
Conflict of Duty de James Chandler

de James Chandler - Género: English
libro gratis Conflict of Duty


The pursuit of the truth might cost one Wyoming lawyer everything…
In the wake of a trial loss and personal upheaval, defense attorney Sam Johnstone is drawn back into the legal fray by an accused drug dealer involved in a fatal fentanyl case. The dealer's tantalizing offer? Pivotal information that could exonerate the son of Sam’s former partner in exchange for representation.
As Sam ventures deeper into this moral minefield, he uncovers suppressed testimony that could incriminate a former client… and threaten his own career...M.F

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I received an ARC through "Severn River" and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

The story begins with Sam taking some time off fishing. On his way back, he makes a stop in a small town where he makes a lady friend and extends his time off. Upon arriving back in town, it seems two events have happened which will impact him. The 1st item relates to the County Attorney killing a woman, where the 2nd one involves a death of a teen due to an overdose. In this case, Sam represents one of the people discovered in a motel room where the teen died. He handles the arraignment but plans to have no other involvement. This event is the basis for the title of the book.

His involvement will preclude him representing someone else also involved in that crime, the drug dealer that wants Sam to represent him. Sam tells him no, that he can't represent him. This individual is persistent and offers Sam a so-called carrot. He will tell Sam information that will free an innocent man from prison if Sam wins his case. The conflict that Sam has is resolved and Sam eventually agrees to the representation. The teen's father is angry at Sam for him representing the drug dealer and Sam is threatened.

The time of the trial arrives and Sam is going up against Cathy, his former girlfriend who was appointed to replace the County Attorney who was involed with the killing. Sam does his best in his defense of the drug dealer. The case has now gone to the jury. Time has come and the jury has come to a verdict. Sam and his client are returning to the courthouse where an angry mob is outside. As Sam is entering the building, shots are fired.

To learn what the shots meant, what reason the conflict was eliminated, what other event happened regarding a member of Sam's family and wht the trial results were, then you need to read this book. Paula1,215 41

In the wake of a trial loss and personal upheaval, defense attorney Sam Johnstone is drawn back into the legal fray by an accused drug dealer involved in a fatal fentanyl case in Conflict of Duty by James Chandler. The dealer’s tantalizing offer? Pivotal information that could exonerate the son of Sam’s former partner in exchange for representation. 

As Sam ventures deeper into this moral minefield, he uncovers suppressed testimony that could incriminate a former client and threaten his own career.

Conflict of Duty is a solid legal thriller. I learned some about the courts and trials, as well as a lot about drug addiction and fentanyl. It was a very good story with good characters—some likable, others not so much!

I was a bit disappointed in the ending; it felt a bit unresolved with Sam, but I’m hoping that means there will be more.

I enjoyed reading this book. The author's writing style held my interest and told a good story. I would recommend this book.

#NetGalley @SvrnRvrPublish1 David Taylor1,314 20

The darkest story of the Sam Johnston series.

As I began reading Conflict of Duty I sensed a change in the story from the five previous stories. I couldn’t tell what the difference was, but that feeling stuck with me until Sam got back to his practice and suddenly when Trent Gustafson showed up the change in tone of the story became perfectly clear. While the previous books all include murder or other heinous crimes that were resolved in the courtroom. Conflict of Duty left me with more unanswered questions than any of its predecessors. I’m hoping these questions will be answered in the next book as well as how Sam is going to come out of all his personal situations. I’d to say this is my favorite book of the series and one day it may be, after I come to grips with the personal memories Sam’s challenges brought back to me. I received an Advance Reader Copy of Conflict of Duty from the publisher and chose to provide my review.
Denise 605 5

This is a very good legal thriller. This is the sixth book in the series and though each book can be read as a standalone, as with most series, it’s best to read from the beginning to really understand the characters, how they intersect and to track storylines that carry over into other books. In each book we learn about varied aspects of the court system, which is quite interesting. There is always a blend of courtroom activity along with information on Sam’s personal life, his struggles to maintain his sobriety and coping with PTSD, adding depth to his character and giving the reader a dose of realism and humanity. This installment is a solid addition to this entertaining series. Bob Griffith1 review


Chandler hits another home-run with book #6. Comfortably informing the first-time reader of the necessary series background while not simply repeating information many authors do, Chandler guides the story along his first five books. He dangles the bait (or fly in deference to the fly-fisherman he and Sam are), entices you into the plot deftly, and keeps you in suspense throughout every page. Adroitly but again not by simply rehashing previous works, he establishes the legal framework for the layman. He closes with just enough intrigue to leave you asking for more. Great job again and well worth the read! Greville Waterman549 32

I have now read all six of this fascinating and compelling series featuring the troubled alcoholic Sam Johnstone racked with guilt about his army past.

Despite his issues he is a wonderful lawyer quick to seize opportunities and capitalise upon the holes in the prosecution cases.

I so enjoy reading about his exploits and hope that he will find peace and true happiness one day - but I have my doubts. Ronaele Whittington, D.S.W.233 3

Complexities of addiction and sustained sobriety.

Wyoming shares boundaries with six other states. The total population rates 50th of all the states, according to my 2023 road atlas. How could such wilderness support crime, drug trafficking, overdoses, and legal shenanigans? Some residents seek revenge and leverage outside of laws and justice. Attorney Sam Johnstone litigates to right wrongs. Sam challenges himself to practice sobriety. Dale Wilen77 1 follower

Excellent read! Christmas Angel1,014 12

This is a WOW book. WOW for the characters. WOW for the story. WOW for the courtroom scenes. WOW for the ending. Did I mention I really d this story? Highly Recommended. Eric Amundson4

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