
Channel's Destiny de Jacqueline Lichtenberg

de Jacqueline Lichtenberg - Género: English
libro gratis Channel's Destiny


The world of the Simes and Gens is teetering on the brink. Zeth Farris reaches
adulthood just when things start to fall apart. When he finally understands the
audacity of the social engineering experiment that his parents have set in
motion, Zeth must build bridges with potential allies to hold the center
together. But war comes anyway, and Zeth and his alliance must prevail. The
price of failure?--the destruction of his family, his culture, even his world! 

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This is part of a series I loved in my teens that was published from the 1970s through the 1980s, and I don't believe any are in print. I find that a shame. Though I wouldn't count this a deathless science fiction classic featuring an awesome prose style such as that of say, Ursula LeGuin, it's one I enjoyed in the same way as books by Marion Zimmer Bradley or Anne McCaffrey. As good, solid action/adventure, often featuring romance and imaginative world-building. I own eight of the books, all I could track down after reading the first one--which was this one, First Channel.

The premise of this book is that in the far future humans have mutated into two different types. One kind, the Sime, feeds on the energy of the other kind, the Gen. But this mutation--or possibly genetic manipulation, erupted suddenly and violently, with Simes going through a change at adolescence in which they gained tentacles allowing them to rip the energy from Gens--causing death. And their cycle means they have to do it every month.

As a result, civilization collapsed and reemerged split into two sides. In the Gen society, when some adolescents change into Simes, they're immediately killed. In Sime society, if their energy settles into Gens, they become slaves and food. And parentage is no predictor. So parents raise children knowing that one way or the other they could lose them, see them become monsters or cattle.

Enter Rimon Farris and Kadi. They love each other, but there's a problem. Rimon can't seem to make it an entire month without needing to kill. And Kadi at sixteen still hasn't made the change. Then it turns out she's turned into a Gen. A nonperson. Food. And Rimon has to try to help her get to Gen territory without killing her himself--even if the separation breaks both their hearts. But as the title hints, they make a momentous discovery that just might allow Sime and Gen to live together without killing each other.

This is a fun read--solidly written with characters to care about and an appealing romance. And no, it's not "amazing" but it's a book I've read more than once because I so enjoy the world and characters, and this one is my second favorite in the series, after Ambrov Keon. Thus the five stars, even if this isn't worthy of a Hugo or Nebula or Pulitzer, it's one that has more than earned a permanent place on by bookshelf. I think the series is fully comparable to, say, McCaffrey's Pern in quality and enjoyment even if not in popularity.ebooks fiction libertarian ...more2 s Maureen274 5

This book was extremely well written. Characters, plot, world building … it’s all there as it needs to be.

I’d forgotten the heartache of Ferris trying to figure out why he didn’t have to kill, while watching those around him continue to have to do so. The beginning of Fort Freedom was very tenuous for most of the book.

It was beautiful to watch the ending again.1 danelle41 4

One star for writing, 5 stars for creative premise and nostalgia for the trashy sci fi I loved as a youth. 1 Nana Kitteh147 1 follower

great series

I used to enjoy this series when it first came out and I still enjoy it today. The authors explore all of the social aspects of a society where half must kill the other half to live. In this book, the main character finds a way to live without killing and hopes to teach it to others.

Wikipedia notes that this is the first book chronologically, while it is marked as the third book in the series. Fumphwoog, Lady of all Sorrows129

I love the whole idea of it, with the Simes taking the selyn from the Gens, is just great. And a great little love story also. ^.^ Nana Kitteh147 1 follower

I used to enjoy this series when it first came out and I still enjoy it today. The authors explore all of the social aspects of a society where half must kill the other half to live. In this book, the main character finds a way to live without killing and hopes to teach it to others.

Wikipedia notes that this is the first book chronologically, while it is marked as the third book in the series.kindle Squidalz113

I love the whole idea of it, with the Simes taking the selyn from the Gens, is just great. And a great little love story also. ^.^ Rhiannon28

I don't remember how I got into these books, but they are GREAT!! Timothy Boyd6,801 45

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