm so glad we got to listen to Thomas complain about having no memories for the first two books and then when he finally gets the chance to get them back, he super wusses out and says no. LOVED that part. Totally ensured I'd get to read more of the stupid vague sentences that have no reward at all "it reminded Thomas of a memory that he couldn't quite grasp," or "it frustrated him that he couldn't remember why this detail stuck out to him." Totally hooked me in with those show stoppers. (insert eye roll)

Sixth, lots and lots of death. The end has a fleeing scene similar to the first one and it's hard for me to imagine it being realistic. Over 500 people tried to escape and only 200 made it?? Come on, 300 people died? In a chapter where they're escaping nothing more than a crumbling building? Those are some very poor statistics.

Seventh, Peace out Teresa! You were replaced by Brenda....in the second book. You really had no other option but to be killed. No hard feelings.

The end.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review152 s Zainab393 602

This shit HURT ME. I'm such an emotional mess right now ugh.

But all in all, I'd say I d the movie version better. The movie was a lot more gripping.127 s Charlotte May761 1,217

“I don’t think there is a right or wrong any more...only horrible and not quite so horrible.”

I have loved rereading this series!
We rejoin Thomas and the gang after the horrors of the Scorch. WICKED say the trials are almost over - but how can they believe anything they say?
Thomas, Brenda and Jorge become separated from the rest of the group as they break out from WICKED. They make their way to Denver, a city managing to function as normally as possible, while scanning all new occupants for the flare in order to keep it out.
All the while WICKED are hunting them - they need Thomas, claim he is their ‘final candidate’. But what do they want him for?
This series is fantastic, as it really makes you question the term ‘the end justifies the means’. Does it actually? When so many are killed for this so called ‘end’. Very powerful stuff.
Battling cranks, meeting old characters, and so many more secrets and shocks - this was a great final instalment.
My only gripe would be I completely forgot they killed off Teresa right before they all escape to the safe land - that was a bit convenient, as it leaves Thomas and Brenda to pursue their relationship and therefore - no more love triangle.

“He almost wanted to laugh at the irony. They made him into a killer...to save people?” dystopia end-of-the-world favourites ...more93 s Melissa ? Dog/Wolf Lover ? Martin3,587 10.8k

Meh. . . I don't know what happened but I loved the first book. d the second well enough and then I don't know. I'm glad some of my friends loved it though =) fantasy-all young-adult88 s ~Tina~1,092 158


The Maze Runner was the first survival-dystopian book I've ever read and I can't express the pulse-pounding rush I get from this series and what brought other book of this genre come to life in my world.
The Hunger Games, Divergent, Legend...it all started with James Dashner and I'll forever be grateful for his ingenious story telling that is 100% pure adrenaline. It ignited a passion in me that will forever be craved.

The Death Cure is the finally conclusion to this heart-stopping world and I'm here to tell you that it's been one helluva ride!!

Now...I'm sure that with the ending we got that many people will feel either content with it or they may feel robbed.
Me? I guess I feel a little of both, but I think that's how we're meant to feel, cause that's how these characters feel. See, these books are designed to keep the reader in constant wonderment. We don't know who to trust (with a few exceptions) we don't know what's real and we don't know which way the story will turn no matter how much we think we've figured it out. The methods WICKED used were horrendous and when push comes to shove, meaningless. After all that tragic, all that pain and all that torture (for characters and readers a) the final answer was indeed right before our eyes...and yet, I've never once, during this entire series thought about it. I was to focused on what was going on and to panicked with want for my favorite characters to survive that I never looked at the could-be-solution.
I was just waiting for the shucking cure!

With that said, I'm happy with the way this ended. In fact, I think it's the perfect ending. It's filled with action and answers. It leaves the characters and the readers exhausted and exhilarated, but most of all despite the lost and despair it leaves us with hope, and that my friend is always a note I my reads to end with.

I've said this in my last two so I might as well say it one last time. James Dashner is my hero! These books have been one of the most craziest, twisted and absolutely addicting books I've ever read and I can say this with a heavy heart... it will be tremendously missed.

Congrats to James Dashner on such an epic series. You put your readers and your characters through absolute hell mister! But I've never had such a blast reading a series from beginning to end.

