
Celestl de HR Moore

de HR Moore - Género: English
libro gratis Celestl


HR Moore Series: Rules of Atlas Magic 01 Publisher: anonymous, Year: 2024

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This is the start of an epic romantasy series filled with action, drama, political intrigue, scheming and mystery.
Following 2 POV you are emersed into 2 gripping journeys, filled with secrets, growing romances and dire stakes.

Maria is set to marry the Black Prince to help seal an alliance and fulfil her duty to her kingdom and vicious uncle. Elex's reputation precedes him, but as they get to know each other it seems the biggest danger comes from his scheming family, and they'll need to work together to survive both of their familys ambitions and wrath. Meanwhile there's unrest in the city, plans of rebellion, and Maria is torn between family loyalty, protecting the innocent, aiding her best friend, and stopping a war.

Ava is trapped in poverty, surrounded by danger and battling to survive in a seedy world. A chance encounter with a mysterious stranger changes her life forever. She dreams of escape and freedom, and his constant visits and protection help her feel hope for the future as well as growing desire.
The mysteries surrounding her parents death come to light on her 18th birthday, and she finds herself not knowing who can be trusted as she discovers hidden worlds, secrets, betrayals, sorcery, gods and an uncertain destiny.

Excited to read the next books adventures.

Honest and Voluntary ARC reviewadventure-fantasy epic-fantasy romantasy5 s Danielle166 27


Celestl by HR Moore is a promising start to a new series, possessing a very intriguing new world that is separated into blades, each ruled by its own people. The story open onto the Day of the Toll, which has the blades coming together to form alliances through marriage between the children of their leaders. Once, centuries ago the bells would toll to signify the Goddess and her unpleasant requests, but the Goddess has seemingly disappeared from the lands, taking their water source with them.

I quite enjoyed Maria’s point of view in this book. Her story started off fast paced and filled with political intrigue which I love. It enters on the day of her meeting her soon to be spouse just before the arranged marriage itself is to take place. She is a fiery woman, full of spirit and a desire not to be overshadowed by the men in her life who try to rule her every move, giving her no freedom. Elex, her intended, has a disreputable reputation, one of darkness, and yet they form an instant connection upon meeting that had me swooning. I was so completely and immediately all for this match and couldn’t get enough of their interactions. And I consider it proof of the authors prowess how much I loathed Cane and immediately wanted to punch him.

The other point of view follows Ava. I struggled a bit more to get into these chapters as I found it very slow moving and failed to see the point of her chapters initially. In the beginning at least I was a bit bored with her chapters and dreaded having to switch from Maria’s chapters because nothing significant really happened. However, I will say her storyline picked up a bit beyond the halfway point. Suddenly there is a ton of mystery surrounding who Ava is and where she comes from, and a whole world she has until this point known nothing about. I started to get a little more hooked on what was going on with this shift and I will say I’m interested to know where it goes.

Celestl is an intriguing start to a new fantasy series and I want to know where it goes and to learn more of the world introduced here. Not to mention I’m seriously hooked on Elex and Maria’s romance and how they will continue to navigate their arranged marriage. 3 s Maldi_20076 23

