
Possession de J. R. Ward

de J. R. Ward - Género: English
libro gratis Possession


#1 New York Times bestselling author J. R. Ward explores what really happens when good and evil toy with humanity in her new novel of the Fallen Angels....

When Cait Douglass resolves to get over her broken heart and lose her inhibitions, she’s unprepared for the two sensual men who cross her path. Torn between them, she doesn’t know which to choose—or what kind of dire consequences could follow.

Jim Heron, fallen angel and reluctant savior, is ahead in the war, but he puts everything at risk when he seeks to make a deal with the devil—literally. As yet another soul is unwittingly caught in the battle between him and the demon Devina, his fixation on an innocent trapped in Hell threatens to sidetrack him from his sacred duty....

Can good still prevail if true love makes a savior weak? And will a woman’s future be the key, or the curse, for all of humanity? Only time, and hearts, will tell.

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What does it feel when you love an author to pieces and then you find a series of hers that you really don't .....

This series has mostly been okay reads nothing special but nothing horrible. Now this book has to be the worst of the series. I hated the heroine, hero love triangle of death. I was bored with the whole love part of this book and couldn't tell you anything that stands out about any of them. I was into the Jim, Sissy parts until Jim slept with Devina the Demon again.... by choice. WTF for someone who hates that demon and has feelings for Sissy he sure sleeps with rotten demon woman a lot. And I am just so over it. I am so damn glad that I only have one more book in this series and then I'm done

angel-demon disd-audiobook-version every1luvsbutme ...more95 s ??elody667 705

4.5 stars

I really enjoyed this one! I enjoyed it so much I ended up taking it with me to work and reading it during my lunch break, I don't usually do that. :P Great continuation of the Fallen Angel series and a step up from Matthius's book in both romance and plot. I loved the pairing in this even though I really wish Ward would step away from the 3-4 days window time frame for the couple to meet and fall in love. I hate the rushed restriction Ward is putting on each of these books and how everything needs to happen and unfold in a matter of days. Why? Is there a reason for this? After all this is a game of good vs. evil, give the characters at least a week-2 weeks time to deal with and try to prepare for that crossroad.

I was pleasantly surprised with the shift in POV in this. We got much more of the heroine, Cait's POV and back story than we did both guys combined until much later on. There are obvious reasons for that but I d that Cait seemed to be more of a lead in this. She was sweet, compassionate, relatable and trying to live life to the fullest and break out of her own comfortable safety bubble. And I LOVE that she was an artist. I thought Duke was sexy as hell. I wasn't sure what to make of him at first but I fell for the guy. He's the typical brooding silent, gargantuan Ward alpha male, and the guy pulled it off. So shmexy. I have a thing for towering gruff silent type heroes. I wasn't overly thrilled how they started off, and Duke's motives behind pursuing Cait bothered me but we get more intel on him and what drives him and he starts to truly fall for her so he won me over. Plus their sex marathons were enthralling and very hot. His insatiable appetite for her was quite addictive and all kinds of delicious. Unf. There are some clever twists and surprises with these 2 and G.B. which I think was nicely handled, kept me in suspense and not wanting to put this down. And I do think G.B. was quite a departure from Ward's traditional recipe of characters, that was another surprise for me.

Yes I want Jim and Sissy together. *ducks head* After reading this? I'm there. I want them. I honestly didn't think Ward would take it there even with the subtle and not-so subtle hints given all the hokey-pokey fuckery with Devina going on so I wasn't sure how serious she was about the potential of Jim with Sissy. But Sissy has intrigued me and I really her. She's smart, patient, clear-headed, brave and wants her shot at helping Jim and Adrian in the war. The age difference doesn't bother me and Jim clearly is smitten with her (and is trying to fight it tooth and nail), and Sissy seems to be slowly coming around. It doesn't seem forced or contrived which is another plus. Sissy definitely has matured and seems wiser than her years given what she went through. And once again, for a male-dominant-POV series, we got a lot more POV and reflection from Sissy in here which I d. It was a nice shift in gears. This managed to squeeze tears out of me when she visits her family and thinks about all those she has left behind. Pretty heartbreaking. For someone who has officially 'entered' the series and now has a play and POV in the games she's a very well-rounded character with a lot of depth and maturity which I really d. Kudos to Ward!

