
A Highlander in L.A. de J. P. Bowie

de J. P. Bowie - Género: English
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A Highlander in L.A. by J.P. Bowie

If you loved I Love You I Hate You by G. A. Hauser, Stacey Rhodes, Dennis Dean and A Volatile Range (Stories from the Range) by Andrew Grey then you will not be able to put down this absolute treat!

An 18th century time travelling Scot finds the man of his dreams in present day Los Angeles.

When on duty LAPD officer, Darren Holden, is told to check out a possible dead body lying in an alleyway, he finds a man who is unconscious but very much alive. Not only alive, but gorgeous—and wearing a kilt. Darren is sure he knows the man, he just can’t remember where or when they might have met. It isn’t until that night, unable to sleep, that he realises the stranger is a man he’d been dreaming of for some time—a man who had made love to him night after night.

The Last thing Duncan MacGregor remembers is that he was home in Glen Ardor, Scotland, betrothed to Margaret Macallister as a bond between their two feuding clans.

Darren isn’t sure if Duncan is playing a game, suffering from amnesia of just plain nuts, but his attraction to Duncan outweighs his scepticism and he takes him home, determined to find the truth.

Duncan believes he was enchanted by a witch who told him his destiny was not in Scotland, nor to be married to Margaret but to have a life of love and adventure with a man—the man he had dreamt of night after night—Darren.

As much as Darren wants to believe him, his common sense warns him of the sheer impossibility of Duncan’s story. Nevertheless, the overwhelming sexual attraction both men feel for one another leads to a night of passionate lovemaking.

Even then, Darren’s logical mind refuses to accept that such a thing is possible, but when a dangerous event threatens to tear them apart, Darren must be a believer or lose Duncan forever.
J.P. Bowie

About the Author:

J.P Bowie was born in Scotland and toured British theatres in numerous musical shows including Stephen Sondheim’s Company.

Emigrated to the States and worked in Las Vegas, Nevada for the magicians Siegfried and Roy as their Head of Wardrobe at the Mirage Hotel. Currently living in Henderson, Nevada.

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

It was basically smut with a touch of plot in between. Not bad if that's what you're looking for, but I was hoping for a more involved plot and romance. The concept in a full-length novel would've been great.3 s Trix1,324 113

I would rate this somewhere between 1.5 and 2 stars.

My greatest peeves were that I had envisioned the Scotsman to behave differently when faced with the modern world. So when reading that he quickly and easily adjusted to stone and glass buildings, television, cars, mobile phones and condoms, I rolled my eyes and stopped caring about the characters or the story. I was also disappointed that, minus a couple of exceptions, there was no language barrier despite the hundred of years of cultural and etymological diversity separating the men. I wanted to believe and really be invested in the story but when they jumped straight to sex, I figured there was no point in trying to immerse within the story telling. Which was just as well because seeing that one character was named Darren and the other Duncan could have royally pissed me off. As it stands, I only had to re-read some passages to figure out who was saying/doing what.

The book had good premises, which is why I wanted to read it. However, it was poorly delivered, at least compared to what I expected. Thus the low rating.adventure angst cops ...more3 s FelizAuthor 59 books108

it was ok for what it was. Fast, undemanding, sexy. fantasy m-m2 s Crissy Morris147 25

4 stars

Originally posted on Joyfully Jay

Officer Darren Holden is shocked to find a strangely dressed, unconscious man in an L.A. alley. He is even more surprised to recognize the man as the one he has been dreaming about for a while. An inexplicable attraction and curiosity has Darren checking on the man while he’s in the hospital. When the man wakes up, Darren’s need to take care of him is undeniable. The man, Duncan, insists that he is from a different time and has no idea how he came to Los Angeles, a city of which he has never heard.

