
Harry Potter i el calze de foc de J. K. Rowling

de J. K. Rowling - Género: Fantástico
libro gratis Harry Potter i el calze de foc


Després de passar l’estiu a casa dels seus tiets i d’assistir amb els seus amics, el Ron i l’Hermione, a la final del Mundial de Quidditch, el Harry torna a l’Escola de Màgia i Bruixeria de Hogwarts per fer-hi el quart curs. Abans, però, han succeït alguns fets estranys, com l’aparició de la marca de les forces del mal després de la final del Mundial i, sobretot, el fet que al Harry li torna a fer mal la cicatriu que té al front en forma de llamp, cosa que només li passa quan Voldemort és a prop.

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(A) 86% | Extraordinary
Notes: A tone transfiguration, it's so the boy-girl drama, bright to start, but breaks your heart, and ends in tears and trauma.

*Check out progress updates for detailed commentary:

Progress updates:

03/15/2020 - Preamble

(1) I've said it before in comment replies, but I've always considered books 4-7 to be four parts of one very long book, which I call the "Voldemort is Back Saga."
(2) Attending the Wizarding World Cup was mentioned at the end of "Prisoner of Azkaban." I think the only other tease of events to come was book six when HRH decided to leave Hogwarts.

03/16/2020 - 2%

(1) The opening chapter is the first one not in Harry's POV. Another aspect that separates the latter books from the first three.
(2) The village of Little Hangleton reminds me a lot of Pagford from "The Casual Vacancy." Both feature an abandoned manor house, for example. I wouldn't be surprised if the germ of that book started with this chapter.

03/17/2020 - 8%

(1) Harry to Sirius: "[Dudley] got really angry and chucked his PlayStation out of the window. That’s a sort of computer thing you can play games on."
- Historical inaccuracy. This takes place in 1994, the Playstation didn't come out until late 1995.
(2) Last book, Hermione's letter mentioned Ron five times. Ron's letter here mentions her once :(

03/18/2020 - 10%

(1) I think it's intentional, that right after Molly sort of intimidates Arthur into submission, Hermione does the same thing to Ron. It's juxtaposition!
(2) I hear the name "Ludo Bagman," and all I think of is "Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong." In my head he's Australian.
(3) Wonder why Albania's such a hot wizard vacation destination?

03/19/2020 - 11%

(1) Apparently, wizards don't use the metric system. Arthur needs Harry to help him pay the campsite manager in muggle money.
(2) "The Lovegoods" are mentioned here. Probably Luna and her father – her mother having passed.
(3) The only thing we know about Cedric, thus far, is he's handsome and athletic. Same as last book. Worth reminding, I guess.

03/20/2020 - 14%

(1) In the book, Harry, Hermione and the Weasleys all cheer for Ireland. In the film, Harry and Ron support Bulgaria... I suppose so it doesn't look they're all in Slytherin.
(2) Crouch has a "toothbrush mustache," also known as the Hitler mustache... or alternatively, the Charlie Chaplin mustache.
(3) Crouch to Percy: "Thank you, Weatherby."

03/21/2020 - 16%

(1) The Bulgarian mascots are veela... who can entrance men at will. Women aren't affected, which is an argument for having some female players... at least when playing Bulgaria.
(2) "'Let’s have a really loud hand for the gallant losers — Bulgaria!' Bagman shouted."
- "Runners-up" would have been more prudent, if only for political sensitivities.

03/22/2020 - 18%

(1) Just "Weird!" is Ron's catchphrase, "Honestly!" is Hermione's. She says it, for example, whenever Harry or Ron are entranced by veela. You'd think "the brightest witch of her age" would understand it's involuntary.
(2) In the books, Hermione's always scared, while Ron's brave in the face of danger. In the films, it's the other way around.

03/23/2020 - 20%

(1) Boy, after the World Cup, wizards be clamoring for portkeys it's toilet paper at a Costco. Mass hysteria!
(2) Harry says his scar hurt. Ron suggests they play quidditch to de-stress while Hermione insists he needs a nap. Ron and Hermione sort of have a fun parent/strict parent dynamic in this situation. Very much Arthur and Molly do.

03/24/2020 - 22%

(1) Harry's dress robe is brand new and bottle-green, while Ron's is shabby, lacy and second-hand. It's totally Ron's Cinderella moment!
(2) Bill: "[Rita Skeeter] called me ‘a long-haired pillock’."
Molly: "Well, it is a bit long, dear ... If you’d just let me —"
Bill: "No, Mum."
- In the film all the Weasley boys and Harry have really long hair!

