
Beautiful Beginning de J. Nichole

de J. Nichole - Género: English
libro gratis Beautiful Beginning


J. Nichole Series: Is This Love? 01 Publisher: Not the Last Page, Year: 2023

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I am exhausted....

I guess it's been too many years since I was in college, but... I did not remember this much strife in my college relationship. Chaz and Journey took every ounce of energy with their incessant vascillating, and certainty about whether to be together In a relationship. I loved them and was annoyed with them both. Whitley and Dwayne as your go to couple is cute. Journey was almost as flighty as her heroine. Overall, I enjoyed this story, and I cannot wait to see what happens in the next story.3 s Kristal Johnson630 5

Beautiful Beginning

This title was perfect for this story. Journey and Chaz had such a beautiful beginning, but when reality started to set in for them,you could feel it too. I love how this author writes in a way you can feel the exact emotions and thought processes that a character is going through.

Journey was walking around with rose colored glasses until she couldn’t anymore. Chaz was the most decisive yet indecisive person. He was resolute in his feelings for Journey and the careered he wanted to have, but couldn’t seem to make up his mind on what was next. Both of these characters were really relatable and I enjoyed their beautiful beginning. I’m excited to see what happens next for them.2 s Chiayenne29 1 follower

Beautiful Beginnings by J. Nichole

I was very lucky to get chosen to receive this ARC - the beginning of a three book series in J. Nichole’s new universe. For some part, I went into this book pretty blind but I was pleasantly surprised.
In some ways, it reminded me of my favorite book, Normal People. Except this time, I got to read about characters who look me, which is always a bonus.
In Beautiful Beginnings readers get thrown into the college romance between Chaz and Journey. Chaz is a self isolating, political science student who prioritizes being lowkey , while Journey is a social butterfly, business student, cheerleader and an optimist to no end. She also is obsessed with love, comparing every relationship to that of her parents. When a chaotic meet cute at a coffee shop ends with them exchanging numbers, they are immediately tethered to each other. And somehow, Journey convinces behind the scenes Chaz to run for student government president, pushing him to the forefront of the campus’s social scene. This causes some strain in their budding relationship, both of them being insanely busy, and Chaz not sharing much interest in Journey’s social status. Combine this with a completely life changing phone call received by Journey, and we see how much love can be tested. Opposites attract but is it too much sometimes? Does love overcome everything?

I really enjoyed this book. Both of the characters really drove me insane but we also saw them grow, especially Journey. She had a lot of expectations for how things were supposed to go in her life and if they didn’t go to plan it’s she flipped a switch thinking the world was gonna end. She also had serious trust issues which I wish we could have dove into a bit more, without having her act slightly insane. I really needed Chaz to step up a little bit it. I think he really struggled to understand how relationships work but it was basically his first time ever having a serious girlfriend so it made sense.

However, I think they really loved each other and it was super realistic of how college relationships play out, especially ones during a pivotal and transformational season such as senior year. I think the book is a great start to Nichole’s series and I’m excited to see how the rest of the books come to fruition.
Again, thank you to the author for this Arc! 1 DOMINIQUE Davis463 24

Opposites Attract

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This story follows Chaz Brown and Journey Thompson. As a college senior Journey is looking to find love her parents did while at Hillside. Chaz Brown is quiet shy book smart his not so cute meet with Journey. The attraction is instant and sparks fly. Chaz has the opportunity to be SGA president and with Journey backing him he wins. The adjustment is hard for Chaz and the fact that he rather be not seen. This was a good read and as the first book of this trilogy I’m looking forward to seeing where this one goes. 1 Brandi - RomanceStanAccount49 1 follower

I enjoy J. Nichole’s writing style. I find her descriptions and expressions so easy to picture. Even though we didn’t get the HEA in this book it was not an abrupt cliffhanger of an ending. I hate when books do that and this did not. Chaz and Journey have a very realistic college romance. Nothing seemed unrealistic or had me thinking it was out of left field, a lot of romances do. I thought Chaz’s character was very refreshing because I am exactly him, introvert who doesn’t want to go out too much and sometimes can’t stand people peopling. There awkward encounter in the quad and him being uncomfortable around her large group of friends spoke to me. Can’t wait to see what the next books in this series have in store.

