
The Wife List de J.A. Schneider

de J.A. Schneider - Género: English
libro gratis The Wife List


J.A. Schneider Year: 2023

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Beth Kemp and her husband Brad lived in New York City. Both were writers although Beth was more successful than Brad. Their agent, Annie Willett, worked well with them both, but when Annie was murdered on her way home one night, just after Beth had left her, she was shattered. The crime in NYC was ongoing, constant - the young couple decided to move to the country, to Sheffield in Connecticut, where they'd holidayed before and loved it. Beth was hoping the new environment would bring her closer to Brad again, also that her asthma would improve in the country air...

Meeting the real estate people, Beth became friendly with both Cori and Jody. Cori and her husband Peter owned the RE business, and were doing well. Jody worked for Cori part time, earning money to renovate her B&B. But it wasn't long before turbulence rippled through Beth's life. Was she going crazy? Was she paranoid...

The Wife List is another incredible psychological thriller by the inimitable J.A. Schneider which I couldn't put down. Tense, gripping and heartstoppingly chilling, the tension ripples through the pages. Highly recommended.

With thanks to the author for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.2023-release 3500-2023 arc ...more43 s Tonya565 116

This thriller has it all! Unsolved murders, suspicious husbands, unstable characters with mystery around every corner. This is definitely a must read for any thriller addict. It’s original, compelling and extremely entertaining. The pacing is perfectly executed with twists and turns sprinkled throughout the engaging plot. I enjoyed every minute of this highly addictive, psychological thriller. Thank you BookSirens for my copy. ??????????booksirens40 s Alan Cotterell544 187

First of all i have to confess Ms Schneider is one of my favourite writers, I have to drop everything and read her new book however. However this one is right up there as one of her best yet.

I confess that I generally try and solve phycological murder mysteries, and my success rate is quite high. But not this time, had me fooled! I was no where near.
This is a must read, wrap yourself up in this atmospheric mystery and forget about everything else. You will not be disappointed.

I received a free advance copy, in exchange for an unbiased review.arc arc-author read-202321 s Foxy Vixen201 11

Thanks Book Sirens for the opportunity to read this book. This review is completely my opinion and thoughts.
This takes place in NYC and a remote town in CT.
This certainly has a thriller twist at the end you won’t expect!
My favorite power tool is now a Stapler Gun! It will be yours also after you read this.
You have 2 authors married to each other … who both have killer subjects.
Enough said, you can figure out the rest … or can you?12 s Holly206 61

This was a great book with engaging character development. I loved the theme of leaving NYC for a more quiet lifestyle. That message hit home for me and is a major reason I resonated with the story. The relationship between the protagonist and her hubby was strained enough to keep up the suspicion. I loved the police character as a sanity check. Great read, highly recommend!!10 s Melissa Borsey1,707 35

Beth has been thinking of ending her marriage and then decides to give it one more try when her best friend is murdered, then her father is murdered. She agrees to leave New York City with her husband for the quieter, safer life in Connecticut. Unfortunately, quiet is not what they get. Is Beth losing her mind or is someone targeting her? A good mystery.7 s EdieScott2 1 follower

I admit that J. A. Schneider is one of my favorite writers, however, this is the absolute BEST book yet... of course I say that every time she releases a new book!!! I honestly sat down Sunday mid-morning and didn't move until I read the last word Sunday night!! This book is a real showstopper!!!! I couldn't put it down. I'm an avid reader of all venues, but murder mystery is my favorite. I love to try to figure out who did what to who and when... I had it all figured out... until I didn't!!!! Not the ending I expected! CRAZY AWESOME!!!!!!!! Do yourself a favor, escape and lose yourself in this book! You won't be sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!6 s Grace Convertino208 5

Beth Kemp, a successful crime author, lives in New York City with her husband, Brad. After early success, the former attorney-turned-writer is struggling with his last novels, which were less than well-received. Their marriage is far from perfect, with Beth thinking she’ll give it “one more chance” more often than she’d to admit. Brad suggests moving from the city to rural Connecticut, promising that’s what he needs to get out of his writing slump and be a better husband. Beth has recently lost her own father, was murdered by a woman he met in a bar. After she sees a homeless man pushed into the street and killed, Beth suffers an almost fatal asthma attack when she is unable to locate her rescue inhaler in the folds of her purse. After Beth meets her agent and best friend Annie Willett for drinks right after this incident, Annie is robbed and killed at a red light while driving home the same evening. Annie’s husband Tyler has a perfect alibi, and it’s been enough crime to convince Beth she would indeed be better off in a country setting. The Kemps move to Sheffield, Connecticut, and it’s too good to be true. When one friend confides about living in fear of her husband and another has a bruise under her eye that she has unsuccessfully covered with makeup, Brad tries to convince Beth she is imagining things. Then she learns about another unsolved murder involving the wife of her new psychiatrist and another friend is murdered with her own weights while lifting, she suspects the four husbands are all covering for each other; Brad tells her she’s become paranoid. Then Beth discovers the biggest secret of all…

