
The Life Sentence de Jackie Kabler

de Jackie Kabler - Género: English
libro gratis The Life Sentence


Jackie Kabler Publisher: One More Chapter ISBN: 9780008544560,9780008544577

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Because of its unrealistic aspects and a few illogical storyline lines, "The Life Sentence" by Jackie Kabler left me feeling a little let down. I gave it a middling three stars.

The idea was really captivating. Who wouldn't be intrigued by the prospect of being framed for a crime they didn't commit? Nevertheless, this is where things start to get dubious since some of the events in the novel feel a little too fantastical. While I can accept suspending disbelief, is it really appropriate to give someone a life sentence for a seemingly absurd crime? That was a little bit too much for my imagination.

As much as I enjoy a crisp, sharp exchange of ideas, the dialogue between the characters in this book? Instead of engaging in casual conversation, it seems as though they are making speeches. People in real life don't only talk at each other. Regarding the characters, I found it difficult to connect with many of them. While I acknowledge that they are not perfect, I found myself rolling my eyes so much at some of their choices that I worried they would become stuck!

To tell the truth, though, not everything was bad. Despite these flaws, the book was still enjoyable enough because the plot was easy to follow. Even though the plot did not have me on the edge of my seat as much as I had hoped, the unexpected twist at the end was a welcome surprise.

If you're looking for something to pass the time and don't mind a few bumps along the way, "The Life Sentence" might be worth a try. You never know, it might even take you by surprise!netgalley uno-202432 s3 comments Stina1,301 1 follower

Convicted. Jailed. All for a crime that never even happened...

I have read four of Jackie Kabler's previous psychological thrillers and have enjoyed all of them but this one I found a little underwhelming, despite the intriguing description. I struggled to immerse myself and fully believe what was unfolding, as engaging as it was. But I ploughed on to the end.

While the story centres around Amber Ryan being falsely accused, convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment, Heather is our main character here, going in to bat for her long time former friend Amber who now languishes inside an 8 foot cell. So why was Amber now in prison? And a life sentence? I probably would have believed it had the crime been something more substantial than a robbery and apparent stabbing. Nobody died. Injured, yes. Dead, no. So why the life sentence? That just didn't sit right with me.

The man at the centre of it all is Jack Shannon. Handsome, charismatic and charming. But a narcissistic, self indulgent, entitled grown man-child-brat. Heather had once been involved with Jack. A short-lived fling that she did well to escape. Then Amber, her long time friend, became involved with him...despite Heather's pleas of warning for her to disentangle herself from him. Amber accused her of being jealous and cut ties with her.

And now Heather is told by way of a third hand acquaintance in Felicity and her brother Nathan that Jack is responsible for Amber's incarceration. That he had methodically planned to frame her and have her jailed for the crimes he was setting her up for. Because the crime never actually happened and Amber is now in prison for something not only did she not do, but never even happened.

So between the three of them, they decide to uncover the truth and bring Jack to justice. Doable? Or are they stark staring mad? It's a dangerous mission, especially if Jack finds out their subterfuge.

At any rate, there is lots of action, red herrings and a few twists along the way that will keep you turning the pages, albeit a little disbelievingly, and guessing how it will all end. There are plenty of eye-rolling moments and the story is pretty far fetched even for the fictitious kind that suspending belief kind of stretches the elasticity of it.

However, despite its flaws and my issues with it, the plot is very easy to follow and fairly fast paced. And it is a decent enough read, even if it's not one of her best. Something to pass the time, at least.

I would to thank #JackieKabler, #Netgalley, #OneMoreChapter and #RachelsRandomResources for an ARC of #TheLifeSentence in exchange for an honest review.

