
The Grid de Hunsicker, Harry

de Hunsicker, Harry - Género: English
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A former federal law enforcement contractor with a somewhat spotty record, Jon Cantrell has seen?and done?just about everything. Now he?s a sheriff, keeping the peace in small-town Texas. He thought that he?d finally settled into a quiet, less-complicated life?until his deputy gets himself murdered. Soon Cantrell?s search for the killer points to an online-dating site designed for extramarital affairs and to a woman who may have been the unfortunate deputy?s last date.

Meanwhile, someone is staging a series of seemingly random attacks on the regional power grid, and Cantrell is reluctantly pulled back into the federal fray when he accepts an off-the-books assignment to uncover the culprit. With the power company and the feds impatient for an arrest?and clues in his deputy?s case pointing to something more sinister?Cantrell must run parallel, conflicting investigations. But will he find what he?s looking for? Or is he about to take a fall?


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The Grid has true Texas characters and engaging backstory as the protagonist struggles with an absent wife and daughter. The antagonists are suitably depraved although unfortunately, the daily news has raised the bar on this characteristic.

But The Grid sparkles with spot-on descriptions ("Cops see crazy all the time, the base level for about half the people on the streets.) Location descriptions--from an author who's a real estate expert--are perfect throughout.

The Grid also features inside references so cherished by locals ("traffic is thick on Gaston Avenue," and " Enron but without the scandal and ruined lives" and "We're not in the South. We're in Texas.") The action moves along well, as it does in all Hunsicker novels, though Cantrell is more contemplative than in previous books.

Highly recommended.10 s Charles Dee Mitchell854 64

I have read that publishers don’t even want to talk to thriller writers unless they commit to a series. Jon Cantrell has now in three books, but Hunsicker, his creator, undermines the series aspect by giving him a different job in each outing. Cantrell has been a DEA agent, a cop, and a more-or-less legal employee of a law firm that goes after those who have taken out but screwed up a government contract.

In The Grid, Cantrell, having taken a fall for his previous employer, is now a sheriff in central Texas. When the book opens, he is tracking down a coke-addicted, wife-beating deputy. But this man has just been shot dead in a motel room during a sexual encounter set up over the internet. Cantrell barely begins his investigation when he is pulled away and made a federal agent to help solve what might have been a terrorist attack on an area power plant. This is what Hunsicker s to do – put lots of things in motion, bring in many characters, and send Cantrell running from one plot to the other.

Chapters alternate between Cantrell’s first person narration and third person accounts of the lives of two spectacularly damaged yet absolutely unsympathetic human beings. Some developments may be predictable, but there are plenty of twists, entertaining minor characters, and a convincing view of how a major federal investigation proceeds. If things slow down for a minute, Hunsicker usually has a dependable solution. Kill somebody or blow something up
crime2 s John RogersAuthor 4 books8

This book taught me a lot about the value of plot and movement. The story rips along and pulls the reader, sometimes kicking and screaming, through unly situations, writing that includes great lines and novice mistakes and random violence. In short, it's a great airline read.mystery-thriller1 Debbie1,751 101

4.5 stars

This one was even better than the first one. I still haven't read the second one yet. Shame on me. This one has got two story lines going on that are tied together by a gun that was used in a cold case that is about 30 years old.

The story takes off during chapter one when a deputy is killed during a nympho's meeting with a john and it does not let up. I am thinking that Harry Hunsicker is now on my list of favorite author's. His books (well the two that I have read) are action packed and page turning inasmuch as you don't want to put them down. The characters are able, well except for one and he won't be seen in any future pages. The stories are believable and will have you sitting on the edge of your seat.

I would to thank Amazon Publishing and Net Galley for allowing me the chance to read and review this free e-galley in exchange for an honest review.ebooks net-galley-books1 Viccy2,068 4

Jon Cantrell is trying to get his life back in order. After a stint as a Dallas police officer and a contractor for the DEA, Jon is sheriff in Peterson County, south of Waco. A small fly in the ointment, his partner, Piper, as disappeared with their daughter, Elizabeth. When a power station is taken off the grid by an act of sabotage, Jon is hired to work for the Feds again. What he really wants to do is pursue the person who murdered one of his deputies. The two cases come crashing together in an unexpected collision.crime-fiction1 Tulay1,202 2

Worth reading.

Read this series because it takes place in Texas, places I know. Well written story about small town Texas sheriff. His personal life and his job runs parallel but comes together at the end. Read all three books in this series, looking forward for the fourth one.1 Lorlee1,133 2

A little over the top.

