
La mujer sabia de Jacq, Christian

de Jacq, Christian - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis La mujer sabia


Jacq, Christian Series: La Piedra de Luz 2 Year: 2009

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

II. Ramses'in ölümüyle belirsizli?e sürüklenen Hakikat Meydan?, tehlerden kurtulmay? ba?aramayacak anla??lan.

?lk kitapta da gözlerimi devirmeme neden olan abart?l? tasvirler vard?r ancak bu kitap kendini a?t?. 6 kiloluk ve iki ön di?iyle do?an çocuk mu olur arkada??! 1-turkce 2-fiction 3-1-roman8 s Davina80 2 Read

I didnÂ’t hate it, but I didnÂ’t really it either but un the first one I managed to finish reading it2 s Elif943 151

Not the best book in the series but full of action!

English: https://elifthereader.com/books/the-w...
Türkçe: http://kitaplikkedisi.com/kitaplar/bi...1 Lorene Plat178 1 follower

Dans ce roman nous découvrons Meremptah, fils de Ramsès, qui ne régnera qu'une dizaine d'années. Ça nous change des pharaons connus.
Nous découvrons également la vie des artisans qui ont fabriqué les temples et les tombeaux des rois et des reines.

Il y'a une intrigue qui nous pousse à chercher le traître dans la communauté. Je n'ai toujours pas trouvé qui il est, même si j'ai plusieurs idées.

Il y'a 4 tomes, ici c'est le deuxième.

Je recommande, c'est agréable à lire. Joanne1,933

Never thought about all the work that went into building the burial tombs of the pharoahs, although this is fiction, really gives insight into all the planning and perfection of the tombs along with characters we have come to know and love!! Valérie G 2

Meilleur le tome 1, heureusement qu’il y a de l’actions vers le milieu du livre vers la fin. Ma passion pour l’histoire ancienne de l’égypte garde mon intérêt à terminer quand même les 4 tomes de cette histoire. Philip Cheeseman22

Jolly thriller romp thru Ancient Egypt ends as series of events with Freemasons as heroes. Certainly not worth reading the sequels. Gillian Wigley15

An interesting read. I was lost in ancient Egypt and if you are interested in ancient times well worth a read. Looking forward to others in the series. Susan Elizabetha821

Fascinating story and characters of ancient Egypt. Mundo11 1 follower

Vibrante historia que muestra la vida en Egipto de los Faraones Carla555 83

É mais um 3,5 :)

Este volume é uma continuação directa do anterior, levando-nos a seguir os protagonistas e a vida no Lugar de Verdade após a morte de um dos seus defensores, o faraó Ramsés o Grande. Com a subida de Merenptah ao trono do Egipto, os inimigos do Lugar de Verdade tentam aproveitar a ocasião para destruir a confraria de artesãos, conseguindo mesmo colocar um traidor dentro da aldeia por forma a descobrir os segredos da Pedra de Luz. No entanto, mesmo sem o carisma de Ramsés, o novo faraó consegue fazer frente aos problemas que surgem e proteger a confraria, que se dedica, durante os 10 anos do reinado, à construção do Templo dos Milhões de Anos e à Morada Eterna de Merenptah.

Não há muito que possa dizer sobre este livro que já não tenha dito na crítica ao volume precedente, pois mais uma vez é o retrato da sociedade egípcia que sobressai, nomeadamente o relato da vida dentro do Lugar de Verdade e a progressão de Paneb na hierarquia da confraria, assim como a importância da religião no dia-a-dia. De resto, as personagens pouco evoluem, a não ser que se conte com os maus a ficarem com maiores requintes de malvadez e os bons a ficarem com uma imagem ainda maior de santos protectores de todo um modo de vida; e a trama avança de forma algo lenta, apesar de não conseguir deixar o livro de lado, dando-nos a possibilidade de ver um polvo a espalhar os seus tentáculos por forma a chegar ao seu desejado fim, mas sobretudo possibilitando-nos conhecer o quotidiano desta gente. É sem dúvida isto que me deixa fascinada, a recriação do dia-a-dia desta sociedade de forma tão exemplar e vívida. A realidade do que seria o quotidiano da sociedade egípcia até pode ser completamente diferente da apresentada aqui, mas esta parece real e muito credível.

O final fica novamente em suspenso pois, à semelhança do primeiro, acaba com a morte de um faraó que protegia a comunidade de artesãos. Mas se antes havia um sucessor directo e inquestionável, ainda que com uma posição mais frágil e com uma tarefa mais complicada que a do seu antecessor, este livro abre a hipótese de uma guerra civil entre dois pretendentes ao trono, Seti e Amenmés. Conseguirá o Lugar de Verdade resistir a tal, com um traidor no seu seio esperando atacar a qualquer momento?

Emprestado e pouco se perde com isso: O mal de volumes intermédios é que parecem muito semelhantes aos que os antecedem e este veio revelar isso mesmo, estando a classificação novamente a pender para “Vale o dinheiro gasto” mas sem propriamente lá chegar, porque não sei a conclusão! Ainda assim fica a curiosidade para seguir a série, mas não posso deixar de pensar que a história poderia ser mais curta. Estou a adorar conhecer o quotidiano e acompanhar Paneb na sua progressão, mas as peripécias começam a deixar algo a desejar e quero saber quem está por detrás! É que ainda são 4 volumes e começo a pensar "mas onde é que isto vai parar?" O_o2011 not-own portuguese L1,148 37

The magical Egyptian legends brought vividly to life in their entire magnificent splendor!

