
Fuoco cammina con me de Ilona Andrews

de Ilona Andrews - Género: Italian
libro gratis Fuoco cammina con me


Nevada Baylor è alle prese con il caso più rischioso della sua carriera di detective privato e questa volta non è affatto sicura di uscirne viva. Il suo bersaglio è Adam Pierce, un pirocinetico capace di sciogliere un metro cubo di acciaio in meno di un minuto. A complicare la situazione, nella vita di Nevada compare Connor "Mad" Rogan, un altro mago di primo livello, noto per i suoi straordinari poteri di telecinesi. Entrambi sospettano che Pierce sia responsabile di alcuni incendi dolosi divampati in città ed entrambi sanno di aver bisogno dell'aiuto l'uno dell'altra per catturarlo. Quello che ancora ignorano è che l'amore può essere più pericoloso della morte quando si tratta di magia. Serie: "Hidden Legacy" - Vol. 1

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You'd think with all the bestsellers they have, they'd be able to get some decent covers for their books. Don't get me wrong. I love their writing, but I'm embarrassed to hold these books in the street. 1,608 s2 comments Jessica ? ? Silverbow ? ? 1,273 8,825

Reviewed by: Rabid Reads

For those of you who have been living under a rock don’t already know, Ilona Andrews is my F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E.

Has been since I first read Magic Bites five or six years ago. After I binge-read all the available Kate books, I moved onto The Edge which I also loved, and knowing that the Ilona love was not a fluke, the internet stalking began, in which I discovered the Curran POV Collection and Kinsmen sci-fi short stories, etc.

And the Andrews, have never, not once, let me down.

BURN FOR ME, the first installment of the HIDDEN LEGACY series, takes place in a world where a few hundred years ago a serum was discovered that could awaken a myriad of different types of magic in humans. Eventually the serum was destroyed, but the damage had already been done, and the newly awakened magical gifts were passed on genetically. Fast forward to the present, and the highly magical families guard their bloodlines the same way the real world Western European blue bloods do.

Enter Nevada Baylor, who at 25 has had the responsibility of keeping the family PI business afloat since her father died of cancer six years ago.

The family PI business whose mortgage was sold to one of the Big Deal magical families in order to pay the medical bills. The family PI business the Big Deal magical family is offering up as a sacrificial lamb when our story begins.

Baylor Investigative Agency looks great on paper, you see, and Montgomery International Investigations (MII) has been asked by another Big Deal magical family to bring in their prodigal son, a Prime (the highest level of magic user) pyro(FIRE)kinetic, who just recently burnt up a bank, which resulted in the death of a cop amongst other things. MII, being unable to refuse such a request without risking unpleasantness, weighed the risks, deemed an honest attempt too expensive, and decided to make use of the clause in the mortgage agreement that allows them to contract out Nevada’s services.

If she refuses, she breaks the contract, and the business is forfeit. If she fails, she breaks the contract, and the business is forfeit. If she dies, MII gets to recoup their loses, and the business is forfeit.

And this was the point where I shrieked my vicarious RAGE and scared the crap out of my cat. Seriously. He sat on the floor in front of the bed for the rest of the day. Wouldn’t come near me . . .

Such was the level of emotion the book was able to pull out of me, and that was in the first 8%.

That’s one of my favorite things about the Andrews—their ability to create instantly likable and/or interesting characters. Slews of them. Nevada is a perfect example of this. She’s snarky and fantastic, so much so that you don’t mind or begrudge her her super special snowflake status.

Nevada’s family is the “slew,” her grandmother especially is a hoot, and then there’s Mad Rogan . . .

Mad Rogan, a Prime with off-the-charts magical abilities . . . Mad Rogan, the wealthy and powerful head of House Rogan . . . Mad Rogan, pure sex walking around on two legs . . .

Mad Rogan, the borderline sociopath.

Yes, you heard me: SOCIOPATH.

I can only hope more is revealed in future installments to make him a more sympathetic character, b/c, right now, Mad Rogan is my only real issue with this book.

Oh, there was also some slight disbelief with the Big Reveal at the very end, but that was small potatoes. Mad Rogan, on the other hand . . . he’s downright scary. Ted Bundy scary. And I can see Nevada being hot for him, but eventually in love with him . . . ? As it stands, she should run screaming, in the opposite direction.

Literally Mad Rogan aside, Burn for Me is positively delightful. The world-building is fresh and original. The characters are hilarious, and the sense of family will give you the warm-fuzzies. Those of you who stalk follow the Andrews I do will particularly enjoy a scenario with Nevada’s high school-aged sisters that very closely resembled something that happened with one of their daughters—the pen is mightier than the high school coach. *wink* Overall, an excellent start to a wonderful new series. Nevada Baylor is now second to only Kate Daniels. Highly recommended.

And if you're interested, you can find my interview with the Andrews about this book here .

My other for this series:

White Hot (Hidden Legacy, #2)
Wildfire (Hidden Legacy, #3) edelweiss favorite-secondary-characters jerk-of-my-dreams ...more332 s1 comment ?? Sarah ?? (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans)2,417 7,685

? And the moral of this rerererererererererereread is : I don't understand why everyone is so desperately looking for a covid-19 vaccine right now, when they could just call The Butcher of Merida for help. I mean, I'm pretty sure Rogan would make the pesky virus go "splat!" Peaches-style in less time than it takes to say "unleash the murderous crustaceans" and stuff.

I have the best ideas, I know.

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