
The Date de J. J. Murray

de J. J. Murray - Género: English
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J. J. Murray Publisher: Kinfolk Books, Year: 2017

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WOW!!!!!!!!! J.J. Murray wrote yet another inspiring IR story that kept me engaged and charmed by his power of meshing words together a poem. Loved how Brittany and William's date became so much more! Would have loved an epilogue but story still was enchanting and funny too!

5 Excellent stars! *****
2017-ir-multicultural-zone 5-stars-as-of-2017 go-to-author ...more11 s Lisa TettingAuthor 4 books68

The Date centered around a gentleman named William Owen Wise, a famous writer who lives on a mountaintop in the hills of Virginia. His story is tragic in the sense that his ex-wife cheated on him with a lesser man. When he caught them, literally in the act, she made him feel responsible for her weakness. The poor man used his grief to move out to the middle of nowhere and build a 'log mansion' with his own two hands.

Okay so you've figured it out. William is a glutton for punishment. The man has lived in isolation for years until one day, while splitting wood, a beautiful stranger stumbles into his life. She has been doing the 'big walk', I guess that's a thing, and has twisted her ankle.

Being the kind knight he is, Sir William saves the damsel in very little distress. He invites her into his home, cares for her injury and allows her to stay with him. This of course is only after this rude houseguest invites herself. He originally offers to put her up in a local B&B, but she insists on sleeping in his front yard in a tent. His manners will not allow this, so then she says she will sleep on the couch.

This Brittany chick proceeds to talk his ear off, eat him out of house and home and then shamelessly flirt with the man, getting his hopes up, only to later confess she has a man. Whet? Yeah, this chick was on my nerves with her little games, but then she started playing the advanced round.

William fell hard and fast, being lame in a log mansion in the middle of nowhere can skew your sense of discernment. Brittany must leave to go back home to her man, but not before showing William her naked backside and climbing into bed with him just so he could hold her. Selfish cow! She knew that man wasn't getting any and she still teased him that.

Before she leaves she invites herself to be his date at the awards ceremony he has been invited to attend in New York. His book has been nominated for an award. William, being a hopeless romantic, decides to make it the best date in the history of New York, in an effort to win her heart. Hence the title of the book. I won't go into detail, but the rest of the book put me through changes, as only a good writer can.

This is the first novel I have read by JJ Murray and I must say I truly enjoyed his poetic writing style. It's infectious. I was taken in by the melodic way he spun this tale and I didn't want to stop reading.5 s LaTanya Galloway310 6

Oh so sweet!

This is my first novel by JJ Murray, won't be my last! This is a very heartfelt novel between a younger Brittany and much older William. Met by accident but fell in love. Even though, the shadiness of the real reason Brittany wanted the date with William kinda broke my heart because that's how young folk think. I'm glad she came to her senses though. I wish there was an epilogue, that would have been awesome3 s Deloris952 37

APB Perspective Review:

Another good book by JJ Murray ! I love his sexy quirky men , I can totally see myself falling for William. So it was a pleasure to watch Brittany fall too. 3 s Lynnai 626


I am a fan of J.J. Murray and have read most of his books. Renee and Jay is my favorite.
I started off really liking this book. The writing was good, the story flowed well, and there was some passion. Brittany was a bit much but was pretty funny at first. William didn't know how to react. However once they went on their date Brit-uh-nee became very annoying and entitled. She was living it up spending William's money. William was kind of foolish in my opinion for spending that much on one day. I really didn't how Brittany used him and literally left him on the curb. William was a bit pathetic which annoyed me. I was glad when he told Brittany about herself. They got their happily ever after in the end.1 Lily JavaAuthor 7 books38