This was an exceptional thriller, taut, twisted, leaving the reader breathless. There is so much misdirection, many red herrings, and some hairpin curves that take you on a wild ride throughout the novel. J.A. Schneider is an adept writer, setting the tone early in her work and building throughout the plot before skidding to a satisfied conclusion at the end. I can’t find a single point to criticize! I was glued to the pages, excited to keep reading the whole way. There were no points where I felt the story lagged or lacked, and so much circumstantial evidence pointed the wrong way, seemingly supporting the idea of a “wife list” with the husbands involved. Brad as a character is a real piece of work, a man-child, whiny and forever throwing temper tantrums, his moods changing so quickly it makes one’s head spin. Also suspect are the other husbands, each of whom has something to gain by his own wife’s’ death, all of them thick as thieves with each other. It’s a brilliant storyline! I heartily and happily recommend this thriller to all fans of mystery, thriller, and crime genres. You too will be enticed and captivated by “The Wife List” experience.

I’d to thank Book Sirens and J.A. Schneider for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

7 s Heather456 33

Beth and Brad Kemp are both fed up with each other. Each struggling with their own writing careers, living and working in the same house has proven to be too much. Beth is at her breaking point when she decides to give her husband Brad one more chance in this marriage. She may want to divorce Brad, but Brad might just want to have her killed.

Then Beth’s friend ends up being murdered forcing her to view the people around her in a new light. Are the husbands killing off their wives and covering for each other?

As the story progresses we plunge deeper into Beth’s hysteria, madness. The typical “you’re crazy” gas lighting from her husband Brad. It’s hard not to roll your eyes as it seems we’ve seen this theme played out over and over again, in books and in movies, yet it’s something so real I think it’d be weird if it wasn’t part of the storyline. Schneider’s true talent in writing brings these themes to life.

Four stars for an all-round good read. The action kicks off in chapter one and by chapter two you’re hooked. A true psychological thriller that will have you turning the pages anticipating what’s to come next. A gripping read that’ll get your heartbeat going.

I received an ARC of this book and leave this review of my own accord. 6 s Krista (Mrs K Book Reviews)997 90

Talk about edge of your seat thriller. So many twists and that last one...crazy!!!

Joyce Schneider is an amazing writer and she made me feel I was right there with Beth. Speaking of, I wanted too comfort Beth and tell her she's okay.

.this is a must read if you love domestic and/or psychological thrillers.2023 arc-netgalley thriller5 s Lori Boyd624 81

New to me author, but she’s now on my radar and I look forward to reading more!

Beth is a successful crime writer. Her husband, Brad, is also an author but his latest books are lacking. Her whirlwind marriage has taken a downward spiral along, and she’s had some devastating losses thanks to NYC crime. Brad talks her into moving to an idyllic community in Connecticut, due to Beth’s stress bringing on her asthma. But can there be something sinister in Brad’s wanting to move there? Is Beth being Paranoid? Intuitive? Vivid Writer’s imagination? It seems wives are turning up dead…will she be next?

I didn’t expect to be sucked into reading late into the night and thru the next day, but that’s what happened. Fast paced, with some twists and turns to keep you guessing. Then when you’re sure you know, do you really? Well written characters with depth. I did think the love interest happened too quickly was a little too good to be true. A solid thriller that will hold your attention.

