
Vuelve a mí de J. Lynn

de J. Lynn - Género: Intriga
libro gratis Vuelve a mí


Una atrevida novela que traspasa todos los límites y en la que una joven aprende que, sin importar lo lejos que vayas, el pasado siempre te alcanza.

A sus veintiuno, a Calla nunca la han besado, ni ha visto el mar, ni ha pisado un parque de atracciones, pero sí ha pasado por cosas que le han dejado cicatrices que oculta a todo el mundo.

La seguridad que Calla ha construido a su alrededor desaparece cuando descubre que su madre le ha robado el dinero que tenía para pagarse los estudios y, además, ha contraído una deuda enorme con su tarjeta de crédito. Calla tiene que volver a la pequeña ciudad que creía haber dejado atrás para solucionarlo, pero cuando llega al bar de Mona en su lugar se encuentra a Jackson James, también conocido como Jax.

Atractivo e intenso, Jax decide que Calla es asunto suyo desde el instante en que la ve, por lo que le da trabajo y se propone ayudarla a buscar a Mona. Y aunque él parece ser el único capaz de traspasar sus barreras, Calla deberá hacer frente al dolor del pasado y a los peligrosos asuntos pendientes de su madre antes de dejar que Jax se acerque más a ella. Sin embargo, el peligro no va a alejar a Jax de Calla…, sino, más bien, todo lo contrario.

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4.5 Stars!!

JLA is a master at writing New Adult. She does it so well. Stay with Me is the fourth book in her series and itÂ’s actually one of my favorites. No one can top Cam and his cookies, but Jax was pretty damn close. Holy hot alpha male! This was not only sweet, steamy and funny, but it had some drama, grit and angst, too.

Calla is friends with Teresa who is CamÂ’s little sister. SheÂ’s the quiet one. She has a past that she doesnÂ’t to talk about. ItÂ’s not been an easy life for her and sheÂ’s got the scars to prove it. Calla is on the right track with her life. SheÂ’s put her past behind her and is looking forward to her future. SheÂ’s determined to achieve her goals.
my goals- the three FÂ’s
Finish college.
Find a career in the nursing field.
Finally reap the benefits of following through on something.

Calla has to focus on the future. Her past is ugly. She doesn'tÂ’ want to be anything the woman who raised her.

Things are going right along until CallaÂ’s past comes back to bite her in a big way. After her mom royally screws her by stealing all her college money then doing a disappearing act, sheÂ’s stuck going back to the one place she thought sheÂ’d never go. Home.

When she gets to her familyÂ’s bar, the last thing she expects to see is a handsome bartender. She hasnÂ’t been here in a while, but still. Guys that do not work at places this. Jax and Calla are drawn to each other immediately. Jax knows all the bad things CallaÂ’s mother is into, and is determined to get her out of that town, or at the very least keep her safe while sheÂ’s here.
“I want to make sure you’re safe since you’re staying for... however long. And being here by yourself isn’t safe, so I’m going to make it safe for you.”

What can I even say about Jax? Jax felt a mini-new adult KA alpha. Which is a compliment in the highest regards. As much as I did Calla, Jax completely made this book!
“I you, Calla. Yeah, I’ve only known you a couple of days. But you’ve made me laugh. I can also tell you’re nice and sweet when you wanna be. I think you’re cute as hell and you make me hard. You’ve made me hard a couple of times in the last seventy-some-odd hours and I gotta say that’s not a bad thing. I want to fuck you, and all I need to want to do that with you is to you. It’s really not that hard to get from point A to point C on that, honey.”
Jax is sexy, he is sweet and the way he treats Calla made me melt. When he looks at her, he doesnÂ’t see the scarred girl that she sees. He sees beauty.
“I used to be really pretty. See? I used-”?
“There is no ‘used’ to be. You’re really fucking pretty now.”

I found Calla to be a very likable character. SheÂ’s had an extremely hard life, and sheÂ’s chosen a better path. I love the way Jax was able to get her to open up, to try new things. It was also fantastic to catch up with the rest of the crew. There were quite a few Cam, Avery, Jase and Teresa scenes!

