
Real Fake Hauntings de Isa Medina

de Isa Medina - Género: English
libro gratis Real Fake Hauntings


Isa Medina Series: Good Bad Magic 04 Year: 2024

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Oh man. Halloween is finally here! The buildup of the mystery in book 4 of this amazing series is great fun, but the twists are what kept me reading one chapter after another, so eager to find out what happened next. Also: Ian.2 s Jessica952 23

(4,5 ?)

[May contain slight spoilers if you haven't read the previous books in the series!]

Hope Avery's favorite holiday - Halloween - is here, and she's got plans for both her shop and her personal life. But when several bloody pentagrams show up around the city it's her duty as the local witch to find out if it's a prank or something more sinister behind it. Without clues Hope considers everyone a suspect - and it doesn't get any easier when she finds one of the suspects dead. On the floor of her shop...

This series continue to be entertaining with witty dialogues! The more we get to know the characters, the more I them and want to read more! It wasn't even strange to read about Halloween in May; Medina paints such a great picture of the holiday. Hope and Ian continue to date at a slow pace, and although we only get her POV Ian's behavior shows how much he cares about her.

The only thing that gets a bit tiresome at times is Hope's inner monolouges. It makes it more of "tell" than "show", and I would enjoy a little less of that. But Fluffy's Halloween outfit as a bee makes me forget that - I would have loved to see it in person!

* I received an ARC from the author and I'm giving my honest review. *1 Beba Andric1,047 52

Hope is FINALLY in a good place, her tea shop is slowly gaining momentum and clients, the witch council is off her back, Bagley is kinda contained and yummy Ian is, well, yummy! AND he's agreed to open up a tour of his family cemetery for Halloween! I mean, what can go wrong....yes, well....Sonia, the president of THE council, who was gunning for Hope from the onset, appears and all hell breaks loose! I love how diverse her characters are, how each one is crafted to fullness, even the "extras" are true to form, complete personas. So where would I even start? Key? Alex? Shane? Dru! Heavens! To get the nuances, to get their awesome, you HAVE to read the book!!!!! It would be VERY remiss of me if I didn't mention our leading lady and her leading man... SHE'S a witch who's kinda mediocre in witchy terms but heck has she got spunk! Her bumbling, tumbling attempts at performing, at achieving anything remotely witchy delights me! Her easy going manner delights me! Her getting herself into oh such strange situations delight me! Her intelligence and problem solving delight me! Her banter, her stance, her resolve, her caring delight me! I have said she's probably my favourite witch.... and Ian, oh lordie Ian! Not only is he GORGEOUS inside and out (you'll have to dig around to find the "inside"!) he's a bounty hunter, he's reclusive, he's stoic, he's a shifter, he's ULTRA mysterious,; he's secretive and he has two adorable doggies, Fluffy and Rufus! What's NOT to ??? His estranged Bry, Hutton is another cool character, obnoxious, disagreeable and abrasive....all on the outside, while his inside, to me, hides an absolute sweetheart!

Hope finds herself solving another strange occurrence, yeah, thanks Sonia! But far from being discouraged, Hope's solving juices come alive! Once she sets her mind to it, there's NO stopping Hope.... and weird pentagrams, drawn in literal blood popping up, is enough of a reason for her. And this is all happening as Halloween is about to begin, spooky.... And oh golly do things escalate!!! Pentagrams become death, which becomes a problem dumped in Hope's shop! So yes, spooky.... I loved following Hope's trail of thought and her deducing skills as she pieces it all together in the most fun of ways, while trying, and failing, not to focus on all things Ian! The two of them fit buttered bread, one without the other just doesn't taste quite as good, THEY are yummy together!

Dear heavens is this author magical with her words! Her use and expertise with her prose is delightful! Look at this fab line, "Ian gave me a glacial stare that had my inter organs begging for heated blankets"!!!! Clever and ultra vivid, right?She catches me by surprise so often when I least expect it! Sublime! This is not a fast paced read, rather it's an ebb and flow one, not a heck of a lot of action but plenty of detective-ing, more character driven story with a steady progression. The humour is so subtle, superbly and easily slipped in and THAT'S another reason this author is a MUST read! Immensely compelling and fun, with a terrific storyline, playing out each note, each turn twisted just out of reach to a surprising conclusion! Absolutely awesome!!!! Motive of the Witch 239 5

I love this series so much. I had a privilege to read an ARC, thanks to Isa Medina kindness.
Last three books from the series were very good, but this one was incredible. "Real Fake Hauntings" is for me an urban fantasy with really cozy vibes. We have here a crime, a mystery, a slow burn romance and very well written characters.