Pure awesomesauce!
apocalyptic-dystopian cover-crazz favorites ...more73 s Ahmad Sharabiani9,564 148

The Death Cure (The Maze Runner #3), James Dashner

The Death Cure is a 2011 young adult dystopian science fiction novel written by American writer James Dashner and the third book published in the Maze Runner series. It is the last book in the series.
Spoiler Alert
After being held in solitary confinement, Thomas is eventually released by Janson ("Rat Man" in the prior novel), the assistant director of WICKED. Janson tells the Gladers (Group A) and Group B that most of their number are immune to the Flare while some are not, reading out names of people who are not immune to the Flare.

Thomas is devastated to hear that his friend Newt is not immune. The Gladers are offered the chance to remove the mind-control chips in their heads, thus restoring their memories, but at the cost of Thomas' ability to communicate telepathically with Teresa and Aris.

Only Thomas, Minho, and Newt choose not to undergo the surgery, believing they cannot help to find the cure if they lose their telepathic connection or gain their prior memories. All three of them escape from WICKED with the help of Brenda and Jorge before their chips are removed. ...

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Things Dashner does well:
Storytelling. Making up this world and coming up with all the plot twists are well done; he's a very talented tale spinner. He's great at creating suspense, making the next plot twist come at the right moment, and making you want to go on to the next chapter. A lab-created zombie virus and an overzealous world organization with too much power: fantastic ideas. Some of the plot twists and answers I questioned, but overall it was a fast-paced tale that easily drew me in.

What Dashner does not do so well:
Character development. This is the third book in the series and I still have no idea what most of the characters look or what they are about at their core. They all seem rather the same, especially their short tempers. The book is about plot more than character so for the most part I gone on with the shallow characters, but it would have been nice to get a better feel for who I was caring about while reading about all their close calls with the Cranks.

Description. I got lost a lot in this book. A lot. I know some of that is me forgetting details from previous books, but most of it was my inability to keep up with what Dashner was trying to describe. I was especially lost in the conclusion, partly because things weren't described well, but partly because I didn't feel I all my questions were answered.

How exactly did the wall convert into an entrance to the Flat Trans? I get that it was some form of liquid solid, but the fact that it opened up into a new place sounded more magic than advanced science. How could this paradise be disconnected from the rest of the world? Couldn't they keep walking and end up in someplace overrun by Cranks? Couldn't the Cranks roaming around the earth eventually wander into them?

Also, what ever happened to the people in Maze B? Did they just head to the Maze A and save those people while forgetting all the people in the other maze? Why didn't they split up? Why didn't someone lament about the other maze and the hundreds of immunes dying there? It was dropped from the story. And it wasn't the only loose end I still had questions about. I d that the conclusion to the trilogy wasn't a happily ever after. There wasn't an eleventh hour cure that was going to fix everything when the world was way past Gone, but I did feel it happened too quickly without addressing all the loose ends.

And one last complaint that we discussed at my writing group. How come Thomas never got his memory back? We've been wondering what's in there since the beginning of Maze Runner. We've waited all this time to learn Thomas' involvement in Wicked and especially at the beginning of this book where he fought so hard against getting his memory back and Wicked fought so hard to give it to him. We were teased (from the very first book) with secrets and information to prove Wicked was good and find out who Thomas had been and how he's changed, but Dashner never came through.

ETA: I just found out The Kill Order *spoiler* has nothing to do with Thomas and Teresa. *spoiler* Seriously?! The only reason I was considering reading it was to find out what Dashner should have written here. But instead of milking one more book out of the trilogy, Dashner has milked a prequel to set up the milking of yet another prequel. It irritates me when author's milk a story idea instead of moving on to the next one. That information should have been in this book and I'm not reading a lot of new books for a little bit of information. I will not be reading anything else that has to do with the Maze Runner trilogy.apocalypse dystopia guy-lit ...more69 s Debra474 2,448

??? 2.5 stars.

Not bad but I expected sooo much more of the 'grand finale'...

young-adult-fiction64 s Lazaros271 595

I honestly expected much more than this. It was utterly mediocre from the beginning to the unsatisfying ending. This series started off so good with the first book being amazing, but then the books kept deteriorating.

Loving certain characters and then having them getting on your nerves is more annoying than I had ever imagined. Most characters of this book, even those I d in the first and second one, now I just found plain annoying. Well, for starters, I find it annoying that they didn't even want to help out in saving the human race, I hope they're satisfied with where they ended up being.

This book, felt stalling. Honestly, minus some action scenes and the main storyline parts which where poor to the point of nonexistent, there wasn't anything of much importance. This book could have honestly been 50 pages long it wouldn't have made a difference.