03/25/2020 - 24%

(1) '"Hogwarts is hidden," said Hermione, in surprise. "Everyone knows that ... well, everyone who’s read Hogwarts, A History, anyway.”
"Just you, then,” said Ron. "So go on."'
- Hermione citing "Hogwarts, A History," expecting everyone's read it, and Ron saying she's the only one who ever has never gets old. It's my favorite recurring bit.

03/26/2020 - 26%

(1) I just put together that "Beauxbaton" means "beautiful wand" in French. Mind blown! I don’t speak German so I can’t say if "Durmstrang" means anything. Though, knowing Rowling's penchant for stereotypes it's probably something downright Wagnerian: turmoil, fury and the .
(2) Apparently, Durmstrang offers courses in breakdancing. (see gif)

03/27/2020 - 27%

(1) "Squeezing the bubotubers was disgusting, but oddly satisfying. As each swelling was popped, a large amount of thick yellowish-green liquid burst forth."
- Ironically, or fittingly, this is use to cure acne.
(2) "Professor Trelawney kept predicting Harry’s death, which he found extremely annoying."
- To be fair, he very often does nearly die.

03/28/2020 - 29%

(1) Lavender: "Oooh, which one’s that, Professor?"
Trelawney: "It is Uranus, my dear."
Ron: "Can I have a look at Uranus too, Lavender?"
- Ron will regret planting that seed.
(2) Hagrid: “Yeh’ll do wha’ yer told or I’ll be takin’ a leaf outta Professor Moody’s book... I hear yeh made a good ferret, Malfoy.”
- Sadly, Hagrid can't legally do magic.

03/29/2020 - 30%

(1) Moody forcing Neville to witness the imperius curse is really cruel, knowing the backstory.
(2) '"It’s all right, sonny,” [Moody] said to Neville. “Why don’t you come up to my office?... we can have a cup of tea..." Neville looked even more frightened at the prospect of tea with Moody.'
- Wonder how Moody prepares tea, and what china he uses.

03/30/2020 - 32%

(1) "Harry’s brain was as fogged as though it had been filled with the fumes from Professor Trelawney’s fire."
- As an alliteration aficionado, I approve.
(2) '[Harry] just finished predicting his own death by decapitation. "What’s in the box?" he asked [Hermione], pointing at it.'
- What's in the box? What's in the box!! (it's "Se7en" reference)

03/31/2020 - 33%

(1) Hermione turns on "Hogwarts, A History" for not mentioning house elf abuse. Priceless!
(2) '"You only [Cedric] because he’s handsome," said Ron scathingly.
“Excuse me, I don’t people just because they’re handsome!” said Hermione indignantly.
Ron gave a loud false cough, which sounded oddly "Lockhart!"'
- Ron with the sick burn!

04/01/2020 - 34%

(1) The Beauxbatons sit with the Ravenclaws and the Durmstrangs sit with the Slytherins. Thus foreshadowing that Hogwarts' champion will come from Hufflepuff or Gryffindor, or both.
(2) Ron: "What’s that?"
Hermione: "Bouillabaisse"
Ron: "Bless you."
Hermione: "It’s French ... It’s very nice."
- Hermione, quickly after, stops liking French things.

04/02/2020 - 36%

(1) Hagrid dresses for courting just the same as he does for court!
(2) The Goblet of Fire is made of wood! Must be non-flammable wood.
(3) "[Crouch's] toothbrush mustache and severe parting looked very odd."
- Yes, uncomfortably odd. The mustache had me wondering, but the "severe parting" confirmed it. Crouch is intended to remind you of Hitler.

04/03/2020 - 38%

(1) '"Madame Maxime!” said Fleur at once ... "Zey are saying zat zis little boy is to compete also!" Somewhere under Harry’s numb disbelief he felt a ripple of anger. Little boy?'
- Well, Harry is somewhat shorter than average.
(2) "Did you put your name into the Goblet of Fire, Harry?” [Dumbledore] asked calmly."
- Yes, "calmly." See gif.

04/04/2020 - 40%

(1) The Gryffindors throw a party to celebrate Harry (supposedly) cheating to get into the tournament. Celebrating deceit seems more a Slytherin thing to me.
(2) Stephen Fry uses the same voice for both Hermione and Professor McGonagall. I don't know if it shows a lack of range for female voices, or if he's actually making some subtle point.

04/05/2020 - 42%

(1) Malfoy turns Hermione's front teeth the size of tusks. Ron, instead of immediately trying to fist-fight Malfoy, runs to comfort Hermione. That's character development!
(2) Rita Skeeter forces Harry to squeeze into a dark broom closet with her for an interview. In my head I'm screaming, "He's underage! That's the whole reason for the scandal!"

