
Junkyard Dog de Hunter, Bijou

de Hunter, Bijou - Género: English
libro gratis Junkyard Dog


Overview: I like hearts, flowers, butterflies, puppies, kitten-shaped clouds, and unicorns with rainbows shooting from their asses. I support love and peace. I also like cutting in lines and stealing candy from babies. Wait, did I write that last part out loud? Oops.

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3.5 Stars!!

“Prepare myself?” I ask, laughing. “Do you mean with yoga or stretching techniques to prepare for your massive… What’s a classy word for penis? Ooh, I know, I’ll call it a super, big humdinger.”

Bijou Hunter delivered a fast-paced enjoyable read with two of the most entertaining characters I’ve read in a while. 'Junkyard Dog' was my first read by this author, but it won’t be my last. Low in angst and drama, this gem tells the story of Candy, a single mother who recently moved in town with her two young twins. Needless to say she needs a job. When she finds out the asshole who rules the small town, Angus Hayes needs an assistance she’s all in. Candy can deal with any kind of asshole, because unfortunately Hayes is not the first she met.

“So are you married? Dating anyone serious? Have a few baby mamas around town?”
“I don’t believe women are my equals so I will never be in a serious relationship with one of them.”

Hayes is an angry, mean bastard who treats everyone in a very despicable way. But Candy is not afraid of him. She gives as good as she gets, not batting an eye on his insults or his "eccentric" personality. Hayes is aware of the fact Candy is a beautiful woman, so he knows the men in town will circle her sharks. It goes without saying he has to be the man for her, after all he runs the world town.

Candy is attracted to Hayes too, so she doesn’t try very hard to stay away from him, even if he is her boos. As much as she wants him, she can’t forget Hayes doesn’t exactly care about "her baggag"....I mean her children.

What an entertaining read this one turned out to be. 'Junkyard Dog' was so different from any boss-employee romance books I’ve read so far. Mainly because the two MC were…different, a little weird maybe and also smart-mouthed. The story is told from both MC’s perspective and I really enjoyed this aspect. I had a blast being in these two characters’ heads. The story line was nice enough, but personally I would have preferred something more – more drama or/and angst, action, excitement…something.

Both MC were vividly portrayed and so, so engaging. Our, hero, Hayes is a badass. A grouchy, pain in the a$$ man who most of time was an angry, intimidating, irritating prick. I’m not sure everyone will this kind of hero and I have to admit it took me a while to warm up to him. I said he is a bada$$, but he isn't a bad man. Sure, he is demanding and possessive, selfish and I mentioned above irritating as f@ck, but he also is sweet, and caring.

“Sooner or later, this is happening,” he says, studying me. “You best prepare yourself.”
“Prepare myself?” I ask, laughing. “Do you mean with yoga or stretching techniques to prepare for your massive… What’s a classy word for penis? Ooh, I know, I’ll call it a super, big humdinger.”

Candy is Hayes’s female version. She is his perfect match in every damn way. I really d her character. Such a sassy, fun and entertaining heroine. From the beginning she gives as good as she gets and I really enjoyed this fact. She’s strong, a great mother to her twins and she can handle everything and anyone. In other words she is a bada$$ as well. From the moment Candy meets Hayes she makes sure he understands she will never be his bimbo or his next doormat and she does it in such a witty way.

“I wish you were a bitch,” I mutter. “I wish you were a horrible fucking cunt so that I could hate you.”
“I sometimes wish you were ugly, so I wouldn’t want to touch you.”

Hayes and Candy’s relationship was unusual to say the least. Don’t expect for them to be that silly foolish, over sentimental couple who fall instantly for each other and live happily ever after. No, no… I previously mentioned, they were entertaining and everything, but never too sweet. I absolutely loved the back and forth between them. I had so much fun reading their interactions.

“Be nice to me,” I tell the dick while my hand slides along its length. “I’m the sweet lady attached to the vagina you enjoy pounding.”

Overall, this was an enjoyable read, but I have to say there were some OTT scenes/moments that didn’t sit well with me. That being said, I recommend this one if you are looking for a different boss-employee romance novel with fun main and supporting characters and witty dialogue. romantic-comedy129 s Dilek VT1,545 1,486

I am rarely at a loss for words and this is one of those times. I really don’t know how to describe this book. It is weird as f*ck but still very entertaining with two unusual characters as the hero and the heroine.

This is probably a book that should not be considered as romance but as the crazy and fun relationship of an anti-hero and an anti-heroine.

This is definitely not a book for everyone. So be forewarned. At the end of my review, there will be lots of quotations to give you a clear example of what you will be dealing with if you dive into this book :)

Our hero is a rude, selfish, people-hating jerk, who yells at everyone around. He is always angry and intimidating. No assistant can stand him for more than a few weeks.

All the towns people fear him and he owns the control of the town. He achieved what motorcycle clubs do all by himself, staking and claiming his territory. He is known to be a ruthless and fearless guy. He has his hands in all the businesses, thus eliminating competition in the town. He has a big house and a big dog but he invites no one to his house. Not even his father.

Sounds unlikable, huh?


And the heroine is a selfish woman who is sassy, mouthy, feisty, snarky, sarcastic, bitchy and independent. She is a single mother to twins – one boy one girl. She is anti-social and cold to many people. She has given her heart only to her children.

I learned long ago not to give a flying fuck what strangers thought about me. Hell, I only mildly care what my friends think. Life is too short to stress others’ opinions.

Candy comes from a long line of victims as far as her family is concerned. The bad judgement of her family members led them to miserable lives. They always picked the worst abusers who wore them out physically and emotionally. Her mother committed suicide. Her brother was murdered by a woman. Her sister is being abused by her husband all the time. Now she is determined to break the mold and tries hard to avoid ending up being as despondent and self-destructive as her other family members.

Candy has never believed in love and romance. After a few unpleasant experiences, she decides that sex is overrated so she focuses on other things. She finds an opportunity at landing a rich guy as a husband, gets pregnant despite knowing he didn’t want kids and now as a divorced widow, she feels happy knowing that she succeeded at providing her children a good future thanks to the money coming from her ex-husband.

Yeah, well, this is our heroine.
Again, sounds unlikable, huh?


Well, as you see they both have traits and actions that should make you quickly dis them and their story but nope, the opposite happens. The writer does some hocus-pocus and these characters get under your skin
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