
Rendezvous Eighteenth de Jake Lamar

de Jake Lamar - Género: English
libro gratis Rendezvous Eighteenth


Rendezvous Eighteenth marks the emergence of an exciting voice in crime fiction. Ricky Jenks gave up life in the U.S. years ago and is content, if not happy, with his life as a piano player in a small café in the Montmartre neighborhood of Paris. He has many friends among the other African-Americans living in Paris and is happily, if casually, involved with a French Muslim woman.
But then everything changes. His American life comes crashing down on him when his estranged cousin wants help finding his runaway wife, whom he thinks might have come to Paris, even though he's vague about why. That same night Ricky finds a prostitute dead in his apartment building in Paris's Eighteenth Arrondissment, one of the most multicultural sections of Paris. That these two events could be connected is something he never imagines.
This intricate, absorbing thriller is ultimately much more than a suspense novel. Lamar's detailed and vibrant portrait of life in Paris is as much the...

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I gave up around page 140, I think? Lamar can write, but at the same time, I kinda feel the first chapter was one of those shows to prove he can write and things went downhill from here. The flashbacks aren't handled terribly well, the Fatima storyline doesn't fit what we've been shown of her personality, and the arrival of Serena is yucky, too. Been here, done that.

SO much potential in this one. Hate to see it wasted. Marjorie Wolper1 review

fter I met Jake Lamar at a party in Paris, I bought his new novel. I wasn't sorry. He can write- even if he has a bizarre, eccentric turn of mind.

I sort of wish his characters had more of a future. Keep writing fiction, Jake. Val Heed460 8

I the references to the life of a black American in Paris at the end of the 20th century but I found the plot rather boring although the outcome was unexpected. Zora58

I had to read this book in preparation for studying abroad in France centered around the African American experience in Paris. Nonetheless the plot of this book was predictable. Ricky, the main character is the black sheep of the family, in the sense that all his relatives are successful in their careers and his doesn't match up. Therefore since he's tired of his unfortunate reputation at home in the U.S. he chooses to move to Paris and create a life of his own far away from his family, however they don't let him. The author uses episodic memories to uncover the distance and hatred between the two cousins Ricky and Cash. Early on there's the discovery of a pervasive theme between the two cousins, most of Ricky's misfortunes at home was a result of Cash's involvement however the family doesn't blame Cash but regards such an incident as one of Ricky's misfortunes. For instance during a family gathering when the cousins were younger Cash pushed Ricky into the pool, and Ricky had to be rescued since he could not swim. Another misfortune with Cash to blame was Ricky's wedding day where his bride left him at the alter and ran away with Cash, even though in college they had dated for awhile. The plot thickens when Cash is in Paris asking for Ricky's help with a marital problem he's been having, however we learn much more about the husband and wife as individuals and as a couple, with the help of the African American expatriate group in Paris. We find that Cash is very ambitious about his health care venture which leads him to have European mobsters for partners willing to kill for Cash's entrepreneur idea. Cash has beaten his wife Serena over a deep troubled secret, the fact that she can't have kids even though this a larger clue about his wife which Cash ignores. Serena finds Cash's cousin Ricky and they talk. Serena is actually a transvestite and has an identical twin sister who died as a result of being pimped out by her brother who has undergone a sex change to become his sister Serena. Ricky has to balance both his own life and the emerging mystery around his cousin and his cousins wife, which escalates into a murder of a prostitute in Ricky's own neighborhood also known as the section of town called the 18th where many African Americans and black immigrants of France live. With the help of an expat who runs her own soul food restaurant Ricky is able to piece together the mystery, although he is in the thick of it and not fooling the French police in the midst of it. This was a simple read for me, took me about two days. But through this book I was able to better understand the African American experience in Paris in a novel instead of a historical book. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewblack-paris Emily Reeves418 14

Set in Paris, France in the late 1990's, this book is the bizarre story of Ricky, an African-American expatriate living in France to escape his over-achieving family and specifically his cousin who commandeered his former fiancé on the eve of their wedding. Ricky s his simple life in Paris as a pianist in a bar and his network of black friends in the Eighteenth Arrondissement. Then one day, his cousin Cash comes calling for his help after 10 years of not speaking to each other. Thus begins the bizarre story when a love triangle with a pimp turned transsexual, theft, murder, arms dealing, religious strife and just pure evil converge and good ultimately prevails. It is a crime novel of the rarest kind: unpredictable. I wish I could remember who recommended this book to me, as it is one I would have never stumbled on by myself. Thanks to whoever you are; it was an enjoyable vacation read. Titilayo223 24

i am disturbed. not in a giovanni room's way, just disturbed by the ending. i was expecting something more substantial. i d the portrait into the expatriate and immigrant community in paris *albeit a fiction one*. guess you could say i'm more disappointed than disturbed. but i'm willing to give jake lamar the benefit of my loyalty since he did literally follow in the footsteps of james baldwin! Cynthia Marie85 5

If you love books set in Paris or want to learn more about Black Americans living there in the 90's, this is the book for you. The neighborhoods where many congregate, interesting markets and cafes in the less touristy parts of Paris, Montmartre, and more are brought to life in this novel that offers a nice visual display that forms a panorama in the reader's mind. I couldn't give it 5 stars but it is refreshingly different and a decent thriller. Jacqueline Trescott27

A good friend who lives in Paris recommended this mystery and writer. Lamar created an atmosphere so real the reader feels walking those streets of Paris. The story is based on an African American male's experience, so that was a modern twist and extremely accurate. The story has a lot of twists and surprises, backed up by smooth writing. Josh421 4

Desperate mainstream crap. Elvira Millar72

The book started off well, I was interested. Then, it bogged down in the middle. The end had too much going on. All in all, I love anything having to do with Paris, but not much of a story line. Diane1 review

A really able hero. Great action and character development. Rebecca97 5

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