
Rival Poet de Ingela Bohm

de Ingela Bohm - Género: English
libro gratis Rival Poet


1587. A young Will Shaksper arrives in London, hoping to publish his poems. But rejection hits him hard, and he wants to give up – until he meets Kit. Dazzled and drawn in, Will is shocked to find their friendship escalate into something else – something dark and dangerous in a country where sodomy is a capital offence. When Kit finally tries to seduce him, will he be able to resist?

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Kit Marlowe and William Shakespeare are probably two of the most studied individuals in literary history. And yet, mysteries still remain. Did Marlowe write some or all of the work attributed to Will? Were they friends, collaborators, or just possibly, lovers? Was some other literary figure of the time involved? What role did Kit play, as an agent in the murky world of court politics?

Which opens up space for this lovely story, among others. In this version, Will arrives in London, peddling his poetry, hoping to make a living by his writing. Kit is already there, a rising star in the local theatre scene. They meet, and recognize a mutual spark of both genius, and attraction. And go on from there.

The details in this feel very well researched, and the setting is almost palpable. The plot and the romance move through the pages of history in such realism that it's hard to separate the author's flights of fancy from the details of known history. Kit Marlowe is a great figure - colorful, flamboyant, scandalous, beloved of and reviled by nobility up to the Queen herself. Quieter, Will orbits Kit's sun, at first. But his talent has its own rewards.

And there are other rewards to be had, with a man Kit. The romance is slow burn and low sex, but hot enough for all that, and sweet as it moves forward. The men are apart a lot, as Kit goes off mysteriously over and over. The details of the theater scene in London of the day fill the spaces.

I enjoyed this very much, right down to the last page. (Make sure you read to the last page.) I've read a couple of other stories featuring these two - this is perhaps my favorite.comfort-reread favorites historical ...more3 s Monika 2,195 33

Review also posted on http://www.wodfreview.com

I love historical romance and when I read one that is different from any other I’ve ever read I get excited. Rival Poet is just that kind of historical romance. It’s a story with familiar names and places but completely fictional characters and events. The romance is a nice slow burn with a lot of angst and a bit of mystery, it’s a story that spans decades.

The characters are well developed and very likable. I fell in love with Will and Kit their chemistry was evident from their first meeting. I actually really d all the characters in this story even Will’s school mate Dick – whose name is appropriate – what would a story be without one rotten apple in the bunch.

This story moves along at a good pace nowhere did it lag or bore me. I can’t think of one thing I didn’t or thought should have been dealt with differently but there is one thing that some readers may look at unfavorably. I won’t say what that thing is even in a spoiler you’ll know it when you read it just keep in mind the era in which this story takes place things were so different then.

Author Ingela Bohm’s descriptive words and wonderful characters had the story playing out in my mind while I read it, those kind of stories are the ones that stay with me and they don’t come along every day.

An historical novel isn’t for everyone but for those that love them and are looking for something just a little bit different Rival Poet is that novel. This is the second in the series but it works well as a stand-alone.
erotic historical men-who-love-men2 s Leta BlakeAuthor 58 books1,635

I wish they would make this into a mini series. One of my favorite reads this year. 2 s multitaskingmomma1,359 45

Original Post: Review Request & Author #Giveaway: Rival Poet by Ingela Bohm

We would to thank author Ingela Bohm for donating an ebook copy of Rival Poet, to 1 lucky commentator who gets chosen. Make sure to leave a comment below to get a free ebook copy of Rival Poet.

Giles West’s review of : Rival Poet By Ingela Bohm
My Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars

Rival Poet by Ingela Bohm is a bit difficult to review. It’s at once strange, unfamiliar, and slightly jarring throughout. But, it’s also fascinating, thought provoking and impossible to put down. My biggest problem, I must admit, is that I’m not overly familiar with the time period in question or the main characters—Shakespeare and his contemporaries. a lot of people I have read Shakespeare and seen several productions of his plays, including one in Stratford Upon Avon, but this is different. Upon starting this novel, I realized how little I actually know of the man himself. The notes by author Ingela Bohm helped put me at ease, though: “Characters and places are used fictitiously”. At that point I decided to enjoy the book as a work of fiction.

The take on William Shakespeare and his friends is certainly original and compelling. When I first heard Shakespeare referred to as Willie, it sounded suspiciously modern as did the different spelling of the last name in the beginning of the story. With a little research I discovered that the nickname Willie was indeed in use at the time and the spelling of the last name is explained well in the novel. Shakespeare’s friendships and relationships with people, including old school chums, made the bard seem real and relatable. Who hasn’t had to deal with a Dick Fields in his or her life? Read the book—you’ll find out what I’m talking about.

Details regarding both setting and clothing add a great deal to the novel. There are times I felt I could smell the streets of Elizabethan London and the waters of the Thames as well as one nastily waste-filled (but accurately described) moat. Supporting characters are also very well written. One other word came across as jarring to me in it’s modernity and that was the word “okay”. In my research I didn’t find definitive answers to the origin of the word, but most sources suggest it’s American or Native American in origin. It’s also more modern in usage—1840's and didn’t mean the same thing it does today. Not being a scholar of the period, I can’t say for absolute certainty that the word wasn’t used in Shakespeare’s day, so I’m not sure what to say. Is it jarring? Yes, it is. Does it ruin the story? No, but even if it turns out to be accurate for the period, I think another word may have sounded better. Since I’m not sure about the accuracy or inaccuracy of the word, I won’t take it into account in my final rating.

I love the colors used in the cover art. They glow and seem warm and alive. The man’s face is at least partially hidden in shadow which is good, but I still think too much is seen. He’s a handsome model and I could definitely picture him in the time period, but which character does he portray? As a reader I to picture the character’s my own way, without being prejudiced by a face on the cover. But that’s just my opinion and there are those who to see the characters completely fleshed out on covers. On a whole the cover does work. The warm colors do the job of making the book stand out and draw you in. And the model also has a look to him which makes you want to know more as well. Even the title’s script invokes the period and story, that’s a very nice touch.

This novel introduced me to a world and time I want to learn more about. It reminded me of the joys I felt reading Shakespeare’s work when I was a child. I haven’t revisited those works in quite some time, but reading Rival Poet makes me feel doing just that and more. There’s more I want to know about not just Shakespeare, but also his contemporaries. Once I’ve done that research I want to revisit this novel, as I’m sure the experience of the read will be greatly enhanced by knowing more about the times and people. When a book inspires you to learn more about a time and place, that can only be seen as a good thing. Those things and the fact that it is a finely written book by a good and talented author went into consideration in my final score.
arc historical-romance mm ...more1 Heather Law12

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