This was the first book I've read by J. J. Murray and it won't be the last. It was a fast read for me as most books I enjoy are. I d the offbeat natures of his main characters William Owens Wise and Brittany Zaire Taylor. I'm giving you their full names because that's how they were presented to me, strong, full, and present in all their random quirkiness and frailties. Their love story was an unusual one from beginning to end but not so unusual that it defied credulity or high regard. I bought wholesale into the uniqueness of these outliers, especially William. Men this exist and they often have to pull away from the world that has neither the patience or the good sense to appreciate them. Brittany was also not unrecognizable to me but her character's whims I often didn't agree with or understand fully. But that didn't make them unbelievable. Perhaps just a little less lovable. I had only one challenge with this book: William's inner thoughts and investigative nature were sometimes overwhelming to my enjoyment of the story. I often wished, especially in the beginning, that I knew less overtly what he thought or was trying to accomplish because he was not the kind of guy, in my opinion, that didn't come across with a great deal of clarity from the onset. One last thing, Mr. Murray is clearly a keen observer of life and culture as well as an eclectic reader. It comes through in his writing, his references, and his suppositions and it's one of the many reasons I'm definitely looking forward to reading more of his work.
1 Cheryl Manning4

Not my favorite

J.J. I absolutely love your works but this one made me so damn mad! I wanted to smack the cow piss out of Brittany from beginning to end. Absolutely hated her. She was your weakest character to date. William made me mad as hell too. He was at his best at the end of the book and even then only barely. I hate that I cannot get the four hours of my day back that it took to read this book. 1 Carolyn5,298 78

Always Entertainingly Fun!

In true JJ Murray fashion, he once again delivered his satirically told story about a mismatched couple readers just can't help but sit back,watch and enjoy how the couples story unfolded. In this story, Brittany, a law student, stumbled onto author William Wise's ranch in the Blue Ridge Mountains with duct taped hiking boots and an injured foot. William had taken to the ranch after his wife of 24 years left him for a younger less than wealthy other man. Brittany helped William come to life with her chatty ways and take no prisoners attitude.. By the way, Brittany's man was a sports announcer for one of Baltimore's baseball teams. He mostly ignored Brittany and their relationship of convenience. At the end of her impromptu stay with William, the reclusive writer and the eccentric lady made plans for The Date in NY City where William was nominated for an award for his book. This first date was supposed to convince Brittany that William was the best man for her. JJ delivered another fast paced, intellectually funny, and masterful piece of work... I love this man's writing style.. Go ahead and try it, I dare you to be amazed!!!1 Michele F.407 2

Worth the wait

I happen to be a fan of author J. J. Murray. He has strong heroines with stalwart, slightly awkward, unabashedly loving heros. I love his characters.

In this story his hero has hidden away from the world building a mountain retreat to grieve the death of his marriage. The heroine, Tiffany, is a hiker who literally limps into his solitude, gives him hope, and pulls him back into the world while she recuperates in his mountain retreat. Their relationship builds and culminates in a date that is the stuff of fantasies (certainly my fantasy!). Meanwhile she still has commitments and a life on hold. A dose of reality puts the Dickerson the fantasy, but which is the fantasy?

As usual I enjoyed this J. J. Murray novel. I preordered it, and rushed through to the end. Now I'm sad that its finished. I'll have to be wait for "Drift" to be published this summer.

1 Roshawnda Simpson62

I d it

I enjoyed this story there were parts that made me laugh out loud, I enjoyed William at times but there were times I felt that at 50 he was too clueless. I also enjoyed Brittany, but during their date it was she changed into someone who was in the age range of 18-25 instead of 32 . But other than that I truly enjoyed reading this book.1 Lotchie BurtonAuthor 13 books37

Good Story, but.....

Although he’s been writing for years, this is my first time reading this author. I’m still not sure what I thought about the book. I d it, and I didn’t. The story is well written and gives a sense of the author’s intellect and talent with well-chosen words and phrases. Including some real laugh-out-loud moments. The story held my interest in the beginning. Further into the read I began to question the hero's logic when making plans for such an elaborate 'date'. But overall, for me, there was no real depth to the characters. There was more ‘tell than show’. And sometimes he was too detailed about stuff of no real interest.