I received an ARC of this book. Opinion is mine alone.
4 s Melissa Schranz8

THE QUEEN of Psychological Thrillers has done it again in what I think is her best thriller yet! This book is just full of surprises that had me guessing well into the night, with truly believable characters that made it excruciatingly difficult to know who to trust and who to not! Full of surprises, this book flowed flawlessly with absolutely no periods of boredom. It was impossible to stop reading until the very end! I fell in love with the main character, Beth to her sexy detective friend, Jay, who is many steps up the ladder than her husband, Brad in my humble opinion. If you love very engaging and fast paced domestic thrillers with a kick butt ending, then grab this excellent book. It definitely won’t disappoint!!4 s Kat M3,387 19

J. A. Schneider has a great writing style for a domestic thriller, I was invested in what was happening to Beth Kemp and the rest of the cast. It had a great concept and it left me on the edge of my seat. I enjoyed reading this a lot and getting to read this great thriller novel.

"Maybe Tyler drove up separately? Attracted by Brad’s raves about the town? I do remember Annie attending that writers’ conference, and coming back with stories of parties and meeting a promising new writer with a great book idea – but she never mentioned Tyler there."

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.3 s Tiffany140 3

I received a copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

The Wife list sounded quite promising with Beth, a crime writer, living among the throng of the craziness that can be NYC. Almost right away, I realized that I was in for a ride of disappointment. Beth seemed even-keeled to begin with but then quickly became unlikable in how she handled things. Brad was a mega jerk and kept harping about the dangers of living in NYC. If it was so bad, then why move there to begin with?

Beth and Brad move and it only gets more unbelievable from this point. Beth becomes besties with 2 new people, one of which is an ex of Brad's. Then she constantly makes impulsive decisions and if Brad weren't such a piece of work, I'd be against her too.

The idea behind the story is a good one, but it just fell flat. The twist wasn't bad but I did not enjoy the story overall.4 s Zoe464 24

This was a really good story but I just didn’t care much for the writing style! It has all the elements a thriller needs, mystery, suspicion and drama.

Beth and Brad decide to leave city life in New York for suburbia, they are both writers but Brad is struggling with his career and it is taking its toll on their marriage. When murders begin to happen to women close to them Brad accuses Beth of being paranoid that they are linked. Beth has drawn her own conclusion on who did what and becomes increasingly frightened of her husband 4 s Tabitha Johnson166 1 follower

This is my first read by this author and was disappointed by the many 5 star . 35% into it and I thought I should probably dnf but I pushed through waiting for when it gets good. We'll it didn't. It was very boring. It had good potential but just fell flat to me.4 s1 comment Glitter798 4

To be honest, I didn't think I'd plow through this read in a day. Surprise! It was absolutely phenomenal. There are a few places where I think that -I- found myself wound tightly into each of the characters stories (they aren't sub characters you think!) but didn't really STRETCH out the understanding of how all of the players played.

This is a great read. If you're a writer, you'll double down on the hilarity parts.

Keep it steely!

arc romance thriller3 s Dana Hartmann121 10

Wow! The last half of the book is a roller coaster of emotion. And a few suspects and some other suspects that I didn’t even suspect. I don’t want to give away any surprises and spoilers so I will just say it’s a must read.3 s Jennifer604 86

3.5 stars

This is the first book I've read by J.A. Schneider, and it definitely won't be the last! Her writing style made the story so vivid in my mind!arc-from-author kindle3 s AlishA HartMann83 29

This book was a copy given by JA Schneider, to be read before the release date. It was such an honor to read this book. The title is very appealing. Overall the story was great. I gave it four stars because, I a fast moving book. This was a little slower than I . But it did keep my attention. A great story with twists that will keep you guessing.3 s MAUREEN PARKER68

very unrealistic

The book jumped all over with poorly developed characters and places. It read a teenager was writing her diary (a secret club of husbands trying to kill their wives?) along with telling a cop you just took Valium and him telling you to drive safely. Poorly edited 3 s Trista BorgwardtAuthor 5 books54

I received an ARC copy of this book for free and am leaving this review voluntarily. May be spoilers so read at your own risk.

This book had me hooked from the beginning. The story follows Beth through her troubled marriage that she continues to try and fix, knowing that she deserves better. When yet another person who is close to her is struck down by tragedy, her husband convinces her to get out of the city. It’s too dangerous and they need someplace safe and quiet to work on their novels.

Beth stays with him even when certain things aren’t adding up and in my head, I’m telling her to go, get as far away from this man as you can.

After moving out of the city, her husband seems to find his own groove which really didn’t seem to include her. As the story develops and new characters come into play, I’m left wondering - did Brad do what she thinks or is she losing her mind? I knew it couldn’t be that easy as this author is known for her intricately designed stories and twists.