Having characters running around with a no-brainer explanation and making them pigheaded, it was just frustrating. Thomas, Minho, Newt, they were all fools although I felt bad for one of them in the end but it wouldn't have made a difference.

The ending inspired a sense of doom, and it's one that is unpredictable, you can imagine a hundred different ways they could end up. Yes, oh yes, I came up with some nice ideas about hyenas creeping up on them, or dying by venomous spiders. Is my imagination running wild?

The only reason I gave this 2 stars is because I enjoy immensely the way Dashner writes, with his quirky dialogues, snarky comments and all. I just wish this author would come up with more rich and original storylines, because he really could be great.

Do I recommend this series? Well, the first one HELL YES, the second one HMM YES and the third one UGH NO. That about sums it up.

For some dystopia fans this could work, it didn't for me much as I wanted to.64 s Neil (or bleed)1,016 802


“As we tried to instill in each of our subjects over and over, WICKED is good.”

Yeah, WICKED is good. But this book is BAD. Actually, WORST!

Ridiculous plot. Bad ending/closure. Stupid main character. Unnecessary deaths. Emotionless. Ladies and gentlemen, The Death Cure.

Let's be honest here. I am so curious about this trilogy because well, I find it interesting in the first place, but I end up being disappointed and frustrated. After The Maze Runner, the sequels went down drastically. I found the plot appalling and ridiculous. I'm not buying it. And I really didn't get what I want regarding the plot. Or most probably, I have the Flare and it's eating my brain that I can't comprehend this book. Lol. Seriously, it wasn't fascinating. Duh.

Thomas is stupid. I hope he was the one who died and not *toot* and *toot* because he is stupid. Fuck you, Thomas!

If you thought The Scorch Trials is so random, think again. The Death Cure is the random-est of all. There are lots of deus ex fucking machina. There are lots of scene that I didn't find fitting or didn't connect with what is happening. They are really more random throws to make the story line relevant and fascinating.

Don't get me started with character development because there is none. Oh! There's one, I found out that Newt is not immune to the Flare virus. What a surprise? Please. It's really trying hard.

And the worst is, I don't feel anything about this book. With those deaths and near-deaths, I am just there reading it I'm reading an instruction manual with fistfight and running.

I appreciate the pacing since I didn't get bored. But, it is kinda manipulative. And it's not enough to redeem the whole mess.

*throw shades*reviewed62 s benebean1,004 11

*sighs* this probably doesn't deserve a rating as low as 2 stars, but since it deserves a rating lower than its two predecessors, it gets 2 stars. This trilogy could have been amazing if its last installment had been amazing giving meaning and imaginative explanations for all that happened in the earlier books. I kept waiting for this huge plot twist about the "real reason" why wicked was doing all these horrible things-- but in the end, the explanation was the easy to guess-- so easy and lame that half of the guesses I had come up with were orders of magnitude more exciting and imaginative.

In addition to this serious plot failure, it didn't have a main character that I really d to help make me the book despite its issues. I didn't dis him, just sort of neutral. I d a number of the minor characters, but most of them died (except Minho and I guess Frypan). Which brings me to my next quibble: Teresa and Brenda. I never d Brenda and I felt since the second book the author was trying to force me to accept her as a replacement for Teresa, and then conveniently leaves Teresa out of the picture and eventually kills her off to make room for a character I never cared for. I can't argue that it was unrealistic that Thomas would be distant from Teresa given the events, but I'm just mad at the author for giving her hardly any face time in the second two books, she never even had a chance to defend herself.

This ties in with my other problem, namely since we hardly get to hear from Teresa AND Thomas never bothers to recover his memories, we never find out what it was in the past that made her and Thomas so sure they were doing the right thing when setting up all these tests, unless you really wanna stick with the same lame explanation that Wicked gave for its actions.

So overall, I feel this series didn't have a good enough ending/explanation of events to merit reading through all the demoralizing experiences. This said, it was still a well-written series in that the story was compelling and some of the minor characters were depicted well.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewcleaness-granny-approves dystopian heavy ...more60 s Erin233 103

1.5 stars

First, to clarify. This isn't an angry one star. I just have lost most of my patience when it comes to all of this series's flaws.

As many people have noted, the Maze Runner trilogy is a bit... mysterious. Throughout the first two books, a lot of stuff happens with little to no explanation. I knew going into The Death Cure that the only way I would this book was if it finally gave me the answers I was looking for.