For about the first ten chapters or more there's a dog, and William and Brittany in dialog; and him having a separate conversation in his head while talking to her. He’s on the rebound/grieving two years after a divorce (25 year marriage). William seems pretty naïve and pathetic for a 50 something year old man. And later in the story, he gets even worse. At one point I really didn’t Brittany at all. I don’t understand why her personality changed so drastically. Transforming from an intelligent, free-spirited, adventure seeking nature lover—to an uptown/downtown all-about-the-bling, gold-digger. And he was way too understanding, putting up with her crap. After the changes she put him through--and he let her--the HEA at the end didn't make sense to me. William was about as close as you get to a dream come true; and she was a nightmare. I don't think they deserved each other.1 Cherryl1,861 1 follower

His heart broke into a million billions pieces!

I think I've found a new favorite author. I love the way J.J. Murray writes. He puts lots of thought in his plot. His character William Wise was so thoroughly shattered by two women and had to fight to remain sane. I the way the author gave us glimpses of what Will actually thought before he spoke. He was a kindhearted, intelligent, well read, loving man who was terribly lonely and Brittany Taylor came in a whirling dervish of a cat 5 hurricane and completely blew his heart away. He fell for her the minute she hobbled in from his meadow. He didn't not care what color she was. She was the woman he loved who just happened to be black.

This was a story of a May/ December romance, showing the differences in the social norms of the two generations of a millennial and a boomer. As intelligent and well read as Britt was, she was socially inept to people's feelings, relying on her social network for her communications where Will was completely opposite, used to talking to people.

Dr. William Owen Wise was so excited by his date for the first time in 24 years that he thoroughly went into detail in the planning of the date. He wanted it to be the best date ever and it was the most remarkable date ever for both of them. I can't believe he spent that much money on the perfect date to win Brit's heart. I can't believe she broke his heart the way she did. I was so emotionally distraught reading his angst in trying to get his life back. Everything he told her was true after she called him back when she left him. Deandre, Britt's long time boyfriend, did not love her, he only wanted her back because of male ego. He practically ignored Britt until her date with Will.

I enjoyed reading this book. It had me going through a gambit of emotions. It have me feeling the emotions that Sir William Owens, Knight Errant , USA was going through. I was happy to see him evolving, deciding to come out of his reclusive life and live as Author William Owens Wise and find his HEA with the lady he loved who renewed his heart and gave him new life.favorites Stephanie Jynelle1,096 4

A real Love story

Spell blindingly rooted in truth, selfishness and love. William chose solitude and to build to move through his grief. In that perfect moment Brittany Z Taylor hikes with a limp, to re light Sir William O Wise world to the light and wonders of joy, energy, fun and love.
I really disd Brit after their amazingly off the chart, over the top date in New York. To use someone to make someone else jealous is cruel. Granted, she knew she loved William but would not see her plan unfinished. Once again true love finds its true path. Bumps, trips, stumbles and kicks to the soul could not defeat the freshness and beauty of unconditional love. The truth was shared, growth happened, emotions so pure pored forth and forgiveness was given. Age wasn't a true factor and neither was color. Love. Unconditional love. Healing and forgiveness forged the love that was to be William and Brttany.
Very well written. I will definitely read more by this author. kittykat AKA Ms. Tortitude605 116

This is my first title by this author and it won't be my last, even though I didn't love the heroine in this story.

It started off great, William is a lovely soul, and meets free-sprited Brittany. He is 18 years older than her, but that doesn't seem to matter at first as they seem to hae lots in common intellectually.

However once they get to the "date" she begins to show some alarming signs of immaturity, selfishness and I hate to say it but a little bit of gold digger-ish-ness (yes I just made that word up lol!). Then she broke poor Williams heart.

I was invested enough in William to carry on reading, however as much as I flawed characters, Brittany just turned me off completley and although I am glad William got his happy ending I felt as if he forgave her dreadful beahavior far too easily. But, that is the cost of his true love.2017-read male-author rom-cri CJLuvsBooks!125 4

After being introduced to J. J. Murray after reading “Lucky”, I was interested in his back catalogue so I chose to read “The Date”. I didn’t this book as much as “Lucky” but it was a great read and an interesting character study.