I will say I did NOT how things left off between Jim and Sissy at the end and I wanted to rip my hair out that Ward went there...again. it wasn't enough to have Devina play dress up and trick Jim into spending time with her thinking she's Sissy. Pathetic even for Devina. That was unbearable enough but to bargain with her to keep her away from the soul in play by sleeping with her AGAIN was pure torture.

Totally you have got be kidding me? moment. We were saved from this stupid shit 90% of the book until Ward pulls a fast one. How many times do we have to go through these mind fucks (pun intended) Ward? I will not and never will sympathize with Devina or her poor wittle OCD demon heart being crushed by Jim's brush offs. And him constantly having to go on fucking sprees with her as a 'sacrifice' is rage inducing and getting pretty damn tiring at this point. I honestly get enjoyment out of seeing Adrian and Jim hurl insults and barbs at Devina. I see that Ward is valiantly trying to humanize her in different ways with her OCD therapy, deep insecurity and falling for Jim. Guess what? Still ain't working. All that does is just razz me up more and wishing someone would just stab her in the eye heart with her stiletto shoe and be done with it. She's great as a villain, she's cunning and quite terrifying (lessers take notes). She's a total sociopath and I loathe her. But as a misunderstood 'I feel ugggggly' whiny woman? No. No no and once more with feeling.... NO .

And for all the BDB fans, there was a lovely JM sighting in this that was a nice little surprise. And yes Xhex aka 'Alex Hess' plays a small part in this story as well. I get a kick out of all these character cross overs and cameos between the 2 series. Hope Ward keeps it up! :P

I'm still trying to figure out who will be the next 2 souls in play as Ward playfully hinted at it being 'obvious'. Umm...Jim? Sissy? Eddie? I don't see how that would work. Given the title it's probably Jim or Sissy.

Ward has definitely managed to keep things interesting and fresh with the surprise twists and turns. And she seems to be shifting gears and changing things up a bit I noticed it in here and I hope this trend continues.

Great read!adventure-danger-suspense alpha-hero artistic-hero-or-heroine ...more32 s Sammy Loves Books1,134 1,608

The Battle of Good and Evil continues and

***** 4 ~"Very Sexy Love Triangle" stars*****

Eight months ago, Caitlin Douglass was dumped by a cheating ex. So she joined a gym, got sexy, and died her mousey brown hair blonde. Now everyone wants a piece of her sexy new look. She's proof that blondes have more fun.


Two men have the hots for Cait, and they are both sexy as hell. But Duke makes her blood boil and her panties wet. Cait is determined to seize the day and live life to it's fullest. So she's determined to see where this sexy relationship goes.


Duke is jaded and has given up on women and love. He's content with the occasional lay. But when it comes to Cait, he's on a mission. She tuns out to be different than most women and that presents a problem.

Duke's got competition for Cait's affections. He's an ultra smooth singer, that has a swarm of female fans.


GB's the perfect man. Beautiful in a tux, with a voice that will melt your panties off. He has the sweetest personality and is very sincere. What woman wouldn't want him. But Damn if he isn't having to work for Cait, and he s that. She's nothing the skanks that throw sex at him each and every night.

The battle for good vs evil continues with Jim Heron and the Demon Devina. This one had some twists that I didn't see coming. Jim is attempting to bargain for Sissy's freedom and the Shit is about to hit the fan!!