Hope sometimes still has a mental breakdown or two, but generally I see how much she has changed from book one. She is a part of Olmeda community now, she is their local witch. She is running a tea shop, resolving a pentagrams mystery, preparing shop for Halloween...and more. Seriously, she is super busy witch.
Ian, our lovely grumpy local bounty hunter, as well changed. I was waiting for one specific thing and I was right. It was perfect, dramatic and I loved it.
Side characters are a cherry on the top of the cake. I changed my mind about Hutton. He can speak human language and deeply inside, under alpha skin, he has a good heart.
I can't forget about Fluffy, our shiny star. She is perfect, enthusiastic and in the bee's costume. I would love to see her.

The mystery in "Real Fake Hauntings" was really well written. I didn't expect the plot twist and I was surprised when the pentagrams mystery was solved. Isa kept me occupied all the time and I run thought the pages and Olmeda together with Hope.

I really Isa Medina writing style. It's easy to follow and the events are smoothly going from one to another.

I would highly recommend this series to the readers who love cozy mystery and urban fantasy. Hope and the rest of the gang will take you to the whimsical Olmeda just before Halloween and the journey will begin.

I can't wait for next book because as always Isa left us with some questions. Kreela523 16

? witch-shifter mates
? Seances
? Graveyard tours
? Dogs in costumes
? Zombie walks
? Missing body
? haunted house
? Parade of souls
? Wicked witch in the pocket

A smile is a frown upside down. Hope exemplifies her name: bubbly, sweet, and apparently the new detective in town. After almost convincing her almost-lover to host a haunted graveyard skit, Hope started to pop out the bubblies and cheap witch hat and broom, but her exhilaration, of course, doesn’t make a story. No, suddenly 4 pentagrams were found behind some stores, and everyone looked to Hope to find the culprit.

Okay, add detective to her resumé. She checked the pentagrams for the type of blood used, the presence of magic, and even checked public road cameras (smart) for evidence of whoever was vandalizing the walls.

Then she found a body in her tea shop, the local lawyer. Personally, I would have checked for a pentagram behind the shop, and looked for a roadcam, but Hope was freaking out and wouldn’t have thought of these things.

Ian, her bounty-hunter love, was supportive enough to allow her to make decisions, even if he questioned her wanting to dispose of the body.

Little details made the tour of halloween festivities exciting.
“Ian’s head rotated slowly, right out of an Exorcist movie, “ shiver

It was a who-done-it amid kisses and tea craziness. Clean romance. Sarah Metcalf412 1 follower

Another fantastic book in this series! This book begins with Hope and her friends preparing the cemetery for the haunted tour. But someone is drawing pentagrams on local businesses and even though it's Halloween, no one knows if it serous or just a prank. As the local witch, Sonia the head of the PBOA, tasks Hope with finding out who is behind the graffiti. And of course, for Hope nothing is ever as simple as that! Someone has now left a dead body in her shop as well! And all while she is preparing for her favorite holiday! What are the chances that they are not connected?!
I absolutely love Hope with all of her optimism! She still doesn't let anything get her down and now she is even growing to add some sarcasm to her good-natured attitude. She is even learning some new tricks, magical and otherwise to help her with this set of investigations. And she always manages to get the grumps to help and enjoy it as well! Whether its Dru and the shop or Ian and the tour, she sure knows how to get her way! And Ian, oh Ian!! He is truly becoming one of my favorites! He shows just how far he will go to keep Hope safe!
This was another who-dun-it that had me guessing until the very end! I loved the way the story ended up nowhere near where I thought it might! And got a god giggle with Hope's solution in the end! (So hard not to give spoilers!)
Jen T78

Halloween has come to Olmeda and the whole town is celebrating. Hope's excited because business in her tea shop is picking up and Ian's agreed to let the strays host a haunted cemetery tour. Things would be perfect if only a body hadn't shown up in her tea shop overnight. Now Hope needs to figure out who did it before she becomes the prime suspect.