04/06/2020 - 44%

(1) Last book it was Hermione who was on the outs with Harry and Ron, here it's the opposite. I appreciate the mirroring!
(2) Rita Skeeter writes that Hermione's Harry's girlfriend... thus begins the boy-girl drama!
(3) Hermione: "[Krum]'s not even good-looking! ... [girls] only him because he’s famous!"
- She'll change her tune soon enough.

04/07/2020 - 46%

(1) Hagrid shows Maxime, and by proxy Beauxbâtons, the secret first task simply to get her to him. On one hand, it's helping the competition. On the other hand, everyone cheats anyway, and at least he gets the girl.
(2) '"Never mind me, how are you?" said Sirius seriously.'
- It finally happened! Been waiting the last two books for that pun.

04/08/2020 - 48%

(1) '"Hermione," Harry said, through gritted teeth, "will you shut up for a bit, please?"'
- Without Ron, I guess the job of reining in Hermione falls to Harry.
(2) Moody: "Cheating’s a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and always has been."
- I knew it! Though knowing the twist at the end, I question how true this statement actually is.

04/09/2020 - 50%

(1) '"Got a plan?" said Bagman, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "Because I don’t mind sharing a few pointers, if you’d them, you know."'
- Bagman low-key offering to help Harry cheat sounds a lot the start of a drug deal.
(2) Rita Skeeter: "I wonder if you could give me a quick word?"
Harry: "Yeah, you can have a word ... Goodbye."

04/10/2020 - 52%

(1) Viktor Krum persistently stalking Hermione in the library is at the same time endearing and creepy.
(2) Shame the whole "Blast-Ended Skrewts" subplot was cut from the film. I would have d to see what "the most repulsive things Harry had ever seen" looked .
(3) Apparently, one elf's servile emancipation is another elf's grievous shame.

04/11/2020 - 55%

(1) "Why do they have to move in packs?" Harry asked Ron as a dozen or so girls walked past them .... "How’re you supposed to get one on their own to ask them?"'
- I've totally been there.
(2) 'Ron was staring at Hermione as though suddenly seeing her in a whole new light.
"Hermione ... you are a girl!"
"Oh well spotted," she said acidly.'

04/12/2020 - 56%

(1) "Hermione — who are you going to the ball with?” said Ron. He kept springing this question on her, hoping to startle her into a response by asking it when she least expected it."
- In other words, "Who's my new nemesis?"
(2) Parvati: "Padma’s going to meet you in the entrance hall."
Ron: "Right ... Where’s Hermione?"
- Wrong girl, Ron! Focus!

04/13/2020 - 57%

(1) Dumbledore apparently found the Room of Requirement, filled with chamber pots, when he needed to urinate.
(2) 'Hermione was now teaching Krum to say her name properly; he kept calling her "Hermy-own."
"Her-my-oh-nee," she said slowly and clearly.
"Close enough," she said.'
- Before I knew better, I pronounced it "Hermy-won."

04/14/2020 - 58%

(1) "The Weird Sisters ... were all extremely hairy and dressed in black robes that had been artfully ripped and torn."
- Nice bit of historical accuracy there. 1994 was the very height of "artfully ripped and torn" clothes.
(2) Ron insists Krum only asked Hermione to the Ball to get info on Harry. Jealousy aside, that's actually a legit concern.

04/15/2020 - 59%

(1) Hermione: "Next time there’s a ball, ask me before someone else does, and not as a last resort!"
Ron: "Well — that just proves — completely missed the point —"
Narrator: "[Harry] somehow thought that Hermione had gotten the point much better than Ron had."
- The saddest non-death scene of the series.
- Hermione's tough, but so weak for Ron :(

04/16/2020 - 61%

(1) Ron lays down some serious knowledge on giants. Filmmakers take note, Ron’s not dumb.
(2) "Ron and Hermione seemed to have reached an unspoken agreement not to discuss their argument. They were being quite friendly to each other, though oddly formal."
- Yes, classic "drunk at the office X-mas party and overcompensating the next day" behavior.

04/17/2020 - 63%

(1) Don't know if it's been accentuated, but Harry looks downright tiny in the gif.
(2) Harry: "What d’you do, sneak up here in the evenings to watch the prefects take baths?"
Myrtle: "Sometimes, but I’ve never come out to speak to anyone before."
Harry: "I’m honored. You keep your eyes shut!"
- Moaning Myrtle... more Pervy Myrtle, amiright?

04/18/2020 - 65%

(1) Apparently, Myrtle being stuck in Hogwarts is sort of a jail sentence. The Ministry confined her there permanently for stalking Olive Hornby. So, technically she's a convict under a kind of house arrest.
(2) Ironic how it's "Moody" who gives Harry the idea to pursue a career as an auror. I guess good ideas are good ideas no matter the source.

