
El hombre del lago de Indridason, Arnaldur

de Indridason, Arnaldur - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis El hombre del lago


El nivel del lago Kleifarvatn ha ido bajando lentamente después de un terremoto. Al parecer, unas fisuras en el fondo están propiciando el drenaje de las aguas. Una ingeniera hidráulica está estudiando el curioso fenómeno cuando descubre un esqueleto con un agujero en el cráneo y un viejo aparato de radio, con inscripciones en ruso, usado a modo de lastre. Todo apunta a un asesinato cometido hace años. El inspector Erlendur Sveinsson se ocupa de la investigación. Los archivos de personas desaparecidas no le proporcionan datos muy fiables, aunque el caso de un grupo de brillantes estudiantes islandeses que partió, treinta años atrás, a la Alemania del Este controlada por la Stasi, a estudiar en la Universidad de Leipzig y formarse en la ideología comunista, va relacionándose con el caso. Erlendur tiene que volver a abrir expedientes cerrados y heridas mal cicatrizadas, hurgando en el pasado –la compleja situación política de Islandia durante la Guerra Fría– y el presente de las personas involucradas en los hechos. «El hombre del lago es una novela tan excepcional que trasciende los límites de su propio género… el policíaco.» LIBRARY JOURNAL

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Another murder mystery from the northlands – Iceland this time. A skeleton is revealed when a lake is naturally drained due to an earthquake. The skeleton had been weighted down by Russian radio equipment. Who can it be? Our three Icelandic detectives start investigating people who disappeared around the time of the Cold War. It turns out that several Communist-leaning Icelandic students went to study in East Germany at that time, one of whom disappeared. So quite a bit of the story takes us back to what it was to be as student at Leipzig in the 1950’s.

Another possible victim is a salesman who went missing – his ex-fiancé is still around and still kind of hoping he might still show up fifty years later.

We also follow snippets of the personal lives of the team of three detectives, two men and a woman. One is haunted by a brother lost in the snow as a boy and deals with a drug-addicted daughter.

The book, translated from the Icelandic is part of a series, of which I also read and d, The Silence of the Grave. If you’ve read this far I’ll tell you that I actually rate this story as a 4 – it’s a pretty good detective read. But I’m giving it a 3 for the lack of inventiveness of the premise, which is identical to Silence of the Grave --- a skeleton is found from 50 year ago and the three detectives go back to find everyone missing at that time and come up with four missing people, etc. --- I mean, come on! That’s really pushing your formula too far.

photo from wallpaperswide.com/iceland
detective-stories icelandic-authors mystery126 s Jeffrey KeetenAuthor 6 books250k

”’He went away, but all the same...he’ll never go away,’ she said with a sad smile playing across her lips.

‘I know,’ Erlendur said. ‘I know what you mean.’”

After an earthquake, a lake begins to disappear, revealing a skeleton with Cold War Russian technology wrapped around the neck to help it sink to the bottom of the lake bed and stay there. The pathologists determine that the skeleton is male and has been there since the 1960s. The Icelandic police department pulls all the missing person files from that era and begins interviewing the families of the missing.

I hadn’t really thought about the implications on the families of missing people when a body is found, even decades later. There is one family whose son left a suicide note and just disappeared off the face of the planet, so every time there is a body found, they are called upon for details, and this has been going on for several decades. He “killed” himself because a girl he d started dating his best friend. Yes, unbelievably painful, and young people certainly feel the pain more deeply, and think their life will never be any different than it is right now. His parent’s are long passed the grieving stages, and now are very angry and hurt that he would do this this to himself and them. With such a rash act, he changed the track of their life, made the sweet memories of him bitter, and left them wondering for the rest of their lives if there was anything they could have done different to make their son want to live. They can’t help feeling cheated. Anger, guilt, regret, and sadness weigh them down the gravity around them has changed density.