A crazy woman kills the deputy -- she is a spoiled rich kid with issues whose brother has as well. She kills a few more people to cover up her trail. Meanwhile someone is attacking the grid -- turns out to be the brother who is angry that the grandfather backed the young owner who happens to be the sister's husband. The sheriff -- who has a past -- has to put it all together.

Too many over the top characters. The FERC employee and the woman TX Ranger are the only sane ones and the FERC employee is killed.

While it all tied up nicely --just a bit too much. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review louise dobbie3

New to Jon cantrell

Just found Harry hunsicker, and am really liking his portrayal of Dallas and it's inhabitants, even although the world he portrays is really bleak, soul destroying, amoral and violent, he lets just a few drops of human kindness spill into his pages, which convinces me that his stories might well be based on factual incidents dressed up as fiction. Good strong stories though and I'll keep reading this author Thomas522 5

An enjoyable end to the series (so far), a much better plot and cast of characters than the previous book.

I would happily read more of this series but find it a wee bit less enjoyable than the Arlo Baines series.

Not bad for a freebie on Kindle Unlimited.kindle-unlimited Kay M129 1 follower

Great story well told

I d this book the best of the three in the series. The characters were just as interesting and the plot was a whole lot better with various threads to be sorted through and untied to see how they all related or not. Brian41

I really enjoy Harry Hunsicker stories. He writes good thrilling suspenseful action stories but the characters are what makes them great. And this is another good one. Lonnie Kennedy20

Ok book

This book held my interest. It ended well. The story line was pretty good. I read the series. My only problem now is what to read next. Kim Perron474 2

Good popular fictionnot-in-library A Reader's Heaven1,592 28

(I received a free copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.)

A former federal law enforcement contractor with a somewhat spotty record, Jon Cantrell has seen—and done—just about everything. Now he’s a sheriff, keeping the peace in small-town Texas. He thought that he’d finally settled into a quiet, less-complicated life—until his deputy gets himself murdered. Soon Cantrell’s search for the killer points to an online-dating site designed for extramarital affairs and to a woman who may have been the unfortunate deputy’s last date.
Meanwhile, someone is staging a series of seemingly random attacks on the regional power grid, and Cantrell is reluctantly pulled back into the federal fray when he accepts an off-the-books assignment to uncover the culprit. With the power company and the feds impatient for an arrest—and clues in his deputy’s case pointing to something more sinister—Cantrell must run parallel, conflicting investigations. But will he find what he’s looking for? Or is he about to take a fall?

This is the third book in the Jon Cantrell series. It is the only one I have read but I think it certainly would have added an extra dimension to the story if I had read the previous installments.

I need to say right from the outset that I really do Jon Cantrell. There is a little Harry Bosch, a little Jack Reacher and a little Jason Bourne. And that is a great mix. He is a "hero" that we can get behind as readers.

The plot itself was very cool...except for the changes between first person narrative to third person accounts. That was odd. But, overall, the plot and pacing were very good and held my interest for the whole of the book - even the ending made sense to me!

I do recommend this book - and, if this is how the series is, check all the Jon Cantrell books out!

ARHaction-adventure contemporary mystery ...more HornFan2 722 42

Thanks to netgalley.com, Harry Hunsicker and Thomas & Mercer for the advance ARC for my review.

Absolutely fabulous, from the first paragraph were you introduce to Sarah this one just takes off and Mr. Hunsicker just never lets up.

Giving the reader a wicked fast pace thriller, with intertwined storylines, police procedural, with multiple agencies involved, full of twists and turners and takes place in Peterson County, Texas.

I really the Jon Cantrell character, he's tough, has a heart with how he misses Piper and Elizabeth and seems to get in trouble with his jobs.

Sarah's character is masterfully pulled off, she's really complex, able yet you don't and up till the ending really makes the storyline work.

This is a must read!!! Since you have intertwining storylines that all comeback together to one family, the author brings his characters to life, full of twists and turns, while it's predictable he still keeps you engrossed in the action and wanting to read it.

While this was my first read from Harry Hunsicker and his Jon Cantrell series. I did have the first two books in the series buried on my Kindle and most definitely will be reading them.