Stay with Me is not only a beautiful romance between two scarred people, itÂ’s a tale of accepting yourself. There was steam, emotional parts, sweet parts, drama, and lots of action! It was one heck of a ride. So why not 5? There really is just one main reason it didnÂ’t hit the 5 star mark for me. It was a little on the longish side, and although most of the story was fast paced, there were a few parts that lagged. Overall- I found this to be an endearing story and itÂ’s one I would recommend to new adult fans!

106 s xrysa143 989 Want to read

Brittany's story!!!!

75 s KAS317 3,126

Once I start a series I love, I am a dog with a bone. I can't let it go until I've read them all. Calla was introduced in book two, "Be With Me." She is Teresa's college roommate and friend. 'Friend' being the operative word, as in high school she was never referred to as anyone's 'girlfriend,' because no guy would ever ask her out. She is twenty-one years old, and has yet to experience her first kiss.

Right out of the gate, Calla had my heart. She was the girl in high school whom classmates enjoyed teasing. You see, there is a very noticeable scar that runs the length of her left cheek. It has been there since age ten after a horrific event which changes her and her families life forever. Needing to get away from it all, she enters a college nursing program hours away from home.

Only one year left until graduating from college, Calla learns her savings account has been drained, and she knows just who the culprit is. Mona. Her drugged out, drunken excuse of a mother. Calla packs up and heads back home hoping she can at least recover some of the money stolen from her. She walks into the bar her mother owns only to learn she left two weeks ago, crazed out of her mind, and hasn't been seen or heard from since. Standing behind the bar to greet her is the hottest, sexiest man she has ever met. The way he grins and laughs totally does her in. Surprisingly, shocking her actually, he asks her out. She can hardly believe this eye-candy hunk genuinely seems attracted to her.

Jax is one smooth, p.u.r.e. to the core male. Confidence runs through his veins and he has the art of flirting down pat. 'Bossy' could also be his middle name. He has been working behind the bar of Mona's for two years, when one night, in walks a very pretty woman and sits down at as his bar. Yeah, he sees the scar running down her cheek, but all he really sees is how hot she is. Only problem is her mother is Mona. Mona is trouble, and since trouble follows trouble, he knows Calla is in danger if word gets out she is back home.

Jax warns Calla to leave town! She doesn't listen to him! Unfortunately, she should have!

If anyone ever needed a knight in shining armor, it is Calla, and Jax makes it his mission in life to be that knight and a whole lot more.

While this book is much longer in length than the others so far in this series, I was never bored. I was frustrated at times, but was also invested in both Calla and Jax's relationship to keep me turning the pages.70 s1 comment Pavlina Read more sleep less blog 2,434 5,110


"I you."
"I you,"
"You don't know me."
"What I know of you I ."

Wow what an amazing book!!!I can't even express how much I loved it!!!It was definitely one of the best book I have read for this year!! This series just gets better and better!!I didn't want this book to end!! I can honestly say that this is one of my favorite books from this series!!! In the beginning I thought Avery and Cam were my favorite couple, but I was wrong!!This book was so emotional and powerful...and the plot was much better!!!I think Jax's and Calla's story touched me more!!Also what made me love it more is that Jax reminds me a little heroes from Kristen Ashley's books!!He was so alpha male and the way he cares and want to protect Calla....*sigh*

Please guys don't shoot me....So far I had in my top book boyfriends Cam!But after reading this book....my heart melted for Jax!!So now he is on top :))) He is irresistable!!!I fell in love with him from the begining!!

"When I want something,I go for it.Life is way too damn short to live any other way.And I want to get to know you better."

Calla has been through a lot in her past life and she is scarred emotionally and physically.She chose to be close to herself!She is in college now and her goals are to finish nursing school and find a decent job!When something bad happened(her mother took from her account the money she has for the college) she must go back in her town to find her mother but instead of finding her mother she will find Jax a hot barman who works in her mother's bar!

OMG I need to say more about Jax????????He is amazing!!!!He is so alpha male!!He is hot,protective and so sweet!! I the way he treats Calla!!!He tries to show her that her scars is nothing and she mustn't feel ashamed of her scars!

."It's my problem, because it's your problem."
And Calla is sweet,funny.The chemistry between them was so good!!!I wanted them together from the beginning!!They were so adorable and sweet!
I loved the meaning of this story!!!I d see Calla finally accept herself how she is with her scars!And this happened with Jax help!Of course there were many hot moments to keep more my interest!!