di @hrmoore che ringrazio per la copia ARC
?“To the Blades of Celestl. To the marriages of our children. To the end of this bloody war”
Celestl è divisa in 4 Blades e 4 Claws considertate inferiori. Dopo secoli di guerra tra le Blades è stato firmato un trattato di pace che prevede una serie di matrimoni politici combinati.
Maria per il bene del suo popolo e onorare il patto dovrà sposare Elex, il Principe Nero, la cui oscura reputazione lo precede.
Ava, orfana, lavora in una taverna e quando casualmente incontra Kush non riuscirà più a toglierselo dalla testa
Primo libro della trilogia Rulers of Atlas Magic NA romantasy non disponibile in italiano.
Per tutto il libro si alternano il POV di Maria ed Ava che sono storia completamente parallele, elemento che ammetto di non aver eccessivamente amato. Ho amato entrambe le storie ed ero curiosa di scoprore come proseguiassero entrambe ma alla fine sembrava quasi di leggere due libri diversi mentre mi aspettavo si incontrassero.
Maria ed Elex hanno una specie di instant love (o forse quick burn) che peró funziona ai fini della trama e tra i due personaggi c'è una grande chimica. Maria è uno strong female character in un regno maschilista ma che nonostrante questo è diventata forte, indipendente ed è intenzionata ad evitare una guerra.
Ava è l'altro lato della medaglia: vive in povertà e avra uno slow burn col misterioso Kush.
I capitoli costantemente alternati e che si concludono sempre malino contribuiscono a tenere attaccati alle pagine.
Non mancano situazioni pericolose, tensioni politiche e misteri da risolvere in entrami i fili narrativi.
Il finale non mi ha eccessivamente convinta essendo sospeso ed aperto.
Il worldbuilding è ben fatto: Celestl è un regno molto particolare in cui si combatte per una delle risorse più inportanti ovvero l'acqua. La magia (anche nel senso di poteri magici) sebbene presente è comparsa poco.
Questo libro mi ha positivamente stupita e mi è piaciuto più di quanto mi aspettassi, super scorrevole e dalla trama non banale, leggeró sicuramente il prossimo volume
????????/51 Anais (atrailofpages) 706 18

Every hundred years, the Goddess demanded a sacrifice. Until she abandoned everyone. Now the bells have not tolled requiring a sacrifice for the last 300 years. Maria is betrothed to the Black Prince, along with five other nuptials, to help end the war that has torn Celestl apart for the last 300 years.
And Ava, an orphan trying to become something more learns a secret about herself and her parents and realizes she already something or someone more.

I’m not sure what I read. The world seems vast and interesting, but nothing is explained. I’m just told things I’m supposed to already know about the different people or the feuds between families, the Claws and Alters. It was very confusing and I was lost. is this supposed to be a sequel? It certainly felt it! The other kingdoms(?) I have no idea what they were . You get told some things and ideas of what they’re , but no detail. I just need more detail about the world rather than just told random things throughout the book I should have known the whole time.

And I was actually lost for most of the book. I don’t know what the point was of the book, or what the plot was. And I did not connect with any of the characters, although, I did Ava’s story until the last three chapters of her story which just got weird.

No one acts their age. It sounds they’re supposed to be in their 30s, but they act more they’re 18.

Maria is VERY contradictory. One moment she tells Elex they need to trust each other and be honest, and while he is, she refuses to be. And then she tells us she resents and hates her uncle, and yet defends him and her family against Elex saying they are close and everything is about family with them.

Elex is great. He wants to make changes and was hoping Maria would be the same, but she seems to say one thing and then do something different. I will say Elex did not live up to his moniker, especially when it came to his father until suddenly at the end.

I d the romance at first, but then Maria just seemed so wishy-washy about everything and about Elex, and then seemed strangely attached to her childhood friend Nicolai, and I dunno. It was the romance was forced into this story.

As I said earlier, I preferred Ava’s story, however, I don’t understand how these stories are linked. I think there should have been some sort of info explaining that.

And then the rest of the characters, well, everyone just treated each other dirt and were all morally grey and had such weird dynamics. I didn’t any of the characters, aside from Elex to a point. And Ava, I did her, even if her story was super weird.

I really wanted to this, but it just wasn’t for me. I would recommend it still since I’m sure many would enjoy it!

I received a free digital copy to read. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 1 Ashley Martinez (ilovebooksandstuffblog)2,620 74


A unique and fascinating new world. There was so much packed into this story I’m not sure where to begin.
The world itself was interesting and I can’t wait to see more of what the other Blades and such are .

There were kind of two stories in this book and I’m not sure how they connect together yet as far as timeline and such.

The first story focused on Maria and Elex. An arranged marriage that was broker in the name of peace. I enjoyed both characters in this one. They were fun, fierce, and compassionate. They complimented each other well.

The other main character and storyline focused on Ava and Kush. This one I felt was the most mysterious! It really has me guessing and wondering what is all going on. There’s sorcerers, magic and so much that we don’t understand yet but I can’t wait to uncover. Kush and Ava are both a mystery.

I don’t want to give away too much of anything but it was an interesting story and a fascinating work I can’t wait to see more of.