And every time a body is found that vaguely fits the time period of his disappearance, everything is dredged back up again. The parents of the missing boy are versions of Prometheus chained to the rock of their sonÂ’s suicide waiting for the police to peck out their livers every few years.

Inspector Erlendur has a special interest in missing people. When he was very young, his father and his younger brother and he were out in the wilds of Iceland and became separated. The younger brother was never found. Every few years Erlendur will take a tent and treks the mountains and moors of the area of the disappearance looking for any sign of his brother, bones or a piece of jacket or a shoe. Maybe Erlender has a part of him that still hopes that his brother will walk out of the mist of time and return to him. Without a body, there is no closure, and some people are haunted by irrational hope for the rest of their lives.

ErlanderÂ’s daughter Eva believes her father is her missing person. He was an indifferent father. A man who seeks solace in searching for missing people rather than in the comfort of a family. Lots of kids wish their parents were someone else, someone they want them to be, even parents who try to be good parents still arenÂ’t who their kids want them to be. Eva acts out, takes drugs, hits a cop who was a friend of her father. She will do anything to get his attention. Erlander is not a terrible father. He is just not a great father.

The skeleton in the lake takes us back to the Cold War and to Leipzig in Eastern Germany, where many bright Icelandic students went to study and to become socialists. The novel switches in time between the 1960s and to Erlander’s investigation in the present day. It was interesting for me to learn this connection between Eastern Germany and Iceland. It doesn’t take long for some of the students to learn that socialism on paper and socialism in practice are two different things. ”I always felt that the socialism they practiced in East Germany was a kind of sequel to Nazism. This time they were under the Russian heel, of course, but I pretty quickly got the feeling that socialism in East Germany was essentially just another kind of Nazism.”

I’m always surprised at the depth of these mysteries by Arnaldur Indridason. The books are about much more than the case. Erlendur is a tortured soul, but he is comfortable with it. He wears his unhappiness, his discontent, it is a second skin. ”He much preferred shorter days and pitch darkness to perpetual sunshine and the endless light it radiated. He did not know himself the reason for it. Did not know why he felt better in dark winters than during bright summers.” I adore sunshine. When the sun is out, it invades my most darkest thoughts and wiggles into my most deepest depressions, shining light and driving away the storm clouds of despair. Thoughts of such nature make Erlendur uncomfortable. He prefers to nurse his frustrations and his grievances. He went missing at the same time his brother did. He was found, but not completely found. It wouldn’t be right to come back without him.

I have many Erlendur novels left to read, but I was inspired to pull a novel of Iceland from the shelf by the incredible run in the UEFA Euro championships this year by the Icelandic team. I couldnÂ’t help identifying with a bunch of kids who, when they werenÂ’t working on the farm, kicked a football around. They are a small nation with only 331,872 residents by the latest Icelandic population clock reading. When they eliminated EnglandÂ’s team, one of the best financed in the world, they shocked the football world. There will be statues erected for these Vikings, each with a name ending in -son.

If you wish to see more of my most recent book and movie , visit http://www.jeffreykeeten.com
I also have a Facebook blogger page at:https://www.facebook.com/JeffreyKeeteniceland nordic-noir88 s1 comment Tim Orfanos350 36

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Y.?.2: T? '?????????' ??????????? ?????????? ??? '???????????????' ??? ??? ??? ??????!adventure crime favorites ...more34 s Labijose1,023 528

Quizás el mejor de los que he leído de Erlendur hasta la fecha. Un policíaco intercalado con una trama histórica y política, la de la República Democrática Alemana tras la segunda guerra mundial, y también con las posteriores revueltas de Hungría, que están descritas de forma magistral. Todo ello conlleva un desenlace que solo muchos años después resurgirá (nunca mejor dicho) a la superficie en forma de un cadáver aparecido en un lago, cuando este se ha desecado por causas naturales.