Duncan MacGregor has never been the other men in his clan. He’s never been attracted to women, although he would never admit it out loud. When his father forces him into a betrothal, Duncan has no choice but to go along with it. But unbeknownst to Duncan, the clan witch has other plans for him. After Duncan unknowingly takes the witch’s potion, he wakes up in a strange place where people ride metal monsters and buildings are bigger and more elaborate than anything he’s ever seen. But being found by the beautiful police officer who has been haunting his dreams puts Duncan at ease.

Duncan’s story is just too outrageous for Darren to believe, but the pull between the pair is too strong for either man to deny. Darren is determined to help even if he doesn’t quite believe Duncan’s story and Duncan is determined to make Darren believe him so that they can build a future together. But when Duncan’s past comes calling, he must make an impossible decision between love and duty.

I should let you know that I was immediately attracted to this book, not because of the cover. Not because of the blurb. But because of the title. It’s lust that initially attracted me to this book. There are a few things out there that can make me melt, and two of those are a man in a kilt and with an accent. I was guaranteed that with this book and not disappointed at all.

So, let’s get to the yays and nays, shall we?

I love this world and the story. The mix of 18th century Scotland and 21st century America. The contrast of the two time periods and cultures. It was all so magical and exciting. I love the addition of forbidden magic and the mistakes caused by magic. I adored watching Duncan experience everything in this new world for the first time. He was a kid in a candy store. Destiny and love play a wonderful part in this story. Both the world and plot are captivating from beginning to end. The romance is lovely and so sweet. It’s a heartwarming, feel-good story.

And how could I not love Duncan? Besides the fact that he was the man in the kilt and with the sexy accent, Duncan has this air of innocence and vulnerability. He’s a man who has lived in a culture steeped with tradition. He’s a man of duty and honor, but also a man of dreams. His attraction to the man of his dreams was a destiny he never thought would come true, but when it did he never doubted it, never turned back or regretted his decisions. I that where he is innocent and vulnerable, he’s by no means weak – physically or mentally. He has morals, goals, and beliefs that he won’t back away from. He’s a wonderful character.

I Darren, too. I think he could have been a better developed. He’s a good guy and a good cop who only wants to help. He wants to believe what Duncan says, but his feet are firmly planted in the reality of the 21st century. Magic isn’t part of his life, so it’s hard for him to accept. But he does believe in his feelings for Duncan, and wants to keep the Scot in his life permanently. He’s strong and determined. I just would have d more from him. More than just he’s a cop and a good guy.

I also would have d the relationship to be better developed. It happened in such a short amount of time. I the destiny tie-in to the relationship, but I would have d to see it develop more all around. The declarations of love felt off, forced. I wanted more to the end of the story as well. I had questions that weren’t fully answered by the end. So the story could have been longer for several different reasons.

Overall, A Highlander in L.A. is a story that has a realistic and fantastic storyline. The characters are strong and likable. And the world is a wonderful journey in itself. Even with the few quibbles I had, I really d the story overall. If you love men in kilts who speak in sexy accents, I dare say this book is for you. If you a story with magic and destiny, this book is for you. If you love sweet love stories with happy endings, this story is for you.

Cover: I really this beautiful cover by Posh Gosh. First and foremost, kilt. I just love the depiction of Duncan set against the L.A. skyline. It’s pure eye candy for me.contemporary cop-law-enforcement-pi-military fantasy ...more1 Alina708 29

I thought I didn't care much for time-traveling stories, but a few last books I've read conspired to prove me wrong it seems! :D Now I'll be more open to this genre for sure.

I really d this story. As usual with Mr. Bowie the characters are very able and sympathetic, Duncan's voice, I think, was pretty authentic for his time and Darren's initial doubts were realistic, but I d how fast he changed his mind.

I knew the story'd have a happy ending, but I've been really worried for some moments, but I'm happy the guys were back together real fast.

Very sweet read :)1 Bekka1,045 97

This gets stars for existing! I have been searching for a book with this premise for months and am glad I found one and realised, yes, this works as well as I imagined it would! Thanks for writing this story :D

It's short but I feel it makes quite good use of the pages it has. Although the characters were called Duncan and Darren I never got them confused and could easily follow each MC (even though there were also head jumping sequences which weren't highlighted in any way).