This installment was fast paced and sexy and shit. It felt the Warden was back because her last book of this series sucked ass. But she has redeemed herself and I can't wait to read the final book of this series.

angels-are-sexy best-sex-ever demons-rock ...more28 s Dantezgirl161 8

I have to mention all the name brand dropping! I know JR is into it, but I think she now has an obsession with name brands. It feels every few sentences she's name dropping LOL. Stop, just stop.

I'm 6 chapters in so far and the characters are all blending together. Tall, Sexy, White and a mouth a trucker *Yawn* Nice to see Xhex/Jm.

Still don't understand Jim's sudden obsession with Sissy. Not to mention he gave up on the game for a piece of ass. Mother be damned, so long as he gets his cock licked *Rolls Eyes*

I've had discussion lately about JR and someone mentioned that her characters no longer have a voice of their own, but JR's. Have to agree on that point. Unfortunately maybe giving up on JR after THE KING. It was only Qhuay that got me back and even that fell short,so it's one last chance with my boy Wrath and I'm out.

Over half way, and things are NOW beginning to get interesting. Devina losing her mind over Adrian not being able to stand at attention? Priceless. I'm sick to death of Jim and his "But Sissy . ." bull shit. He has chosen her over the war his mother and the angels. So a big middle finger to him.

Nigel killing himself is a bit suspect. If he did do it, OK but if not? Who? I still don't understand how that was Jim's fault. Can someone explain why? he did it please. Collin WOW! show of power there mate. And Dog, where, why and how did he get there?

I know Duke is social awkward in terms of communication, but man, don't their relationship. It's nothing but a physical one. So GB is the Cray, Cray one aye. Wonder if he'll go all psycho when she tells him about Duke. Also, what's the deal with these two?

Duke and GB brothers eh, figures. Yip can't stand Jim now, he cost the damn world a flag fucking around. Now the damn fool goes and fucks Davina? Piss off!

I never did get why the house was repairing itself. I thought maybe it was Eddie and him NOT being dead, but maybe not. Seems as though it's Sissy herself. Speaking of . . What's with the Halo business? Halo = Bad? since GB had one. Maybe even the souls in play?

Looking forward to seeing if Jim does replace Nigel. Speaking of . . Why the hell did he give up! Not liking that at all. So I hope it's a good reason. Over all? Meh, didn't get interesting till the end.

Forgot the clock. What's with the hostility toward the damn clock? Also the 13 tolls thing what is that? Anyone else feel as though we read a novel about descriptions and Ward-Isms? it felt every other sentence was a description or Ism's of some sort. 20 s Shawna3,592 4,705

3 ½ stars – Paranormal/Urban Fantasy Romance

I’m a devoted J.R. Ward fan, and I loooved Covet. But I have to be honest; my enthusiasm for this series has somewhat dwindled.

I think it’s partly because of the yearlong gap in releases and that I read so many books in between. I just can’t keep everything straight with all the Devina/Jim/Sissy/Adrian and battle for souls drama that seems to get more confusing with each book. And I also feel way too much time is spent on Devina and all her OCD and idiosyncrasies, not to mention her and Jim’s depraved, hateful, twisted, vengeful use of sex as a weapon in their good versus evil war with each other.

I loved Duke! He was a seriously yummy, growly, broody, tortured alpha hero. I devoured every scene he was in, but I wish he???d been given additional page time. The relationship between him and Cait was much more satisfying than the romance storyline in Rapture. And their sex scenes were yowza hot! But I was still left wanting extra Duke, further time spent on the romance, and a more satisfying, detailed HEA.

Although my interest in the series has slightly diminished, I’m curious how the battle will play out and who wins the war and hopeful of a HEA for Jim, so I’ll still read on to find out.

I was only going to give 3 GR stars for my rating, but I loved Duke and his steamy romance with Cait so much that I added another star and bumped my rating to 3.5 stars. This probably would’ve been just a 2 star read for me if it wasn’t for Duke.