Indridason escribe en estas páginas el arquetipo de policíaco perfecto, tanto en extensión como en la trama y la descripción de los personajes. No hay persecuciones ni tiros. (Bueno, sólo uno al final). Tampoco hay prisas. El caso tarda varios meses en resolverse. Pero lo hace de forma sobresaliente.
27 s Hasan Mohammed164 40

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???? ??????? ??? ??? ?? ??????? ??????? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ?? (????)? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ?? ??????? ?????.18 s Kristine Brancolini195 38

Arnaldur Indridason is my new favorite mystery author. I'm reading about one book in the series each week and anticipating the next book in the series. I read other books, too, but I can't wait to get back to Indridason. The Draining Lake reminds me of Silence of the Grave in a number of ways -- all positive. This book features the discovery of a long-buried skeleton and the mystery reaches into Iceland's past. This time, the present connects to the Cold War, retelling the story of some Icelandic students who went to Leipzig, East Germany, to study in the 1950s. These were socialists who received funding to attend university and complete their "education" as young communists.

These books are so satisfying because they bring together a number of elements: outstanding writing, a plausible mystery, some sympathetic characters, and historical context. Indridason is extremely skillful in unwinding the narrative. Two narrative threads intertwine, that of Tomas, a central figure and one of the students who studied in Leipzig, and that of Inspector Erlendur, who continues to stuggle with his loneliness and his relationship with his grown children. His romantic involvement with a woman he met in the last book is a bright spot in Erlendur's life and all readers must be rooting for the two of them to find happiness.

I read many novels that are just too long. Indridason has mastered the 300-page novel. The pace is leisurely; nothing feels rushed. Yet there's no padding; I follow the author where he goes and find myself pausing to reflect from time to time. Indridason uses adjectives sparingly, but I have no trouble imagining the scenes. And although you think you have figured out the mystery, I'm always a little surprised at the end when Indridason reveals the final details.17 s Vicky Ziliaskopoulou610 107

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https://kiallovivlio.blogspot.com/16 s Sarah ~819 866

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??? ????? ?? ??????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ????? ????????? ..
???? ???? ?? ???? ???????? ?? ????? ????? ..2015 crime favorites ...more13 s Roz677 203

This was quite boring. 2018 mystery-thriller13 s Steve Payne350 30

Iceland. Detective Erlendur is called in to investigate a body that is discovered in a partially dried up lake.

IÂ’ve enjoyed almost all of this consistent series, but for me this is easily the weakest. I found it patchy, with lots of telling of things which happened long ago but precious little happening in the now. At times I had little sense of place and characterisation, making it come across as simply names talking at each other. For me it lacked a sense of atmosphere, tension and narrative flow.

‘Hypothermia’ and ‘The Shadow District’ remain my favourite books by this author.crime nordic-noir thriller12 s ????? ?????????Author 6 books157

3,5/5 ?????????.scandinavian-literature11 s Amos695 183

With each book this series rises higher on my favorites list. Nothing much happens in each story with the exception of the main characters gradually becoming fully fleshed out individuals, warts and all, which brings realistic weight and meaning to each tales slow burning mystery.

4 Fabulous Stars10 s Bonnie Brody1,218 199

I am smitten with this Icelandic mystery series. Detective Erlandur is the most empathetic, eccentric and unique protagonist that I've met in a suspense novel. With his family baggage, his ever deepening interests in obscure aspects of a case, and steadfast honesty, he creates the backbone for Arnaldur Indridason's novels.

In this novel, the reader is first met with a skeleton discovered in a lake whose surface level has been shrinking over the years. It is determined that the skeleton is several decades old and, even more interestingly, he is tied to a Soviet listening device. Who is this man and what brought him to his demise?