Maria and Elex tropes:

- arranged marriage
- Touch her and die
- Spice

Ava and Kush

- sweeter
- Portals
- Lots of mystery in this one


- Magic
- Morally grey characters
- Strong woman
- Protective MMCs
1 Erin80 3

What an absolutely stunning book. I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but this story blew me out of the water. The book follows two very strong but also VERY different female main characters. One on a journey of duty and the other on a journey of discovery. The world building is intricate. The plot unique and super intriguing. I could not put this down. Yet I ended the book feeling there is so much more yet to discover about these worlds and magic. This was truly only the beginning.

?Strong FMCs
?Multiple POV and Love Stories
?Arranged Marriages
?Political Intrigue/Plot twists
?Touch her & die

Favorite Quotes: “She would be a fool to swap one cage for another, no matter how well-gilded.”

“And if you touch her, I’ll hang you a fish from a hook, so everyone knows the consequences if they ever dare think of doing the same.”

Thank you to the author for the advanced copy. My opinions are my own.1 LESLIE J (mrsj_readsbooks)579 22

Thank you to HR Moore for my complimentary copy of Celestl. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This was a quick paced enjoyable fantasy read with 2 POV. Maria and Ava have very different lives.
Not sure how they are going to connect and I am unsure if they are set in the same timeline?

Plenty of secrets, adventures, romance and political intrigue to keep me reading and guessing as to how this one will play out.1 Nita141 2

This was two really good books in one. With each chapter, you keep wondering if will this be the chapter where Maria and Ava's paths would cross. Each woman was dealing with so many difficulties but both wanted to be loved and secure in their lives. I felt every emotion possible while read this book. I neeeeeed the next book asap to know what happens next.arc1 Lana2,420 50

This is one of the most intriguing books I have read this year, and it is full of surprises on every page and I loved the unexpected. Celestl has citizens known as blades and claws and in each section of the empire one could find both. The blades were powerful, whilst the claws usually lived in poverty, and even though they all needed one another the powerful ones ignored the efforts of the claws even when these saved all their lives. The goddess had abandoned the people and the toll bells had stopped ringing, and daughters were no longer sacrificed on toll day to appease the gods. However, as war had been unrelenting during the past three hundred years, this year the heads of the blades had agreed to set up six marriages binding them each to one another in the hope of gaining peace. However not everyone was included in these alliances, the claws were totally neglected as were their interests, and these rebelled and cut off the water flow to the blades. None of them could survive without water so are the claws biting their nose to spite their own face? or did they have some other plan? Those chosen into the forced marriages were willing to sacrifice for the good of their family and peace in Celestl but none were prepared for the tolling of the bells. I love this mysterious book, with gods living in the tree and above the clouds but who were these Gods really? This book ends on a most dangerous cliffhanger which leaves us needing to read book 2 immediately fearing for Maria's life. Elsa L92 3

I could not stop reading this book. At first I was confused with the POVs, hoping it would tie up but I soon forgot about it because both plots in Maria’s world and Ava’s world were captivating.

First, we meet Maria who soon will be in an arranged marriage to keep the peace in Celestl between the Blades. But the Claws are excluded and she tries to help them but they deny her help. The Blades might control the water but the Claws built the pipes and turbines to direct the water. So Maria has to marry the Black prince and hope he is not her uncle, who wants to get rid of the Claws. Maria and Elex’s relationship was a surprise to follow and I really enjoyed it.

Then, we meet Ava. Who was orphaned at the age of 6 and has had a rough life trying to survive by working at a tavern. She needs to fend for herself the whole time and then she meets Kush. She is immediately intrigued by him, something connects them. At some point, Kush starts visiting Ava and slowly they start a friendship. But Kush has so many secrets and Ava wants to know. When Ava turns 18, she learns about her family and who she is and Kush is part of it. Kush is able to travel to different worlds and somehow Ava is part of that and gets sucked in.

These two plot are quite big and a bit complex but you will be sucked in every time you start a new chapter. I know these two timelines will tie up nicely at the end and I just hope it makes all these characters meet upThis entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review coffeebooksandpluvio6

“I would respectfully suggest the only reason you have been able to do so is because they are too self-absorbed to notice. I, on the other hand, am quite absorbed in you.”