Favorite quote: “I felt his lips on mine once again. A soft peck that sent bits of me flying into the universe”

I picked this quote because it is such a beautifully written expression of feeling.arcs1 Nikki Clark Wade64 1 follower

"I had both in my hand. But I never thought I'd have to release one. Which one was more important? "

This couple had me crying and I've never done that before, this story was so good I was up till 6 am finishing this off thats how good it was. I loved all the feelings.1 Kat18 5

Book: Beautiful Beginning (Is This Love? Book 1)
Author: J. Nichole
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Coming of Age
Rating: ????
First Person Dual POV
Release Date: 12/14/23 Pre-Order Now!

Disclosure: I would to clarify that this review is based on an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) provided by the talented author, J. Nichole. I want to assure my readers that this is not a paid review, and all opinions expressed here are my honest and unsolicited thoughts on the book. If you have any queries or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me directly.

Journey Thompson entered college with the hope of discovering a love story as enchanting as her parents'. But as graduation approaches, she finds herself still searching for that magical connection. That is, until a fateful sunny day when Journey and her girlfriends are leaving a coffee shop and a captivating introvert named Chaz Brown collides with her, causing her iced mocha to cascade down her shirt. Chaz, preferring the shadows to the spotlight, is not one for drawing attention to himself. He finds solace in the comfort of his home and dreams of utilizing his political science degree to combat the injustices of the world, with a particular focus on empowering future leaders. However, their accidental encounter thrusts him from the sidelines to the forefront of popularity as he becomes the SGA President.

 Beautiful Beginning is such a heartfelt novel about growing up and realizing that expectations do not equate to reality. This is by far one of the most relatable books I've read. While I tend to find myself more drawn to fantasy books, Nichole has such a unique way of writing that it made me realize that the prospect of reading books about normal life was just as great as reading fantasy. 

Journey, a dreamer at heart, had always believed in the fairy tale version of love. However, as she navigates the realities of life, she realizes that it's not always a bed of roses, no matter how desperately she longs for it to be. It is during her unexpected encounter with Chaz that her rose-colored glasses are forcibly removed, unveiling the complexities of love and relationships. While at times Journey's demands may come off as frustrating, stepping into her shoes allows us to empathize with her perspective and understand that we too would feel the same way.

Chaz possesses an impressive intellect, yet he may appear lacking in ambition. His true passion lies in transforming the world and achieving justice and equality for not only people of color but also the underprivileged. However, he resists placing himself in uncomfortable situations, choosing instead to remain within the confines of his comfort zone. While it may be tempting to label him as obstinate, there is an undeniable admiration for Chaz. Despite his reluctance to step into the spotlight, he tirelessly advocates for the marginalized members of society, ensuring their voices are heard and respected. His commitment to uplifting the smaller crowd around him mirrors what he would do if he were in a more populous city. Chaz's complex character compels us to appreciate his unique approach to making a difference, even if it diverges from conventional expectations.

Journey and Chaz's connection is undeniable. It pains me to think that, despite their contrasting visions for their futures, they push each other outside of their comfort zones. Their love blossomed in the idyllic world of university, where everything seemed rosy. However, as their relationship evolved over the course of a year, they learned valuable lessons about the stark contrast between expectations and reality. They endured challenges that tested their resilience and ultimately grew as individuals. Their journey together granted them a profound understanding of self-discovery, the pursuit of truth, and the power of hope.

If you're searching for a captivating story that defies expectations and takes you on a transformative journey of self-discovery, understanding, and hope, then Beautiful Beginning is the perfect book for you.2023-read-books Sherley's Reading Corner7

I absolutely love this book! I have read several J. Nichole books and the others, this one did not disappoint.

Journey and Chaz are muti-dimensional characters. Just when you think you know where things are going to go, they surprise you and definitely keep you on your toes!

Journey and Chaz are in their senior year at an HBCU (Yay! I love that this story takes place at an HBCU). One can say that they meet by happenstance while on campus, but I think this was destined to be. Journey lives life with rose-colored glasses on where the glass is always half full. She hopes to be her parents and Dwayne and Whitley from a Different World and meet, fall in love, and marry while she is in college. Chaz, on the other hand, is more realistic. Though he is intelligent and focused and wants to make a change in the world, he at times wants to be left alone. These two must navigate life not only as students but they must also deal with family drama, friendships, and what life has in store for them as lovers once college is over and they have to go into the real world.