As Erlandur and his team look at the missing persons' reports from the Cold War era, they discover a lot about Iceland they were unaware of. Iceland, though far from the madding crowd, had its share of spies. Several Icelanders even found their way to university in East Germany in the late 1950's and 1960's. As each of the missing persons, or their survivors, are contacted, several story lines begin to take shape. There is the woman whose partner never returned. His car was left at a bus station and, interestingly for Erlandur, its hubcap is missing. Erlandur fixates on this car and its missing hubcap white on snow. Despite it being tangential to the case at hand, he finds it fascinating that the hubcap is gone. Some of the chapters are about what life was in Leipzig when the Icelandic students traveled there for their studies. While some of them challenged their own socialist and communist beliefs, others were enamored of the Stasi.

As the case progresses, we being to learn more about the personal lives of Erlandur and his colleagues. His female colleague Elinborg is a good cook and loves to be with her family. Sigurdur Oli has been dealing with late night calls from a man whose wife was killed in a freak automobile accident and blames himself even though he wasn't even there. Erlandur himself continues to worry about his two children, especially Eva Lind, who is back on drugs and missing in action. He has begun to get more serious with Valgurdur, the woman he met in a previous book. She has decided to leave her husband and Erlandur is confused about how to navigate this relationship despite having very strong feelings for her.

This novel is many faceted. To call it just a mystery is to do it injustice despite the case that mysteries are at the heart of it. As is usual, it is a missing person who Erlandur can't get out of his mind. What keeps me glued to the pages is the literary quality of the writing, the deep understanding of human nature that is portrayed, and the quality of the narrative.
9 s Nancy Oakes1,965 784

The story behind Erlendur's Draining Lake investigation begins not with the discovery of bones in a lake bed, but in the 1950s in Leipzig. At that time it was part of the GDR, and students were being recruited to come to the university there to study. Some Icelandic socialist students were part of the recruitment effort -- but many discovered that there was a catch to their free education once they had been there for a while. Flashforward to the present, where a hydrologist examining a lake bed finds bones half buried there and calls police. As it turns out, the body was tied down with an old Soviet listening device, starting Erlendur and his team on an investigation that will take them back to the Cold War years. With very few clues to go on, including the identity of the dead man, Erlendur and his team have their work cut out for them. In the meantime, there's a few hitches in Erlendur's life: seriously drug-addicted daughter Eva Lind has runaway again, and while he's busy worrying about her, his long-estranged son Sindri shows up.

Indridason's writing is excellent, as always, and the fleshed-out back story of the students' years in Leipzig is a nice glimpse into the pitfalls of overzealous idealism. Erlendur is a character who has since the outset of this series been portrayed as very human, with real-life problems that don't seem to ever be resolved. The author is able to inject a bit of wry humor into his writing which is often dark and depressing -- there are no warm fuzzies or nice touchy-feely happy endings where everyone goes home happy and satisfied in this series. If that's what you're looking for, then pass on these novels.

The Draining Lake is not my favorite of Indridason's novels, but it was still a great read. He continues to follow his pattern of the past's connection to the present, which is one of my favorite motifs in a mystery novel. The book is well written, and my only criticism is that at times things seemed to move very slow. But I still very highly recommend not only this book, but the entire series. You'll want to start with the first book in translation, Jar City, and make your way through all of the books before coming to this one if you want the best reading experience. People who enjoy Scandinavian crime novels will want to read this one, as will people looking for a good mystery novel in general.
crime-fiction-scandinavia9 s Mohikanos156 22

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I don't why I picked this book. Sometimes I walk past the library shelves in Fiction and just pick one up. If I the cover (I know - so scientific), I'll read it.
So, begins why I had this book. It's written by an Icelandic writer, Arnaldur Indridason and it was translated into English. On my last horrid plane ride with one stop (3 hours that took 10 hours), I met a man from Iceland one a stopover in Phoenix - he and a friend were on their way to a dinner in Taos - he was Wiccan - He wore a long black cape and he immediately sat down next to me. So I thought I'd give this book a read in his honor.
It was interesting to get used to the names. I learned a lot about Iceland and its culture in war-time when both the United States and Russia were spying in the region. It was a good story - well written and mysteries abound. It kept my interest and I think I will look for other books by the author.
8 s Irene491 97