Thank you to HR Moore for my complimentary copy of Celestl. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

The world of Celestl is vast and has potential to create a multifaceted level of conflict between peoples. Even with a map at the beginning (essentially the pointed image on the cover) and the clear-cut fight for key resources between regions, I found myself wanting a lot more explained about each blade and claw as well as the history behind Toll Day. Hopefully this is the case as the series evolves.

There were several aspects I enjoyed a lot, the dual POVs (alternating between Maria and Ava), and the way magic is subtly woven into the plot (though it’s unclear/unstructured). But the characters felt one-dimensional. And the three main male characters (Elex, Kush, Hale) were interesting, albeit a bit scattered and predictable. The exception is that Elex—dubbed “the black prince” for unknown reasons—gave me major Prince Hans of the Southern Isles from Frozen vibes and by the end, I still couldn’t tell if we’re supposed to trust him.

Ava is the character I found myself rooting for throughout. It almost felt the whole book could’ve been about her arc. I also enjoyed the “touch her and you die” vibes, even though they were fleeting.

Overall, more foundational structure and character growth could really transform the reading experience for the story going forward. I would recommend this book for young adult readers, Hunger Games fans, or anyone looking for a fun story with lighter fantasy elements and some political intrigue. Psyckers156 2

I was blessed with the chance to read this in advance before its release to the world.
I found this book has a lot of things happening in it, that you may need to read it at least twice ( I did) to absorb everything that is going on. Centred around an arranged marriage to a Black Prince, whose reputation is entangled into a number of political, mysteries, magic, and other 'irregularities' that often embellishes the truth. As you would imagine there is enough intrigue, scheming, and action to fill at least a saga of books, let alone just the first one.
Yet it all works, the book is an easy read, it is well balanced with character introductions and development, world building and the political environments, mystery, 'spice', and a bit of magic as well. You genuinely get drawn into the story, just by the well written characters alone, the hook is really the intrigue surrounding them all and the story that unfolds.
You are captivated by the story the whole way through, and even after two readings, I have found more mysteries and other nuances that make you wish to read the next book of the saga.
It is definitely worth reading and you will find though it is an easy ready, reading it again and perhaps studying between the lines, enriches the experience. I cannot wait for the next book for the saga to come out in 2025.
fantasy mystery romance ...more Krystal Brooke132 4

This is definitely a unique story, and I need to know more. It's written in 2 POVs. One is from Maria, a 28-year-old woman from a wealthy family who is required to marry the first son of a neighboring realm in order to seal a peace pact between realms and stop a 300-year war.

The second POV is from Ava, who first appears in the book as a 14-year old girl, and lives in poverty and in servitude of a grumpy tavern owner. She ends up meeting a boy a few years older than her in passing, and can't stop thinking about him. But why would he even pretend to want anything to do with her when she is constantly filthy, underfed, and a nobody orphan with nothing to her name?

I found it really interesting how one storyline is insta-love and the other is a slow burn. One woman lives in luxury and the other in poverty. One timeline spans a few weeks and the other 4 years. Magic seems to be present in each of their lives, but in different ways.


These two separate POVs exist throughout the entire book, and I was disappointed that they never intertwined before the book ended.

There's no big cliffhanger, either. The story just sort of...ends, chapters are missing.

So I'm really anxious to read book 2, and really hope we get some answers early on.apollycon-2024 Whitney 901 10

I have been provided with a review copy of Celestl from the author and I am voluntarily leaving an impartial review. Celestl is the first book in the brand-new Rules of Atlas Magic series and this was just a wonderful way to start off a new series. This story follows two separate female main characters' lives and it goes back and forth between them. Each character has very compelling stories and each of them have led very different lives with hardships of their own. Maria’s story is all within the same timeframe so each chapter picks up immediately where you left off. Ava’s story is different in that it spans a few years so the first few of her chapters some time had passed. I can see where both lives could possibly lead in the future, but as of right now I believe this story could have been broken up into the two main characters' stories. That way you weren’t having to wait between the other characters' chapters. I don’t think anything major would have been spoiled by them each having their own story. Other than that opinion this was just a great book and I would highly recommend it to anyone to read. I’m so curious to see what the future holds for these characters.
Anastasia Campo108 6