I love so much J.Lynn's writing!!!She is amazing!!!Each book is so beautiful written!!! I'm sure all J Lynn's fans will enjoy this book as much as I did !!!It was emotional,sexy,sweet,fun, and simply beautiful!I'm so in love with this series!!I can't wait for the next book!! <3 adult-romance best-cover favorite-boys ...more64 s Rachel L1,969 2,421

5 Staying Stars!

I love J. Lynn. I love Jennifer L. Armentrout. Doesn't matter what name she's writing under, I almost always love her books. Stay With Me is no exception.

Calla has a problem. She needs to finish her final year of college to obtain her nursing degree, and everything was going along fine. Until her mom cleaned out her college fund. And then took out over $100,000 worth of credit card debt in her name. Yikes!

Calla returns home to the town and bar she thought she'd never see again, and there she meets Jax. Jax is the sexy bartender working at her mother's bar, Mona's, and he's interested in Calla. Way interested. Together, the two of them search for Calla's mom who has gone missing, and along the way, find a connection in each other.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. I did a giant happy dance when I got home from work and the Amazon package was sitting there with this puppy inside.

I started reading immediately and didn't put this one down for the next 24 hours or so. Why 24 hours? Well I have to work some time people! That and this book was surprisingly long. Almost 450 pages of awesomeness!

Calla is a heroine that I adore. Everything she's been through has caused her to cut herself off from life and people, in an effort to protect herself. I found her to be so brave with all of the trials and tribulations she went up against in this book, and holy shit did she have more than a plateful in this book. It was almost disturbing how much the author d to kick Calla when she was down. Enough already! We get it, shitty things happen to Calla. Back off JLA!

Jax.... oh Jax. ***giant sigh***.

This was a man to bring home to mom. (Well not Calla's mom, but you know). He reminded me a bit of Kristen Ashley's alpha males. He didn't let anyone push him around, and more importantly he didn't let anyone push Calla around and stood up for her time and time again. Yes, he messed up a little along the way, but those were understandable misunderstandings (does that even make sense?).

The first book will probably always be my favorite, so that's still the best one in the series. But Stay With Me runs a close 2nd place, because I'm still recovering from the whiplash that was Be With Me.

My only complaint was sometimes JLA got a little too hip with her descriptions, if that's possible. It no longer became cute to read things that didn't even make sense. "Holy granola bar". Um, what? Where the F*** did that come from? It's cute a couple of times, but it happened quite a bit. Too much, but that's just my opinion.

Can we have a Reece and Roxy story please? college-romance new-adult-mania romance58 s Maida1,068

Full review to come when— or rather *if*— I ever recover from the atrocious writing.... Not since the 3rd grade have I read a novel which utilized such a limited vocabulary & word set. The word "holy" appears in this novel 43 times— possibly more times than it appears in a standard Presbyterian hymnal. The words "baby" and "ass" are each used 74 times. (I actually began highlighting these overly used & abused words & expressions after coming across the word "ass" 7 times on a single page & 3 times within the same short 4-sentence-long paragraph).... However, the real doozy is the following: The word "stomach" appears in this novel a WHOPPING 90 times!!! WHY? I'm really not quite sure, since the parts of the story that should repeatedly mention the word "stomach" occur only towards the novel's end. I do have my theories, however, & I'll expound on these theories *if* I can ever muster the will-power to write a full review.

In short: This novel is written on a 3rd-grade reading level. For a novel that is supposed to cover some very serious themes, the writing is just way too immature. I was under the impression that I was picking up a novel about a 21-year old woman. Instead, the heroine's inner monologue resembled that of a prepubescent girl, & I found much of the hero's behavior towards the heroine troubling, cruel & unhealthy.

*0.5/5 stars*

Status Update from 9/23/14: Only 10% of the way through, & I'm already considering waving the white flag. Surrendering. DNF'ing. The opening chapters make me want to slam my head against the bedside table— let's call it "self-induced amnesia"— whatever it takes to black out everything that I've read up until this point.... I sympathize with the character Calla; I truly do. I admire her tenacity & her resolve. She's led a very difficult life, & in that sense, I honestly CAN empathize..... The entire novel is told solely from Calla's POV, & although I do respect this character, I'm doubtful that I can spend 450 pages inside her head, all the while keeping my own sanity intact in the process.