This review appears on my blog at https://stinathebookaholic.blogspot.com/.2024 british british-thrillers ...more3 s1 comment Anne1,483 37

This is an awesome book that kept me enthralled the entire way through! Heather is a bookseller when Felicity "steals" her purse but really just wants to engage with her to ask for help. Heather's friend, Amber is in prison for murdering Jack Shannon, and as Heather used to date him, she hasn't spoken to Amber since she was arrested. But now after meeting Felicity and her brother Nathan, there is more to the story that's even more heinous than one could imagine. Apparently Jack "punished" his women and when Heather agrees to meet with Amber in prison, she gets an earful of information she wasn't aware of and finds herself willing to help as even Jack's death is called into question. Lots of action, red herrings, and false claims litter this novel that kept me gasping until the end!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!2 s Ari Cross182 4

This book was only okay, in my opinion. Semi spoilers ahead.

The story itself was pretty good, and I enjoyed the ending. But that was about it, for me.

First of all, the alleged “crime that never happened”, did happen. It just didn’t happen the way it was alleged to have happened. And I’m no judge, but I don’t think it’s realistic whatsoever that someone would be given a life sentence for the alleged crime.

Second, this book is probably 25-30% longer than needed. There is far too much detail of Heather searching places in Jack’s house. It got to be repetitive and boring.

Third, this book wants the reader to believe someone was put in prison for LIFE for a far less serious crime than murder, but then another character has murdered someone, plus several other crimes(with proof, and a confession!) and they were released on bail because they’re “not dangerous?” That’s just not realistic, even if the person is rich.

Also, there just isn’t any wow factor to this story. No shocking plot twists, nothing super compelling…I just was not very impressed. Jack’s reasoning for his strange schedule and for what he did to his girlfriends are just not believable in my opinion.

Overall, this book was okay. But I wouldn’t recommend it.

Thank you to Netgalley and Harper Collins UK for the opportunity to read this advance copy!This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review2 s Bec633 12

I enjoyed The Life Sentence, however my biggest gripe is I find it hard to believe Amber was given a life sentence for the crime that was committed. Setting that aside, it was a great concept - being sent to prison for a crime that didn't happen. Whilst it was Amber in prison, the story was mostly told from Heather's point of view. Heather was once Amber's best friend, and she was tasked to get to the bottom of the crime that put Amber in jail. This meant getting back with Jack, an old boyfriend of Heather's, who lived his life during the nighttime and was a clever but very sinister, man. We also got a few chapters from Amber's and Jack's viewpoints and I really d these. There was plenty of suspense as Heather, working with some allies, tries to get evidence of what Jack had done. I d the relationship Heather had with Nathan and Felicity, the ones who get her into this situation of helping Amber, and I d how the housekeeper was portrayed. I could never quite tell whose side she was on. It had a great ending and was an enjoyable story. advance-reader-copies netgalley1 Kim628 38

The pages just flipped themselves on this newest original thriller by Jackie Kabler! I have read a couple books by this author and her stories are unique and fresh and binge worthy. In this one, Amber has been sentenced to prison for a crime she did NOT commit. In fact, the alleged crime never even happened! How is this even possible? Terrifying! Her friend, Heather, comes back into her life and makes the big decision to put herself in harm’s way to try and prove Amber’s innocence. But the tasks and obstacles in front of Heather are not only dangerous they seem impossible. Thank you Netgalley, HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter and the author for this eARC in exchange for my honest review. This book will be available for purchase on May 9, 2024netgalley1 Vigasia454 22 Want to read

Is it bad that I didn't the way it was written? The book is constructed mostly of dialoques (which many consist of unnecesarry talking between characters) and inf dumb about what happened earlier. Maybe the concept of the novel was good, but for me it lacked depth. I couldn't connect with the characters, probably because of the language of the novel, I know some people will it, and I recommed anyone who is interested in the plot to at least try to read it. It just wasn't for me.1 Rekha Rao967 47

I had eagerly ancipated Jackie Kabler's latest book, having enjoyed some of her previous works. Unfortunately, The Life Sentence fell short of my expectations. While the narrative held my attention and kept me hooked with its suspenseful twists and turns, I found the plot to be somewhat contrived.

Heather's questionable decisions throughout the story left a lingering sense of unease. Her inexplicable attraction to Jack, despite his evident flaws, felt forced and detracted from the overall credibility of the storyline. Moreover, Jack's peculiar backstory, while initially intriguing, ultimately failed to deliver a satisfying resolution.