Well, as you can see from my rating, it didn't.

But man. That stupid part where Newt died. I knew it was coming but it still made my eyes tear up. Newt, I love you. And maybe I was being emotionally manipulated, but your death killed me. Why did you have to tell Tommy you hate him? What a terrible last memory. If Newt told me he hated me, I'd probably shoot myself, not him. That is how much I treasure his affection.

And could Brenda still working for WICKED be any more obvious? It got to the point where Thomas was actively ignoring the signs that she was playing them all. Apparently, all it takes is a few cheek-kisses for Thomas to be fooled. (So. Many. Cheek-kisses.)

And it doesn't help that Thomas is the least compelling protagonist to ever draw breath. To me, he just seems a little... slimy. I don't him.

One last complaint. Dashner was really unsuccessful, at least for this reader, in describing action scenes. This was especially apparent toward the end, when there were some fights/brawls. Trying to picture what Character A was doing to Character B was so confusing. How can you simultaneously wrap your legs around someone's torso and pin their arms down with your knees? Sigh.


Okay, I lied. I have more complaints.

The characters are so... juvenile. Their jokes aren't funny and Dashner never developed them into real live people; they only exist to react to plot events. And since the plot stopped making sense quite some time ago, maybe that's not the best strategy.

And I think there was a theme running through the book of gray morality, there are no "right" choices, etc. But I didn't feel that the author respected his audience (or his writing skills) enough to let that theme seep in through character choices and the problems they faced. Instead, there were multiple instances where a character would think or say, literally, "Things aren't black and white anymore!" Yeah, okay, we get it.

One good thing: ambiguous ending. Not going to expand on that for obvious reasons, but I would have been disappointed if everything was wrapped up with a cute little bow.

Thinking back, that was Dashner's (and the trilogy's) greatest strength. He wasn't afraid to hurt, emotionally traumatize, or even kill some of his best characters. So, for some younger readers, these books could be a revelation.

Final Verdict: I think this series would be (and obviously is, based on how many requests it has at my library) very enjoyable and exciting for kids, maybe ages 11-14. But it didn't work for me. The writing and world-building were too weak for me to the Maze Runner series. But I think I would recommend it for its target age group.

PS. I put this on my "disturbing moments" shelf because, at one point, a chunk of rock falls on some people and crushes them and their blood trickles out from beneath the rock. That's linked to some traumatic childhood moments for me, most notably watching a Halloween episode of The Simpsons that I was really not prepared for. Bluhd!

action-packed dark disappointing ...more55 s Kate325

Another series finished for this year, #winning

The Death Cure

Ummm, where to begin?
This series was such a fast paced, roller coaster filled with amazing twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat, and short of breath most of the time! haha

I loved that the chapters were short and generally left on cliff-hangers!

I think the first book is still my favourite, but the action in all 3 books never lacked, amazing series, and I highly recommend it! Even if you're kind of resistant I was! :)2015-read47 s Kayla Dawn292 1,031


Weiß gar nicht wirklich, was ich dazu sagen soll.

Wieso gab es Brenda als Charakter? Wozu hat sie gedient, außer ein super überflüssiges dummes Liebesdreieck in die Story einzubauen? Sie war nicht mal ein toller Charaktere.
Und es macht auch einfach keinen Sinn, dass er am Ende mit ihr zusammen ist. Deshalb musste Teresa auch umgebracht werden, um sowas dämliches irgendwie zu rechtfertigen.

Und es ist einfach nichts neues ans Licht gekommen!! Alles was man jetzt weiß, hat man schon
im Laufe des ersten Bandes gecheckt. Aber man wurde in der Hoffnung gelassen, dass hinter dem allem noch irgendein riesiger Plottwist steckt. Der Masterplan. Dabei war alles nur ein Haufen Müll.

Zudem, aus der Sicht der Teenager ist es irgendwo nachvollziehbar, dass sie sauer auf Angst sind. Aber mal ehrlich, wie egoistisch ist es, sich nicht selbst, für die Menschheit opfern zu wollen? Nur damit der liebe kleine Thomas nicht sterben muss, sind ein paar andere Leute draufgegangen. Kein Problem.
Thomas war einfach immer unausstehlich. Macht auf Held, aber rettet eigentlich immer nur seinen eigenen Arsch. Und wieso zur Hölle, wollte Thomas sein Gedächtnis nicht zurück?? Das war einfach so super dämlich und unrealistisch
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