I have always been fascinated by ancient Egypt for it is a mystifying place of myth and legend, archaic treasures and past rituals that intrigue and dazzle. What makes the Ramses series stand-out is how it blends together historical fact with magical fantasy which adds a touch of supernatural suspense to an exploration of the past. Gods and Pharaohs, sorcery and evil interwoven amid a convincing world filled with danger and astonishing achievements ~ reading this book is opening PandoraÂ’s Box and finding a clever concoction of treats and tricks insideÂ…

‘The Stone of Light’ is a combination of action-packed “The Mummy” versus a Rick Riordan novel. It is an exciting, intense read which will delight any budding explorer or adventurer who dabbles in the dark arts and whose heart lies with the past.

Since the death of Ramses the Great, the villagers of the place of truth must produce their best work to honor EgyptÂ’s greatest Pharaoh. And as the new master of work, Nefer the silent bears the ultimate responsibility for all he oversees. The question remains if the new Pharaoh Merenpath will follow in his fatherÂ’s footsteps or not? Also NeferÂ’s wife, Ubekhet, has been gifted with the knowledge of the supernatural and now the time has come to prove herself worthy of this gift ~ by seeking out the new found evil which is haunting the place of truth.
Thefts, murders and floods, sorcery and evil, Nefer and Ubekhet must take on this and more as they prepare for the grandest burial Egypt has ever knownÂ…

I was so impressed by this breathtaking book full of shocking drama, wonderful premise and colorful characters. It is definitely my chosen book of 2013.

J. ElseAuthor 7 books111

Book 2 is just as good as the first. This book seemed more full of action. Lots of plot movement, which kept the pages turning!

Paneb's strengths are his passion to his craft, loyalty to his friends, and energy which helps enliven the others in his crew to keep pushing themselves. He is still unfaithful to his wife, though his love for her seems to be growing. I hope to see more maturity in the next book. For now, I still find myself with that love-fustration relationship with this character.

Jacq does a masterful job of casting suspeicion on different crew members as to who the traitor is! Someone is working against the Place of Truth, and Jacq keeps shifting your focus on different characters. You're left just as "in the dark" as Nefer is, the master of the Place of Truth who searches for this mysterious evildoer!

Jacq marked time better in this book. Some chapters start by saying what year it is in the pharaoh's reign. I'm glad he had greater detail in the passage of time. It helped outline the time it took to construct a royal tomb and temple. Time passes quickly in each chapter, so it helped a lot to have time more defined.

Jacq's details about Egyptian religious beliefs and about the Afterlife and the world around them is so beautiful and enticing. I just love, LOVE these details! It gives the ancient world a level of sophistication and enchantment.

It was a treat when Jacq ventured to Memphis and the great pyramids. I wish there had been more, but this book expanded its reach quite a bit compared to book 1. Each new site in this story was a delight.

Another enjoyable book with an array of enjoyable (and sometimes frustrating) characters. I can't wait for book 3!ancient-egypt Katka Olajcová478 6

Osudy ?udí z Miesta Pravdy pokra?ujú.
Ramzes je m?tvy, vládne jeho syn Merenptah, ktorý je už ale tiež v pokro?ilom veku, takže sa nepredpokladá, že bude vládnu? dlho. Remeselníci mu zatia? vyhotovujú hrobku a chrám miliónov rokov. Popritom im hádžu polená pod nohy Mehy so svojou manželkou Serketou v spolupráci so záhadným remeselníkom z Miesta Pravdy. Remeselníci, ale prekonajú všetko. Nefer si na sto percent plní svoje povinnosti, Paneb je výbušný, ale ako ochrankár nepremožite?ný, Klára je vševediaca.
Napriek tomu, že Egypt, jeho náboženstvo a zvyky sú úžasné, dej za?ína by? mierne repetetívny. Mehy vymyslí les?, les? sa za?ne odohráva?, Mesto Pravdy ju v?as odhalí a všetko je, ako má by?.
Ale aj tak to bolo príjemné ?ítanie a teším sa na pokra?ovanie.
egypt Sheffielder136 6

While definitely readable, this book is a bit a soap opera. We are presented with a series of mysterious happenings, but each of them is resolved within a page or three of being launched. As a result there is no really meaty puzzle to get your teeth into before the author explains all. By the end of the book, little of any significance seems to have changed, and even the old dog has been replaced by an identical new one with the same name. Disappointing in that regard, but the easy writing style is enjoyable, and at 440 pages you definitely get your money's worth. Phair2,123 35

I only listened to the abridged audio cassette version. Had already listened to Book 1 of the series so this was revisiting old friends. I enjoyed it but felt this one had no real ending- just a lull in the action and a sense of foreboding for the future leading into the next book. Nice period feel.audio-books historical-fiction Judith Ray19

Definitely an improvement over "Nefer the Silent", Part 1 in the series. The characters are not quite as one-dimensional anymore (albeit still far from intriguing) and the story flows much smoother. Although the plot is getting a bit repetetive and the dialogues still appear clipped, I'm game for Part 3, only because I want to know what happens next. Andrea3

4 book series colorfully illustrating the daily lives of the Egyptian Tomb Builders. The stories are rich in history and culture and capture the lives of these artisans beautifully. Sandra Azevedo69 4

Adorei!! Excelente investigação ... forma de escrita... realmente o autor escreve de uma forma que fica na memória! :) Christine Van Heertum598 16

meilleur que le 1er de la série (Nefer le Silencieux), même si les caractères restent, comme je l'ai mentionné pour le 1er tome, fort semblables aux autres "sagas" de C. Jacq.fiction-set-in-the-past Oscar Riba19

Ends up being tedious Hypatia1,164 4

I'm not enjoying these as much as some of his other series. I suspect a poor translation though, rather than the story itself being bad. I'll finish it, but I definitely prefer his other work.historical Carobe210 3

Den visa kvinnan. Katia37 Read

Very good book! It.' s magic history and I want to keep reading!! Mariana611 2

A great continuationhistorical-fiction shahram7 h2 Read

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