While The Life Sentence offered moments of suspense and intrigue, it ultimately failed to resonate with me on a deeper level. This novel falls short of the author's previous successes.books-released-in-2024 netgalley-20241 Jill Burgin1,042 8

Firstly, I usually adore Jackie Kabler novels and look forward to the next brilliant one. The Life Sentence is the latest and while the first half grabbed me, the remaining half left me a little frustrated with Heather trying to take down an ex boyfriend Jack. I was expecting to be blindsided by a major twist at the end = never really happened.
1 Bec100

Jackie has done it again by writing another great book. I loved it from start to end.1 Honestmamreader414 16

I flew through this book in a day. I wanted to know there and then how everything will fall into place and what happens next.

Amber Ryan is in jail. For something she hasn't done. But, how on earth can she prove it? Enter Heather Harris. Her and Amber have something in common. Now Heather must go back to that common feature and delve into the murky secrets and put herself on the line for her ex friend.

The story is told from a first-person point of view of both main characters Amber and Heather. I this type of narrative as we really get into the minds of the characters. Jackie Kabler uses up all the senses to set the scenes well.

I to play detectives when I read mysteries. And, this is what I did whilst reading Life Sentence. I did actually figure out a few plotlines along the way. But, this didn't deter me from wanting to carry on.

The pace of this story was well executed. Clues were drip fed to us. Enough to pique our interest and want more. But, not slowly drip fed that we get impatient. And as the case starts to unravel, the pacing ramps up.1 Priya Shrinath370 20

DNF at 70%

It is not me to quit a book at 70 percent, especially when I've invested so much time already but I just couldn't help it. The story was so unbelievable, characters making the same mistakes almost every single chapter and I could not skip anymore chapters just for the sake of finishing the book. I couldn't care less for the character in prison for a (unbelievable reason!) life sentence nor did I care about the others who are trying to figure out the truth! It simply wasn't worth it anymore.

I've read books by Jackie Kabler before and her books are always entertaining and suspense filled with several cliffhangers. Which was why I'd picked this one up voluntarily. Unfortunately, it wasn't for me.1 Lisa Aiello1,019 22

3.5 stars, that I'm gonna have to round down because the plot of this is kind of absurd. However, that didn't stop me from flipping madly through the pages to see what was up and how it would all turn out. Even with the outlandish arc of this story, it was quite well thought out and well written. Definitely a page turner that once you are in it, you'll want to read it through to its conclusion.thriller1 Locket45 1 follower

For me this book was wholly predictable. It didn’t have any elements where I felt shocked by events or twists.
I think I would have preferred more chapters in the point of view of Jack to understand his mindset.
The reasoning for his fear of daylight wasn’t very strong or discussed much and the ‘crime’ wasn’t very original or clever.
It’s a pretty basic psychological thriller, I would recommend for new readers of this genre or those getting back into reading but for seasoned readers, I’m not sure it would be anything you haven’t read before.

Thank you to Net galley for the ARC1 Keyreads248 21

The Life Sentence
This novel felt a life sentence to read. If my purse is stolen with my keys, credit cards, and driver's license, I am not going to the local coffee shop to meet the thief. I'm not going to order a latte and hear what they have to say. On top of that, why am I helping the long-lost friend serving a life sentence? If she's innocent hire a lawyer or non-profit. I couldn't get my head around the characters or the reason why it was much trouble to bring a con artist to justice.
Not on my list of recommendations this month! read-in-20241 1 comment Jen1,427 62

I swear that there must be a hole in my kindle. Either that or my page turn clicks were on warp speed. I mean, I started reading this book and then - poof - it was done. Pacy, packed with intrigue and more than the off moment of threat and unease, this book captured my attention from the rather unexpected and mysterious opener, right to the high stakes ending. A one day read and just what I needed.