The writing in the opening paragraphs leaves a lot to be desired. IMO, it's the weakest writing that I've seen thus far from JLA. There’s something that happens very early in the novel— something that the author uses as a vehicle to move the plot forward. I don't find these turn of events the least bit believable. It's over-the-top drama at best, & it just doesn’t make sense for this sort of thing to happen to Calla— a 21-year old woman who is estranged from her entire family & who is therefore self-sufficient, independent, intelligent, driven & highly responsible. If you were Calla— a legal adult who has been long-estranged from your family... and if you were completely self-sufficient & putting yourself through college via your waitressing job & a few student loans... and if you just happened to have an alcoholic & drug-addicted mother whom you haven't seen in years— a mother whom you repeatedly refer to as "dead" whenever anyone asks— would you allow this mother access to your checking & savings accounts? The same checking & savings accounts where you deposit your wages— the same checking account that pays your university tuition & your rent? Would you allow your mother (a woman whom you repeatedly refer to as "dead" & someone whom you have't seen in years) access to a bank account that you rely on for your livelihood, knowing fully well that this woman is alcohol & drug addicted & that she can wipe out your funds at any time, thereby leaving you with NOTHING. NO college tuition. NO money to pay the rent. NO money for your monthly car payments. NOTHING. NADA. Would you do it? NO?!? I didn't think so... and herein lies my problem with this story. The plot device moving the storyline forward is illogical, nonsensical & asinine. A person has to be extremely daft to allow such a thing happen, & I certainly don't believe that Calla is daft. It's the unbelievability factor that's turning me off more than anything. SORRY, JLA, BUT I'M JUST NOT DRINKING THE KOOL AID. :(

Clarification of the spoiler above:
The heroine (Calla) doesn't come straight out & say that her mom has unfettered access to her bank account. Her exact words are as follows: "This might not be a giant fuckup by the bank and the college. This could very well be seriously happening. Oh my God. Because there was someone other than me who had the means to get access to that account—one person who was virtually dead to me, so virtually that I behaved as if she were dead.... I knew it had been my own flesh and blood that had cleared me out, my own mother—my hocked up on pills, and most ly drunk off her ass, mother who my closest friends believed was dead. In a way, that hadn’t been too far from the truth. A terrible lie, but I hadn’t talked to her in ages..." The story only gets worse from there. Calla then finds out that her mother has taken out $100,000 worth of loans & credit cards under Calla's name. Calla's mother couldn't have pulled this whole thing off overnight. It's something that must have happened gradually over time— another aspect of the storyline which I find improbable. Calla is financially independent & alone. She does everything for herself. She applies for her own apartments, she recently bought her own car, etc... which means that she's accessed her credit report on more than a few occasions over the past year or two. Calla is the kind of person who keeps a tight leash on things; she's the kind of person who knows how much money is in her checking & savings accounts to the decimal point. So how could she not have known that someone took out over $100,000 in credit cards & loans under her name? How is it even possible that Calla could be approved for such high credit limits? I know that identity theft is a common problem in our society & that it can happen to any of us. But it's the circumstances surrounding the identity theft in this novel that I take issue with. abuse disability-illness dysfunctional-individuals-families ...more50 s C.K.249 40

Here is the link to a Sneak Preview of Stay with Me (the first 7 chapters:

Here is a link to chapter 1 and 2 of Stay with Me U.K. version

New Teaser with Jax/Calla!

Jax caught my arm. “You’re forgetting something.”


The half grin appeared as he turned his hand around my arm, tugging me toward him. I bit down on my lip as I stumbled forward, having no idea what he was about. I got close to him, close enough that when he reached down to a cubbyhole, his arm brushed my thigh.

“Got to wear an apron when you’re out there.”

My brows rose as I stared at the half apron. “Seriously?”

He jerked his chin at Pearl.?I sighed when I saw she had one tied around her waist, and then snatched it from him.“Whatever.”

“It goes great with your shirt.”

I rolled my eyes.

Jax laughed. “Let me help.”

“The last time I checked, I can tie an apron without—” I gaped at him. Somehow theapron was back in his hand and his other hand landed on my hip, startling me. “What are you doing?”