The story has good pacing to keep you interested and hooked from the beginning. Character development was great but I wished we would’ve seen more of Jay. Everything seemed to happen in such a short span of time and I’d really have d to see more interactions between their two characters and maybe some more sparks flying before the ending. That’s just my opinion, but I really d his character and would’ve loved to see more.

Great story! Can’t wait to read more from this author (admittedly, I’ve read all of her books as she is one of my favorite authors to read. Her stories are always amazing, well written and delivered and she never disappoints!)This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review2 s Sudasha450 13

Gaslighting? Check! Conspiracy? Check! Murder? Check!

I'm sure by now we have all heard about the infamous Alfred Hitchcock movie, 'Strangers on a Train' - two men hypothesize about the perfect way to get away with murder; kill each other's annoying family members so no one will point the finger at them. This is precisely what the main protagonist believes is happening in 'The Wife List.' J.A. Schneider introduces us to Beth Kemp, the sole narrator in the novel. Readers get a first-person account of the plot through her.

A writer who suffers from severe asthma, she is trapped in an increasingly unhappy marriage with her husband, Brad. Living in New York City doesn't help matters, and she has begun feeling more and more crazed as the days go by. Then the unthinkable happens - her best friend and agent is murdered in a seemingly random act of violence and it rocks her world. Brad uses this to get them to move to the country, something he had been pushing for lately. Things take a turn for the worse as strange occurrences start happening more frequently and she realizes there is something very sinister afoot - and her husband is in the center of it all.

I must say that I enjoyed the uniqueness of this story. Murder mysteries are some of my favorite books and this one had all the requisite components to set keep me reading. The plot flowed well, making it easy to read and follow along. I also d the plot twist in the last few chapters - Schneider's skills as an author showed here.

My biggest issue with this novel was the writing style; however, it's more of a personal one than anything inherently wrong with the novel itself. The prose was sometimes stilted, and Beth was a little unreliable as a narrator. Some of her inner monologues annoyed me to the highest. Also, the other characters were so unable, I just didn't root for anyone and what's a story where you're not rooting for anyone?!

In the end, I give 'The Wife List' a rating of 3 stars - the overall plot was pretty good as it was believable as a mystery thriller, but the writing style and character list just didn't do it for me. If you enjoy books of this genre, this one will not disappoint!

*A great many thanks to BookSirens and J.A. Schneider for this ARC. It is important to note that I was under no commitment to provide a positive review, and all opinions are undoubtedly my own.*book-sirens2 s Kathryn2,664 86

Everywhere has violence. No matter where you go it seems. And that’s just what Beth Kemp thinks when her agent is killed right after having some drinks together. But was it random? Is she losing it? Overreacting? When her husband pushes for them to finally leave for a smaller town she feels this could be saving their lives. Literally.

I was on the edge of my seat reading this one. I d the premise when I picked this one to read, and I thought I had it all figured out until the end. I d the move out of the big city to a small-town vibe, I truly d the little details about house hunting, and even the descriptions of the people that had made the same move. Beth Kemp is a good MC, and I d the interactions she had with everyone. There are some grand violent moments within the story, but that brought the intensity of the story up a notch. Good fast read, coming soon. Expected publication: February 20, 2023. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.2023 advanced-reader-copy contemporary ...more2 s Laura170 1 follower

As crime continues to rise in New York City, and her best friend and editor is murdered, Beth Kemp's husband convinces her to move to Sheffield, Connecticut where life should be safer. Their marriage is on the fritz but Beth agrees to move, giving their marriage one last shot and in hopes that her severe asthma attacks will come to an end.

The move is not what Beth expected as trauma seems to follow her wherever she goes leading to paranoia and more asthma attacks.

This book was a little slow to start but as the story really started to play out I was hooked! Beth will bring you right into her paranoia and you will begin to feel suffocated and frustrated right along side her.

The love interest seemed a little forced/rushed. It brought a bit of light to the story but felt a little too good to be true for me.

This is a slow burn that builds up to a delicious ending. It will give you the creeps and keep you on edge. If you enjoy domestic thrillers I highly recommend picking this one up!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.own2 s Diane Merritt815 168

Thank you to the author for an early release of this book.
Wow did I pull a punch!!! Draws you into the story and doesn't let up. She has me fooled on what was going on and who was the killer of the wife list. Great story line, perfect chapter lengths. Just a great great story.2 s Katya213 38

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

The plot: Beth Kemp and her husband Brad are both writers. And both write in the crime genre, so they know a lot about murder. One day Beth goes out for drinks with their agent Annie. When she gets home, she notices strange things about her husband's behavior, and later they learn that Annie was murdered in her car on the way home. Beth starts having her suspicions, including Annie's husband - Tyler. But are they real or is she just being paranoid?