No sé porque Pero Es de las historias de Indridasson con la que más me ha costado conectar. El suspense impecable como siempre, Pero los acontecimentos históricos narran el periodo de la RDA, algo predecible el final, Pero no por ello mal elaborado. El cambio del protagonista está muy bien perfilado.
8 s ????? ?54 15

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20157 s Jim240 5

Excellent story, involves the cold war in E. Germany and betrayal that comes to light some 60 years earlier. Reminds me of a Henning Mankell novel. Erlendur is somewhat Wallander.7 s Meltem Sa?lamAuthor 1 book107

Detektif Erlendur’un ?u ana kadar okuduklar?m aras?nda en be?endi?im maceras? bu oldu. Bunda, So?uk Sava? döneminde ya?anan baz? olaylar?n anlat?lmas?n?n da etkisi var.

Çevirisi güzel ve ak?c?. Kurgu ve hikaye ile karakterleri de çok be?eniyorum.

Yazar?n Türkçeye çevrilmi? tüm eserlerini okudum. Kitaplar her ne kadar birbirinden ba??ms?z olsa ve ana olaylar birbirini takip etmese de, detektif Erlandur’un özel hayat? ile ilgili baz? detaylar devaml?l?k olu?turdu?undan, serinin orijinal yay?nlanma s?ras?na göre okunmas?n? öneririm.

Serinin ana karakteri dedektif Erlandur ve ekibini, olaylar?n geçti?i mekan?, ve ortam?, her kitab?n içerdi?i farkl? mesaj ile hikayelerini, kitaplar?n kurgusunu, plan?n? ve anlat?m tarz?n? çok be?endim.

Erlandur’un, sadece çözmü? oldu?u davalara yakla??m?n? de?il, aile ili?kilerindeki özele?tiriyi, de?i?im çabas?n? ve yeniden kurulmaya çal???lan ili?kilerini de sevdim.

Kitaplar?n -biri hariç (S?rlar ?ehri)- çevirileri güzel ve ak?c?. 6 s Mark Hartzer290 4

You don't have to read Indridason's books in order because the author does not require a linear progression from one novel to the next. That's good because it is not always easy to find his books at the library, so I read them whenever I happen to find one on the shelf.

Inspector Erlandur reappears to good effect here, and we get a little more detail on his broken relationships with his estranged children. A recent earthquake has caused a glacial lake to lose enough water (draining away) to expose a corpse tied to some cold war radio machinery of ly Russian origin. I really enjoyed the background on such diverse topics as the 1956 Hungarian revolution and the East German Stasi. It was a chilling present day reminder that noted scumbag and KGB stooge, Vlad Putin, was a Stasi functionary stationed in Dresden.

Anyway, another excellent tale by Indridason where it is very difficult to discern the murderer until the end of the book. Not quite as good as "The Bell Jar", but very good regardless.6 s kostas vamvoukakis424 12

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The un-charasmatic but always engaging Detective Erlandur works a cold case on an exposed volcanic lake bed identifying the remains of someone who might have been murdered years ago. Interestingly, the skeleton was wrapped in an obsolete Russian listening device. This very cold case finds Erlandur and Co. tracing socialist Icelandic students studying in the police state of East Germany in the post war period for possible connections. A very complex, dynamic plot structure kept me turning pages in this outstanding Scandinavian mystery.