“Helping you out.” He bent his head toward my left ear, and I immediately turned my cheek. “Jumpy?” he asked.

I shook my head, finding that I had no idea how to form syllables, and that was embarrassing.

Without saying a word, he turned me around so my back was to his front, and then he slipped an arm between his waist and mine. I didnÂ’t dare move.

“You can breathe, you know.” His arm trailed across my lower stomach, setting off a chain of flutters, as he spread the apron.

“I’m breathing,” I forced out.

Amusement colored his tone. “You sure about that, honey?”


Pearl entered the bar just then, carrying a tray of clean glasses. She arched her brows inour direction. “Getting hands-on, Jackie boy?”

“Jackie boy?” I mumbled.

Jax chuckled not too far from my ear. “Tying knots is hard.”

Here is a Teaser I saw for Stay with Me:

“Already explained that, honey, but I’ll explain something else to you. When I want something, I go for it. Life is way too damn short to live any other way. And I want to get to know you better,” Those lashes lowered one more time, his gaze tracking to my lips they were some kind of mecca. “Yeah, I want to definitely get to know you better.”~Jennifer Armentrout, Stay with Me

Here is the Link to another teaser when Jax and Calla first meet and it is quite the introduction:

This is the same excerpt at another site:


I thought Brandon and Calla were going to get a story but this Jax guy sounds interesting and the teasers have all been good.

In case anyone doesn't know. Britt/Ollie have a short story called Believe in Me that is feature in the Anthology Fifty First Times. It came out on February 25th. Ollie and Britts story was really good and not filled with drama. There were some other good stories in the Anthology. I really d Under the Seryn Moon and Daylight as well.

Here is the link on Goodreads:


Here is the Link on Amazon:

43 s Beverly1,005 792

4 Stars

Calla had the perfect life until a fire destroyed her and her family. While the physical scars are obvious, no one knows about the mental scars she keeps hidden. While she has met some great people she calls friends she has never opened up about her past, in fact she has been lying about it. Although, she feels guilty lying to her friends the most important thing is her three FÂ’s:

"Finish college.
Find a career in the nursing field.
Finally reap the benefits of following through on something.”

No she hasnÂ’t a boyfriend, a first kiss, or been drunk, but she is on track to complete the FÂ’s. At the end of the Spring semester her world is blown apart again when she is asked to meet with Financial Aid, and learns all of her money is gone and her check bounced. Deciding she must go home to find what is going on with her strung out mother, she returns home after three years and meets Jax.

Jax is working at MonaÂ’s, the bar owned by CallaÂ’s mother, when she meets him. He is the definition of hot, and doesnÂ’t seem to be put off by the scars on her face. Not knowing how to treat a guy when is so blatantly pursing her, she ignores it.

Calla is on a mission, she needs to find her mom and find out what to do for her senior year.

I have loved this series and I was so excited for this installment.

I loved Calla and her inner thoughts, I loved that she was real, and I really loved that she calmed herself down and thought things out rationally. Typically the female character will drive me crazy obsessing about things or running away, but Calla actually had moments she wanted to run but stayed because she knew it was the smart thing to do. I really d Jax. I loved the way he made Calla feel, and I loved the sexy times they had - J. Lynn writes some pretty hot scenes.

So why not 5 stars? Well, this one felt pretty long to me, it dragged in some places and some things didnÂ’t feel necessary. I canÂ’t go into too much detail on the scenes that didnÂ’t feel necessary, without giving away spoilers, but I think after reading it most can guess. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this and recommend it and the series for others.

And just because: "Oh my God, guys that read were unicorns. They only existed in fairy tales”
42 s Bookadmirer367 210

This book is just outstanding. I laughed many times because Calla is such an adorable character. She is really sweet, cute, and responsible. Even though she has terrible parents, she choose good path for herself. Now Jax is also an interesting character. He is confident, bossy but also very caring. The way he loved and protected Calla is extraordinary.

I needed more scene with Uncle Clyde and Calla, cause that man is just a pure soul. His conversation with Calla was always sweet and when he called her babygirl, it was freaking cute. He is the father figure she needed.

