
The Gate de Isabella

de Isabella - Género: English
libro gratis The Gate


Valhalla is for warriors that die in battle. What of those who don’t have a hero’s death? Where do they go?

The inter-world is in chaos and has become the heart of the battleground in the war between Paladins and Gatekeepers. Harley doesn’t know it yet, but she’s at ground zero. A night of drinking, to forget a cheating girlfriend, is about to change her life forever. A birthmark—or a birthright—sets her on a direct path to a woman who claims to have known her for centuries. Not ready to accept her Paladin mantel, she needs proof—and that proof is out to destroy her.

A protector by birth, Dawn was bred to preserve the delicate cycle of life and death. Protecting a Paladin is to be mated for eternity, usually without the sex, but Harley’s allure is universally compelling. Harley’s rise in status to The Chosen complicates things further as Dawn finds herself fighting for her own heart, as well as battling her biggest nemesis and brother, Lucius.

Lucius, lord of the Gatekeepers, is out to kill souls moving to their next life. He wants Harley in his corner and he isn’t about to let a little sibling rivalry stand in the way, no matter what it takes.

Harley find herself caught up in Lucius’s tempting promise of power, but cannot shake the soul-tugging love she feels with Dawn. Will Dawn convince Harley in time to embrace her Paladin destiny and save the souls looking for their gate, or will Lucius be able to sway Harley to throw in with the Gatekeepers?

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I love fantasy anything, so I was excited to get my hands on this urban fantasy book. The premise of the book was very interesting, I was hooked pretty fast. My problem was the writing, this was rough in places. Now I did get this ARC over a month ago. I am hopefully this book has been edited again and again and will be really fixed up before it is released in a few days.

I want to explain more what I mean by rough since this is affecting my rating a little. I always expect there to be a few grammar issues or punctuation in an ARC, which is not what I am talking about here. I’m talking about writing choices that made no sense, were convoluted or repetitive. For example, there are two main characters Dawn and Harley. Harley asks Dawn if she is an angel. Dawn says “sort of.” About ten to fifteen pages later, Harley again realizes Dawn is an angel and asks, “You’re an angel?” Dawn answers “I assumed you knew.” Well no you can’t assume because you didn’t tell her you were an angel, you told her you were sort of an angel. What is sort of an angel? And to be honest, I still don’t know for sure what Dawn is, angel, god, I don’t know.

Another example is after the mains have sex for the first time, Dawn apologies and says “I shouldn’t have forced you.” They fall asleep, wake up the next morning and then Harley says “I shouldn’t have forced myself on you.” Okay so question, if they both forced themselves on each other, is it still force? If they both wanted sex, they both wanted sex right? Just odd stuff this and I was wondering what is going on here?

Last complaint of the writing was this. Harley would think back about something that happened, not that long ago, really only a few pages back. To show this memory Isabella just copied and pasted what had happened word for word. So you would be reading paragraphs that you had recently read, for the second time. I would have thought this was an editing issue, that repeating text somehow slipped through. But that isn’t the case because every time this happened she put it in italics so you knew it was a memory. I have never seen purposely repetitive chunks in a book that before.

If I take the writing issues, the oddness and convolutedness out, I did parts of this book. As I said before, I d the premise. Evil vs. good, soul collectors, angels (I think) and gods, I enjoy all that stuff. The book does end on a small cliffhanger, so I’m sure there will be a book 2. As much as the writing drove me nuts, I do want to know what happens next. I really hope this book has gotten smoothed out because it could be a cool series, after a lot of editing.

An ARC was given to me by Sapphire, for an honest review.
f-f-adventure-fantasy romance urban-fantasy19 s Agirlcandream721 4

Full disclosure, I am not a big reader of fantasy novels. The great cover on The Gate pulled me in and Isabella’s fascinating world building kept me reading. Paladins, Gatekeepers and Protectors. It was all I could do to sort out the world Harley wakes up in.The system in place to help lost souls find their gate is in a state of flux. Dawn has been Harley’s Protector down through the ages. Her siblings may or may not be working against her as she tries to once again educate and protect Harley.

I love an anti-hero and Harley is excellent as a reluctant Paladin. She has Jack nipping at her heels, begging her to help him find his gate and not be relegated to walk the earth as a lost soul, or worse. I loved how Harley could give a damn about what Jack wants. She is in full denial the majority of the novel. The whole surreal world Harley finds herself in adds impact to her eventual grasp of what power she wields and how important her role as Paladin is in the grand scheme of things.

The ARC Copy I received from the publisher did have editing and some continuity issues but I was assured by the publisher that these problems will be resolved before the book is published. The story itself is out there and well worth the effort it takes to plant yourself in this purgatory of demons,angels and lost souls.

Kudos for an unexpected, entertaining ride. I love when a book pushes me out of my comfort zone. The Gate throws you on the ground and stomps on your sensibilities. Good stuff.

ARC received with thanks from Sapphire Books for an honest review, 13 s Loek Krancher1,042 54

A thrilling adventure!

A story that is blurring the line between memories, dreams and real life. Sinister dark forces are constantly knocking on the door. Thirsty for power and control. It is a mysterious, magical, horrifying, unique, fast paced paranormal adventure with an impressive personality as main character. A book that was hard to put down and it keeps you on your toes. In three words; It was perfect. I absolutely recommend this to anyone looking for an excellent read.
6 s Kitty McIntoshAuthor 10 books50

Isabella has imagined a fascinating  Interworld where Paladins and Gatekeepers are involved in a bitter rivalry and some poor souls trapped there are caught in the middle. Harley finds herself struggling to understand her role in all of this and her Protector Dawn is not entirely forthcoming with information. The two women are drawn to each other in a way that tells Harley there is so much more to their relationship- but she can't remember! 

I loved the whole premise of the book and I was learning about the world at the same time as Harley. She had to decide whether she believed in it all and what side she was going to take. The dark side was a scary option  but was she ready for the alternative? Isabella managed to inject a great deal of irreverant humour into her writing which I really appreaciated. I d the banter between Jack, Harley and Dawn as well as the interaction with Lucius and Allie. The sexual tension between the women was intense but went beyond love or lust. This was a really good story that left me wanting to read more about these characters. I eagerly anticipate the release of the next in the series and highly recommend this first instalment.

I was given this ARC by Sapphire Publishing in return for an honest review.f-f fantasy lesbian ...more2 s Harmony A HaunAuthor 9 books55

I was so excited to read this book! I mean, look at that cover
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