Given how the book starts - protagonist Heather attending a book launch event - you'd be forgiven for thinking that this was going to be a somewhat more pedestrian read. You'd be very wrong. If Heather thought that she was just going to meet a favourite author then head back to her happy and steady life as a bookseller ... well she'd be very wrong too. A strange meeting, a 'stolen' handbag and a very cryptic plea later, Heather finds that her very 'steady' life, is about to be thrown into turmoil. Asked by a stranger to help prove the innocence of Heather's one time best friend, Amber, Heather is all too keen to just say no. But, much as mine was, her interest is piqued and it's not long before she finds herself in a whole heap of trouble - trouble that could cost her everything>

From the very beginning of this book I was intrigued. It's a very easy book to fall into the flow of and although we don't really spend much time with the allegedly innocent, Amber, it was enough for me to become invested in her fate and in following Heather as she works alongside two strangers, Nathan and Felicity, to prove that the crime Amber was convicted of, never even happened. With chapters told mostly from Heather's point of view, with the odd chapter from Amber's point of view and also from a third party - the person they suspect of setting her up - it was Heather who I became completely fascinated by. I can see why she might want to walk away, but also why she became so invested in finding the truth, even if that was simply proving that Amber's conviction was sound. But the more she, and we, the reader, learn, the clearer it is that something is not quite right and the seemingly fanciful tale Heather has been told may just be true.

Now the story may seem a little off, and expecting Heather to rekindle a failed romance in order to get to the truth would be enough to raise objections in any rational person. That is certainly the case for Heather and, the more we learn of her ex, Jack, the more her decision to walk away from him makes sense. He should be the perfect catch - rich, good looking and a very capable lover - but, all good things, there is such a thing as too good to be true, and for all of his good points, there are some very strange habits for the man too. There were times when I would have d to shake Heather and ask her just what she was doing, but the way in which Jackie Kabler has framed the story, even the most dangerous of situations and the most unly of decision kind of felt plausible. Any which way, I didn't much care as I was completely invested in the story - frustrated by some of the maddening decisions Heather took, sure - but very interested to see just how the whole case would play out and what price everyone would have to pay, however it ended.

There is an undulating tension throughout the book. Not too intense, but just that sense of unease and an understanding that nobody really trusts anyone else. Even Heather feels sort of isolated, trusting the word of two virtual strangers against someone she know, albeit that she knows the darker side of Jack too. But as to how dark ... well that you can find out by reading the book. it really did fascinate me and I just found the pacing of the whole thing right on the money, finishing the book in around a day. As for the ending - well, I was definitely left with a wry smile and that feeling that things ended just as they should have. Was justice done - well, read the book and then you decide. A fun, intriguing and attention stealing novel. Really enjoyed it.2024-challenge 2024- netgalley Carolyn Walsh 1,658 583

This was a book that I found challenging to rate fairly. The beginning was solid and intriguing. I was riveted to the pages, wondering what was going on. Later, it slowed down and wasn't making much sense. I was considering a rating of 2 or 3 Stars.

Amber is in prison with a life sentence. She is charged with a murder that never happened, but there is false, manufactured evidence against her. The life sentence seems bizarre on such flimsy proof.
Heather works in a bookstore. She used to be best friends with Amber, but they broke up. Amber was dating a man who had been Heather's former lover. Heather kept nagging Amber that her new romantic interest was utterly unsuitable. The next thing she knew was that Amber was in prison for murder.

It made even less sense that the assumed murder victim, Jack Shannon, was still living in his longtime residence. Heather is recruited by a brother and sister team to rekindle her previous romance with Jack and to enter his mansion to search for a paper trail and CDs to prove Amber's innocence. This puts Heather in a hazardous situation while the brother and sister remain safe and out of harm's way. Apparently, Jack kept proof of falsified crimes in his home and gloated over them. Jack was handsome, sexy, and rich but could not withstand a woman leaving him. He set up a previous girlfriend, Rose, as a thief and was responsible for her death. He also took revenge on Amber.