I really Hope, her eternal optimism truly is refreshing. She and Ian are just great together; and although their relationship is moving a bit slowly for my tastes, there was some good progress, which I was happy for. I d that we got to see a softer side of Hutton, and Mark was a good addition as well. The book ends with an enticing hook for the next story, so I'm already excited for the next book in the series. This is one of those series that I will happily keep reading as long as the author keeps writing it! I highly recommend it! Barbara’s Booknalysis158 6

Hope keeps me very entertained with her mental conversations! Many times I’ve had a quiet chuckle out loud. Her interactions with the other characters can be really funny too, because there is certainly an eclectic assortment of personalities to be found in this story.

The mystery and investigation angle is also really engaging. Once I got started, I found myself looking for excuses and opportunities to read a bit more.

And what’s not to love about Ian? Crusty and tough on the outside, but marshmallow soft inside.

Special pats also for Fluffy and Rufus.

Thank you to Isa Medina for my copy of this ebook. All opinions are my own. Suzanne McNeill Taviner1,345 5

Oh dear, Hope never seems to get a break, does she? While she has got Ian to agree to run the Halloween tours at the cemetery there is something afoot in Olmeda. While Hope spends her time running all around Olmeda trying to solve the mysteries in town there are things going on right under her nose that she doesn't see.
I am really enjoying watching Hope and Ian's relationship develop, it has been going slow but with some recent revelations is this an all in or out moment?
Can't wait for the next installment on their story. Debbie Eyre4,901 98

Halloween has arrived in Olmeda and everyone is ready to celebrate. Hope is back and things are going well especially with Ian and then pentagrams start appearing and a body drops and so the investigation begins! Filled with mystery, suspense, a little action and a wonderful slow burn romance, this exciting urban fantasy draws you in from the get go. With twists and turns, some banter and a little sass, this fourth book is a great addition to this fantastic series and keeps you captivated and entertained. Trina787 4

Great series. Lots happening in this town for Halloween including someone painting pentagrams on buildings and a murder as well. Hope is enlisted to find out what is going on. With help from her friends Hope shows she is not the weak witch everyone thinks. Hard to put down as I wanted to know who it was. The slow burn romance with Ian also takes a turn but we will have to wait for the next book to see where this goes. A must read. Tara62 6

This series has everything. Mystery, mayhem and IAN ?? I ADORE Hope, I love everything about her. It's definitely a pick me up series. This book is centred on Halloween, and what a Halloween they are having. I don't want to spoil it for people, but if you want something you can lose yourself in, then pick up this series.
It's been such a honour to be able to arc this series and for Isa, I will be re reading time and time again. Caitlin D56

Another great one! I love Hope's genuine goodness and refusal to bend. In urban fantasies you often get a good moral character that is a bit corrupted when they face so many hardships and you see a decline in their character as they approach some moral grey area as they struggle to survive. Hope refuses to give in and sacrifice that goodness, and I adore her. Ian is just Ian, and I hope he stays that way Carol Stefanik193 8

all of her female characters, this one grows on you over time. Hope doesn't seem quite so hopeless these days and if Ian loves her, who wouldn't? These stories may have a little suspense and action to them but they are basically lighthearted romance. Great for killing an afternoon or lifting your mood.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I leave this review voluntarily. Kendra34 1 follower

I love this book. It is such a cute story. Each book has been better then the last. Hope continues to grow on you as a character and can't wait to see what happens with Ian. This is a slow burn mystery, that is a quick read. It made is laugh and smile while I read.
I received an ARC copy for an honest review. urban-fantasy Amy39

Poor Hope can't catch a break, she just wants to enjoy her favourite holiday and enjoy the Halloween festivities, instead someone's going round painting pentagrams around town and then dump a dead body in her shop!
I really enjoyed this cozy mystery, things hotting up for her and Ian. I can't wait to see how this plans out! Sally Antoinette23

Halloween never was this good!

What else can happen to mess up a good haunted time? Or make that a bad witch switching bodies and messing that up? Well this just answers those problems and a few more. But leaves so many unanswered ones!!! JilleenAuthor 26 books93

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