4/5 stars
Moderately Spicy
- EXTENSIVE world building
- Magic, Gods, opposing timelines
- Multiple POV
- 'quick' burn romance
- Good pacing
- funny characters and genuine moments
- also slow burn romance

This is a romantasy readers delight - the world building is so extensive and engrossing. There are so many twists and mysteries in this book, it most certainly kept me reading. The story is told between two women at opposing ends of the spectrum, Ava a destitute and starving young girl living off the scraps from an angry innkeeper, and Maria, the daughter of a prominent and dangerous family who was betrothed to dark man from an opposing 'blade.' Ava's story really grabbed me and had me turning the page, and although Maria's was equally fun and engaging, it was more predictable. The real winner in this book is the world, however. Celestl is a rotating land fighting over the most precious resource - water, and is where Maria resides. Ava’s history is more of a mystery, and as the book unfolds, you see how different their two worlds are, and how what you thought about them isn’t true.1 Micaela Bermúdez24

Wow! What a unique book! It's been a while since I read a book this different and good.

The construction of the world is intense and extensive but it is very easy to navigate thanks to the fact that everything is told in a very dynamic way through the story of our characters. It is a double POV, narrated by two absolutely opposite women who, despite being very different, fight to survive and have a voice in the adversities of their realities.

Celestl is a complex and spinning world fighting over water, home to Maria, who is engaged in a marriage arranged through a political agreement. On the other hand, Ava's world is a mystery, as is her story, and it is the one I d the most.

The relationship and tension between the protagonists is 10/10, at the end of the book you don't know who to trust and the magic system is incredible and enigmatic. The book ends abruptly leaving you wanting more.

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book, thank you to the author for the great opportunity. I enjoy every second of it.
Whitney 901 10

I have been provided with a review copy of Celestl from the author and I am voluntarily leaving an impartial review. Celestl is the first book in the brand-new Rules of Atlas Magic series and this was just a wonderful way to start off a new series. This story follows two separate female main characters' lives and it goes back and forth between them. Each character has very compelling stories and each of them have led very different lives with hardships of their own. Maria’s story is all within the same timeframe so each chapter picks up immediately where you left off. Ava’s story is different in that it spans a few years so the first few of her chapters some time had passed. I can see where both lives could possibly lead in the future, but as of right now I believe this story could have been broken up into the two main characters' stories. That way you weren’t having to wait between the other characters' chapters. I don’t think anything major would have been spoiled by them each having their own story. Other than that opinion this was just a great book and I would highly recommend it to anyone to read. I’m so curious to see what the future holds for these characters.1 Taylar’s Never Ending TBR19

Song: Sound of War by Tommee Profitt feat. Fleurie
Quote: “I would respectfully suggest the only reason you have been able to do so is because they are too self-absorbed to notice. I, on the other hand, am quite absorbed in you.”

I read this book in one day. I could not put it down. This is a masterpiece as it is two stories happening simultaneously. Maria is a very sassy mmc and really holds her own even though she is honor bound by her duty. Elex also calls her “hell cat” so if you are a sucker for a good nickname this book has you covered.

Ava and Kush have a very interesting relationship and I am dying to know what becomes of them in the next book. Their relationship spans over years and is such a slow burn with lots of secrets.

I am dying for book 2 already and will be first in line as soon as it is available. Thank you so much for allowing me to be apart of your arc team! Morgan7 3

What a fun start to this series!

•Multiple POV
•Quick burn

This series starts off somewhat slow but it has a lot of world building. I really enjoy the magic system as well. You follow Ava and Maria who are from two totally different backgrounds but seem to have some of the same struggles. Ava is an orphaned tavern girl who has a hard time catching a break. You later find out some mysteries in her life that have been hidden from her. Maria is the daughter of one of the first families who is being married off to another territory for a treaty. There is a lot of information that is thrown out there in the beginning and it was difficult to follow at times. But once I was able to understand it I couldn’t put the story down. Allison Lussier92

I was gifted an ARC & read through the book which is full of great characters. I love strong female characters & we get two! I was a bit confused because the two characters' stories seem two different worlds/books but, I'm assuming everything will be revealed at a later book which I'm excited for because the book ended on such a cliffhanger I was "there ain't NO way she just did that to us".
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