I feel this book breaks new ground in the Police Procedural genre, along with the Mystery thriller genre by having multiple stories that intertwine around the grandkids of the King of the Red River, it's realistic, believable and better than Eeny Meeny. action-adventure crime-thriller favorite-author ...more patrick Lorelli3,383 29

the other book that I read there are multiple story-lines running through this book also. Now Jon Cantrell who was fired in the last book is hired as a sheriff in a small county in Texas and while a murder happened, along with a power outage he is still trying to find his former wife and daughter. With the murder investigation going on a government team shows up at his office wanting him to work for them and figure out why the power plant in his county was shot up. For a man who has been fired by the Government, police of Dallas. He sure does come to their rescue so why fire him? the other book the person who killed the deputy is a separate part of the story and whole other story all together and that is even crazier but at times more believable than the power grid. Not saying can’t take it out but I doubt they would come and ask for help from one guy. Just saying. The crazy chick who is killing people that part of the book made sense. Not a bad story, I did it better than the other book. Igot this book from net galley. suspense Bill362

Jon Cantrell is now a backwater town Texas sheriff upholding the law in his unique way. Trying to wind down from his time as a federal law enforcement contractor--and life or death situations--Jon had hoped his new position would be a piece of cake dealing with drunks, punks, and other minor enforcement matters. But his corrupt and brutal deputy--who the town commissioners were about to fire--ends up dead and Jon and the Texas Rangers set off to find his murderer. This leads Jon into a federal case of domestic terrorism against the Texas state electrical grid, encounters with a wealthy family's dysfunctional and evil adult children, and a cat and mouse game with his female partner, Piper, and their newly born daughter, Elizabeth.

All in all a page turner with atmospheric small town Texas playing a leading role.

first-reads Kirk Alter29 2

A solid three...

This is an easy reading thriller. I picked it up because of the title...The Grid...I'm interested in alternative energy, smart grid, etc. , and was amused to see a thriller with this theme.

The author almost lost me in the first few small chapters with his use of dialog. Especially egregious was his use of "po po," I mean come on, the author is an older, white man (no offense), and his character's use of that dialog was out of place. Was this the author attempting to be "hip" or relevant? It didn't work...sounded contrived, and frankly, stupid.

I stuck with it, though, and his earlier lapse ended up an anomaly. The remainder of the book avoided trite dialog, the characters were reasonably developed, and the story was entertaining.
Sheryl427 114

I would to thank Thomas and Mercer Publishing and Netgalley for providing me this book for my honest review.

I've been a long time fan of Mr. Hunsicker and I really enjoyed his first Lee Oswald series and this one is no different. I've already read the first two the Jon Contrell thrillers they were fantastic so I was more than happy to read this one.

I have to say that this one is my favorite of the Jon Cantrell series because it's has some crazy twists and turns. When you start reading it you can't stop. It's a fantastic read and I look forward to reading more about Jon Cantrell. mystery-series Nicki1,464 8

I was a bit disappointed. The book was too predictable. If I had read this book first I probably would have giving it a better review. But I read The Contractors first. It was so good I expected this book to be written up to that same standard. But it wasn't. The book felt full of severely flawed characters. Jon Cantrell seems to be the only honest well rounded person. The bad guys were obvious early in the book so the ending was no surprise.

I got this book free on Net Galley in exchange for an honest opinion. Diane Hernandez2,268 35

More of a police procedural than a mystery since it is obvious who the villains are. This novel kept me reading to determine how the bad guys were caught (similar to Columbo). I d Jon, the series' lead, so I'll look for the previous 2 books in the series even though reading them out of order probably let quite a few spoilers out of the bag.

I received this book in a Goodreads giveaway but that did not impact my review.first-reads Donna Wetzel391 27

Thank you Goodreads for the book The Grid by Harry Hunsicker. This is the second book I've read from this author. I enjoy his writing style very much. This story was fast moving and interesting. Much of the book defied believability however so I couldn't give it 4 stars. Still, if you are looking for a beach read or a quick read that is fun, I recommend this book.first-reads Kathy182 21

Disclaimer: I won this book on Goodreads.

This is a twisty, easy-to-read mystery. The main evil-doer was quite brutal. I the main good character, who is recurring. I have not read any previous books about Jon Cantrell, but that was not a problem. My only problem with the book is what happened to Elizabeth. I hope that situation is resolved soon. natalie318 4

When I started this book, I wasn't too sure if I'd it or not. I ended up loving it! As much as I read, I can't remember ever reading a book quite it. To my mind, 2 different plots, wonderfully put together with just the right amount of characters.

Seems to me it easily calls for a continuation story based on Jon Cantrell and his next adventure. Michelle Carrell476 33

A true Texas Thriller. Excellent addition to the series.won Hayley Shaver626 25

I won this for free from Goodreads. I had conflicting feelings on this book. I loved some parts of it, but some parts of the book were just too over the top. This is a good overall book.goodreads-first-reads BobAuthor 8 books20

Awesome!thriller Debby7

WOW! Simply amazing and captivating, definitely had me hooked on. Cora227

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