
El secreto del universo de Isaac Asimov

de Isaac Asimov - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis El secreto del universo


Isaac, Asimov Year: 2009

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

Más que interesante. Asimov era muy buen escritor, pero ante todo un gran científico(y profesor), y se demuestra en este libro.2 s Daniel Caballero200 6

Es un libro que recoge atículos cortos del gran Asimov, le he puesto 3 estrellas porque estan obsoletos la mayoría, hablan de los años 50 y hay muchos de biología y ninguno de astronomía, el título no se corresponde con el libro.

No lo recomiendo, aunque es cortito y se lee muy rápido. Anthony Faber1,579 4

A "best of" collection of his F&SF science columns. I enjoy them.
WaldenOgre656 71

“??????????????????????????????????????????”c-?? isaac-asimov k-?? ...more Jocelyn159 26

I'll be honest here--this book is dry. For anyone who is looking for one of Asimov's compelling narratives, this isn't one of them. However, that isn't to say that it's boring, which it's not, but that it is dense. It covers a broad range of subjects (from quantum physics to poetry) in almost layman's terms, so you're bound to find something that you enjoy. However, for those topics that you don't care about, you might as well skip because it'll probably be a bit of a slog.

Perhaps the biggest issue I have with this book is the prose. For any reader with a scientific background, Asimov's ideas shouldn't take too much time to get, but if you've never heard of a quark or don't care to know what one is, this book will be a drag. Otherwise, you're almost bound to learn something new, which is always a pleasure.

I must also note that Asimov s to go on little tangents, mostly involving his life. Though amusing, they tend to have little to do with the subject material and his tone occasionally becomes annoyingly self-deprecating ("I admit that I don't know very much about ..." is common throughout). Yes, I get that he published these separately and that he wanted to not seem a professional when he wasn't, but the frequency and predictability with which he repeated this act was tiring.

I do appreciate this collection of Asimov's essays; they are long enough to go into some depth but short enough not to lose my attention and therefore, taken as a whole, Asimov on Science is a worthwhile read for the scientifically inclined. But because it's dense and because Asimov does get technical on many occasions, it does take a long time to get through since it feels as if he tries to inundate the reader with facts and theories all at once. Chances are that you will feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when you finish, but it will take no small effort to get there. When you do, though, you'll have learned a lot about some interesting ideas (given that most them don't have practical application in other fields) as well as Asimov himself.reread science-technology Leila346 6

Dado que leí varios libros de "La Fundación" y me encantaron, cuando encontré este de Asimov no dude en comprarlo para conocer un poco mas sobre sus artículos alejados (después resultó que no tanto) de la ciencia ficción.
Resultó que disfruté mucho estos ensayos, y al mismo tiempo aprendí cosas nuevas y profundicé temas que apenas empiezo a estudiar en mi carrera (entendiendo que la publicación de estos artículos llega al 1988 marqué varias cosas para actualizar con otras lecturas)
Me di cuenta la inclinación favorable que presento ante la física y las matemáticas, ya que los artículos que trataban con estos tópicos (entre otros como psico/sociología, química, biología e incluso literatura) automáticamente eran mejor recibidos. De mis preferidos? "Estoy buscando un trébol de cuatro hojas" y "El muro de luxón" me parecieron sumamente interesantes y sorprendentemente más sencillos de comprender que lo esperado, ahí es donde Asimov nos demuestra su capacidad como escritor. También, en un tono algo mas satírico si se quiere, "Toca plástico!" fue muy entretenido.
A fin de cuentas, es un buen libro para leer e instruirse sobre diversos temas, teniendo siempre en mente el período en el que se escribieron estos ensayos, aún si Asimov los revisó para la publicación y tienen notas que corrigen algunos detalles y agregan datos de color a cada uno. Ed5,305 56

This essay collection contains two that I specifically remember and refer to twenty years after I read them. They are "You, Too, Can Speak Gaelic" and "I'm Looking Over a Four-Leaf Clover", which I refer to below.

Science - The book is a retrospective collection of 31 essays from Asimov's science column for _Fantasy and Science Fiction_ between 1958 and 1989. The essay for November 1958 was the first essay for _F&SF. The other essays are presented as separate chapters with short afterwards. The afterwards sometimes update the science, sometimes talk about predictions that turned out right or wrong, and sometimes talk about reader response to the article. Asimov's column was wide-ranging. Sometimes they were literary, sometimes historical, and sometimes on the Bible. Two math related essays in this volumn are "A Piece of Pi" (on pi) and "Exclamation Point!" (on factorials). Science articles of a less mathematical nature include "You, Too, Can Speak Gaelic" (on how to pronounce those pesky chemical names), "I'm Looking Over a Four-Leaf Clover" (on cosmology), "Look Long Upon a Monkey" (on evolution), and "The Floating Crystal Palace" (on icebergs).
essays non-fiction science Sara149

Honestly, I struggled with the early essays in this book. I had not read any Asimov prior to this and I found him to be conceited with his constant this idea is "original with me." I wanted to punch the man. That said I continued to read on knowing that he was thought of highly and I'm very thankful that I did so. I don't recall exactly which essay was the turning point but essay 16 "Look Long upon a Monkey" wherein he describes himself as "cheerfully self-appreciative" in his writing and informs us that it is a writing trick he uses to enable himself to keep on writing certainly helped. I very much enjoyed all of the following essays and came to very much appreciate Asimov for his forward-thinking humanist outlook on the equality of all peoples. At the closing of the book I felt as though I had lost a friend. I imagine a lot of that sentiment comes from the emotional evolution I experienced over the course of these essays but even if you are already acquainted with Isaac Asimov, if you haven't read these essays, it's probably worth a go. Curtiss718 51

The Good Doctor covers his love affair with science as published over 30 years.

I'll never forget the essay "You Too Can Speak Gaelic" in which he explains that the chemical compound paradimethylaminobenzaldehyde (as an example of a dactylic tetrameter; four repetitions of the accent pattern DUM-dee-dee-DUM-dee-dee-DUM-dee-dee-DUM-dee-dee) can be sung to the tune of "The Irish Washerwoman;


aaiieee!all-time-favorites astronomy biography ...more Remo2,370 152

31 ensayos del viejo maestro Asimov. No son de lo mejor de su producción, y hay alguno que directamente no debería haber pasado la criba, pero es Asimov, quien lo mismo te escribía sobre la quiralidad de las moléculas intergalácticas que sobre si la costumbre de tocar madera es anterior a la era cristiana o no. Asimov escribía muy bien, se podía leer del tirón cualquier cosa que te contara. Ligaba bien, jugaba a hacer esas autoburlas que en realidad eran alabanzas y las enganchaba muy bien con el resto del relato. Era un placer leer ensayos cortos de Asimov (sobre sus novelas tengo opiniones distintas).1997 clasicos divulgacion-cientifica ...more Jorge Pech Grajales41 1 follower

Es una colección de ensayos que permite conocer muy bien las ideas y pensamientos de Asimov, me permitió conocer facetas del autor que desconocía y que me agradaron bastante. Algunos ensayos, como el bien menciona, pueden considerarse científicamente desfasados, pero la forma en que expone las partes y desarrolla conclusiones son muy didácticas. c-físicas favoritos Adddi5

crying while watching a bunch of formula?but lovely Asimov..... Dante Zegarra Jara1 review

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