This book is a bit longer but I never was bored. The suspenseful plot was really good.41 s Jenny••Steamy Reads Blog••987 1,927

I so want to rant because i so need too... but first things first. I LOVE THIS SERIES. And I loved Calla & Jax's story. I couldn't wait to get Calla's story. And dang did I get one. Calla hasn't had many first times. Never had a kiss, never fell in love, and never went to an amusement park. Never saw a beach. Never had anyone 'touch' her. I could keep on going....
To say she's had a rough past would actually be kind. She's had a tragic past, nothing pretty about it at all. She's ready to face the past when her mom does the ultimate unthinkable to her. When she gets back home to where she grew up, she realizes that things are worse than she anticipated. This is when she meets Jax, the guy running her moms bar. This guy instantly catches her attention, the man that makes her feel things for the very first time in her life. As things starts to grow between them, and when Jax makes it clear that he doesnÂ’t only want her as a friend, things will get even more confusing for her. This story, gosh my heart broke for Calla. seriously the things that happened to her, good lord... how much can the poor girl take. And seriously that bi*ch Miss Poconos Aimee Grant, with an i and two e's. Seriously

I can't begin to list the things that happen to Calla & Jax. But at the end of this roller coaster ride, I definitely can not wait to get more to this couple in the future books of this series. I enjoyed this book even though I shook my head and cringed for poor Calla and all the thrown stones and all the constant things she had to face. Love that this book gave us yet another amazing couple.

looking forward to Roxy's book next!!!46 s TamiAuthor 17 books2,663

4,5 Sterne!
Die Reihe wird mit jedem Buch besser. Ich hab Calla und Jax geliebt <3 ( das stellenweise intensive Rumgejammer hat dann doch einen halben Stern gekostet, aber wer kann sich über 4,5 beschweren?) Ich hätte nie erwartet, wie rau und düster die Atmosphäre in dem Buch ist. Ehrlich gesagt habe ich eine ganz gewöhnliche College-New Adult Geschichte erwartet aber HOLLA - das war es ganz und gar nicht!! Endlich mal etwas Anderes! Und unheimlich spannend und wunderschön.
Riesige Empfehlung!39 s Jasmine464 879

Review on January 28th, 2017
"There's something about that...it drew me in, Calla. Fuck. I fell for you before you even knew my name."
Stay with Me is the love story of Jax and Calla; oddly, they haven't shown up in the previous instalments in the series. Calla is actually Avery and Cam's college friend while Jax is a total stranger in the beginning of the book. What makes this story different from other sequels in the saga is that Jax has the most unbelievable secret in his mind and when it's revealed, everything has changed.
" I said, you're safe with me. Whenever. Seriously. Whatever you want to explore, you'll always be safe with me."
In order not to spoil you guys, I won't say much about their relationship because the entire plot is all about revealing the truth.
The only thing I must remind you is that when you're at about CHAPTER 33, (when Jax rushes to the hotel room where Calla escapes to and pours his heart thoroughly in front of her friends) PLEASE DO REMEMBER LISTENING TO Say Something by A Great Big World ft. Christina Aguilera!!!!!! That's the first song coming to mind and the specific scene fits the lyrics flawlessly. It's probably the best portrait of the song I've ever seen.

Last but not least, just because I skip many delicious details on Jalla's story doesn't mean it's not worth reading. So please, whether you Cam&Avery, Jase&Tess, or other couples in this series, you don't want to miss this one!!! Jax and Calla's story touches my heart deeply and I'll never forget them.
The circumstances sucked and were crazy, but I did have my mom to thank for this--for Jax. Our relationship turned out to be a very bright silver lining in a sad, dark cloud.
What are you waiting for? Go pick it up right now!

Instant review on December 9th, 2016
Okay. This is official. IT'S THE BEST BOOK IN THE SERIES SO FAR AND I CAN'T EVEN.all-time-favorites beautiful-stories deserve-more-readers ...more35 s Anniebananie594 475

Das Buch war wie immer typisch J. Lynn! Super unterhaltsam, sowohl zum Lachen als auch zum weinen. Ich mochte unsere Charaktere, auch wenn ich kurz verwirrt war, wo der Zusammenhang zu unseren beiden vorherigen Pärchen ist, die übrigens auch beide in diesem Buch mehrmals auftreten
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