
The Asylum Confessions de Jack Steen

de Jack Steen - Género: English
libro gratis The Asylum Confessions


They arrive alive. They always leave dead.

But first, they give me their confessions, and this one has to everything to do with Christmas.

Merry Ho-Ho and all that holiday cheer. This book has it all: the cozy, loving, gift-giving while chomping on cookies right before you die - type of feels you know you'll read with one of my confession books. If you think this book has all that fun, cheerful yule-tide greetings in it...you're only partially right.

You know by now my name is Jack Steen, and for those who arrive on my 'death' ward at the Asylum, I'm the last face many will see before they die. I am the night nurse at an Asylum for the Criminally Insane, and most of my patients know me as their Angel of Death. I know them as mass murderers, rapists, and serial killers - among other things.

Here's what happens: they come on my floor, they give me their deathbed confession, and I help to make their death...

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What a positive surprise. I thought this could be very worn out stuff but the author got me hooked from the very beginning. Here we read the deathbed confessions of patients/inmates of an asylum told from the interviews led by a nurse named Jack (alter ego of the author). He is a kind of good here and gives his patients in the death ward a decent death. There are 4 different patients with very different stories: Patent 1024 is a bout a funeral director with a strange taste of flesh. Patient 974 is about Barbie and Ken, two Bonnie and Clyde "babysitter" murderers... Patient 871 is about Bucket, a frequently abused woman who killed all her babies. Patient 1203 features Emma, a nanny, who killed the families she was babysitting for. What is the motif of all those patients? How can Jack convince them to tell some unknown facts of their stories? I was blown away by those eerie, mind blowing, depressing and shocking cases presented here. Definitely have to read more of that series. Definitely nothing for the faint hearted. Rough stuff that sounds all too true and plausible. Highly recommended for terrible nightmares!horror121 s2 comments Sarah90

editing, who? we don't know her202145 s Chantal637 621

This could become deliciously addictive! (pun intended).

Awesome concept, not great writing, but the author does warn us in the foreword that he is not a writer. Pleasantly surprised by how much I d it and can't wait for the next set of Confessions!30 s kirsty gray79 18

This book is super creepy and scary!!! However I could not stop reading it!!!!!! Would have been 5 stars if it hadn't had all the typos!! 16 s Deborah591 73

Asylum Confessions

Surprisingly interesting. People in this asylum come to a certain floor when their deaths are near. It’s their chance to confess to something no one knows. I think I will read the next in this series. 14 s Moriah S4 2

Keeps you interested the whole time.

Great book and written so well. I love the psychology and involved and the point of views. Steen did not disappoint, I will be reading the sequels! 12 s1 comment Stuart Brkn JohnsAuthor 4 books278

Page turning asylum confessions book 1

Steen, presents these harrowing stories of the criminally insane in a very intimate manner, I strongly recommend this book to horror lovers. I found it unique in the way he has chosen to write it.
4.6 stars and will start on the 2nd book immediately.

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@StuartBrknJohns - Twitter
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https://www.amazon.com/stores/Stuart-...11 s Julie (JuJu)833 207

Insane And Demented Madness Within Its Pages!

This book is not for lightweights. If you can handle the insane and demented madness within its pages, you are in for a wild ride!

Jack works as a night nurse at an asylum for the criminally insane. When patients are on their deathbeds, they're moved to his ward, and the fortunate ones are offered a deal. In exchange for their untold stories, he will help ease their pain during their last moments. However, he's not interested in the stories that everyone already knows. He wants to hear the private details, the stories that no one has heard before.

This book contains four chilling confessions, and it's up to you to decide if any of these murderers deserve a painless death. Read on and judge for yourself!

#TheAsylumConfessions #JackSteen #DeathbedPublishing #KindleUnlimited #justfinished #honestreview #thrller #bookreviewer #thrillerbookloverspromotions #thrillerfriendsunite #thrillerobsessedbookishclub #ReadersOfTheLateArc #TalkWordyToMeTeam #lovetoread #bookworms #lovebooks #booknerd #readaholic #bookstagrammer2024-feb kindle-unlimited10 s2 comments destiny ? howling libraries1,844 6,003 Shelved as 'dnf'

DNF @ 22%

Eh, the writing just wasn't for me. Maybe I'll give this another try sometime, but... probably not.adult horror8 s Norma337 4

It was very entertaining but dark. Definitely not for those easy to be offended. The only problem I had with it was how everyone knew about this guy’s deal for the stories and how nobody said “hey that’s illegal”. Other than that I really d it. 8 s Mellisa537 151

Jack takes the stories of the criminally insane. When they are close to dying, he makes a pact with them. Give him their story, and he will help them pass over peacefully.

In this book there is: The Chef, who worked in a funeral home. He had a special recipe for the grieving, something passed down through generations in his family. Then there is Barbie and Ken, who kidnapped and killed 14 women, but have never told anyone who the first was. Next is Bucket, who's had a heartbreaking life, with her trust abused throughout her short years. Lastly is The Nanny, who decided not every parent deserved their child.

This reminds me a lot of the Dr Harper books, which I absolutely loved! They are similar but completely different, these are equally just as good!

The stories had me gripped the whole way through, fans of Dr Harper will definitely enjoy this book.5 s Michael Wagner2

Great book all around. Really captured me in a way that made me want to keep reading just to see what more depraved things would happen. watching those videos where an athlete gets injured. You know it's wrong, yet you have to see it again. Also made me question if I was crazy as some things kind of made sense. Anything that makes you question reality is a good book to me. Great job would 100 percent recommended.5 s Laura43 1 followerRead

I stopped after the second story.... it's not a book for me. It didn't suck me in I had hopped. I'm not even sure what I was expecting from the book. I didn't give a rating as it is not fair to the author.4 s Sandie Oiler178

Strangely, morbidly addicting. Literally talking deathbed confessions of the criminally insane. Some are not for the weak of heart.4 s Megan144 32

3.5 stars! The stories were good and kept me reading but the writing style was quite basic and there were also a lot of grammar and spelling errors, but otherwise it was pretty good! 4 s Glen246 95

Interesting to record the stories, failures, regrets of the patients found in an insane asylum. Each confessions, the patient had their own story to tell. Lies? Nuggets of truth?

Jack Steed is the author, the night nurse and recorder of these confessions by four patients, patient number 1024, 974, 871 and 1203. He has other books out, other books with different confessions. Jack will tell you that he is nothing, knows nothing, will not judge a confession as a lie or truth.

I was hooked from the first line.2021 abuse fiction ...more4 s corky163 4

Oh yeah, This series is going to be absolutely intriguing. I loved hearing all of their stories!
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