Jack is far from normal. He takes vengeance on women who break up with him and cannot abide daylight. He sleeps during the day and works running an international company at night.
Heather has returned to Jack's good graces and finds she is still attracted to him. This ends when she learns he is more warped and dangerous than anticipated. Because of his odd sleeping habits, she can search the house but needs to be very cautious. She learns there are hidden cameras everywhere. The creepy live-in housekeeper is always lurking and watching her. She is exhausted while working at the bookstore because Jack demands that she keep him company while watching movies and dining at night.

We get Amber's thoughts while she is in prison. She hopes Heather will save her. Heather wanders through the house in search of any evidence. She is terrorized by the ever-watching housekeeper and the dread that Jack may discover her. I found these parts repetitive and boring. The motives of some characters were difficult to discern. At various times, I felt sure I knew where the plot was heading, but I was rarely correct.

Heather is assisted in her search by a retired detective who gives her advice. She also contacts Jack's former worker and learns what has been happening, but without the hidden CDs and emails, there is not enough to free Amber. There is another murder. She must find the secret documents and get them to the police.

Heather is well on her way to free Amber when all hell breaks loose. The ending contains intense action and heart-pounding suspense, with twists and surprises I hadn't expected. Are the charges against Amber dropped? Does Jack go to prison? An unexpected source arranges two more deaths.

I recommend this book to anyone willing to suspend disbelief and be entertained. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC. The date of publication is May 9th.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review30 s2 comments Hayley425 16

This book was right up my alley from the get go. Short chapters that left the reader yearning for the next one. I really d how even though this was a bit of a complex story line it was very easy to follow and there wasn't too much of unnecessary details before you are thrown right into the plot. Our main character Heather is out loving her life as a successful book seller when she is robbed by Felicity. However when she confronts Felicity she finds out that she only wanted her attention.  Felicity confesses that she needs her help in order to help her old friend Amber who is currently serving a life sentence for Murder. Not only is this murder but the victim was a man named Jack who both Heather and her used to date before their falling out. The problem however is felicity confesses is that Jack is actually still alive and dangerous. I found this plot to be really interesting and nothing I've read before.  I was desperate to find out what was really going on with Amber and felt a strong connection with Heather.I loved the characters in this book. They were very well written and you really felt all of their emotions hurt anger confusion desperation. What I normally dis in novels was the one thing I d the most in this one, the point of view switch. This gave very important information to the reader and gave a sense of all knowning. This is the kind of book that you can't put down once you start and everytime you think you know what is happening you are thrown another bomb that shakes up everything you though you previously knew. As I mentioned in previous how talented Jackie Kabler is she shines yet again with this one. I love her writing style and I believe that she is going to be a huge name and I'm so pleased that I will be able to say I read her work when. The only negative thing that I have to say about this book was I'm so upset that it took me as long as it did to finish it because this is one that really comes alive. I can't wait to read more of her work as the world needs more authors her. Great read from start to finish and while the story keeps getting deeper and deeper it's hard to say all the amazing things without spoiling the story itself.gifted-by-author-and-or-publisher thriller Sian Morant192 11

Amber Ryan has been imprisoned for a crime, she says she never committed. Is she trying to save her own skin, or has someone very clever and devious framed her?

We are then introduced to Heather, who quietly works in a bookshop. Heather and Amber used to be friends, but even before Amber’s incarceration, their friendship was dwindling. Heather was not there for Amber in her time of need. Heather is contacted by a woman called Felicity and her brother Nathan, regarding the imprisonment of Amber. Amber was convicted of seriously assaulting her boyfriend, Jack. He also happened to be Heather’s ex-boyfriend and he left Heather for Amber.
Heather and Nathan believe that it is Jack who has framed Amber for the whole alleged assault. They convince Heather to assist them to prove this, by getting back with Jack romantically in some sort of honey trap. This is so she can get the necessary evidence of what Jack did. The question lies in that if Heather and Nathan are to be believed, Heather could be putting herself in extreme danger, in order to exonerate her former friend.
Firstly, the good points. The author writes really good escapist thrillers and this definitely fits the bill.
There is, however, no real twist at the end, though the ending is ok. At first, you think Jack is going to be horribly abusive, then he turns out not to be, which makes you question his actions. What really drags the book down though is the questionable legal judgments, especially concerning the ‘sentence’ in the title. I would have d them to be a little more realistic and less fanciful.
So an ok read, but not a great one.
My sincere thanks to NetGalley, Harper Collins UK, and Jackie Kabler for the ARC in exchange for an open and honest review.
5 s Chitra Iyer293 63

