
Snowboard Duel de Jake Maddox

de Jake Maddox - Género: English
libro gratis Snowboard Duel


Hannah and Brian have the run of Snowstream, a cool winter resort. But a new kid, Zach, starts a boys-only snowboard cross team. What will Brian do when he's forced to choose between Hannah and snowboarding?

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The book from Jake Maddox snowboard duel was a fantastic book. This book was really cool I read this book because I love to go snowboarding. These kids get to go snowboarding almost every single day because his family members were workers at the resort. well then Someone else started to work there and they had to start paying to go snowboarding but the kids didn't that because they got to go every day but now they can only go 1 a week or something.
1 Andrew J113 2

The cover of this book is a bit misleading. Brian is on the cover when it really should be his best friend, Hannah. This really becomes her story. Brian's mom works at the Snowstream Ski Resort and has taken on extra work since the resort lost its manager. Hannah tells Brian that her dad heard that there's a new manager who wants to impose some changes and new rules on the resort including that family of staff members cannot ski or snowboard for free. This obviously leaves the two dismayed. Eventually, they meet Zach who turns out to be the new manager's son. His mother's title, Zach seems to think, somehow gives him power at the resort. One of the new rules is that in order to ski or snowboard for free, you need to be on the new snowboard team, of which Zach is the new captain. It's pretty close to being nepotistic. It becomes sexist when Zach decrees that his team can't have any girls. Which brings in the snowboard duel.

It's not a bad story, I suppose. It's a decent story worthy of 3 stars, but I wasn't too crazy about how this was written. The description is sometimes repetitive, and the sentences are occasionally written in a way to amaze or shock the reader, but I've seen worse, so I'll give props to the writer for not going overboard... Zach is presented as the antagonist, and I admit to not liking him as is intended. Hannah's and Brian's friends are pretty pathetic for wanting to join Zach's team despite the sexist rule change and even have the gall to defend their right to put themselves first. I don't know at the moment if there's ever a sequel to this particular story, but if there is, I would hope that Hannah questions her friendship with those other friends. Brian was the only one who was a good person in all this and stood by her. If there's a sequel, I hope Maddox writes in/wrote in that those friends eventually realized how selfish they had been and that they actually give her a well-deserved apology.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review SPENCER Reid10

Plot: Weal Brian is a snow boarder he gets in for free Intel a new manager comes in to the building also his mom works there that is why he gets in for free. they cant get in for free any more. so they come while they can Intel they can go back and the new manager is gone. so they cant go snowboarding any more.

Character Analysis: Zach changes every thing he came from baler mountain his mom is the new manager and he is mean. They cant change that so they keep snowboarding. Then Zach wants to put in a snowboarding team and so Brian and his friends join all of his friends parents work there also and they get in for free. they go to the practice and Zach says no girls allowed becease I want to win so Brian's friend challenges Zach to a duel if she won then she could join and if she lost then she would not bother him again. So he races her he is going to win and then he crashes and then Hannah picked him up and took him to the medical station and she gets on the team.

Theme: You need to earn others respect. Also not be mean to others and not think about wining and learn that every one needs to be included. That we need to be nice to others even if there a girl and you think they cant do very good but other people are actually good. so include every one even if you think there not very good at it.

Opinion: I think that Zach did the wrong thing at first but in the end he did better. Brian also did the right thing for standing up for Hannah and including her in things. I think that we need to include every one even if you think there dumb. You need to be kind and good to other people beceas you dont know what is going on in there life. we need to be able to accept others into your life.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Erica173

Brian and Hannah are best friends; they seem to be in middle school. Their parents, along with those of their other friends, work at the SnowStream ski/snowboard resort. Problems arise with a new resort manager and her older son, Zach, start to make changes to the resort and its rules. How will Brian and Hannah find a way to keep snowboarding when Zach starts a racing team of Boys Only? Rec for grade 3-4 who to snowboard or skateboard. beginning-chapter Ben Schmoker40 2

I d this book because it shows how a kid can stand up to a mean kid.
2012-40-book-challange 40-book-chalange 40book-chalange Robert Crowley16

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