2013-reads 3-to-4-stars author-jr-ward-jessica-bird ...more20 s Saimi Vasquez1,549 84

Cait siempre ha llevado una vida sencilla, sus rutinas y su trabajo siempre predecible, hasta que una noche cuando se reunia con una amiga en un cafe, vio a un hermoso hombre que la atrajo de inmediato, su frescura, su brillo, su voz, todo le indicaba que podia ser una cita perfecta, y cuando el hombre se fijo en ella, pues la emocion fue mucho mas alla. Pero esa misma noche, al salir del cafe se consiguio con otro hombre, un hombre salvajemente atractivo, cuya quimica tambien la atrajo a niveles viscerales, un hombre que prometia sexo por todos sus poros. Asi que ahora, despues de tanto tiempo, no solo sentia atraccion por un hombre, sino por dos en la misma noche. Como podria decidirse, por un lado, uno parecia todo un caballero y el otro todo un salvaje, que querria ella realmente en su vida?
Por otro lado Jim logro que Devina liberara a Sissy de su prision, pero ahora su foco esta en que Sissy se acostumbre a su nuevo entorno, y no en el alma que debe liberar. Y por eso no solo el arcangel Nigel esta enfadado, sino tambien Adrian. Pero para el ahorita no hay nada mas importante que Sissy, el no solo quiere ser su salvador, quiere se el unico en su vida. Podra Jim lograr enfocarse realmente en el alma que necesitan salvar o perderan tambien esta ronda?

La trama de este libro se veia desde el comienzo, la prota tenia que escoger un lado y cualquier que escogiera Jim iba a perder. Pero tambien nos dio por fin una historia romantica entre Sissy y Jim, tambien vimos un poco mas del Iron Mask (el club nocturno donde trabajan muchos de los vamps de Black Dagger Brotherhood) y su gente. Lo que no me gusto, fue que eran tantos personajes, tantos puntos de vista diferente, que realmente no vimos la encrucijada del que se supone que deberian salvar.
Si el autor pensaba utilizar este libro como un Cliffanger, no funciono en absoluto, porque hasta ahora es el libro mas aburrido, cliche y mal disenado de toda la serie. Pero bueno, en este punto, la curiosidad es mas grande, asi que voy a leer el ultimo de la serie esperando que al final pueda entender realmente cual era el objetivo de toda la serie, o la moraleja de esta lucha entre el bien y el mal.paginas-202314 s AimieAuthor 16 books147 Shelved as 'sat-on-shelf-waiting'

How the hell have I missed this?
We have a title.
we have a cover.
We have a synopsis.
We have a release date.
We even have a VS date...
Devina must of locked me away with the souls for me not to notice all this. Now the question is, Did Jim break me out? ;)love-this-author need-to-finish-series tbr-asap13 s Robbinette 771 41

I don't think I d this book. At all. *SPOILER* So the fight for good and evil is on. For some reason the good guys are sleeping with the bad guy(girl) whose real body is decomposing and in the middle of this shitstorm there is a love triangle between two brothers one is good the other evil and a totally clueless girl. So of course what goes on from there she hooks up with the good brother. In the meantime the evil brother murders a woman. Then the evil one finds out shes dating his bro and goes apeshit. Oh and surprise! back in the day the evil brother slept with the good one's then gf and got her pregnant. So now the good brother pays child support every month for the evil one's son. The evil bro. tries to kill the clueless girl when he finds out she's loving on his bro. and so the bro's get in a fight the good one gets stabbed and the clueless girl ends up shooting and killing the evil bro. So in the end the evil side wins this round in this book. Because all of the good guys had their thumbs up their butts the whole time and didn't save the soul of the evil brother in time. So I don't know you tell me is this good material to read before going to sleep? No, I don't think so. It just pissed me off and creeped me out and know I have to try and go to sleep. I'm pretty sure I'm done with this series. Seriously why would I want to read something I don't even enjoy reading. Next!12 s Debra Johnson10.4k 163

Possession by J.R. Ward
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense
5++ Stars

Lord have mercy I just had a
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