I really loved William. I empathized with him, and understood where he was at emotionally when Brittany came into his life. She came into his life a hurricane and woke him up. Her fire and strong radiant presence breathed life back into him and gave him some joy. It was a beautiful thing. I d Brittany, at least in the beginning…

As the book goes on, it describes the date William is planning in great detail. And I mean GREAT detail. (I find that J. J. Murray is an incredibly descriptive writer. I don’t mind it at all - but some readers might feel that it isn’t necessary and find themselves skimming.) So when Brittany gets to experience this date of a lifetime. How does she act? I don’t to give spoilers but.. let’s just say she lowered herself in my esteem. I couldn’t get passed what happened and still for the life of me don’t understand why William would even give her the time of day after it. But the heart wants what the heart wants…. He deserved better than her. That’s for sure. Thank God he eventually took her to task, otherwise I would have been angry and disappointed.

J. J. Murray’s is an awesome writer. He describes things in a very lyrical, poetic, and humorous way. I also want to note that the love scene was beautifully and respectfully written. Very romantic and passionate.

I have really fallen in love with J. J. Murray’s stories. He’s on the way to becoming one of my favorite writers! So glad I’ve discovered him. :) LaKisha Dunn299 5

William, William, William

This was a really good book. I absolutely loved William. He was so different and real. I loved how he approached life. His sense of humor. I loved the innocence and maturity of William. This book had my attention from beginning to end and I understood William. I got him. I felt his pain. I loved how he loved. So open. So true. I longed for a William. I loved Brittany as well. She was maddening but so alive. I got them as a couple. This was a sweet love story. It grabbed you. It made you laugh, cry, and want to strangle Brit. I recommend this book, you won't be disappointed. DCCooky95

I a book with unable characters

I read this story thinking Brittany is bipolar and William is clinically depressed.

I thought...OK Everyone deserves to love and be loved. Its OK that they have lots of work to do before either is ready for a relationship, after all this is fiction.

I kept reminding myself to root for this couple.

But as much as I didn't fall in love with them, I am in love with J.J. Murray's writing. It feels energetic and intelligent. It is well peppered with humor and irony.

This story is well worth your time. Lynda Garcia634 4

It's okay

Not one of my favorites of J.J....It's okay in a mature romantic musings..it's funny and quirky...a mountain man and a city girl connects...he's trying to get over a divorce...she's wandering in life never really enjoyed life...in a stagnant relationship with a bore...but she breathes life into a lonely man who really comes alive...at least towards the end....eh

Yulande Lindsay290 7

Five stars because I loved it. Cute, sweet and funny. I've been reading a lot of that lately. I admit it, romance novels are my sherbet, my palette cleansers between weightier tomes. They make me smile, they make me giggle and brighten my reading days. J.J.Murray is on my List. He creates endearing characters without being saccharine and cloying. Highly recommended! Iris33

I d William, But Not Brittany

I didn't Brittany, I feel William deserved better. The only reason I gave this book four stars is because of how much I enjoyed William as a character. However, I do believe that he has a habit of allowing the women in his life to push him over and take advantage of his kindness and love for them. Charlene Silvernail808 4

Brittany and William - Love is not a doormat

I loved this book. I laughed and I cried. William’s character was kind and loving. He continued to love his ex wife although she hurt him tremendously. When Brittany came into his life, she taught him how, not only to love but also not to be a doormat.And he showed her that he learned the lesson well. Ann Lindsay4

Is that how love is/can be?

I know it's just a damn story, but I don't care. I was devastated for him and wished he had turned her away in the snow and cold after he was done telling her his mind. It would still have been a love story; just about love at a moment in time (and which didn't end in ever after). But I guess it had to end the way it did (because JJ wanted it to
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