
A Second Chance for the Beta: Book 6 of the Silverlake Wolves Series de Isa Rinner

de Isa Rinner - Género: English
libro gratis A Second Chance for the Beta: Book 6 of the Silverlake Wolves Series


Isa Rinner Publisher: anonymous, Year: 2024

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When going through her parents old things Ella discovers she's not quite as alone in the world as she thought. She doesn't know why but her family hid the birth of her sister's child. With the help of her mate, she's determined to find the baby.

But taking in a teenager is no easy task. And there were reasons to hide the pup. Now that Charlie has been found the dad wants his kid dead. It's Dante's worst nightmares all over again, literally. Reliving the death of his mate and child over and over again.

A moody teenager.
A deadly threat.
Sleepless nights haunted by memories.
Can their second chance bond survive? Reader3

Honestly I feel this author can do no wrong, her writing is in a word ‘incredible’ the world she has created with the silver lake wolves is magical, this story of second chance love after tragedy is beautifully written, the characters are amazing and looking forward to reading more about all the characters of the series old and new! If you love werewolves, vampires, witches and abit of mystery with unexpected twists this is the book for you. I cannot recommend this book enough and the full series! Can’t wait for the next! Iliana63

Dante and Ella have always been some of my favorite characters in the Silverlake series. This book can be read as a stand alone. Loved the storyline, there were surprises I wasn't expecting. Learning about Ella's family was devastating but it had a wonderful twist that made me do happy. Learning about Dante's past really made me understand him on a deeper level. Charlie was an amazing character and I can't wait for the author to delve further into her life. Highly recommend this book and the entire series. Holly11

Another amazing story written by a fantastic author.
Follow Beta Ella and her mate as they navigate the secrets uncovered from her forgotten childhood.
A mystery child hidden long ago; connecting clues her family left behind; and piecing together her new, chosen family.
Beta Ella and Beta Dante will fight for each other and their family to the end, and uncover sinister secrets along the way.

NOTE: If you haven't read this series yet, now is your chance. Although this book can be read as a stand-alone, the entire series is so stellar I can't sing its praises enough.
Aniawis1 review

This is the 6th book of the Silverlake series, but can be read as a stand alone. I highly recommend the whole series! This is another fantastic addition to the growing series! This book is about Ella and Dante, i love finding more about their backstory. They face challenges including their own pasts, as well as raising a moody teenager (Ella’s found niece), while navigating a threat. The author always delivers an exciting read, and its great to learn more about these deserving characters, but also see what going on with the other characters from the series! L'Oreal Smith7

The newest installment of the Silverlake Series takes you on a journey of discovering new family ties, as well as uncovering secrets from the past, which help Ella and Dante both heal. Lots of characters from past books are included, which is always awesome, as well as some new ones! Isa Rinner created a very well thought out, very detailed world that you absolutely get lost in. Can't wait for the next book!!!! Stephie20 1 follower

Ella and Dante

I have been a big fan of Ella’s since An Omega for the Lucan Prince and this book has made an even greater fan. We get to learn so much more about Ella and what she went through. We also get to delve deeper into our boy Dante as well, throwing some mystery and adventure, and we have the perfect read. Another great read from, undoubtedly, one of my go to writers!!

I received this book as an ARC, however my opinions are my own. Phillys James56

I love the protectiveness of Dante and it broke my heart to know all that he has been thru. I was happy to see him working on everything to be better for Ella and Charlie.
Ella deserves all of the happiness that she can get. I'm happy that she and Dante were able to find Charlie and bring her back to the pack.

Charlie is a ball of emotions and I'm happy she found her family.

I can sense there will be another story there with Silas and Marcellus and I can't wait....... Arvee T9

I love all of the Silverlake Series!! It was so nice to get more of the back stories of Ella and Dante. Both main characters are both in some kind of healing process, trying to move on together and builing their family. You can totally feel all the emotions as you read the story. All other characters make an appearance in the book and although part of a series, it can still be read as stand alone. I can't wait till Aurelia's story is released!! Angie25

Ella's and Dantes story is heart warming and filled with so many emotions. Both having troubled pasts they not only learn to face it but grow past it. Family found and family lost is one of the main focuses of the book. You'll also see many characters from previous books as well, Dave being one of my favorites
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