The Life Sentence begins with Heather’s narrative. She works in a bookstore and has a keen interest in thrillers (what a career, sigh!) She is mysteriously contacted by a woman wanting to spill the truth about someone. Heather is told that her childhood friend Amber, who is serving a life sentence in prison, is jailed for a crime that has not been committed and that they should all, along with the woman’s brother, fight to bring the actual perpetrator to justice.

But to do that Heather would have to go back…to him. But knowing his past, will Heather be successful? Moreover, can she trust this brother and sister duo to be telling the truth? Heather will have to risk everything to get her friend justice if she manages to emerge alive out of this.

The scary part for me in a movie or a book is the fear of getting caught when one is snooping around a dangerous person. This book is full of such instances and had me on the edge the entire time. The narrative shifts from Heather’s to Amber’s to Jack’s. But it was Jack’s narrative that had my pulse racing because I desperately wanted to find out how much he knew!

There were places where my suspicion darted from one person to the other and kept my attention wholly towards the book.

I have read Jackie’s books before and I simply love her writing style and plot construction. I started the book last month and finished it in a couple of days. Jackie is fantastic when it comes to narrating thrillers, she knows just how much to reveal and when, making her books an absolute pleasure for the reader.

The Life Sentence is another feather in the author’s cap and is highly recommended if you are into psychological thrillers. Suesyn Zellmer315 11

Heather is approached by a woman named Felicity regarding the imprisonment of Heather’s former best friend, Amber. Amber was convicted of assaulting her boyfriend at the time, Jack. He also happens to be Heather’s ex-boyfriend and the reason she and Amber fell out. Felicity and her brother, Nathan, are convinced that not only did Amber not assault Jack, but that the whole assault was staged. By Jack. It takes quite some convincing, of course, but Heather eventually decides to help – by getting back together with Jack. It would be strange enough if he was your typical boyfriend, but Jack was anything but typical.

She needs to get back into his life to search for evidence of what Jack did. The evidence may not even exist, Nathan’s just basing that off some drunken ramblings of Jack’s. But if it does exist and Heather can get the proof she needs, Amber’s days in jail may well be numbered. Of course, that’s only if she survives dating Jack a second time.

As far as men go, Jack’s not as horribly abusive as I imagined based on the build-up in the story. He has his quirks and is plenty controlling, but Heather was (a little too easily) able to search his estate. The suspense lies in whether he’ll catch on to what she’s doing before she has her proof. There was less conflict than expected, and I was waiting for a twist or reveal that never came. The book was a quick read – I finished in only a few sittings, and it kept me entertained, but it was pretty anodyne. Maybe the author will ramp up the thrills in her next one – I’ll be checking it out, for sure. Lee763 107

Amber Ryan is incarcerated in prison for a crime she vehemently denies she committed, as far as she can remember anyway, but is she guilty or has someone else been very clever in trapping her in this ongoing nightmare she finds herself in.

Then we meet Heather, she works in a book shop, loves her job and the enjoys meeting minded people on a daily basis. The story is from the perspective of both Amber and Heather, with Heather featured more heavily in its delivery.

Amber and Heather used to be good friends but over the last few years this friendship has tapered off and Heather was not there when Amber needed her most. After being contacted by a woman named Felicity and her brother Nathan, Heather is convinced into assisting them find a way to have Amber exonerated for her crimes, but this will by no means be easy to do. Heather is actually going to have to put herself in danger to achieve the desired outcome.

I found myself doubtful regarding Felicity and Nathan’s intentions and hoped that Heather was not placing herself in an environment that would destroy her, but sometimes in life we need to take a chance and a stand and do just this.
At times the book for me moved a little slowly but overall, the story did take me in, and I finished it in a few hours.