*character limit

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audiobook-audible author-british genre-juvenile-fantasy ...more717 s11 comments Zoë328 65.2k

Don't mind me, just crying my eyes out.

This was WAY better than I remember it being, and I remember it being pretty darn good. J.K. Rowling is a writing goddess and I can't believe how much foresight and planning went into this series. She already hints at the horcruxes and many other things in this book that don't show up until much later. Definitely one of my favorites in the series (but I say that about all of them)!2,502 s1 comment Sasha AlsbergAuthor 8 books65.5k

Um. Wow. Yeah. That was freaking FANTASTIC!!!! Probably my favorite so far, just wow oh my gosh......WHAT EVEN!! I feel empowered and sad at the same time (sad because...you know). 5/5 stars of course! favorites1,254 s1 comment Jayson2,265 3,633

(A) 86% | Extraordinary
Notes: After a steady build, the series hits its stride. Deep and layered, it goes down smooth, never seeming overly complex.600-plus-pp author-british format-illustrated ...more793 s Hannah Azerang140 108k

One of my favorites in the series.

The ending always gets to me and breaks my heart.owned665 s ? Lily ?81 16k Read

This series has taken a damn TURN!

Watch my video review here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEqu8...627 s Hira93

*To read more by me visit Views & Reviews *

I seriously have no idea why I still review these books when I have nothing new to say. I mean... J.K. Rowling is perfect. This series is perfect. And I dream day & night of going to Hogwarts. So what I'm going to do is, I'm going to show you how I felt about this book:

When I started the book:

During the book:

At the end:

Umm.. Mam Rowling..

All in all

Sorry for the lame review, readers. I just really don't know what to say..favorites544 s1 comment Nilufer Ozmekik2,542 51.9k

I know what you think: Don’t I have anything to do instead of rereading 750 paged long book on my weekend. Of course I am: I could try to cook breads, cakes, muffins or any other carbs involved project and share at my social media account to risk myself turn into Thor’s big bellied image at last Avengers movie for consuming them incessantly my most friends do till the quarantine ends (it will end eventually, right?) Wait a minute, I cannot do that! I can only pose with burned or overcooked things if I insist to cook.

I can also resume home soccer matches with my husband dearest but there is nothing left called glass at our place and I am still stressed walking barefoot because there may be still a tiny threatening glass piece hid somewhere waiting for me!

And of course: After Ozark, La Casa Da Papel, Tiger King and Unorthodox, I couldn’t find any appropriate content match with my taste.
I’m already working on three books but on weekends: I’m suffering from melancholy and I prefer to do something make me happy in the past. ( keep watching Shaun of the Dead, Big Lebowski and Fight Club. Interestingly at your each rewatching séance, you’re catching another detail!) I already told third book is my favorite because it was the last piece that my three musketeers keep their innocence till they take their first steps to the dark side.

And this book is the beginning of the dark side. This is the middle part of long installment. A big death will shake them to the cores and everything about their life will change forever. This is one of the darkest, more action packed, gripping, thrilling but also heartbreaking book of the series. When I first read it nearly 20 years ago, I didn’t get intimidated when I see the page numbers. On contrary I felt blessed because normally I have been finishing a Harry Potter novel in a day (At least I finished the first three books in one day! Correction: First book took me only half day. Thanks to my fast reading technique I improved at college years!)Book’s longevity was great news. I could spend more time in Harry Potter’s world!

After reading the whirlwind Quidditch Cup competition parts, I adored blooming creativity and visionary scenes written by JKR. I went back to my younger, dumber self and remembered the times how I cherished the chapters, how I thrilled when Harry succeeded and how I flabbergasted after reading the shocking ending.

I adored it again and I promised myself to read it another 20 years later. ( I hope I won’t be at quarantine next time)

I recommend you to read the books give you time travel to your happy times at the past so you can handle the daily terrors and find the strength to carry hope into your near future. That’s why JKR is one of my all time favorite authors!436 s Chelsea Humphrey1,487 81.8k

There is an incredibly somber mood that descends on me every time I finish this book in the series, and reading it with the illustrations did nothing to change that. I felt the drawings were impeccable, and I loved how some of the characters were reimagined to look a different way than portrayed in the movies, my favorite being Mad Eye Moody. Now, the long wait for the remainder of the illustrated editions. :(bookstagram-made-me-do-it favorites library410 s Melissa ? Dog/Wolf Lover ? Martin3,587 10.8k

Here's some pics from the new Illustrated Edition!

I have no idea why this didn't show as being read but who cares. It's Harry Potter and I can reread and listen to them forever!!

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