- Fated mates via time.
- Highlander lost in a new world
- A conniving character who gives the book some plot
- Two men who really, really to have sex with each other
and now I want to read more. The thirst has not been quenched in the slightest!

Personal pet peeve approved:
Motorcycle descriptions differ depending on character
- MC who it belongs to: "his 2018 Kawasaki Vulcan motorbike. He'd picked it up two years before, a sweet deal he'd thought at the time, and he still loved the racer." (24)
- Highlander who doesn't know about motorbikes: "some kind of fiendish metal beast." (32)
- telling a colleague how to recognise him: "I got a red Kawasaki." (106)
I mean: goals.

Some quotes
"I've had my share o' fights and the , but at that moment I have to tell you, I was...well... a wee bit scairt." (p. 49)

"Oh." He took the socks and pulled them on his feet. "They feel grand...so soft." He wriggled his toes inside them and smiled up at Darren, who was looking back at him, the concerned expression replaced by the one Duncan couldn't quite comprehend. "Did I say something wrong?"
"No." Darren knelt in front of him and cupped his face in his big hands. "You are just so...so fuckin' adorable." (p. 69-70)

NSFW infos:
- Big dark-haired Scottish Highlander (24, virgin)
- Slightly smaller American cop (profession makes sense due to storyline: who else can easily have access to a man who would be deemed insane and taken in?)
- vers
fantasy-paranormal fated6 s Roger R477 9

What a wonderful Time Traveling M/M story I had the opportunity to read! The title was catchy for me! I just couldn’t stop turning the pages til I got to the end! More than 5 stars from me!

The story focuses on Duncan MacGregor, a Scottish lad from the early days!!! He was betrothed to marry a lady when he was rudely forced to time travel to the present day!

LA Police Officer Darren Holden was contacted by dispatch to go check on an unconscious male. When he went to check the guy, he found this gorgeous hot guy! It was Duncan. Darren had him transported to the local hospital since he was unconscious. When Duncan woke up, he had no idea where the heck he was. That’s where I’m going to stop and have you pick up the book to find out what happens!!! frances14

Try love will find you.

This was cute sweet read. I just loved Duncan and Darren. They we're made for each other. They made me laugh with happiness and cry with sadness. I felt sad for the outcome, but, was glad the ending was happiness for both! Jeanie V.674 26

KU Dee486 6

Well, I wasn't a great fan of this to be honest, though it could be because in general I don't really timetravel romances. It felt a bit rushed and the ending just happened abruptly to my mind. The sex was average and as a quick read fine, but I won't be keeping it on my kindle. ~? Elle ?~304 6

3.5 stars

Interesting read. I've always been a fan of time travel stories. This story was sweet despite being hurriedly wrapped up, IMO. Duncan's reaction to modern technology was a little too accepting. Still, it was an enjoyable book and I'm glad it worked out in the end. Julesmarie2,506 84

This was the first m/m romance I'd seen with a time-traveling Scotsman, so I decided I had to give it a try.

It was every bit as silly and fluffy and sweet and ridiculous as I'd anticipated. But, as that was what I was in the mood for when I picked it up, it left me perfectly satisfied.m-m paranormal-urban-fantasy Bea314 14

La historia no está mal, pero el highlander no me pareció demasiado creíble. En ocasiones parecía más abierto de mente que el otro personaje principal (no recuerdo los nombres, lo leí hace ya varios días) Rachel Emily4,218 346

I can't tell you how many m/f romances I have read with time traveling Scotsmen, so this was just fun and sexy to read!contemporary-m-m paranormal-m-m romance-m-m Will ParkinsonAuthor 3 books99

I enjoyed this story. Duncan and Darren were good together. I would to see the story have been longer, but I was pleased with the way it all worked out. Becky Condit2,377 67

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