Thank you to Netgalley, the author and publisher for an advanced copy, all opinions expressed are my own. loopyloulaura1,003 20

Heather's former friend has been convicted and imprisoned for attempted muder and is serving a life sentence. The victim was also Heather's ex and she is persuaded that her friend is innocent so needs to get close to Jack to prove he framed an innocent woman...
The Life Sentence is a psychological and crime thriller about a possible miscarriage of justice.
Heather is contacted by a random stranger who believes that Amber was framed for stabbing her lover. The details of the crime are a little foggy and I found I had to suspend my disbelief. The evidence against Amber's conviction is minimal and I saw no reason for Heather to act as she does, especially at the behest of strangers.
The book is written mainly from Heather's first person perspective as we see her try to prove Amber's innocence. She bravely rekindles her relationship with the despicable Jack in order to search his house and find evidence of his lies. There are other chapters that show Amber in jail and some that show Jack's perspective. I found Jack's chapters sinister and increased the tension as he reveals his suspicions about Heather and forces her to prove herself.
The plot was entertaining and I enjoyed the drama and danger that Heather faces. It was perhaps a little repetitive as she searches every room, covering cameras etc. This slowed down the pace a bit. The tension was maintained until the final chapter and the ending had a surprise twist.
The Life Sentence is an entertaining and dramatic book. Lynsey634 33


‘The Life Sentence’ is a fast-paced psychological thriller that is a real page-turner! This is the second stand-alone thriller of the authors that I have read and I flew through it in one day. Do you have to suspend disbelief at times, maybe? You do end up screaming at some of the characters ‘why’ at the top of your internal voice but it's an entertaining read packed full of interesting characters and fast-paced right up to the end!

Heather works as a bookseller in London and is approached by a young woman at a book launch one afternoon. The woman, Felicity, claims that Heather’s ex-best friend, Amber, has been framed for a crime, a crime that didn't even take place. Amber is currently in prison and Felicity is claiming that Heather’s ex, Jack is the mastermind behind it all. Amber was dating Jack at the time it all happened. The only way to prove that Jack is the bad guy is for Heather to pretend to be interested in Jack again and find the evidence to get Amber out of jail!

This is a psychological thriller that examines the effects of emotional manipulation in a relationship and how dangerous they can end up being. There were times though that there were flashes of empathy towards Jack, with his phobia of not being able to tolerate the daylight. Glimpses, though, as he still is the bad guy!

Overall, this was an entertaining read, let me know if you pick it up! 2024 Misfits farm1,902 80

Heather lives a quiet life working in a bookshop. She lives alone and enjoys her solitude. On visiting another bookstore for an author talk she picks up her bag at the end and realises it isn't hers, but there is a note in it inviting her to call a number to meet up with the person who has her things. When she finds they are talking about someone she used to know who is now in prison, she really isn't comfortable but one thing leads to another and her interest is piqued. Can she help to find the truth and get her friend out of prison?

Oh wow! I had only read a couple of chapters of this before I found myself engrossed and wanting to read more. There’s that air of uncertainty and tension between the pages which Jackie does brilliantly. I read The Vanishing Of Class 3B of Jackie's last year and was on tenterhooks the whole way through so when the opportunity to read this arose, I jumped at the chance, and wasn't disappointed. A read I wanted to race through. A brilliant premise so beautifully executed. A crime that didn't quite happen as portrayed, yet it put someone behind bars. A rollercoaster of tension, a clever plot. One I highly recommend.

For more please follow me on Twitter(X) or Threads @nickisbookblog

Amber Ryan has been given a life sentence for a crime she didn’t commit. When her friend Heather reappears in her life wishing to help prove her innocence it opens up a tangled web of secrets and lies. Moving between chapters we get to discover the story from the perspective of Amber, her friend Heather and Jack Shannon, who is the complex man at the centre of the story and who has such a psychological hold over both these women.