Both characters were realistic and relatable. I saw a little of myself in Chaz (a person who at times wants to be left alone and has a hard time dealing with large crowds; Chaz I suffer from social anxiety, so it was good to see that in a character). Journey’s story is also relatable. In life, we often dream of how we want our life to go but we soon learn that things are not always what they seem to be, and we must be willing to adapt to change.

Though the pacing and progression of the story were great, at times, I did become a little frustrated with the characters. Just when I though they got it all together, things would fall apart (but this is what makes the story real—life doesn’t always go as planned or as we would it to).

In this story we wonder, is love enough? Should the decisions we make, should our life choices, be guided by our love for ourselves as individuals or should we consider the love we have for our significant other? What if you had an idea of how you wanted your life to go since you were little and one chance meeting changes everything? Would you be able to let go of those hopes and dreams to build and create something new? I love how these questions are answered at the end of the book. I really look forward to seeing where Journey and Chaz’s story goes from here.

I received an ARC of this book, but all the opinions are my own.

This book is a definite 5/5 stars!
1 Thayna Pluviose14

This book is the first I’ve read by Miss J. Nichole and I am thoroughly intrigued and plan to delve into her other work. I personally was able to read the book in a few hours and I wanted to read it twice before sharing my thoughts and opinions which I highly recommend because the second time around I feel I had a different experience. So let’s start with the characters Chaz and Journey. They are the definition of your opposites attract trope Chaz being more introverted, realistic and indecisive whereas Journey is extroverted and a bit naive but we’ll say hopefully optimistic. I felt I knew them in real life. She did a great job of making these characters relatable because as I’m reading I see so much of myself in Journey and so much of the red flags i saw her ignore I realized I also over looked when it came to my own potential suitors. I loved how Chaz’ thoughts were expressed being able to see the back and forth he has in his head vs what he actually communicates gives a better understanding (for me atleast) of the way men think. The vulnerability they had with one another was refreshing for me in a time in reality where everyone is in competition to see who can be more mysterious and closed off. I love that although this is a romantic type book I was able to view it through a new lens our love for a significant other cannot overpower our love for ourselves. A whole person and a half person cannot come together successfully we have to love ourselves enough to choose ourself even when we want so badly to have it all. I believe this has perfectly set up the “Beautiful beginning” of this trilogy and CANNOT WAIT to see where our college lovers end up. I gave this book 4/5 because I wish we had a bit more backstory on Chaz. I felt we got more glimpses into Journeys upbringing and family dynamic than we did him but that also contributes to his mysterious aura. My other critique is I wish we had more scenes that helped to establish to the readers how they were able to feel their emotions so passionately there was some time jumps but I also understand that given their roles and the fact they’re in college certain things can be repetitive since they’re on a schedule but I can’t wait to see how they interact as adults with as they said much less going on. Overall I definitely plan on recommending this book and I’m honored to be one of the first to read their story. Blissful4 1 follower

I received an ARC copy of this book, but the opinions in this review are my own.

This book centers around two college students named Chaz and Journey as they find each other and learn more about themselves during their Senior year. Journey is the bubbly, popular, yet intelligent FMC who has dreams of finding her version of Dwayne and Whitley on campus and feels time is running out. Chaz is a quiet strength who sees missteps in both community and government and wants to be behind the scenes and make the power moves for change. They meet, and being around each other changes the lens of how they see college, the impending beginning of their adult life, and where love fits into that.

From what I gleaned, this is the beginning of a trilogy. Because of that, there is a significant focus on world-building and giving you a glimpse into how the primary characters process events around them so you can see their growth farther down the line. It falls heavily under the opposite attracts trope, but maybe they will eventually see that they are more a than they thought.

One character keeps popping up but is very 2D, so I assume they will have more importance in the future. Seeing him mentioned was just a bit confusing, but nothing developed further at this time.

If you love college romances that potentially can turn into second chances, check this book out.

http://tinyurl.com/BeautifulBeginning Shawndra69 20

This book was given to me as an ARC! Personally, college stories usually aren’t for me. Most of the time, I generally think “these kids dumb”
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