
The Auschwitz Protocol de Jack Carnegie

de Jack Carnegie - Género: English
libro gratis The Auschwitz Protocol


Retired US Detective Emil Janowitz lied to his wife for nearly forty years. Having lost his entire family whilst an inmate of Auschwitz-Birkenau it was simply easier on his soul to invent a past than face up to the demons buried deep inside. Life was good, but then the mail arrived bringing a letter which would result in a voyage of discovery, denunciation and confrontation with the past. Life is a journey, history should not be forgotten, the evil still exists.

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This book was nothing short of incredible. I have read many, many books about the horrors of the Holocaust, but I have to say that as I read this, I actually had to set the book down at intervals and just take a little time to process what I just read - and in all my years of prolific reading, I have never felt the need to do that.

Mr. Carnegie has written a brilliant book - the story of an Auschwitz survivor, Emil Janowicz, who has spent his lifetime trying to deal with the horrors he faced daily as well as the loss of his entire family at the hands of the Nazis. The story follows a young Emil through the ordeal of being delivered and processed into the camp along with his parents, his brother and a younger sister. The circumstances of each of their deaths and his feelings of pain as he realized what was happening was positively heart wrenching and written with such effort as to not just reveal the horror, but to make crystal clear what life long pain and trauma was inflicted on them. The evolution of the story and the unforeseen resolution is proof that Mr. Carnegie is not only an excellent writer, but an incredible historian as well.

The Auschwitz Protocol is a fitting tribute to not only those who's lives were taken from them, but to those who "survived" but would never again have a life where the atrocities they experienced would affect their lives forever.

The Auschwitz Protocol exposes readers to a very frank, heart wrenching story which I suspect will have a profound impact on their previous opinions and knowledge of the Holocaust - both the horrors and the hopes for those who survived. This book has surpassed my rating of 5 stars. I would rate it to be one of the most incredible Holocaust stories that I have ever read...13 s Barbara Camelford36 1 follower

I love books about Auschwitz and similar and this book gave it in spades. It took you back and forth from the reality of horror as it was and what was happening now (when being written). The main character was very wonderful human being even though he had his faults too . The depravity of 'The Final Solution' has always horrified me that one man wants to cleanse the earth of the Jews and make himself the most important man on the planet. Reading about it, especially with such a wonderfully written book makes me feel compassion as never before.
Loved it from start to finish.6 s Krista (Mrs K Book Reviews)959 85

So this book was incredible. I have read many, many books about the horrors of the Holocaust and the camps, but I have to say that as I read this, I had to stop and take breaks. This book didn't shy away from the graphic details of life in Auschwitz.

Although this was a hard read The Auschwitz Protocol is a tribute to both the lives that were unnecessarily taken and to the survivors. If you want to read about The Holocaust this is one of the books you should readnon-fiction5 s Fran Burdsall433 9

Any book that features stories of the holocaust is bound to be sad and disturbing. This one seemed to go even further into the darkness. Fortunately, about half way through, the tone changed to one of control and empowerment. I was able to feel hope and optimism for our protagonist - I could read the next one in the series.20232 s Elizabeth Reid50

Absolutely wonderful

This book was free and I will give any book the chance to be loved, some parts are a little hard to read but I found this a brilliant book and it made me think of the work it took to research the people wanted2 s Biblical Wanderings7

Very Good!

Story line is excellent! Grammar and punctuation makes it a little difficult sometimes to go from one sentence to another...but it does not take away the story!2 s Sena46


I could hardly put the book down. It brought feelings of sadness, desperation, and joy to name a few. I have never been so moved. 1 Margaret Wray335

The horrors of Auchwitz and the people in charge is well defined in this novel. This nearly became a DNF but stuck with it. Very emotional to read but my god those Nazis had a lot to answer for. Inhumane treatment of another person and they kept on doing the cruelty. Some parts I did have trouble reading but continued on. Yes there are good people in the world and the author certainly captured this in the story. 1 James Young2 1 follower

Sweeping tale of the Holocaust and across the generations

This amazing book is a completely different tale about the Holocaust. It tells the story of an Auschwitz survivor who has the opportunity to right wrongs decades after World War II.1 gill36 1 follower

Brought history to life!

Having visited Auschwitz and Birkenau a few years
ago, this book really brought it to life. As upsetting as it was, I couldn't put the book down! 1 Hazel Attwell36


I found this book to.be different from any other book I've read. You can't call it enjoyable but I couldn't put it down. I look forward to the next in the series1 Roger Taylor386 1 follower

Having visited Aushwitz a few years ago, I thought this might be an interesting read and it certainly was. Written in the first person, the story is told by a Holocaust survivor from Poland who was sent there as a young boy and witnessed his entire family killed by the Nazis. Having surivived, he made his way to America and married a beautiful woman and lived happily for 50 years...at least until he received a phone call from a fellow survivor whom he had known in the camps. He was convinced to take part in a pursuit of five Kapos who brutalized so many of the Jewish inmates, desperate to please the SS and to survive. However, in many cases, they took pleasure in the beatings, torture and murder of their fellow inmates. This assignment brings back all his memories of the time there but with courage, he travels to several locations and identifies these cowards to the local police. It was a very worthwhile read. 1 Sarah276 11

This was a great read, but there is one main question I have.