The story is rich in detail and the many twists and turns kept me guessing. I was particularly interested in Heather’s involvement and must admit to being on the edge of my seat as she tries to get the evidence which will prove Amber’s innocence. I also d the fact that Heather was a bookseller and enjoyed the snippets of time we spent in the book shop with her. Although the story is to discover what happened to put Amber in prison, she is something of a peripheral figure, and it is mainly through Heather that we learn about what happened and of the consequences of having a relationship with Jack Shannon.

As always, this author knows how to crank up the tension, she writes well, keeping the plot tight and controlled and delivers another story which is filled with heightened emotion. The Life Sentence is another great read from this talented writer of psychological fiction. Jen James252 1 follower

I was drawn to The Life Sentence by the premise. Being framed for not only a crime you didn’t commit, but a crime that wasn’t committed.

Heather Harris has her dream job, working in a book shop, happily attending author talks for pleasure. Many readers, including myself, would envy her this; but what happens to her next, nobody would covet.
A strange encounter draws her in to a clandestine plan to clear Amber, her childhood friend, who is currently serving a life sentence. As much as Heather wants to help her friend, she is concerned about revisiting a chapter of her life she had hoped was firmly closed.

I’m afraid I struggled with elements of the book. In my mind, a life sentence being given for this crime didn’t sit well with me. It also seemed to stretch plausibility for Heather to believe and trust two complete strangers, who manufactured such a bizarre encounter. While I appreciate I am reading fiction, I do need a book to feel credible.

I felt the book was paced too slowly, there was too much build up, and quite a lot of repetitious behaviour from the characters. I understand this was written to build tension, but I’m afraid it didn’t have that effect on me. I needed something to happen. I struggled to keep my attention focused in the pages.

It’s just 3.5?? from me, though I know many other readers have thoroughly enjoyed the book. M Soh277 2

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins UK, One More Chapter for providing this book, with my honest review below.

I’d had my eye on The Life Sentence by Jackie Kabler for a few months now and I’m happy to report that despite having some higher expectations from the mysterious premise and anticipation, this book delivered on them!

Amber Ryan is serving a life sentence for a crime she’s pretty sure she didn’t commit. Heather Harris, her old friend before some fall outs, is asked to help prove her innocence by a sister and brother whose lives could be at risk by the man who put Amber behind bars. It just so happens that man is Heather’s ex boyfriend and the things he’s suspected of - in addition to the set up of Amber - are horrifying.

The novel switched between Heather’s perspective and an occasional chapter by Amber and Jack, the ex-boyfriend. This was a lot of fun and great with wondering what exactly did happen since Amber isn’t quite sure, as well as understanding Jack’s twisted psyche. I would have enjoyed more vivid painting of Heather and Amber’s relationship to give a more emotional hook, as well as a better tie in between Jack’s past and why he is the way he is, but I enjoyed the ride without these things. I highly recommend for those wanting a tense thriller! V573 10

I’ve read and enjoyed several titles by Ms. Kabler so I was excited at the premise of this plot. I do not live in the UK so I don’t know crime sentencing laws there. The ones in this story seemed harsh. I found this story contained several things that were a slight stretch of plausible. I just don’t know if a regular person would trust total strangers as much as Heather seemed to. I d many of the characters and found them relatable. One person even completely fooled me. The villain was eccentric and unique. He was evil and every woman’s worst nightmare. His Idiosyncrasy didn’t seem well explained in the conclusion. There was also vagueness about Amber’s memory issues. The outcome wasn’t a surprise for me but was nicely tied up. I d Heather’s determination and could see her in a series as an undercover agent or private investigator. Again, I really appreciated the idea of being framed for a crime that wasn’t committed. The story was easy to read and follow. I will keep watching for the author’s next novel.
Thanks to NetGalley for providing an advance reader copy of “The Life Sentence” by Jackie Kabler, HarperCollins UK publishing, publication expected 05/09/2024. These are all my own honest personal thoughts and opinions given voluntarily without compensation.netgalley-arc Kelly Smale73 1 follower

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