What really attracts me to Erlandur and keeps me grounded in Arnaldur Indridason's Iceland is his humility, integrity and humanity. He's not tall, dark and handsome his colleague Sigurdur Oli. He doesn't dress well and is somewhat an introvert but his apartment is filled with bookcases. He courageously soldiers on day after miserable day following leads in his cases while at the same time dealing with his heroin addicted daughter and the guilt of losing his younger brother in a blizzard when they were children. All he really has is his job as a detective which he does in subtly brilliant fashion but in considerable psychic pain. He is an unforgettable protagonist I and admire and strangely enough, find uplifting. 6 s Ângela Costa271 10

Diferente dos dois anteriores que li, mas mantendo a mesma qualidade. Arnaldur, surpreendeu-me com o seu livro "Laços de Sangue", desde logo fiquei com a sensação que seria um autor a seguir e não me enganei..."O Mistério do Lago" encheu-me completamente as medidas, proporcionando-me uma agradável e surpreendente leitura. Fico aguardar o próximo!6 s Asser elnokaly372 40

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Curieux de lire les commentaires après avoir rédigé le mien. Pas sûr d'un emballement collectif. Personnellement, tous les ingrédients pour me séduire. L'Islande, bien sûr, le pays qui m'a carrément subjugué dans mes dérives (pour le job) à travers les 5 continents. Même si peu évoquée dans ce roman.
Sobre et subtile analyse d'un phénomène qui m'a passionné, investi (souvent expulsé de cette europe centrale), l'innommable asservissement de 7 (6 si on exclut l'Albanie, plus alignée sur la grande démocratie chinoise) pays à l'Union soviétique (merci Roosevelt, 290 de tension artérielle, mort en fauteuil roulant, bradeur de l'Europe face au cynique Staline) sous la couverture, le déguisement, du socialisme (qui a vraiment fait progressé l'humanité) mais baptisé communisme, soit l'hypocrisie d'une dictature d'une petite nomenklatura asservissant 95% des populations grâce à un truc génial: tout le monde épie tout le monde! Et ça a fonctionné de 1917 à 1989, cette fabuleuse mystification.
Arnaldur, fils de Indrida, décortique sans état d'âme ce dysfonctionnement, dans un lieu symbolique, Leipzig (quelques Islandais dans le décor, quand même), en RDA, l'un des 2 satellites (avec la Bulgarie) de l'Union Soviétique les plus totalitaires, répressifs et policiers de l'histoire de l'Europe.
L'investissement d'Erlendur, le flic des meurtres anciens, est ici juste prétexte à l'envie d'Indridason de décortiquer l'ombre la plus noire de notre histoire europénne moderne... Mais je comprendrais que cela ne passionne pas tout le monde, je suis certain que l'auteur en était conscient...arnaldur-indridason zzz-p5 s Silvia234 32

Ogni tanto un giallo ben fatto fa piacere.

Questo è il classico giallo all'interno di una serie: c'è un investigatore protagonista, di cui veniamo a sapere alcune cose ma presumibilmente non tutte perché (immagino) i dettagli della sua vita saranno svelati un po' per volta nel corso della serie. Ci sono dei comprimari leggermente meno approfonditi, ma che comunque non sono solo macchiette. C'è un delitto e un mistero.
Ci sono tutti gli indizi per arrivare alla conclusione appena prima di Elendur, ma non così tanto prima da far sembrare il tutto banale e scontato.
C'è un punto in cui pensi di aver capito e poi ti accorgi che invece no.
Ma ci sono anche due linee temporali ben distinte e due narrazioni parallele: una in Islanda più o meno a inizio anni 2000, una a Lipsia negli anni '50. Uno spaccato sociale di cos'era la Germania Est negli anni '50 (tra Stasi, ideali socialisti, controllo reciproco e movimenti dissidenti), una velata storia di spionaggio sullo sfondo della guerra fredda, un amore, un crimine, personaggi sofferenti e una risoluzione che non riesce davvero a mettere fine a quel dolore.

Un pageturner che fa egregiamente il suo lavoro e tiene buona compagnia per lo spazio di un weekend.
Forse non 4 stelle piene, ma quasi.

5 s Viencienta353 101

Se me ha hecho muy ameno, pese a que yo huyo de todo lo que huela a guerra fría y espías, no es mi género. Que tristeza de todo, no se salva nada y puede que nadie. Aquí todos pierden. Los personajes geniales, los tengo instalados conmigo y no dan guerra, se quedan.5 s ????101 9

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