What I didn't :

1. the writing. And it's not that I don't it, it is just a bit weird for my taste. Short sentences, a lot of descriptions of actions, and pronouns missing sometimes. However, the book is still easy and pleasant to read.

2. the ending. It is predictable and sweet, but I don't think it is necessary. For me, it would have been much better if Beth and Jay went down a different relationship path. Don't get me wrong, Beth deserves better after what she has been through, but this kind of plot twist just is not for me. Another thing - I did not quite get the connection between the bad guys. How did it happen? When? We are just given this bit of information in the end, so I still got questions.

What I d:

1. the intrigue. The suspense-building is great! Is Beth right in her suspicions or is she imagining things? How was everyone involved able to pull it off the way they did? There are a lot of questions, and the author answers some of them in the end. With each chapter, I worried about Beth more and more, and honestly wished her the best by the end of the book, so it was nice to have Jay the Detective in the picture.

2. the characters. Beth is such a nice character. She is portrayed as this vulnerable woman, who agrees to almost everything her husband suggests just to keep the peace in the family. But in the end, she shows how smart and strong she is. Brad's character is shown well, but I wish there were more information about him. The other characters are also well-written, to the point that I was shocked with the ending (this one nice and friendly character totally fooled me), all of them invoke different emotions, and after Beth, my next favorite was Cori (Brad's ex by the way).

3. the plot. Beth has been through a lot of trauma, so after Annie's murder everything goes downhill faster for her - which some characters use to their advantage and portray Beth as the person who should not be trusted because she is allegedly going crazy. So, it was interesting to follow Beth on her journey to find the truth and prove that she was mostly right in her suspicions.

4. the dynamics. The pages flew by me. Not only the story is intriguing and suspenseful, but the plot development is also fast-paced and full of events. Something is always happening, and there is no time to stop - the desire to finally know what's going on is too big.

Content warnings: death, domestic violence, psychological issues.

Overall opinion: an excellent book! I really d the main character, the story is gripping and entertaining, it has everything to become your favorite. I would definitely recommend it to suspense lovers and those who enjoy a good dynamic plot.
books-to-review1 Madelon854 10

As an avid reader of J. A. Schneider's books, I have never known her to begin with anything but an adrenalin rush. THE WIFE LIST seems a tad more subtle at the start. The subtlety doesn't last.

Beth Kemp and her husband Brad are both crime writers; she is more successful than he is. Male ego problem? You bet! The very first sentence in the book is "I'll give this marriage one more try." It is a definite indication that Beth is getting ready to walk. The question is when?

THE WIFE LIST uses a classic mystery trope, but if I tell you what that trope is… major spoiler! The clues sprinkled throughout seem to point to a cabal using THE WIFE LIST to commit murder. As each clue is refuted, you will start turning pages faster to find out what happens next!

Schneider writes interesting 'strong woman' characters who go through a phase of self-doubt coming out at the other end of strife knowing their strength. That bit of self-doubt has been the subject of male diminution of women for a very long time. According to men, women are hysterical, paranoid, abrasive, vapid, emotional… the list goes on and on. All women face this at some point in their lives. Some submit; others fight back. The ones that fight back, in fiction at least, either come out winners, or they come out destroyed.

Set in a crime-ridden New York City and an idyllic Connecticut small town, THE WIFE LIST is a psychological thriller that is both character and location driven. The stark contrasts are whittled away, and the sociopath is revealed in a mind-blowing ending.1 Donna Mallery540 46

I would recommend reading this book without reviewing the summary. I had downloaded this book and forgotten the summary by the time I read it and am glad I did! This is my first book by this author, and it was really good. It might not have been the most earth shattering book I’ve ever read, but I had no complaints, hence the 5 stars. Since I went into it blind, I was wondering why it was titled, The Wife List. So, events were surprising to me as they occurred. Basically, all you need to know is that the protagonist has some tragic events occurring in her life that effects the way she reacts to things. These reactions cause other people to question her stability. However, I don’t feel that she is an unreliable narrator. I agree with her feelings. The book is interesting throughout, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!1 Marcia64 2

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