Why when the name Ezra was mentioned, did Emil not have any kind of response? From what came later, this was the biggest red flag for me.

It was quite an interesting choice to have a retired policeman as the main character, and his age was relevant in some of the events that took place. However, much of the writing came across as very matter of fact until some of the later information came to light.

It was enjoyable, but not very satisfying how it ended. It would have been good to have more of a resolution.1 1 comment Mohammed Malik101 2


Difficult to read, more difficult to accept the reality but, I just couldn't stop reading of the horrors that really did happen on a daily basis and I can't stop my mind asking......WHY? 1 Kerry164 1 follower

The writing is superb. This story is so detailed with references to real life people and places I found myself checking to see if this was a true life account. Worth reading 1 Susan Huff6

must read

Everyone needs to read this!, why?, so nothing s this ever happens again, with so much hate in this world, I’m afraid it might, my great grandparents were lucky to get out of Germany, coming to the united states states when Hitler was just starting coming into power over there. Unfortunately they both passed away before I was born, so I never got the chance to meet them I’m 71 now and happy I won’t be around in 50 years because I’m really scared of things happening in our world just too much hate and too many young people thinking that being a Nazi is something that is good to be ?, it’s not you have to stop them and the hate, please Weiping Yin255

Need to be a better story teller

The story is the result of hard research. For all the sufferings of Jewish people during WWII, it is only fair to see the Nazi “poppies and dummies” to be served justice. However, the story telling is not up to the game. Some parts of the story are flat without thrill. It didn’t do a good job of describing the toughness and complexity of works that Nazi hunters must perform. From reading the book, the work looked easy. Perhaps it was not the intention from the author. Wendy Plant174

Some hard truths about the holocaust. But a dull story. It is just the main fictional character reciting events from his life. Much of the book is about tracking down and identifying men who had committed crimes against others in the concentration camps 50 yrs earlier. ( all fictional ‘kappa’). This didn’t sit well with me. Nothing about the crimes against humanity of the holocaust was right. But the whole premise of tracking people down 50 yrs later to mete out justice in our own eyes says we aren’t any better today than they were. Jacquelyn Schingeck277

This was an incredible story and 5 stars isn't enough. The story centers around one particular individual who is rounded up with his family and sent to Auschwitz. He is immediately separated from his father, mother and little sister. His younger brother stays with him. He never sees the other family members again. This is so well told you almost believe the author was there. His younger brother dies while with him later and he ends up being the only one of his family to escape and he does this when the troops are arriving to liberate the Jews.
He tries to put all of it behind him even cutting off the tattoos from his imprisonment. The rest of the story is more uplifting but it also is a remembrance of Auschwitz and the people that were there.
Michele1,852 54

This one will tug at your heart strings as you read what this family went through before and during Auschwitz. The one survivor of that family, in order to try and forget-reinvented his life. He never even told his wife. Then a letter appeared one day--it took him on a journey to right some of the wrongs done back then. You are unly to ever forget this story. I did get a bit confused at the end. There are more in this series which I am looking forward to reading. Colleen298 3


I’m sure this could have been a good book. It certainly lays the groundwork for one. After 22 pages of suffering through Carnegie’s inability to punctuate correctly, however, I had to quit when his main character, a supposed lover of classical music, doesn’t know a cello from a violin. 2 comments Barbara Sanders28

You will feel you are there, witnessing the atrocities.

Family love so strong, it rides every storm, and comes out shining as the sun.
Everyone should read this book, as it tells of the misery, the loss of hope, and so many other emotions. You won't be the same after reading it.
Very descriptive in the telling. John Fedkenheuer1 review

Haunting and exciting!

This book was both exciting and haunting. Wasn't able to put it down! Historically interesting. While the book did not go into great detail about all of the horrors encountered during the holocaust, it provided enough descriptive information to make the reader sympathetic to the millions of victims. It can never be allowed to happen again! Anju Mangla5

A fresh insight into Auschwitz

We all know of the horrors of Auschwitz, but remotely... Something horrifc that happened to some.
This narrative makes it almost personal where the reader feels one with the narrator.
Well written Linda286 1 follower

This was very good. Finding the Kapos from Auschwitz was the main theme. Unfortunately, the author didn’t give any credit to anyone he might have interviewed. Would love to know if this is how they really found those Kapos. Sandy Brewer29


I would recommend this to anyone who is interested in WW11 history. The many years of experience in the camp and then the following years of living and trying to forget the dreadful memories. Finally tracking down war criminals and bringing them to justice. Virginia231 1 follower

An amazing book

A fiction filled with historical facts and people. Written so well it feels this is an actual journal or your listening to the main character in person. The next in the series will be interesting. Rich4

Worth reading

Difficult book to read due to the exposure of man's atrocities . Recommend required reading in high schools. It presents the struggles with surviving the brutality of hatred which should not be minimized to make one comfortable.

Robin Periandri21


The Auschwitz Protocol is a book no other I have ever read. It tells us so much about the ugly past and about the hatred we are facing now. The future of this world depends on books this being read by many young people. Thanks Victoria Liu2

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